MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 37 The first person to complete the assessment

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Watching the short-haired teenager leave, Lin Huang did not stay at the summit for too long.

This way, it is very difficult to go up the mountain, but it is much easier to go down the mountain.

Although the white blood can not fly, it is enough for gliding. Nowadays, he has two levels of blood energy. The wings are open for more than five meters each. If they are stretched into an attack state, they can be extended up to twenty meters.

The weight of the two is not large, and they add up to a hundred kilograms.

Lin Huang took some time to break the tent into a cloth strip, tied herself to the white body, and then let Bai entered the transformation state. The two walked slowly to the edge of the cliff and jumped.

The huge blood-colored wings above the white back are fully unfolded, and Lin Huang instantly feels that the originally falling body began to float.

He looked down and looked down, but only saw the continuous clouds, like thick snow covering the ground, but people could not see the border of the snow at first glance.

The two quickly passed through the clouds, and Lin Huang finally saw the ground below.

The mountains and rivers have a panoramic view, and they seem to have been reduced by countless times. Even the strongholds not far away, they don’t look like slaps.

"Ah! It’s so cool!!!"

Although the appearance of being tied with white is somewhat funny, Lin Huang is excited to scream loudly down.

In fact, on the earth, Lin Huang always wanted to try the feeling of high-altitude taxiing, skydiving, and so on, but unfortunately there was no chance to experience it. Instead, I went to a different world and tried a feeling of this kind of stimulation.

As the height dropped, he felt his adrenaline rushing soaring, the only excitement before the whole person.

"I finally know why humans always want to fly in the sky, because this feeling is so cool!"

The taxiing in the sky did not last long. In less than ten minutes, the two arrived at the 7D121 stronghold.

White flipped the two wings together and made a huge umbrella shape. Then the speed of the two people began to slow down and eventually landed on the ground.

Seeing the blood-colored wings behind the white, many passers-by were a little scared. They recognized this as a bloodthirsty species.

"You go back first, I went to the Hunters Association to report." Lin Huang is afraid of causing unnecessary commotion, will withdraw the white, and the cloth bundle tied to the body will automatically fall off.

He picked up the cloth and threw it into the trash can next to it, which opened the emperor's ring.

The function of the impediment of the emperor's heart has been restored. Lin Huang opened the map and found the hotel where the night language was located, and walked in that direction.

After more than ten minutes, Lin Huang went to the hotel entrance and walked straight to the front desk.

The waiter at the front desk was a tall woman. When I saw Lin Huang coming, I had a professional smile on my face. "Hello, hello, what service do you need?"

"I am looking for Miss Yi Ye, can you tell me about it?"

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waitress quickly dialed the emperor's ring of the night language. After a few words, he hung up the call and directed at Linhuang Road. "She said that you are going to room 308." ""

"Okay, thank you." Lin Huang heard the room number, the expression is a bit strange, this room number is the one that was previously damaged by the tyrant.

On the third floor along the way, to the 308 door, the door is already open.

After Lin Huang pushed the door in, he closed it and saw that the ceiling in the room was still a big hole. The expression on his face was helpless. "Can't you change a room?"

"It’s too much trouble. Anyway, I stayed for a few more days and left." I night language did not care about the hole in the roof. Instead, I looked up and down Lin Huang. "I never thought that you were the first to complete the assessment." I used it for seven days. I originally estimated that with your physique, climbing a snowy mountain will take a week."

“I was the first to complete the assessment?” Lin Huang felt a little strange. “I didn’t have a guy passed the assessment before me? Didn’t he come to your side to report?”

"No, you are the first one." Yi night shook his head.

"No, there is a guy who goes down the mountain before me. The guy wears a red trench coat with short hair and a very proud character. Right, he is also a royal ambassador like me, and there is a red blood sculpture of bronze." Summon the beast." Lin Huang said the characteristics of the person who met at the top of the mountain.

"Oh, I know who you are talking about." Yi Yeyu nodded and explained, "The guy you said is Bai Yan. He is a special recruit. He does not need to participate in the assessment, but he himself proposes it. To participate in the normal assessment screening. He is very strong. After registering with the Hunters Association, he will become a bronze hunter directly."

"White Rock has arrived at this stronghold? Have you just met him?" I heard the words of Lin Huang and asked Bai Yan, and asked casually.

"It hit the top of the mountain, and then he sat and summoned the beast to fly down."

"Then I don't know. He didn't come to me to report here. You are the first one." Yi night shook his head.

"Right, the examiner, you know what the fat man was with me that day?" When Lin Huang asked this question, she was a little embarrassed. He worried that the answer he got was not what he wanted. .

"That little fat man, he quit the assessment." Yi night language raised a brow, and then told the story. "I received a rescue alert that day. I saw him sitting on the sand and crying according to the coordinates. I asked him what happened. He said that you were killed by the death worm in order to save him. I begged me to kill the death worm. Revenge for you. I thought that you were really dead, and killed the death worm, and then brought him back to this stronghold. On the day of returning to the stronghold, he left the ride."

After hearing the complete story, Lin Huang finally settled down. "Nothing is fine, I thought he was hanging."

"There is a contact information in the registration information of the little fat man. If you want to contact, you can add it." Yi Ye said, and transferred the registration information of the fat man.

"It turned out that he was called Yin Hangyi. I used to be a fat man and forgot his real name..." Lin Huang opened his personal details and added the communication number to his emperor's ring.

"The assessment will not be completed until more than a week. You have to leave before you have time to wait for the time to go to the Hunter Association branch of the 7C87 base. As long as the registration is valid within this year, it will be re-assessed next year. If there is nothing, you can stay at this stronghold for the time being. After the end of the assessment period, I will take you back to the 7C87 base to complete the registration. During this period, your accommodation and meals at the hotel are all undertaken by the Hunters Association. The night language gave Lin Huang two choices.

"I still stay."

Lin Huang thought about it, but decided to stay at this stronghold, so that he can go to the wild area to kill monsters every day, accumulate monster fragments and accumulate life light. Anyway, I said to Lin Xin before, this assessment takes half a month, and everything at home is arranged.