MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 957 lose money!

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【Modify Super God】【】

Modify Chapter 957 of Super God to lose money!

I have to admit that Sui Yu's high luck is too buggy!

The old lady holding the teddy had just provoked Sui Yu, and the moment she turned her head, she was in a bad situation.

And that Teddy, who had brain problems, became a snack for the wolves in the blink of an eye.

If the wolves could talk, we must thank nature for the gift of automatically delivering such delicious snacks to your door!

No, after the staff arrived, Teddy was left with dark golden hair and a blood-stained dog head.

After confirming that it was Teddy who was bitten to death, the zoo staff breathed a sigh of relief. The old lady yelled that her child had fallen, which made everyone really think it was a child. I'm going down.

Now that it was only a dog that fell, everyone was relieved.

Seeing the performance of the staff, the old lady was angry: "What's your attitude?! Your zoo is a very serious safety hazard! Although for you it was a dog that fell, for me, it was my dog. child!"

Hearing this, someone in the surrounding crowd suddenly spoke comfortingly: "Forget it, old lady, you should have another child!"

You can't taste this, but the taste will be strange once you taste it!

"Who?!" The old lady was angry: "How are you talking? So wicked?!"

No one responded, and everyone kept smiling and looked at the old lady.

Well, because of raising dogs, many conflicts broke out in society.

The most famous thing is that there are many "dog-loving gangsters" who stop cars at high speed to "rescue dogs". After taking pictures and videos and sending them to the group to collect a lot of donations, these people will bring good-looking pet dogs Make a profit by selling them, and then throw the worthless native dogs to some charity rescue stations at will, causing some dog rescue stations to make ends meet and close down.

Someone also set up a persona, saying that she had lost her wife, children, and family wealth in order to take care of the dogs, and claimed to have raised 5,000 stray dogs. After investigation, it was found that the total number of stray dogs was less than 500, and the locals gave How his donation was spent is very intriguing.

Even now in many places in the alliance, associations have begun to extort, smash, loot and burn in the name of dog lovers!

In addition, in some places, in order to prevent stray dogs from biting people or mutating into monsters in the great changes of the world, the process of managing stray dogs was obstructed by dog ​​lovers, which led to the slow implementation of the management work, and then stray dogs appeared in many places It mutated into an incident where a magic dog hurt people.

When news like this got out, people became very disgusted with so-called "dog lovers".

Just like the famous monkey attacking humans on a certain mountain caused many people to hate monkeys, because many people had the experience of being disturbed by barking dogs or even being chased by stray dogs, which caused many people to hate stray dogs. Hate dog lovers with double quotes.

In particular, the old lady refused to mention that her teddy barks in public places and is not tied to a rope. She opened her mouth and said that the zoo has a very serious safety hazard, and the next sentence is likely to demand compensation from the zoo.

This kind of old lady who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong will inevitably make many people dislike her, so it's really normal to choke on her.

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【Modify Super God】【】

Sure enough, the old lady's next sentence was to demand compensation from the zoo, but the zoo was already prepared!

I saw the staff pointing to the large and small warning signs next to it and said to the old lady: "Look, the sign here clearly reminds tourists not to hold children or pets close to the fence. We have fulfilled our obligation to remind, pet dog We really can't blame our zoo for the death!"

Take a closer look, there are a lot of large and small warning signs next to it.

It is estimated that there is a story behind every warning sign!

It's just that there are so many warning signs, how can a normal person have the time to look at them one by one?

Therefore, these warning signs basically have no warning function, and the main purpose is to shirk responsibility after an accident.

Anyway, it's just a Teddy. It's probably useless for the old lady to find the security guards. If she finds the reporter...

The zoo hopes that the old lady can help him promote it!

These days, negative news is more attractive than positive news!

As long as there is no one-sided negative news, as long as the matter itself is controversial, even if it is scolded by many people on the Internet, as long as there are some people who agree with the operation of the zoo and are willing to come here to spend, then the zoo will make money!

