MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 274

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Although Xingshi cannot be blamed, he will at least use this as a reason to make Kelsey make more concessions in the terms of cooperation between Rhodes Island and Iberia.

But when Dario saw the majestic head of Rhode Island's engineering department, whose technical strength was placed in Iberia, he was expected to be regarded as the chief engineer of the National Academy of Sciences, and Kluthil hugged Kyle with snot and tears. When Xi thigh begged for mercy, he hesitated.

Anyway, Iberia still has a fine tradition of admiring scientific and technological talents. They apologized and admitted their mistakes so deeply, and Dario couldn't bear to say anything more.

Little did he know that this was Kelsey's way, which was equivalent to saving Rhodes Island a large amount of compensation.

Of course, it is undeniable that Lucille is careless and insane, and the main reason is that 99% off cannot satisfy Kelsey at all.

Do you think the big lynx knows nothing? Isn't this kind of discount only the same treatment as a doctor! ?

Doctor, he can buy you some "private goods", do you think I, Kelsey, can't? Yaye, bring me that 82-pound medical syringe!

"It's free! I've packed Dr. Kelsey's coffee candies and cat food! Every Friday, I personally go out to ensure safe delivery to your office!"

"Well, that's about the same."

Chapter 723 Gloria strayed into the Haisi restaurant, and Alfonso's condition for her was

Before Kelsey, Dario and the others were about to board the Fool, there was a person who did not board the Megalodon but boarded the ship faster than them, and that was the second captain, Gloria.

Skadi and Ghost Shark didn't keep up because neither of them could keep up with Gloria's swimming speed.

Her species of swordfish was originally one of the fastest swimming fish in the sea, with a top speed of 130 kilometers per hour, plus her stronger body and ability to control ocean currents after she became a deep-sea hunter.

It can be said that Gloria is the well-deserved No. 1 Biaoyu among all Agors, and the second team has also been shaped into a high-speed assassin team under her influence. The team styles are very different.

ah? You ask why Gloria's favorite Shark team member is not a high-speed assassin?

presumptuous! Berserker is the root form of all assassins! If you still dare to doubt Shasha's legitimacy, it will be over if the second captain sticks or not!

The reason why Gloria came here alone was because she learned from Skadi that the third captain had arrived on the Fool with Dr. Shark Pepper, and she just needed to have a private talk with Urbian.

Although what Gloria wanted to discuss with Urbian was about the peaceful coexistence between Rhodes Island and Agor of the Deep Sea, there were still some internal sensitive topics that could not be discussed directly in front of Rhodes Island.

For example, the conflict between the two of them and the priest-consul Aimee Bosch, who is now in charge of Agor's power, at least waited for Gloria and Urbian to unify before reporting to Rhodes Island.

Awakened by the noise made by Shark Pepper and the Megalodon, the deck of the Fool, which was originally quiet, is now full of wandering sea sis, and you can even see their little bean eyes protruding from the head shell like the crab boss See a look similar to confusion.

However, they don't seem to be very aggressive. Some weaker individuals even took the initiative to hide in the shadows like a w who had seen the light after sensing Gloria's arrival, and they didn't cause her much trouble.

So Gloria took a while to find the traces left by Urbian, but followed the breath and planned to go deep into the interior of the Fool.

But at this moment, she almost bumped into a tall figure who was running fast while carrying something heavy on her shoulders. Fortunately, she was always manipulating the water vortex to protect her body, so that the water flowed in time. The deflection force deflects it out of direction.

The person who suddenly came rushing from the corner seemed surprised by Gloria's appearance. He stabilized his footing the moment he was deflected, then turned around and looked over with an extremely complicated gaze.

"This taste, are you from Agor?!"

The person who can smell Agor with his nose, of course, can only be Alfonso who is "tactically shifting" with Garcia. After all, in the golden age of that year, Iberia's technical core group fled from the deep sea to Argol artisans on land.

Gloria, who had learned about the Fool's information in advance, also recognized Alfonso's face at this time, but she was more vigilant than before, because of the obvious Haizi characteristics on the other party.

Even if he took the initiative to say something to himself, who knows if he is a high-ranking Haisi like the first speaker?

However, what he said was quite fluent and natural, much more advanced than the robot stick reading accent like the first speaker. Could it be that the high-level Haisi has evolved again?

So Geletia didn't reply immediately, but looked at Alfonso vigilantly with the barrel of her gun sideways, but she didn't know that this made Alfonso's hanging heart sink heavily.

The Fool hadn't been visited by outsiders for so many years, and suddenly encountered two "outsiders" in one day. How could Alfonso not think that they might be a gang?

Although Shark Pepper is a robot, he does look like the creation of Agor in the deep sea.

But Gloria's response at this time cleared her suspicion immediately. Just like Shark Pepper, Dior who wanted to raise the little shark's head to the sky, how could his accomplice be so cautious?

So Alfonso calmed down all of a sudden, and began to question Gloria as his captain.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"My identity has nothing to do with you."

"It has nothing to do with me? This is my boat, my territory, even if you are a fish jumping up from the sea, it must have something to do with me!"

