MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 53 Small extinction card

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A group of crows floating like clouds in the sky above the mountain of Goddess, approaching quickly in the direction of the stronghold.

This time, the number of crows is not less than that encountered by Lin Huang in the past few days, and even more.

Millions of crows gather in groups, and under extraordinary circumstances, there are few rivals.

Rao is the genius who ranks 11th in the 7th District Gold Hunter Rankings. He can only avoid this kind of crows.

The appearance of the crow group has raised the level of this animal tide by an order of magnitude, rising to a level close to the nightmare level, enough to destroy the medium-sized stronghold without extraordinary guardianship.

The arrival of the crows of the crows also caused a group of hunters who had hoped for hope to fall into despair.

Looking at the crowd of crows that covered the sky in the distance, like a cloud, the heart of Lin Huang sank into the bottom.

Millions of monsters rushed from the grasslands before, and a large number of crows covered the sky.

This stronghold, after all, can't keep it...

Yi Ye language stood on the boulder, her face was cloudy and uncertain, and she regretted that she chose such a stronghold as an assessment point. If Yi is not coming, she is already determined to die, to the last moment. But now Yizheng is here, he will not leave, he will never leave. If you choose to stay, you will definitely kill your own brother. So she is hesitating...

Yi Zheng also knows his sister's character, barely strong, although sometimes a little tempered, but in fact a warm-hearted person, she is unlikely to leave more than 200,000 residents to leave. Even if she only passed a stronghold and encountered such a thing as the influx of the beast, she would absolutely be willing to stay and live together with the stronghold.

"Night language, you take the children with the Aoki gate!" Although Yizheng knew that the Iraqi language promised to leave, it was unlikely, but he shouted at her.

"I don't want to go!" Yi Yeyu came to Yizheng.

"Not for yourself, but also for our family. In our generation, there are only two of you in the family, not all of them can die here!" Yi Zheng advised, "There are several teenagers, especially Lin." Huang, do you have the heart to see that he is also buried in such a place? Just give him enough time, he can definitely grow into a powerful extraordinary, can not let him die here!"

After hearing these words, the Iraqi night language was poked to the soft underbelly. The Iraqi family left only her and Yizheng in this generation. If they died, the family completely broke the incense. In addition, she really appreciates Lin Huang and does not want Lin Huang to die here.

After a moment of silence, she once again yelled at Yizheng and shouted, "Brother, I will pass you the Aoki gate, you will take them with Lin Huang, I will stay!"

"Speaking something stupid! You are leaving if you want to go, you are my sister, you have to listen to me!" Yi Zheng shouted.

"You just said let me consider the family, considering the future development of the family, your talent strength is stronger than me. If you live, the family will be stronger, so I stayed behind is the right choice." The words made Yi Zheng completely unable to refute.

The two have fallen into a stalemate.

The crows in the west sky are getting closer and closer.

In the three-tiered hunter's defense line, some people have already faced the dead, lost the will to survive, just mechanically waving their weapons.

As a group of people fell into a negative state of mind, the canyon's three-layer defense was finally compromised. On the second defensive line, the defenses of several silver hunters were almost simultaneously broken, and then the third defensive line was messed up. Soon, the entire defensive line collapsed completely.

Lin Huang’s group of people can only support themselves in the herd. Without the blockade of the front line, more than a dozen teenagers have been completely surrounded by the herd.

"Don't panic, form a defensive formation, don't be dispelled by the herd!" Lin Huang shouted at the rest of the crowd.

Through the cooperation of nearly two days, Zhou Le has even more trust in Lin Huang than anyone else present, because Lin Huang has never let them down.

This kind of trust allowed them to quickly organize a defensive formation and continue to fight the last. Although they know very well that once the crows in the sky come, no one can survive, but at the moment, under the leadership of Lin Huang, they still maintain a strong will to survive.

Lin Huang's heart beats violently under the impact of the herd. His physical condition is much weaker than other people. Almost all of the monsters attack will cause heavy damage and even death. Unlike before, there is a front defensive layer, and the number of monsters I encounter is always limited. Now, all sides are monsters, they are completely surrounded by the herd. He also finally experienced it first, what is called dancing on the tip of the knife. Only one careless person who greets himself is death.