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In fact, don’t look at a lot of people in the news who say “lightning protection”, “never go there again” or “never buy again”, but in fact, the impact of these negative voices on reality Really not big.

Because the person who said that was probably not someone else's consumer at all.

On the contrary, those who support it, as long as some of them are willing to come and spend, it will be a huge increase in the source of customers for the entire zoo!

Therefore, looking at the operations of the zoo staff, it is obvious that they intend to refuse compensation, and then instigate the old lady to spend money to find reporters to "exposure", so that the zoo can join in the fun.

People even hope that the reporter the old lady finds will favor the old lady as much as possible, and it is best to be biased without thinking. This will more easily trigger a backlash from netizens, and thus allow the zoo to get greater benefits!

Regarding this, Sui Yu sees it through and doesn't say it, anyway, that Teddy is really annoying!

No longer watching the old lady step by step into the trap of the zoo, not only losing Teddy, but also being scolded on the Internet.

Next, Sui Yu took Jessica around to visit again, and soon finished visiting the not very big zoo.

Walking out of the zoo through the back door, Jessica said to Sui Yu with a little excitement: "The zoo is really good, but when I saw some movements of those animals, I almost couldn't help the conditioned reflex to attack. It was really hard to bear it." !"

As a knight, Jessica often fights against monsters in order to protect the people.

And many types of Warcraft are very similar to animals on the earth, so after seeing some of the movements of those animals, Jessica could easily instinctively judge it as a preparatory move for magic and subconsciously take the first shot.

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【Modify Super God】【】

Fortunately, Sui Yu was by her side, otherwise, how many animals in the zoo would die at this time!

After hearing Jessica's words, Sui Yu said with some self-reproach: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you endured so hard. Next time, you really should not choose an entertainment place with animals."

"It's okay!" Jessica shook her head slightly: "As long as I can be by your side, I feel very happy. Even if it is occasional patience, it is actually a sweet memory, just like... the feeling of chocolate!"


Sui Yu called affectionately, and Jessica also looked at Sui Yu a little shyly.

Their lips are getting closer and closer...

"Hey young..."

A groan interrupted the sweet atmosphere between the two.

Looking along the location where the sound came from, Sui Yu and Jessica saw an old man lying down on the pedestrian street.

Next to it is a staircase with only two sections. It seems that the old man accidentally fell down when going down the stairs. UU reading

There were many pedestrians around, but they all passed by with indifference, and no one paid any attention to the old man!

It was as if the old man lying on the ground moaning did not exist at all!

Regarding this, Jessica frowned slightly and couldn't help complaining to Sui Yu: "Why are people in your world so indifferent? Don't other people know that the attitude they treat the elderly now is the way others treat them when they are old?" Attitude?!"

"If they don't know how to help each other and love each other, then how can they survive the animal disaster... Oh yes, there is no animal disaster in this world."

Speaking of the latter, Jessica suddenly realized that the standard of living of ordinary people in this world far exceeds that of the world of grace, so there is naturally a huge difference in the warmth and coldness of people in the two worlds.

However, as a knight, Jessica's chivalry made her look down on this very much.

So Jessica walked up to the old man, first roughly checked the old man's body, and then quietly released the healing magic where the old man didn't notice, to help the old man perform a simple cure.

Presumably, this should be no problem, right?

Just when Jessica helped the old man to sit up and made sure that the old man was fine, and then planned to get up and leave...

The old man grabbed Jessica's hand and shouted loudly: "Do you want to run after hitting someone?"

"Bumping someone? Me?" Jessica was stunned for a moment.

Sui Yu clapped his hands on his forehead, and said at the same time, "As expected! What the **** is going on?! Today's collection of old people is still going to end?!"

At the same time, the old man saw Jessica's bewildered expression, so he shouted out his intention very decisively: "Losing money! This matter is worth ten thousand and we can't finish it!"