MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 744 sneak into! Magic field!

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"Hello, village chief."

After a little discussion with Jessica, the main strategy was determined. Following Sui Yu and Jessica, they found the village chief of this small mountain village under the introduction of the male villager.

After listening to the adventurer's speeches that Sui Yu made up before, at the same time, I saw the confident appearance of Sui Yu and Jessica.

The old village chief, who had a very ferocious scar on his face, shook his head very decisively and waved his hands in exclamation: "No! No!"

Sui Yu's method is very simple and rude, that is, he proposes to deliberately not pay tribute the next time he pays tribute, and then attracts the fallen magician to leave the lair and start killing in the village.

And Sui Yu and Jessica will fight against the fallen magician at that time!

Intentionally calculating without any intention, coupled with two-on-one, Sui Yu is confident that he can kill the fallen magician on the spot!


The difficulty now is that the old village chief does not agree to cooperate on behalf of the villagers.

Pointing to the scar on his face that made the old village chief look very fierce, the white-haired old village chief explained to the two with a trembling voice, "Have you seen this scar on my face?"

"This is the scar left by the last witch's disaster!"

"At the same time, my father, wife and children were all killed by the monster summoned by the witch!"

"Do you know the pain of losing a loved one?! Do you know?!"

Grabbing his head with both hands, the old village chief lowered his head and muttered to himself, "I don't want to, I don't want to experience similar pain again!"

"I don't want to experience it, and I don't want the villagers to experience it!"

"Enough! Enough!"

"That kind of hellish picture, I don't want to see it again in my life!"

Well, it seems impossible to lure the witch out.

It's not like those little kids on the Internet who always like to clamor for war, and look forward to war. They are tired of looking forward to peace and their daily life can be changed by war.

Sui Yu not only has future memories, but also experienced the baptism of war.

So he can naturally understand the old village chief.

The more people who have experienced war, the more they are against war.

What's more, the old village chief experienced a slaughter that was more terrifying than war!

"At that time, most of the villagers were killed!"

"If you defy that witch again, I'm afraid the whole village will be killed this time!"

"So sorry! I can't agree to your request! I can't agree!"

It seemed that the person who dared to trouble the fallen magician must be very powerful, so the old village chief who looked very fierce thumped and knelt down to Sui Yu.

"So please, don't push me again! I'm really sorry!"

He knelt down for the lives of everyone in the entire village!

Therefore, Sui Yu, who felt that he couldn't bear it, hurriedly avoided it.

In the current situation, although there is also an option of slaughtering the entire village in one step by the Fallen Magician, and then attracting the Fallen Magician to take revenge.

And it's not that Sui Yu and Jessica have not done Tucun before.

But now and then.

I didn't know the situation at the time, and it was a dungeon here. Just like playing GTA, I could kill passers-by without any guilt in the game.

But now, now that I know the innocence of the villagers, coupled with the old village chief's begging...

Sui Yu and Jessica looked at each other and softened.

The human heart is fleshy.

Even if the dungeon world doesn't need too much psychological burden, the two of them still can't make such a cruel decision after knowing the truth.

"That's why I don't want to be a noble!"

Leaving the village chief's house, Jessica put her head in her hands and sighed at Sui Yu: "Because the nobles have to work hard to play bad guys whether they want to or not, it's really tiring!"

"It's easier to be a knight! You just need to do your best to protect the justice in your heart and wield a sharp blade!"

Hearing Jessica's words, Sui Yu was a little strange. In the real world, which country still retains the aristocratic system?

At the same time, he sighed: "No! So I really don't want to climb too high in my career. Not only do I have to fight all kinds of intrigues all day, but at the same time, I have to be prepared to take revenge on both sides. It's really tiring. Now! It’s easier to concentrate on developing at the technical level.”

Unlike in ancient times, people who are engrossed in research will be usurped by their bosses.

Even later, many elites had to go to foreign countries with better academic atmosphere for development.

The alliance has learned the lessons of ancient times, and the protection of researchers and intellectual property rights is still in place.

Of course, even if some people wanted to pick peaches from the magical research submitted by Sui Yu, considering Sui Yu's energy, they would probably only stay in the "thinking" stage.

