MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 1928 You are too weak

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In the void, behind the white back, one hundred and eight pairs of blood-colored tentacles turned into long whips, frantically cutting the gray-green figure in front of him.

In an instant, the figures were cut into minced flesh, but soon they began to gather again, converging into a different appearance.

The white face was cold and stern, he bullied himself up again, and continued to fight.

This battle has been going on for a day and a night.

Bai's opponent was Abu Ho under Asa's command.

However, unlike a few months ago, he was easily beheaded.

Today's Abu Ho, the intensity of combat power is not inferior to Bai.

Although he was almost beaten and beaten all day long, he did not suffer any substantial damage at all.

His gray-green flesh-like body turned into a powerhouse that was swallowed by himself, and all of them were strengthened to the same level of combat power as Bai.

But in front of Bai, there was almost no effective resistance.

As short as more than an hour, as long as two or three hours, they will be crushed and killed by Bai.

But every time he was beheaded in vain, he would transform into another powerhouse that he once devoured.

Throughout the whole day, He has transformed his form more than ten times, but the only thing that He has lost is a part of the power of domination.

At the end of the day, Bai also tried various methods, but to no avail.

No matter how you kill the opponent, the opponent can change form and be reborn.

He simply abandoned all the fancy methods, and directly used the attack method he was best at to kill Abuho again and again with the highest efficiency.

Just when he beheaded Abuho into minced flesh again, before Abuho could regain his shape, he suddenly shrank his pupils and looked not far from Abuho.

Danger! !

It was an extremely dangerous feeling!

This feeling is unprecedented!

Before the figure of the other party was fully revealed, Bai felt that he was standing upside down, with a strong urge to escape.

"who is it?!"

A frightening thought suddenly flashed in Bai's mind, "Asa?!"

The strength of this breath far exceeds that of the Three Pillars of God, and the only possibility is Asa!

The next moment, the other party seemed to slowly reveal his figure.

"It's really embarrassing." The other party glanced at Abuho who was reuniting his body.

Then his eyes moved away from Abu Ho and fell on Shiro.

Bai instantly felt that his body could not move.


Asa narrowed his eyes and looked at Bai, and after a while, he said, "You don't look like you are pretending to be your strength... If I guessed correctly, it wasn't you who kidnapped the sons of the black goats before, right?"

Bai's mind was full of doubts, he didn't understand what Asa was talking about.

"It should be someone, disguised as you." Noticing the expression on the white face, Asa immediately made a guess.

"Can you tell me..." Asa smiled and looked at Bai, "Who is that person?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai's figure flew towards him uncontrollably.

Bai only felt that his body was completely imprisoned by something, and he couldn't move at all. He could only watch as he floated towards Asa.

"Are you going to be killed?!"

It was only at this moment that he finally realized how weak he was in front of Asa.

Just like ants!

However, just as Bai Piao came to Asa, Asa stretched out his hand to the center of Bai's eyebrows.

A flash of surprise flashed in Asa's eyes, and almost at the same time, his right hand broke off from the shoulder.

At the same time, Bai, who was in front of him just now, has completely disappeared.

"Are you looking for me?"

A gentle voice suddenly came from not far in front of him.

Asa looked up, and he realized that there was a figure standing there at an unknown time.

"You..." Asa looked terrified, because he didn't feel the other party's existence at all.

In an instant, He felt as if he had returned to hundreds of epochs, and the first time he saw the Void Emperor, he seemed to have a similar feeling.

So strong! !

Strong enough to have no room for resistance at all! !

"I didn't want to take action at first." Lin Huang's voice was still gentle, "But if you take the initiative to trouble my little friend, I can't just sit back and ignore it. And the unwarranted disaster he suffered was also caused by me. "

"Who the **** are you?!" Asa finally calmed himself down and asked.

"I forgot to introduce myself..." Lin Huang is not afraid to report his identity, "My name is Lin Huang, as for the identity, the leader of the Sword Alliance."

"Knife League..." Asa then remembered, it seems that Bai and the others are indeed from the Knife League.

Although he had already obtained this information from Yoger, he had not paid much attention to it.

At that time, he always believed that the only person who could threaten him in the entire infinite universe was the first owner of Tianji.

After all, that one was specially trained by the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao to deal with him.

Unexpectedly, there is such a terrifying existence hidden behind the Sword Union.

"Are you a transcendence?!" Asa's face suddenly became a little excited, and he asked Lin Huang with anticipation.

At this moment, his sudden curiosity has far outweighed his fear of death.

He desperately wanted to know whether the other party was the same transcendence as the Void Emperor.

"Transcendence?" Lin Huang was a little surprised that the other party suddenly asked such a question inexplicably, but still shook his head and gave a candid response, "I am not."

When Asa heard this answer, the expression on his face became obviously disappointed, but he still asked a little unwillingly, "Then how far are you from becoming a transcendence?!"

"It's still a long way off." Lin Huang still told the truth, "I'm not even sure if it's even possible to take that step."

"How is that possible?!" Asa's face was full of disbelief. He felt that Lin Huang was lying, "The sense of oppression you brought to me is almost the same as that of Emperor Xu."

Lin Huang was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "That may be because you are too weak. It's like an ant, thinking that the planet he lives in is the entire universe. If you really want to compare, I think the virtual emperor's finger should be enough. Can crush me."

You are too weak…

too weak…



Asa never thought in his life that he would hear the evaluation "you are too weak" from others.

Even in the face of Xu Huang, Xu Huang did not say it.

Of course, Emperor Xu may also be too lazy to talk nonsense and suppress himself with just one finger.

After Asa was suppressed, he always knew that the gap between himself and the virtual emperor was almost immeasurable.

But only at this moment, when I met Lin Huang, did I know that the power of the Emperor Xu was far beyond what I could imagine.

"The that big?"

(End of this chapter)