MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 38 Erotic old head

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When the sky was dark, Lin Huang returned to the hotel room after dinner.

He took some time to list a list of items to be purchased the next day, and then began to check the level 1 field near 7D121 on the Dixin website.

The 7D121 base was called the Snow Mountain Town by the locals, and the entire base was headed west to east. On the back is a huge snowy mountain community, like a half-broken bowl that surrounds the entire base at the bottom. To the east, it is a huge canyon. The canyon is semi-circular and wide, and the north and south stretches for hundreds of kilometers to the widest place. A few miles to the east, the canyon is a grassland.

There are many mountains around the base, and the places below 3000 meters above sea level are basically first-class wild areas.

The area of ​​the canyon is not small, it is also a level of wild areas, but this area often has humans, monsters are often killed, not many.

The grasslands to the east of the canyon are vast and boundless, and the number of monsters is quite large, but the distribution is relatively sparse.

Lin Huang looks at the different situations of monster distribution in various regions.

"In the wild area above the snow-capped mountains, there are many kinds of bird monsters, but it is not easy to kill, and there are few flat places. It is not appropriate to carry out practical training for me."

"In the canyon area, monsters are basically from the grasslands and snow-capped mountains. They are often cleaned up by passers-by and cannot get me to get monster fragments on a large scale."

"In this way, the wild area that suits me best is the grassland in the east."

"War Wolf is a good prey. The monsters in the group can let me quickly complete the accumulation of card fragments. And it is used to mount, it is much more windy than the sand, and it must be a lot more comfortable to sit on. There is also a lion cig, too. The mighty monster is used to summon the beast to force the watch to burst. The bullhead is also good, the muscles are knotted, the body is huge, and the summoned light can stand up and scare people..."

"Skills, the **** battle of the wolf, the enchantment of the lion's first troll, and the great power of the bullhead demon are not bad..." After an analysis, Lin Huang quickly locked the hunting area that suits him best. .

Early the next morning, Lin Huang had breakfast and slowly left the hotel and walked toward the Credit Administration.

The Credit Administration is under the jurisdiction of the government. It started working at 9:00 in the morning, so Lin Huang is not in a hurry.

At the gate of the bureau, the park swayed, and the bureau opened the door. Lin Huang immediately went in.

It took ten minutes to convert the broken crystals of life into credit points. Linhuang’s credit points have soared to more than 3.5 million. These life-breaking crystals were all searched from Xue Jie.

After the redemption was completed, Lin Huang walked toward the flea market.

The flea market in Xueshan Town is located in the central area of ​​the base. The area is not large, but the number of shops is quite large, and there are thousands of them. Everything is sold, ingredients, daily necessities, guns and ammunition, swords and swords, almost nothing.

Perhaps because it is surrounded by wild areas, there are twenty or thirty stores selling combat equipment. Lin Huang, the location where they are located, there are only three such shops.

The purpose of Lin Huang is mainly to find the special bullets and armor bursting bombs of the Grey Eagle 17, as well as some other wild survival supplies. He is planning to live in the wild for a week.

I have asked seven or eight stores in a row, and there are no special bullets and bursting bombs of the Grey Eagle 17. This new type of "noble" firearms is not used by ordinary people. This small base does not really buy bullets of such firearms. . Especially the bursting bomb, the cost of purchasing the goods itself is not cheap, and you can't sell it.

"The bullet you want, it is useless to find a store like us. In this small place, we don’t see a person with a gray eagle 17 in a year. I really don’t have a shop to enter this kind of goods. You can go to the west of the city. Asked in the old Zhang’s grocery store, the guy likes to pour some strange things. If he doesn’t have it, it’s really gone. But you have to be careful, the old one is very awkward and likes to kill. The price is estimated to be two or three times more than to be willing to sell you." A shop owner kindly reminded him, in his opinion, can afford to buy the Grey Eagle 17 to play, are rich people, he did not dare to offend.

In the flea market, I turned around and put everything else together. I asked a few shops, and Lin Huang gave up.

Hesitated for a moment, or went to the west of the city.

