MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 745 Infiltrating equals unparalleled, isn't it normal?

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"What shall we do next?"

After confirming that the infiltration was successful, Jessica, who was not good at infiltrating, asked Sui Yu in a low voice, "What shall we do next?! Do you know the target location? How do we get there?"

"You ask me?"

In the face of Jessica's question, Sui Yu spread his hands: "Then who should I ask? Be adaptable!"

Although I have also learned some knowledge of infiltrating combat in the course of the magic academy.

However, there is still a big difference between the practical application and the practical application.

At the very least, in the face of this kind of infiltration operation with almost no intelligence support, Sui Yu was really smeared in both eyes.

So, there is no choice but to act accordingly.

Closing his eyes slightly, Sui Yu quickly drew a small magic circle with his fingers in front of him.

Then, a very weak wave spread rapidly around the magic circle.

Soon, the approximate shape of the top of the mountain where the supplies were stored came to Sui Yu's mind.

Then in the dark environment, Sui Yu easily found a secret door, and even detected the magic wave and scanned the back of the secret door through the secret door, and found that there was a corridor, and the corridor seemed to be full of various All kinds of traps!


Sui Yu lifted the cover and dragged Jessica to the secret door quickly in the dark cave.

To be honest, this fallen magician is really attentive.

The entrance to the lair is not only very secretive, but also deliberately arranged to resemble a food storage room.

Even if someone followed the rut marks to find the entrance, if they couldn't find the secret door after opening it, they would probably only judge that this was a cave where the villagers secretly stored food for the sake of accident.

Wouldn't have imagined that there's a cave in there.


Using the thief's lock-picking skills, Sui Yu easily unlocked the secret door's magic lock.

I have to admit that although the system skills are relatively rigid and inflexible, many skills are really useful!

Just like now, if the normal procedure is followed, Sui Yu needs to cast various magics to detect the structure of the magic lock.

Carefully disarm the magic lock's alarm device, and then use skill or violence to open the magic lock.

This requires not only a high level of magic knowledge, but also a wealth of experience in unlocking magic locks.

However, a person's energy is limited, no matter how smart Sui Yu is, he will not have time to practice and develop lock-picking skills.

What's more, Sui Yu believes that his IQ is the level of a normal person.

So, considering this situation... the long-lost modification ability was used by Sui Yu again!

Although the power of faith received every day is getting less and less, but Sui Yu has achieved the reputation of Nuoda in the war before.

Even if people are forgetful, they can still receive a certain amount of the power of faith every day.

Plus the previous accumulation...

So Sui Yu increased the "unlock" of the thief profession to the full level of 1,000.

It may seem a bit wasteful, but it can avoid the need to spend a lot of time practicing lock picking skills.

And lock picking skills are actually very useful in games.

So Sui Yu waved his hand and directly increased his unlocking skills to full level.

So, it seemed to be a very complicated magic lock, but it was easily opened by Sui Yu using his unlocking skills in just one second.

Behind the door is an unremarkable hallway.

Sui Yu moved his fingers slightly and drew out the detection magic circle again.

At the same time, with the investigation of thieves-type skill agencies, it is easy to detect any traps in the entire passage.

"This way!"

In order to prevent accidents, Sui Yu took Jessica's hand and moved carefully in the corridor.

Go left here, go right here.

"Be careful, don't step on this tile."

"Take a circle around here, don't try to step over it! There is a magic circle for detection as a switch, and God knows what traps will be triggered by triggering it!"

While pulling Jessica around, Sui Yu reminded Jessica to be careful of traps.

It doesn't look like a long corridor, but it's really tiring to walk around.

"Speaking of which, isn't it tiring for the fallen magician called the witch to come out by making the corridor so complicated?"

"Maybe it's using a familiar or something?"

Some familiars in the magical world can be regarded as robots in the scientific world.

Familiars like gargoyles and dolls only need to set the program, so this corridor that is very complicated for humans is probably a very ordinary passage in their eyes.

As for the army dispatch...

When Sui Yu was discussing with the village chief of Scarface, he accidentally heard that when the previous tragedy happened, the army of fallen magicians rushed out from another exit.

It is estimated that the exit over there is the real entrance and exit.

However, the entrances and exits there seem to be generally locked internally.

