MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 964 Hit the east and the west!

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Modify Chapter 964 of Super God!

The fierce battle that broke out suddenly ended gradually, and Sui Yu had to wave goodbye to Jessica.

Of course, before parting, Sui Yuqian urged Li Hang to keep the identity of the blue hero a secret for him!

Although even if Li Hang said it, people from the Secrecy Bureau could easily confuse the information. In fact, there were a lot of guesses about Sui Yu's true identity on the Internet, and many of them had seemingly sufficient evidence.

It's just that this information is a fog deliberately spread by the Security Bureau. Even if Sui Yu's real identity is occasionally revealed, the public who are numb to such information probably won't believe it.

So Sui Yu is actually not afraid that Li Hang will brag about Sui Yu's identity when he is drunk.

Back at Yue's Manor, what Sui Yu didn't expect was that Lin Yuxin, who had always been used to communicating online, was also there.

"Young, what a coincidence!" Sui Yu greeted casually, but felt a little heavy in his heart.

what a coincidence !

Don't go to the Three Treasures Palace if there is nothing wrong, if something abnormal happens, there must be a demon!

Lin Yuxin might be in trouble when she comes here this time!

as expected!

After coming to a secret room that was well kept secret, Lin Yuxin tested that the place was very safe to speak by chatting with the family, and she directly expressed her intention of coming!

"We fell into the enemy's trick of attacking east and west!"

Regarding this, Sui Yu looked indifferent.

Previously, mutated monsters had erupted all over the alliance, and the upper echelons of the alliance had guessed that this was the battle of the Black Knights.

At the same time, the defense level of important facilities in various parts of the alliance has also been strengthened.


This is a conspiracy!

In many cases, if you don't know the enemy's strategy, you can definitely block the enemy's attack!

What the enemy even wants is to divide the alliance to increase the defensive strength of important strongholds everywhere, so that the real target location will be exposed!

In fact, this time the alliance miscalculated!

"There is definitely a traitor in the top ranks of our alliance! At present, the traitor can basically be identified as the political participants of the major consortiums, but who has not been found out, there are several suspects alone!"

"And among these suspects, there are even abandoned children thrown out by real traitors to confuse the public and cover themselves!"

Scratching her hair vigorously, Lin Yuxin's expression was very unhappy at this time: "I really didn't expect that there are so many traitors in the alliance! You may not know it yet! Not only many bosses of the consortium who follow the wind suspect that they have a relationship with the Black Knights There are secret exchanges, and even several students from our academy have already confirmed that they have betrayed the alliance!"

Sui Yu was a little guilty. He was just dating Jessica, and he didn't betray the secrets of the alliance. In fact, because he held Jessica back, he saved a lot of casualties in the alliance.

This shouldn't count as betrayal, right? !

Fortunately, Lin Yuxin just complained casually, and then burst out the big news: "And this time, it is because of the **** traitor that induced us to deliberately disperse the defense force of an important satellite base when we divided our troops for support, so that As a result, that satellite base was actually destroyed by the Black Knights!"

"Satellite base?" Sui Yu looked curious: "Why did the Black Knights destroy the satellite base? Could it be that our satellite is also equipped with space-based weapons in the movie?"

"Do you really think that the space-based weapons in the movie are so easy to implement?" Lin Yuxin pouted and explained: "The data shows that the satellite base can only remotely manage a few communication satellites in low-earth orbit."

"The intelligence gathered by other departments shows that after the Black Knights occupied the satellite base, they seemed to remotely control those satellites and fell to the earth."

"Where did it hit?!" Yue Zishan became nervous when she heard the words.

The Yue Group has a big business, and if it hits the alliance, it may hurt the people she cares about.

But fortunately, Lin Yuxin followed up and explained: "The satellite fall procedure is generally limited, and it can only fall into the sea, so no casualties were caused."

"The biggest trouble at present is mainly because the loss of these satellites leads to a decrease in the efficiency of information transmission, so that the reaction speed of our alliance will be further reduced in the future, and if we fail, the Black Knights will take advantage of the loopholes to obtain greater results! "

"And this is probably the fundamental purpose of the Black Knights to destroy our satellite!"

"That's it..." Sui Yu felt that this was the case, so he was a little curious: "Then what do you want me to do here this time? You can't arrange for me to launch a satellite, right?"

"Almost!" Lin Yuxin nodded and told Sui Yu the main purpose of her visit with a serious face: "The alliance intends to make up for the lost communication satellite, but the launch of the satellite is likely to attract the attack of the Black Knights! Therefore, the alliance issued an order to ask you and some trusted heroes of the alliance to wait for news at any time, and then go to a satellite launch base to participate in the guardianship work as soon as possible!"

"Because the communication satellite was destroyed and there were too many traitors in the alliance, such important orders can only be conveyed verbally by myself."

"As for the details of the specific tasks, you should be ready to wait for the announcement at any time! Maybe tomorrow or next month! Anyway, get ready to participate in the fierce battle as soon as possible!"

"Oh, that's right!" Lin Yuxin suddenly remembered something: "Sui Yu, I wonder if you are free recently? If you are free, I have a tricky investigation here, and I hope you can take the time to take a look."

"Anyway, the preparation time for the satellite launch will not be short, at least it will take more than a month. You just go to carry out this mission at this time."

Sui Yu couldn't tell, Lin Yuxin was clearly prepared to take out his mobile phone and use the Bluetooth function to pass a document to Sui Yu at close range.

"It's the location of a research institute!" Lin Yuxin gritted her teeth and introduced the mission background to Sui Yu in a tone full of hatred: "This is an industry under the name of a high-level suspected traitor in the current alliance! Of course, under this name It was discovered after an investigation that the actual controller is someone else!"

"It's worth mentioning that this guy is currently the most suspected! But there is a lack of evidence, and if there is no evidence to arrest him forcefully, it may lead to the collapse of the alliance structure!"

"Anyway, he's a very troublesome character!" Sui Yu summed up and didn't bother to pay attention to these messy things in the alliance. UU Reading www.

Looking at the research institute that looks like a secret base in the photo, Sui Yu raised his eyebrows and asked Lin Yuxin: "You plan to let me conduct a secret investigation? It would be best to find direct evidence of the collusion of the big man?"

"Smart!" Lin Yuxin explained with a thumbs-up: "Actually, our actions are also bluffing, or calling the grass to scare the snake! In fact, we have other plans."

"Of course, if you can achieve good results here, then we will save trouble!"

"Even if it fails, the backup plan I arranged for others may be implemented smoothly!"

Noticing Sui Yu's relaxed expression, Lin Yuxin quickly reminded: "But don't be careless!"

"You know the mutated monsters that suddenly appeared in the city before?"

"That thing has been determined to be the effect of a biological virus, and its source is probably this research institute!"

"And we have sent a lot of agents to investigate before, but every time, nothing happened!"

"As for the normal investigation method, I have tried it, but the investigators cannot see it in many places due to legal restrictions. I am afraid there must be some shady tricks in it!"

"Therefore, when you go to investigate this time, you'd better be prepared to deal with the mysterious virus! I don't want you to be infected by that mysterious virus and turn into that disgusting monster!"

After listening to Lin Yuxin's explanation, Sui Yu suddenly realized that the matter might be far more troublesome than he imagined!

What to do now? !

Sui Yu was very distressed at this time. Originally, he had made an appointment with Jessica to go on a date on the battlefield for two days, and this kind of investigation task usually takes a long time. Now it seems that he might miss the appointment...