MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 1880 Master Tianji

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After leaving Wei Yu, Lin Huang found Huang Quan immediately, and threw Kusuen, who had been completely sealed by himself, to Huang Quan.

Seeing Kusuen's appearance, even Huang Quan couldn't help sighing, "It turned out to be like this..."

Lin Huang was not surprised, "The creatures infected by Asa will have all kinds of strange distortions. He is not a serious distortion."

"You can help me purify first, and then leave it to me to deal with it." Huang Quan didn't want to waste time chatting, so he went straight to the point.

Lin Huang nodded slightly, reached out with one hand, and pressed directly on Kusuen, the eternal fire began to quickly absorb the abyss energy in the opponent's body and in the kingdom of God.

This process lasted for more than half an hour before it ended.

Kusun also continued to howl for half an hour. Obviously, this purification would cause him great pain.

However, in Lin Huang's hands, even if he is in an unsealed state, he has no resistance at all. He could only let Lin Huang imprison his body and watch him complete the whole process.

As the purification progressed, his body finally began to gradually fade away the signs of alienation. The tentacles began to regress into the original branches, and the scales on the body surface regressed back to the appearance of bark. Slowly, it gradually returned to the shape of a tree.

Lin Huang also noticed that as the abyss energy in his body was cleaned up, the aura fluctuations from his divine soul were obviously different from before.

After the purification was completely completed, Lin Huang unlocked the seal of the other party.

However, at this time, Kusuen was so weak that he fell into a deep sleep.

Huang Quan, who had been watching the whole process, couldn't help but exclaimed, "I really didn't expect that it could be purified so cleanly that it even returned him to the state before he was polluted."

"It can only be said that this golden finger is more powerful." Lin Huang said with a smile, "What will you do next?"

"I will put him into reincarnation, and let him continue to reincarnate in order to eradicate Asa's spiritual influence on him." Huang Quan responded with a smile.

"Wouldn't that take a lot of time?" Lin Huang frowned slightly. What he needed was a strong man who could participate in the battle when Asa came. And now Asa has the possibility to wake up at any time.

"No, I will throw him to another timeline." Huang Quan explained.

Lin Huang instantly understood what Huang Quan meant, "Then take him back to our current timeline?"


"Then I'll leave it to you. I'll wait for your good news." Lin Huang glanced at Kusuen, who was still sleeping, with sympathy. He knew that Kusuen would suffer in the future.

Because in every reincarnation, He will be cleared of all memories. Then reincarnated into various creatures, experienced birth, old age, sickness and death. This process may continue thousands of times, until the spiritual influence caused by Asa has been completely erased, and Huang Quan will not bring him back.

After leaving Huangquan, Lin Huang pondered for a moment, and still recorded the memory screen of the whole process of the battle between himself and Kusuen into a document, and sent it to Bloody and a group of imperial beasts.

By the way, I also sent a voice transmission to all the beasts, "Kusun is only a strong man in the second echelon of Asa. I hope that your strength can at least reach the level that Kusun showed in the video before the war."

After Bai and the others received this video and message, they were indeed a little stressed, but they were also very motivated.

Because they not only saw the strength of Kusuen, but also the terrifying strength displayed by Lin Huang. This also powerfully inspired the thoughts of all the beasts who wanted to become stronger.

After sending the video to Bai and the others, Lin Huang hesitated for a while, but still sent the video to Xueluo.

Not long after the meeting, Xueluo came back with a message.

"You're completely crushing it..." followed by a frightened cry.

"After all, Kusuen is only the second echelon under Asa." Lin Huang thought for a while and replied.

"I'm not even as good as the second echelon..." Xueluo returned almost in seconds.

Gu elixir

"You are already a strong player in the first echelon in the Infinite Universe." Lin Huang avoided this comparison.

The two chatted a few more times before Lin Huang turned his attention back to the business.

He took out the golden token that the old man Tianji gave him.

Divine Sense was probed into it, and various functions of the token were quickly sensed.

Just when he was about to contact the old man of Tianji and let him arrange a meeting with the main owner of Tianji, he suddenly found an extra door in the token.

He was quite sure that this door had not existed before.

It just came out of nowhere.

Lin Huang held his chin and thought for a moment, but with a hint of vigilance and doubt, he explored the door with his spiritual sense.

Almost at the moment when the spiritual sense touched, Lin Huang felt that a wisp of his consciousness had been pulled out.

In the next instant, a body of consciousness appeared in a vast starry sky.


Lin Huang's consciousness swept away the divine sense, and the divine sense instantly radiated through the chaotic star field, but found nothing.

At this moment, a dense cloud quickly condensed and formed not far in front of Lin Huang, like a cloud of uncertain shape.

A gentle voice came out from the mist.

"Hello, Lin Huang. I sensed that you wanted to see me, so I sent a wisp of your conscious body through the Heavenly Secret Order."

"You're... the chief owner of Tianji?!" Lin Huang said with some uncertainty. Because no matter how the other party sees it, it doesn't look like any kind of creature.

"Yes, I am the chief proprietor of Tianji. I also have an identity..." The voice of response came quickly, "You call it the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao."

"The Great Chaos Heavenly Dao of the Endless Great Universe?!" Lin Huang's eyes widened. He had made various speculations about the identity of the chief owner of Tianji before, but he had never thought about this possibility.

The Great Chaos Heavenly Dao is only a legendary existence. Whether or not there is such a thing has never been confirmed by anyone.

But hearing the identity of the other party, many of Lin Huang's previous doubts were finally answered.

"It's no wonder that Tianji can control all kinds of secret information in the endless universe." He couldn't help but murmured.

"Tianji is an organization that I established to supervise and deal with the anomalies of the entire endless universe." He explained, "Selling information is just to hide people's eyes and ears."

"It turns out that selling information is just a sideline..." Lin Huang really did not expect that selling information was not Tianji's main business.

"Selling information is just to accumulate enough resources to cultivate strong people." A calm voice came from the hustle and bustle.

"However, as far as I know, there is only one nine-star master of Tianji. It stands to reason that the resources of Tianji are enough to cultivate hundreds of nine-star masters." Lin Huang said a little puzzled.

The Great Chaos Heavenly Dao laughed when he heard this, "It's too easy for you to think about the aptitude to become the master of nine stars. Except for the derivative creatures when the infinite universe was born, in the later era, the entire infinite universe appeared in one era. It is no longer easy for three or four nine-stars to dominate the qualifications.”

"Besides, to fight Asa, what is lacking is not a nine-star master, but a powerful enough nine-star master."

"For so many years, Tianji has only the first master and a nine-star ruler, not only because he is qualified enough, but also because he is the only innate tenth-order creature for dozens of epochs. I poured all the resources of Tianji into him. On the body. Just hope, he can fight against Asa."


[Let's draw the April reward tomorrow~ It's still the old rule, ask for full order, and draw three people. 】