The old Zhangtou's shop is in an inaccessible small alley in the west of the city. It is reasonable to say that this small base, even if it is placed in a flea market for a year, will not cost much. This person has opened the store here, obviously a temperamental person.

Lin Huang asked several people along the way to find the specific location of the store.

Looking at the shop door plaque with two large characters "cloud", Lin Huang could not help but laugh, this should be a very old-fashioned old man.

Stepping into the store, there was no imaginary clutter in the store, but it was orderly. All kinds of items were placed neatly on different shelves. Even the decoration in the house was quite elaborate. Lin Huang could not help but raise a brow.

"Is the shop owner there?" Lin Huang did not directly call the name. After all, the family is older, and it is not polite to call the name directly. At least he thinks he is a good boy who is polite.

"What do you need, look at the shelves yourself, look good, take it and call me to check out." Lin Huang did not see his people, only heard the sound, listening to the sound, the old Zhangtou is not like the old man, but rather like a Middle-aged.

"This way of buying and selling is a bit like a supermarket on the earth..." Lin Huang whispered.

Seeing the old Zhangtou seems to be reluctant to be disturbed. He did not ask for it. He went straight to the shelf of the firearms and looked for it.

Seeing the gun on the shelf, Lin Huang couldn't help but raise a brow. From the black iron level to the gold level, there were all the armed forces, and they were all expensive and limited.

"It seems that this old Zhangtou is quite rich!" Lin Huang could not help but sigh in her heart.

After watching it, Lin Huang did not waste time looking at the bullets placed under the firearms. Soon I found the special bullets and broken armor bursts of the Grey Eagle 17 that I needed.

However, there was only one box of samples placed in the old Zhangtou. Lin Huang took a box of each of the two bullets and returned to the front of the counter. "The owner, I have chosen, but not enough."

"Let me see."

As the sound came, a bald-headed bald man came out in middle age, his skin was a bit black, and he looked like he was in his early forties. If he shaved his beard, he might be younger.

Lin Huang doesn't doubt that he is the old boss of the store owner. Although it looks ordinary, the temperament is very consistent with this store. Just think it's a bit strange, obviously not the old man, but it is called the old Zhangtou.

The old Zhangtou also looked up and down Lin Huang, and then looked at the bullet he selected, and raised his brow. "It turned out to be a rich and wealthy young master. How much do you want these bullets?"

"I am not a big young master, the gun is sent by others." Lin Huang does not want to be taken by the other party as a fat sheep slaughter, explained, "What price do you two seed bombs?"

"A price with the emperor's heart." Old Zhang smiled.

Lin Huang suddenly had some suspicious feelings. Before I heard that this old Zhangtou likes to kill customers, the price has to be sold at least two or three times. Now the original price is sold, and he suddenly has some doubts about whether these bullets are passive.

"You have no problem with this bullet?"

"Why, have you heard that my old Zhangtou likes to kill customers elsewhere, and the price has been turned over two or three times before they are willing to sell?" Lao Zhang smiled and looked at Lin Huang.

Lin Huang stunned and did not hide. "Someone really said this."

"No matter who told you, this is true. My old Zhang really likes to kill customers. But the servants have to look at people. I see you pleasing to the eye today and sell them to you at the original price. It's as simple as that." Zhang head added and added, "Things are real, no one has touched their hands and feet, do not buy, the decision is right in you."

Lin Huang stared at the old Zhang’s eyes and looked at him for a moment. He felt that he was not lying, and he nodded. "Yes, I will believe you once. Gray Eagle 17 special bullet I want 3000, broken A burst of 300 bombs."

“Are you prepared for a massacre?” The old Zhang slammed and gave the price, “a total of 165,000 credits.”

"Do you have enough cargo here?" Lin Huang could not help but ask.

"Do not worry, the amount is big enough! No matter what you want, how much I have. As long as you can afford the money, I can help you with the treasure." The old Zhang grinned.

If someone else said this, Lin Huang did not believe it, but after seeing the old Zhang’s collection, he felt that the old Zhangtou could really get it, although it sounded like a lot of bragging.

"Well, then I will need a treasurer to come back to buy you later!" Lin Huang could not help but twitched his mouth.