"Your ship? Are you really Alfonso of Iberia!?"

Although it is possible for a high-ranking sea descendant transformed from a human to retain the original memory, his personality will be assimilated by the sea descendant network immediately. Gloria, who has communicated with the first speaker, knows this very well.

In general, Haisi has three major desires, the desire to survive, the desire to infect, and the desire to riddle.

So judging from Alfonso's overly blunt words, Gloria can be sure that he still has a human mind.

"Otherwise? Of course Captain Alfonso will only stay on his ship!"

"...Impossible! How did you survive here from Da Jing Mi to now?"

"Hehe, you've got the point, Agor idiot!"

Alfonso didn't say it clearly, but just turned his head and glanced at Hai Si who was still swaying not far away, but this was enough for Gloria to understand.

It is no wonder that the habits of these sea descendants on the Fool are different from other groups, that is because in the past few decades, they found two strange "kinds" on the Fool who kept preying on the same kind.

The IQ of ordinary Haizi is not very high, so Alfonso and Garcia, who were infected but not fully transformed, were recognized as members of the group, which is why the usual Haizi would not take the initiative to attack them.

Although Hai Si will indeed volunteer his body to fight for the survival of the group in a desperate situation, isn't there no threat on this ship? Why do these two of the same kind still eat our own compatriots?

They don't understand, but they still can't escape their hunting. Now the freeze-dried dozens of hails hanging in the kitchen of the Fool are their food reserves.

So much so that the newborn sea descendants here have evolved new characteristics and instincts, that is, to make the edible parts of themselves more unpalatable, and to hide in the shadows and not move when they see similar humanoid creatures.

Because Alfonso and Garcia, in order to maintain the operation of their normal thinking, disdain to hunt and kill these stupid and immobile guys, but deliberately choose those Hai Si who are flexible and know how to escape to play "hunting games".

This is like deliberately playing a difficult mental game to prevent Alzheimer's disease, but at the same time it is also a constant reminder of their pride as a human being, because only the strong hunt the weak is considered hunting.

This is a tug-of-war for survival that hurts others and hurts themselves. Although Haisi's flesh and blood-like nutrient solution can keep them alive, every time they eat, the infection will deepen, making them far from completely becoming Haisi's kind. Go one step further.

It's a miracle that it lasted until now.

Even for the second captain of the deep sea hunter, who stood on the front line against Hai Si and personally killed countless Hai Si.

"…I go."

Chapter 724 The Fool is full of happy air

In the past, Gloria only admired the more active players who killed more Haizi, because in her opinion, the best way to fight Haizi was to kill them all.

That's why she agreed with the doctor and cooperated with Rhodes Island almost without going through any "resistance period". Aunt Pinye.

But it wasn't until today that Gloria discovered that there was something more impressive to her than killing Haisi.

In fact, it is not difficult for the people of Terra who have a relatively high degree of lycanthropy to accept eating shit.

For example, rabbits already have the habit of eating their own feces for secondary digestion, and Hum Ha Ergou will even close down the Furong Nutrition Restaurant when he is extremely angry.

After all, the world is very difficult in many areas of Terra, and it is not bad to be able to survive.

Even today, Ceobe, who can go to the Rhode Island canteen eighteen times a day and has been fed all kinds of delicacies and snacks by the doctor, still hasn't forgotten her roots.

As long as he offered her something to eat without malice, Shagou would never refuse.

In the same way, there are many small fish in the sea that eat whale **** as food, so hurry up and serve it up, Skadi's... ahem!

But only tm eats Haisi... mouth area!

Deep sea hunters often say that they can smell the rancid smell of Haisi from two streets away. This is not just a rhetoric used to belittle the enemy, but a true characteristic that Haisi has evolved during the long-term battle with Agor.

The nutrient solution rich in their bodies may be a little viscous in the eyes of land people. If you really want to pinch your nose, you can eat it. After all, even snails like shelled slugs are delicacy on the table of Gauls. .

The Church of the Deep Sea gathered the victims of Iberia in this way, and then added the blood of the fear fish to the meal to slowly infect and transform them.

But for the Agor people, Haisi's bodily fluids are really more disgusting than feces. Originally, it just smelled like the smell of hot eyes in the dry toilet in summer. If you have to taste it again, there will be a sudden A strong auditory hallucination oscillates in your mind.

It's like the bombing siren of the Stuka Beast fighter jets in the sky of Shimokitazawa in the Eastern Kingdom.

It can be said to be the "supreme enjoyment" of smell, taste, touch, hearing, and vision. It also means that the sea area infected by their blood will not be able to survive for a short time even if it is recovered by the Agors. .

As a result, Gloria's melon-seeded face turned green for more than ten seconds, and she clutched her chest tightly so as not to spit it out on the spot.

"This is unbearable? Heh, today's Agor people are really weak. Was your courage also taken away by Tranquility?"

Gloria, who had adjusted her state, just gave Alfonso a blank look, and didn't argue with him, but turned around and walked directly into the cabin, ignoring the food heir.