Therefore, Sui Yu currently positions himself in reality as a social elite who has real power and a low official rank but has great energy. He must give himself face in all aspects.

You only need to take on some responsibilities that Sui Yu thinks are not very troublesome, and then you can enjoy various privileges in the alliance.

This is the ideal life!

"Then what do we do now?"

Hearing Jessica's question, Sui Yu thought about it and replied, "Since it won't work to lure the enemy out..."

"Then we can only take the risk and take the initiative to attack!"

Hearing Sui Yu's words, Jessica frowned and reminded: "Although I am not without confidence to break through the magic position set up by the other side."

"But it's still not wise to go head-to-head, right?"

With a slight smile, Sui Yu said with a smile: "Who said I'm going to be confrontational?"

A day later, the night of the full moon.

Sui Yu and Jessica, who pretended to leave, sneaked into the small mountain village quietly.

Because this village is full of ordinary people, even though Jessica was full of flaws when she sneaked in because she was wearing the Phoenix armor, it still didn't attract anyone's attention.

Yes, although this village was bullied badly by the fallen magician, this village was actually protected by the fallen magician in disguise.

Therefore, the vigilance of the villagers is very poor.

Wanting to understand this situation, Sui Yu suddenly couldn't help sighing to Jessica: "I don't know if we are right or wrong."

"If you use an analogy, that fallen magician should be equivalent to a lord or even a king in this village, right? Exploit from the territorial people to satisfy his daily life, and at the same time stand up when danger occurs."

"It's just that the methods are very cruel, even the king is a tyrant!"

"If you kill that fallen magician, the village will actually lose its shelter."

"The villagers who lose their vigilance will probably be killed by monsters or bandits before long."

Hearing Sui Yu's words, Jessica shook her head gently to remind Sui Yu, "You don't have to worry so much, right? Here's a copy..."

"I just suddenly thought, what should we do if we encounter such a thing in reality?" Sui Yu sighed and sighed: "Actually, there is some truth to the saying that with great power comes great responsibility, because with power If it is bigger, it may cause extremely bad consequences on a whim!"

"I'm not the group of keyboard warriors on the Internet who only know how to say goodbye and don't care about the consequences! I'm also not that group of trolls who only know how to complain but can't make any suggestions and don't want to work hard! If I decide to take action, then You have to work hard to get a relatively satisfactory result!”

Hearing Sui Yu's words, Jessica replied very decisively: "Then just do it according to the justice we agree with!"

"You don't need to be confused and you can't be confused!"

"Everything has a good side and a bad side."

"Shengmi is a favor and a doumi is a hatred. Isn't that what you said before?"

"So we don't need to get to the bottom of the horns, we just need to work hard to get things done!"

"What's more, after the fallen magician is killed, even if this small village loses its shelter, it does not mean that it will definitely be destroyed."

"It may be sheltered by the surrounding lords, or the village may be relocated."

Also, nothing is certain in reality.

Instead of worrying about gains and losses, it is better to do everything according to your own judgment and not let yourself regret it!

Or if you find that the consequences are bad, and then find a way to remedy it, there is always a way!

After thinking about it, the two also sneaked in next to the tribute to the fallen magician.

Most of these tributes are all kinds of living materials, such as all kinds of meat and vegetables.

In addition, there are a lot of tattered metal ore.

Also, the productivity of a small mountain village is limited, and it is estimated that it is difficult to give tribute to good things.

Looking at each other, Sui Yu and Jessica tacitly lifted the curtain of an ox cart containing vegetables.

Followed by the tacit understanding of the two, they turned over and hid in there without making any abnormal noise.

No villagers were alerted during this process.

Simplicity and lack of vigilance really help!

No one even wanted to check the cargo as the vehicle made its way up the hill.


Looking up slightly from the cloth curtain, Sui Yu saw a boulder next to Xiao Shang turned inward to reveal a wide cave.

Afterwards, the villagers drove the cattle and pulled several carts full of things inside.

Then, after untying the cow and then tethering the cow to the empty cart next to it, the villagers left the cave skillfully.

With the rumbling closure of the Shimen, Sui Yu gave Jessica a thumbs up...

We dive in successfully!