MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 974 Countermeasures?

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Modify Chapter 974 of Super God's countermeasures?

"What's the matter?!"

Hearing Sui Yu's question, Lin Yuxin complained to Sui Yu dumbfounded: "Please! I asked you to come back because I hope you can come up with an idea! After all, you are also one of the few magic experts in the alliance!"

Lin Yuxin almost forgot that she still has the name of the moat without mentioning Sui Yu.

In order to stabilize his position in the alliance and maintain his privileges, Sui Yu provided the alliance with a lot of magic technology for a period of time.

It was a big help to the league at that time.

After that, as the blue hero's record became stronger and stronger, Sui Yu also naturally transformed from a scientific research talent to a combat talent.

If Lin Yuxin hadn't brought it up today, Sui Yu would have forgotten about it.

"Yeah, I'm barely an expert..."

Sui Yu muttered a few words and then quickly looked at the information provided by Lin Yuxin to think of a way.

"That magic circle for deflection, can we find a way to get one?"

After hearing Sui Yu's suggestion, Lin Yuxin showed a disappointed expression: "Others have thought of this for a long time, but when the enemy attacks, they only need to calculate the beam trajectory, and then arrange the magic circle at the exact location to deflect it."

"And what about us?"

"As the defensive side, you can't pretend to have that kind of magic circle on all the buildings, right?!"

"And that magic circle can only be deflected, not offset."

"Even if we defend the vital part, where should the enemy's rays be deflected?!"

"You have also seen the power of the ground explosion. In fact, even if it is deflected, we don't have enough angles to deflect the rays falling from the sky to a position where it will not threaten important facilities."

"And if the enemy deliberately avoids the building where we have arranged the magic circle, but let the ray touch the ground and explode not far away, then everything will be meaningless!"

Well, this should be the sentence - only a thousand days to be a thief, but not a thousand days to guard against a thief.

Defense is actually much more difficult than offense!

"Then take the initiative to attack! Destroy the enemy's launch center directly!"


Lin Yuxin opened several images.

Inside, you can vaguely see dense dolls and strange devices that have never been seen on the battlefield. There are actually a few airships in the sky that look very dangerous!

"This is the enemy's launch base that Xue Xiaoyu took a risky photo of. It is said that even Xue Xiaoyu can't sneak in through teleportation inside."

"It is suspected that there is a technology such as a space barrier inside that can prevent teleportation!"

"So Xue Xiaoyu can only take pictures of the outside, and you can see from the pictures that this kind of place can't be defeated without sending out an army!"

"And now we have been in a state of anxiety with the Black Knights on the battlefield. Let alone taking out an army to attack the enemy's hinterland, it is not bad to be able to maintain the front line now!"

"You know, as time goes by, the more powerful the Black Knights appear on the battlefield! The more powerful the technology and equipment invested!"

"It was hard to kill several masters who had seats in the Black Knights, but within two days, new masters took their place!"

Sui Yu also knew what was going on.

Although the world of grace on the opposite side is not monolithic, the heart of saving the world is obviously very firm.

Even if there are many dangers in cross-border teleportation, the success rate of teleportation seems to be one in ten according to Jessica.

But the opposite side is still sending masters over to support the Black Knights.

Of course, various monsters have been randomly placed in the alliance recently, causing a lot of damage to the alliance.

Therefore, Sui Yu knew that with the background of the Black Knights, even if he led a team to attack the beam emission center, he might never return!

After all, in front of her companions, it was impossible for Jessica to release water!

But Jessica, who has the same strength, blocks it. As long as there are a few other masters participating in the siege, then Sui Yu might die right away!

In short, directly attacking the enemy's launch center is not the solution.

And even if it is defeated, the enemy can also arrange new launch centers in other places.

Although it is only a rough impression in the photo, Sui Yu guessed from the vague appearance of the building that the launch center should be a huge magic circle.

Based on the calculation of a magic circle of this size, the magic power of most of America might be concentrated.

It's no wonder that the red ray still has that kind of power after being refracted several times across half of the blue star and losing a lot of magic power along the way. It's really too much basic magic power invested!

For this reason, the Black Knights did not arrange another launch center in other places. It is really that the range of magic power searched by this thing is too large. If two places are built to rob each other of magic power, it will affect the efficiency.

However, if this launch center fails, creating another launch center is not a problem for the current Black Knights.

Therefore, although attacking Huanglong on the surface is the most reasonable strategy, in reality it is the worst option!

After listening to Sui Yu's analysis, Lin Yuxin nodded with a serious face and sent Sui Yu's words to the senior management.

"I've already sent your reminder, it should be an important reference."

Yes, just for reference.

The reality is not a novel where the author has the final say. Many times, many things really don’t end until the end, and no one knows whether it is a success or a failure.

In reality, there are really too many cases where most of the operations that were thought to fail turned out to be successful!

So even if Sui Yu analyzed the pros and cons, it still depends on what conclusions those big figures in the alliance will come to in the end.

Maybe just like dealing with evil gods, it is normal for Sui Yu to end up completely opposite to what Sui Yu expected.

"However, you just raised objections, but you haven't lifted the alliance's crisis at all!"

The deep meaning of Lin Yuxin's reminded words is that if the only conclusion left is to attack the launch center, then even if they know that this is a trap set by the Black Knights, it is a proper conspiracy.

But in the end, the alliance may have to choose a frontal attack!

Even if the result of the storm is that the alliance's main force and masters are completely damaged, the alliance will completely lose its combat effectiveness and be wiped out by the Black Knights!

Because the Alliance has no choice!


Sui Yu stared at the simulated low-Earth orbit data for a long time and suddenly found a problem!

"Speaking of which, before UU Reading, the real purpose of the Black Knights to destroy our satellite was to clear a path in the universe, right?"

"In other words, although there are several refraction routes, there are not many choices!"

"Launching from the opposite hemisphere, it needs to be refracted and connected halfway. Considering the current number of satellites in the sky, it is actually not very easy! At least a certain satellite or a few satellites on that road can block the trajectory of the ray!"

After listening to Sui Yu's analysis, Lin Yuxin nodded slightly: "That's right! Maybe other satellites were obtained by the way, but there are definitely satellites that cannot be bypassed!"

"So that means..."

Lin Yuxin's eyes brightened: "There is a key channel that is the key point of the beam transfer station! Reverse reverse calculation, that is, there is absolutely a unique route for satellite refraction! If that satellite can be knocked out, the enemy's beyond visual range attack It's useless!"

"And if the other party wants to launch satellites to supplement, then just find a way to stop it!"

"The value of a satellite is huge, and the cost is high! Even if the Black Knights can use the wealth of Emperor Huo Huomei's alliance, they will definitely not be able to build a few!"

"After all, launching a satellite is not just a question of more money and less money. There is a lack of professional top talents. No matter how much money and relevant information there are, it will take at least five or six years to prepare for launching a satellite into orbit and retraining talents. !"

Then next...

Sui Yu and Lin Yuxin showed embarrassed expressions at the same time.

How to get down a satellite in low earth orbit? !