MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 52 The last three hours...

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At the end of the night, outside the mouth of the snow-capped town of the snow-capped mountains, the eyes are full of monsters, and the number is millions.

There are a lot of monsters that have begun to climb the back of the monster on the front, and the monsters underneath are coming to the defensive layer.

Many monsters can't afford the weight and are directly trampled to death. The monster above falls down and is trampled to death by the monster behind. Even though there are a lot of monsters trampled to death, there are still a lot of monsters who are rushing to death.

Both Yi Ye and Yi Zheng had to join the team of the slaughter and began to clean up the monsters that might cross the boulder.

The fine sword in the hands of Yi Zheng changed his form and turned into a giant sword nearly three meters long. He jumped down and rushed into the herd to rush.

Almost every sword can kill dozens of monsters.

On the other side, the Yi language is constantly filling the treasures with life, using heavy artillery to bomb the monster below. Although she is not very good at the head, but the grassland is full of monsters, no matter where the bombardment is, can bring a large body of monsters.

More than 20 gold medal hunters under the boulder have been quite tired after two days and one night of continuous killing, but they are still strong. While constantly killing the monsters that came in front of him, while taking the time to use the life crystal to supplement the life energy consumed by the body.

However, no matter how many kills they have, the first defensive line always has monsters that can escape their attacks and enter the second defensive line. The number of monsters is too much, they can only take into account the scope of the attack within the scope of the week, as for the scope of the attack, can only choose to give up, handed over to the silver hunters behind.

The silver hunter on the second defensive line has the largest number, with more than a thousand people, but it is actually the most stressed group.

The number of monsters leaked by the gold hunters is quite large. They are almost the same as the previous gold hunters, and they have not rested for a minute.

They are very close to each other, there is almost no gap between the two sides, and more than 90% of the monsters that flood into the second layer of defense will be killed by them. Because they also know that the number of bronze hunters in the third layer of defense is too small, in case too many monsters leaking past, it will cause great trouble to the people behind. Therefore, they are not in a hurry, they will not miss it.

Lin Huang they are in the third layer of defense, this layer of defense is the most relaxed, because the front of the gold and silver hunters will have the biggest pressure has been taken away. The number of monsters that can enter the third defensive layer is less than one tenth of the rush into the canyon.

But as time went by, Lin Huang felt the pressure again. After the accumulation of the corpse and the narrow entrance of the canyon, they would only encounter a wave of attacks in more than half an hour. But now it has almost returned to the state of the original five or six minutes.

The speed of white killing has not changed. He is an indefatigable killing machine. The number of monsters killed is similar to that of Lin Huang. The blood-colored wings that can be gathered by the blood can show various states at any time on the battlefield, and each state can either drop a skull or directly penetrate a heart. The efficiency of killing is high. Lin Huang is self-proclaimed.

Lin Huang’s performance is also quite impressive. The black iron knife is in hand and has become a peerless soldier. Under the Great Wild Knife, there is almost nothing. As the actual combat continues, it takes up to five knives to kill the monster. Now he can basically control it within three knives. As long as it is not a black iron third-order monster, basically it only takes one knife to kill.

The body of a snow-free body is more familiar, and it is like a ghost on the battlefield.

Zhou Le and others all think that Lin Huang should be from a noble family, or else it is impossible to have so many high-level exercises and such terrible combat power. You must know that they are already the third-order black iron, but killing monsters is far worse than Lin Huang.

Lin Huang is completely innocent and cares about how many monsters he has killed in the cross, how many pieces have been accumulated, and how many card rewards have been won. At this time, during the time of breathing, he could barely drink a sip of water, and there was no way to distract himself.

Xiao He also seems to know that he is in a fierce battle state, and he has not jumped out of the prompt dialog box again to avoid causing interference to Lin Huang.

On the battlefield, time passes by, but every minute is a torment.

Everyone is looking forward to the sun coming out quickly and coming quickly during the day.

Because as long as it stays up to dawn, the extraordinary imperial ritual will be able to arrive, as long as he kills the extraordinary monster, it is all over.

Lin Huang squeezed his physical strength again and again. Compared to other people, he is the only ordinary person on this battlefield. The innate gap in physical fitness is not at all compensated by fighting power.

Even Zhou Le, these black-iron third-order teenagers, are too tired to speak, let alone Lin Huang, who has not entered the black iron.

Lin Huang’s performance has been seen by many people.

Not only Zhou Le and others, even some of the bronze hunters next to them, some admire the perseverance of this young man. They clearly know that the boy's body has long been in an overdraft state, but he has been supporting with willpower and squeezing his potential again and again.

Lin Huang knows the condition of her body clearly. He slashes with a knife and almost stops moving. Because he knows that once he stops, he may physically strike completely, not to mention a knife, and may even stand still.

So he told himself over and over again, "I can't stop! I can't stop! I just need to stick to the last few hours, I can go to six in the morning!"

On the battlefield, the impact of monsters is getting more and more fierce, and the roar of various monsters and the embarrassment of human beings are always more than endless.

At three o'clock in the morning, everyone with a tired body, looking forward to safely spent the last three hours.

But all of a sudden, a screaming beast was passed from far away.

This beast was brought from behind the iceberg, crossed the iceberg directly, and passed through the crowd, washing it to the grasslands outside the canyon.

It’s just that I heard this beast, and almost all of the people present were experiencing rapid acceleration. Even Lin Huang’s heart was mad, even if it was stared at by something terrible, it made people feel chilling.

However, this beast seems to play a completely different role for those monsters.

All the monsters began to inexplicably excite. Many monsters began to smash the boulder insanely, regardless of the pain in the body. Even a lot of monsters began to pile up layer by layer, trying to cross the boulder protection layer.

Seeing a large number of monsters began to pile up and climb the boulder, Yi Zheng and Yi night language are frowning, I did not expect the last three hours, this kind of change.

Yi Zhengzheng frowned, but suddenly heard the sound of the direction of the snow-capped mountains. He turned his head and looked at it. The clouds in the sky that covered the half of the sky were quickly approaching. He fixed his eyes and immediately took a breath.

"It's bad, it's a flock..."