【caveat! The host's current environment is extremely dangerous, with a host mortality rate of 100% within half an hour. Are emergency measures taken? ! 】

There was a sudden alarm from Lin Huang’s ear. This was the first time he heard Xiao Black speak.

"Yes! Tell me what solution is there?!" Lin Huang asked quickly.

[Looking for a solution by hosting an existing card... Existing cards can't help the host get out of danger...]

Upon hearing this sentence, Lin Huang’s heart sank. But after a while, the little black voice came again.

[By determining through the environment, it is currently the best place to let the host out of danger for a small extinction card. 】

[The host has 3 monster cards, 9 other cards, and 3657 black monster cards. If all the cards are broken down and fragmented, 22557 pieces of common card fragments can be obtained. The first time you redeem a small extinction card, you need 1 million pieces of ordinary card chips. The amount of debris is not enough to redeem a small extinction card...]

"Wait, why are there only 9 other cards? Not the number of white kills. The number of monsters I have killed in the past two days is not at least a thousand. There should be at least 500 or more. Is the card rewarded?! Why is there only 9 cards for my function?"

[The host is killing a lot of monsters, and there are intentional stagnation to repair the level, and the suspicion of getting more rewards. Therefore, new restrictions are added to the more-order rewards: the host stays in a state of repair, and the reward for the more-level killing that can be obtained is only ten times. 】

"Little black, you limit me, you can! But there are some things I have to make clear! I am stagnation and repairing, because I need the right kind of life to advance, you just rely on this to judge me to brush The reward is so ridiculous!" Lin Huang was really angry this time. "Besides, this time is a loophole in your own rules. Instead, you push the responsibility to me. If you don't have a discussion, you can change the rules directly. This is unfair to me!"

The reason why Lin Huang was angry was not because of the cards that were deducted, but because of the judgment given by Xiao Hei, saying that he deliberately brushed the rewards. This is indeed awkward. He was stagnation at the time, only considering the problem of cultivating seeds. At that time, he was too busy, and he did not think about the rewards. Later, more monsters were killed, only to think of the more rewards.

[The host does not lie, and the behavior of the host is re-evaluated... The host behavior is error-free. 】

[This incident is caused by a rule loophole. Due to the new restrictions, the host is now compensated. 】

[Combined with the current host environment, compensate for the host's small extinction card! 】

[Detected the current environmental emergency solution - small extinction card! use or not? 】

"This card can solve my current crisis? What is the specific use?" Lin Huang did not have time to check the cards in his body.

[Small Extinction Card: It can extrude all designated species under the extraordinary realm, and the scope of use is up to 10,000 square kilometers. 】

"I chose to use cards to destroy all species except humans and whites." Lin Huang quickly gave instructions.

[Specify the species successfully, please choose the scope of use! 】

A map appeared in Lin Huang's mind, and there was a dense distribution of monsters.

Lin Huang directly circled all the monsters. "I have chosen."

[Use range selection is completed, is it confirmed to use a small extinction card? 】

"Yes, extinction!" Lin Huang nodded hard.

The next moment, a glaring spot on the forehead of his rice.

The light spot was like a small sun at the dawn of three o'clock in the morning. It slowly separated from Lin's forehead and floated into the air, illuminating the entire land.

Many people have looked at the scene in front of them with horror.

Just for a moment, the light suddenly burst out of a circle of white mans, oscillating in all directions, like a wave of water ripples in the air.

Except where it is, except for white, all the monsters are instantly carbonized by high temperature, which turns into powder and dissipates in the air.

Countless people looked at this scene with surprise.

The layer of light rippled into the distance, even the group of crows, like the snow that met the sun, quickly disappeared.

"Is this a magical technique?!" I night language stands on the boulder, and I look at Lin Huang, who is causing this effect. The eyes are full of shock.

It was only a moment of work, and all the monsters in the scope of the entry disappeared.

In the sky, the light spot with endless power has finally faded.

After a moment of silence, the crowd made a carnival-like cheer.