MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 96 My Weixi is so cute

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Chapter 96 My Weixi Is So Cute

Ji Weixi chuckled and smiled: "Ms. Qiao joked and laughed, I never leaned on anyone, and I always do things brightly. I never disdain such low-level means. This manuscript passed the hands of others, you But the first time I was wronged, it seems that you have a big prejudice against me. "

After listening to Qin Shishi, she was so scared that she cried: "It's not me, it's really not me!"

Qiao Ai glared at her fiercely and shut her up.

She sneered at Ji Weixi's calm counterattack. There was no accident. This woman could be connected with President Li, what could she do?

"In cbs, you have a lot of prejudices about you. The drafts are submitted in your hands. You must be responsible, or do you want to identify them!"

I didn't believe it, she would definitely be able to stand up to herself when she said that.

"Okay." Ji Weixi leaned at the table and hugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "I know a handwriting expert, should you let him come now?"

Qiao Ai stunned for a moment, but did not expect that she would move faster than herself.

"Ms. Qiao is a designer. Who does this painting style belong to? I believe you know better than me."

After Ji Weixi finished speaking, she strode away and approached the door. She paused and turned coldly and said, "Also, I'm your superior. You better respect that. You can refute me if you are unhappy. You can't do me again, shut me up! "

Joe's face stood red and white for a while.

Ji Weixi is better than she thought.

Out of the design department, Tian Miaomiao flickered with stars: "Xi Xi, you are so domineering, but you know who changed it?"

Ji Weixi: "I don't know."

After thinking about it, "To be sure, it's the person in the design department."

Get off at night.

Before leaving the office, Li Shaoling came.

"Daddy!" The little milk bag kicked to his feet, hugged his thigh, and his head was awkward.

There was a chill in Li Shaoling's heart, and his brows frowned: "Go!"

Look at his son's stubbornness. His son, Li Shaoling, must not be like that!

The small milk bag muttered: "Daddy, where is the Naruto that promised to buy for the baby!"

Li Shaoling thought for a while: "Forget!"

Promised to buy something, and forgot, and righteous!

The little milk bag pouted and snorted, her eyes extremely resentful: "Daddy's head is filled with water, why don't I remember anything."

Li Shaoling glanced coldly at Ji Weixi: "I have your mummy in my head."

Ji Weixi lies innocently.

Wait, he said she was water? ? ?

She is upset.

"What are you doing?"

If no one was holding her by Li Shaoling, smiling evilly: "You say."

Ji Weixi hurriedly pushed him. Tian Miaomiao was still there, and he didn't know the convergence point.

Tian Miaomiao immediately carried her bag and passed by the two like a thief.

"Slow." Li Shaoling grabbed her collar and drew it to her eyes. "You take my son home."


"I'll pick him up at your house after a while."

Tian Miaomiao pushed again: "Ah?"

"Ah, what, this is an order."

Tian Miaomiao immediately saluted: "Yes!"

Pick up my son after a while ...

After a period of time……

This 'sometime' is a bit ambiguous.

Ji Weixi involuntarily thought about some ... unhealthy pictures.

Li Shaoling touched her face: "Follow me."

Could not help but pull her out.

"Hey, where are you taking me!" Ji Weixi dragged back obediently.

Li Shaoling Jun's face came together, and he smiled badly: "What do you say?"

"Asshole!" Ji Weixi's flushed struggle: "Li Shaoling, you are not human! Smelly rogue! Great pervert!"

Li Shaoling grabbed her shoulder, her smile gradually deepened, her eyes seemed to burn her: "I'll take you to a design exhibition, what do you think? Uh?"

Ji Weixi took a sigh of relief, her face getting redder, and she hammered him angrily: "Just play with me!"


Li Shaoling put her hand on the top of her head and gently touched it, as if she was going down, his voice was like a clear stream: "My Weixi is so cute."

Ji Weixi blushed and glared at him: "I'm not yours."

"Well, I'm yours."

"you are not mine!"

"Well, you are mine."

"..." Ji Weixi was angry and helpless.

There is no way to follow him.

"Let's go, it will start in a while." Li Shaoling held her hand.

Ji Weixi glanced back uneasily.

The small milk bag was held by Tian Miaomiao and said bouncing, "Mum remembers to get along with Daddy a lot, don't forget this!"

After that, he made a kiss gesture: "Must be so!"

So much so, my sister can come out.

Why are fathers and sons more annoying than one?

Ji Weixi and Li Shaoling held hands to go downstairs. As soon as the elevator opened, Ji Weixi released him and walked on his own, as if he didn't know him.

Qiao Ai was still worried about what she said.

She said that there are many people who have preconceptions about her. It should be that she and Li Shaoling approached ...

Ji Weixi had a headache. She wanted to keep a distance with Li Shaoling.

The first was that the man was as plastery in front of her, but not sticky.

The second is that he is the biological father of the child, even if the relationship is broken ...

Shearing is still chaotic.

Sitting in the car, Ji Weixi fastened his seat belt and turned his head into Li Shaoling's bottomless eyes.

When he was silent, he looked terrible, feeling like a wolf at any moment.

"Why, what are you doing?" Ji Weixi immediately withdrew his hands around his chest and pulled back.

Looking down, he said, "You want to change clothes."


The Design Fair is located in the center of Jiangcheng City, in a prosperous area.

"I won't go ..."

Ji Weixi sat in the car and looked at the people outside, a little scared to be found.

Li Shaoling held her back: "No reporter."

What about a reporter? He wanted to let the world know that Ji Weixi was his.

No one would dare to soak her.

Ji Weixi's dress was a bit long, almost Li Shaoling got out of the car.

Rain drops are about to pour, and a gust of cool wind rolls up, stepping on the red carpet, Li Shaoling asked: "Is it cold?"

Ji Weixi's face went cold, don't overdo it and don't want to look at him.

Dare to mention this.

When choosing a dress, she looked at a tube top, and he refused.

He didn't let the suspenders.

As long as he showed his thighs and his neckline, he would not let him wear them.

In the end, he chose a very conservative dress with a high neckline and no clavicle, and a long skirt, as long as the ankle.

The bright black five-point sleeves tight mermaid skirt, Ji Weixi's sculpted figure is tall and exquisite, her skin is creamy white under the light, and a face with slightly pink powder is too stunning.

The black hair was as black as satin, gently pulled up with a flower hair rope, and the lips were slightly hooked, indescribable style.

Li Shaoling was in a black tuxedo. His skin was very beautiful. His short hair was just right, his face was cold and handsome, his noble and indifferent, and his red lips were like roses that bloomed quietly in the dark.

The presence of the two people instantly caught everyone's attention.

Obviously felt that the stare of the man stared at Ji Weixi like a tiger.

Li Shaoling clutched Ji Weixi and kissed her face.

Ji Weixi froze and looked at him with a **** expression.

Li Shaoling looked sideways, and the men were so frightened that they looked back.

Well, the famous flowers have their own owners.