Not to mention infiltration, even a frontal attack is very difficult.

Speaking in a low voice, Sui Yu and Jessica walked to the end of the corridor with the help of the faint light on the wall.

Using the unlocking skill, the metal door at the end of the corridor can be easily unlocked.

Probing the magic at the same time revealed that the room behind the door did not respond to any life.

Opening the door, what appeared in front of Sui Yu and Jessica was... a lot of demon statues.

Then, the moment Sui Yu and Jessica opened the door, the eyes of the demon statues that filled the room almost the size of a football field instantly lit up with red light!

Then, these "statues" turned their heads to look at the intruders at the entrance.


Well, it's not a statue, it's a gargoyle!

Because the gargoyles in this world are more inclined towards inorganic substances, the detection magic cannot detect the life response and is ignored.

Also, there are a lot of living materials, and the corridor is not very wide.

In order to facilitate transportation and also to defend against intruders, it seems very reasonable to configure a hall of gargoyles at the end of the corridor.

"What should we do now?"

Hearing Jessica's whisper in his ear, Sui Yu sighed and replied, "Actually, real infiltration is equal to peerless!"

"Well, you should really listen!"

As soon as the word "listen" fell, Sui Yu rushed forward and punched the belly of the nearest gargoyle!



In an instant, the very hard gargoyle, which seemed to be composed entirely of stones, was smashed to pieces!

At the same time, a magic core that fell out of the gargoyle suddenly flashed an ominous shimmer...

boom! !

The magic nucleus exploded!

"Damn it! It's set to explode if you can't fight!"

In an instant, Sui Yu guessed how tricky the gargoyles made by these fallen magicians are!

Fortunately, Sui Yu smashed the first gargoyle with one punch. Although the magic nucleus still exploded, it was not very powerful.

You know, the lethality of bomb explosions is mainly manifested in high temperature, shock waves and fragments.

High temperature and shock waves have little effect on Sui Yu, who has magical body protection.

The main reason is that the high-speed splashing gravel when the gargoyle explodes is more dangerous.

Especially in a close-range explosion, even Sui Yu could be seriously injured in minutes!

However, now that you know the characteristics, it's easy to do!


Knowing the danger, Jessica raised her helmet without saying a word, clenched the sword of Phoenix and blocked it in front of Sui Yu!

The sword light flickered and the sword qi was horizontal and vertical!

In an instant, several gargoyles in the center of the gargoyle were split in half!

boom! boom!

Gargoyles that can self-destruct are randomly distributed!

Jessica killed five gargoyles with one sword, but only two blew themselves up.

It seems that the fallen magician is really disgusting, and it seems that he intends to keep the intruders in a nervous and tense state of mind when dealing with these gargoyles.

Well, it's really bad!

Fortunately, the self-destruction of the two gargoyles still caused a lot of damage to the surrounding gargoyles.

In an instant, several gargoyles were destroyed by the self-destruction of their companions.

At this moment, a magic circle suddenly appeared above the room, and the gargoyle was covered with a layer of green magic light in an instant.


Sui Yu smashed another gargoyle with one punch, and then Sui Yu clearly felt that the defense power of the gargoyle covered with green light was definitely greatly improved.

Moreover, after Jessica and Sui Yu defeated ten gargoyles, they did not encounter any gargoyles that could explode themselves.

No, it was Gargoyle's self-destruction that was turned off.

It seems that the fallen magician is really good at setting up traps.

There is no discussion about the random self-destruction, and then when the self-destruction may be used by the enemy, the magic circle in the room will be activated.

While improving the defense of the gargoyle in the room, it also closed the gargoyle's self-destruction program to prevent intruders from using the gargoyle's self-destruction program in turn.


This is even easier for Sui Yu and Jessica!

With a sigh, the sword of Phoenix in Jessica's hand burned with a raging flame. Jessica said helplessly: "Since sneaking is equal to unparalleled, do we still need to do any sneaking before?"

Sui Yu, who used an ice pick to condense into a long sword of ice, smiled awkwardly: "Always try one! Since it fails..."

Jessica said, "Then attack directly!"

After that, the two rushed towards the dense gargoyles!

Boom boom boom boom!

Brush brush brush brush!