If the arrogant second captain who looked down on the people on the land before would have definitely fought with Alfonso, but now she ignores Alfonso's belittling speech of the Agor people, and to a certain extent, it is also a recognition of the strength of the other party. expression of will.

"Stop! Don't go any further, there's a monster inside!"

" What monster!"

As soon as the monster was mentioned, Gloria immediately became interested. She probably thought that Alfonso was talking about a giant sea descendant like Quintus, Bishop of Salt Wind.

If so, she wouldn't mind using this opportunity to contact Urbian about the harmonious "combat friendship" of the past.

"It's a mechanical creation in the shape of a shark. He claims to be the supreme overlord of the universe. His tone and strength are boundless. He looks like a stick like you. Be careful that he will tear you up with his tongue!"


Gloria looked at Alfonso with a gradually strange gaze, and then looked at Garcia, whose life and death were unknown on his shoulder, and almost deduced the whole story.

It was like seeing the "naive and ignorant" self at the beginning.

"Hey! Agor idiot, I kindly told you not to die, what do you mean by your pitiful eyes!?"

Gloria just shook her head helplessly, no matter how angry Alfonso yelled, she didn't stop, and then disappeared from sight.


Alfonso was so angry that he stomped his feet on the deck, but he still didn't go back to the cabin to force Gloria to stay. After all, his most important thing now was to save an Argor man he didn't even recognize. Still trying to wake up Garcia.

However, it is also a good thing for him to meet an Agor who broke into the Fool, which probably means that Haisi has relaxed the blockade of the surrounding area, and maybe he can find a way to leave the Fool, and then set foot on the long-lost land Go find a doctor for Garcia.

We'll think about taking the Fool back from Shark Pepper later.

But absolutely, definitely can't go back to Iberia, because he knows that he and Garcia are no longer real people, but monsters hated by Iberia.

After he figured out the plan, Alfonso no longer hesitated, and planned to go to the observation deck of the Fool to observe the movements of sea scum in the nearby waters.

However, at the moment when he turned around, a burst of loud shouts with strange tones suddenly echoed on the deck.

"nekocharm (nekocharm)!"

Then a huge cute white cat's paw swept past his eyes, and with one jio, it swept away the Haisi on the bow deck, and all the wreckage fell into the sea in a plop.


What's the situation, why are there all demons and ghosts on my boat today?

Alfonso even felt that the hideous freeze-dried Haizi hanging in the kitchen had become much cuter today.


"Sir, the scene is cleaned up!"

"Great... well done, Eleni."

Dario's brows and eyes trembled slightly. Apparently, the sight of Eleni changing into a "Holy Maiden's Prayer" combat uniform instantly after she yelled out the slogan just now had a great impact on his heart, let alone that scene. Huge cat claws kicked out.

Unexpectedly, Rhodes Island not only likes his own tricks, but also his apprentice this time.

But the result of Eleni's battle just now is the real thing, it's not some fancy skill that has no actual combat effect, even the serious grand judge has to speak out to affirm it.

Don't tell me, it's really cute.

Even Dario himself didn't realize that he had unknowingly lost something that was once very important in the celebration of Shark Pepper's "bitter humiliation".

But in the order of Terra, which is destined to be influenced by the doctor in the future, perhaps this is the most suitable mentality.

And Eleni was also very happy, she hadn't been able to find a chance to show her new skills in front of the instructor before, because the space inside the Iberian Eye was not spacious, and she couldn't use "milk enough" to fight.

After coming to this huge flagship of the Fool, Eleni finally had a chance, and the previous trip was all contributed by people from Rhodes Island. As a judge, her request to join the battle was naturally reasonable.

It's really not about showing off your new clothes in front of your mentor.

But the most important thing is Daario's approval of her. Alini had been worried that Daario would think that she would ruin the reputation of the trial court by learning these little daughter-like weird things as a judge.

Facts have proved that Eleni is thinking too much. Even her mentor, Saint Carmen, opened her mouth and closed her mouth in front of the townspeople of Gran Falls to celebrate. Do you still care about her transformation into a beautiful girl?

From the very beginning, the tone of the Inquisitors' actions has been set, that is, to use the already bad reputation of the Inquisition Chamber to "shamelessly" exchange for substantial benefits, especially those powerful technologies.

Dario is still using the energy belt given by Shark Pepper. Of course, he can see that Eleni's transformation bracelet is probably a similar creation of Cybertron technology. What about pouring cold water?

Just as Eleni looked around excitedly, wanting to take this opportunity to find a few more Haisi to try the magic of cats and cats, an abnormal phenomenon immediately caught her attention.

After all, the bow deck is not a completely flat playground, so there must have been a few fish that slipped through the net just now, but the rest of the Hai Si didn't try to resist, but turned around and fled, so she didn't care.

But now she found that these Haisi did not hide in the cabin in order to survive, but formed a group and ran to the same deck direction.

It's like a group of little kids who were run over by a senior big sister and ran over to the teacher crying together to complain.

"There's something weird there! There may be a powerful Haizi individual, and I'll do further investigation for everyone!"

Read Chaplain!