MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 280

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When the deep-sea hunters arrived at Atlantis, Agor's new capital, they unexpectedly discovered that the interior of this dome city was experiencing a turmoil, and the culprit...of course, could only be Mr. Shark Pepper.

"Warning! An abnormal accumulation of unknown energy has been detected. Border defense lines 11 to 14 have been breached as a whole. It is suspected that it is an attack by giant creatures of ancient gods above level A. All departments are requested to take defensive and evacuation measures immediately."

"How is it possible! Why does the giant monster dare to attack us? Isn't it afraid of being infected by Hai Si and becoming the next sea mother!"

In fact, a full sixty years have passed since the second year of Yuanhe, Haimu Dajing, but many Agors are long-lived races, and sixty years is almost the time for them to replace a young main force.

If the 60 years of Agor are regarded as the 10 years of the people on earth, then Skadi and Ghost Shark are probably the main representatives of the "post-90s" at the beginning, and Gloria and Urbian are the "post-80s". army head.

And now, Agor's "post-00s" have been replaced as the new generation of young people.

However, the Agor people are not gods, and their feelings about the passage of time are actually no different from other races, which means that they have been used to the "peaceful life" for the past sixty years.

Because Haisi's encirclement has cut off almost all dangers from the outside world, they have even regarded it as Agor's natural border defense line. be at ease.

Although the price is to completely close the country, the level of science and technology has not developed, the defense force is lax, the religious theology is gradually revived, and the council of consuls is useless.

Amy Bosch, who has become the "Queen of the Pope", has all the powers in her body, and she is only allowed to look up and worship, and no one dares to object, otherwise that person will be taken over by the new generation of Deep Sea who will be the "Pope's personal guard" the next day The hunter threw himself into the long Haizi blockade to fend for himself.

As for why even Urbian, the most careful third captain, couldn't foresee the panic situation that Agor might have, that's because... trolls and Haisi, they were still fighting in the active hunter system back then Isn't it commonplace at the time?

Any single hunter team has the ability to kill an ancient monster with proper tactics. Even Haimu, who was protected by Haisi, was besieged to death by three teams.

Even if there are giant monsters coming to invade, wouldn't it be enough to tell your current deep-sea hunters to get out and kill the giant monsters? What a panic!

However, they waited for a long time, but no one came out to fight. Even Gloria couldn't stand it any longer. After all, she is an Agor militant. Seeing that her country has become so cowardly, of course she will feel disappointed and indignant .

The delicate-minded Ghost Shark sensed Gloria's emotions, so he took the initiative to start the conversation.

"What should we do now, captain, should we wait for our 'big shark' to arrive as originally planned?"

"No, let's not mention this kind of alert situation, the two sides will definitely fight directly, and it will make Bo... the big shark look down on us Agor even more.

Ghost shark, you go in with me to negotiate first, Urbian, you and Skadi stay here to stabilize the big shark, and enter the city after we lift the alarm. "

After listening to Gloria's arrangement, Urbian just pressed the brim of his hat, and then said with a habitual sneer.

"Oh, what a child..."

"What did you say!"

Gloria's yelling instantly awakened Urbian's memory, and he suddenly remembered what Dr. Shark Pepper had said to him.

"Third Captain, you are not too young anymore. Even if you are not in a hurry to get married and have children, it is time to practice how to get some girls, right? A strong person who can really change the world should not be alone.

But if you really can't do it, I won't force it. After all, everyone has their own quirks. Hey, do you think my mother Houhoujing is cute? After evolution, it will become a huge and beautiful roaring whale king! "

Urbian: (((?д?)))!

"Hey, I mean this plan is not very safe. After all, we don't know what Agor has become today. It's better to let Skadi stay here and wait for Shark Pepper. I'll go in with you two."

Skadi: ?

Ghost Shark:!

Skadi, who was behind Urbian, tilted his head cutely, and a small question mark-shaped bubble appeared on it. He didn't feel that he was left behind, but he vaguely felt that the captain seemed... a bit weird today.

Ghost Shark's reaction was even more direct, as if she had witnessed the shocking gossip, she stared those beautiful ruby ​​eyes like a pair of sapphire eyes.

She first stared at the third captain for a while, seeing that he still had that calm and indifferent expression, so she turned back to look at her own captain, Gloria, and then suddenly followed the secret clue to the snow pheasant. The same sniggered.

"Hehehe, I'm really curious. What happened when the captain and the third captain talked privately that day?"

"...what are you talking about?"

Gloria just felt baffled, she only thought that Urbian was too cautious, and even her own compatriots had to be so defensive, but Gloria had no reason to refuse.

"Be careful, there is no big mistake, so be it."


When the three of Gloria followed the current to find the underground entrance of Atlantis, swam through the tunnel as if entering an underwater cave, and finally emerged from the water following the light, they were immediately surrounded by a group of heavily armed Argos. The guards were surrounded.

"Who? Report your citizen number!"

In fact, the Agor people can distinguish their compatriots by smell and breath, even if a strange Agor enters the city, there is no need to be so nervous, but that was the situation sixty years ago.

But now ordinary Agors are not allowed to go out of the city at all, only deep sea hunters and some specialized personnel who are responsible for using Hai Si to deal with "garbage in the city" are eligible, and they naturally have passes and records.

"My number is 3, the other two are 2 and 15663."

The citizen number is originally the system proposed by Gloria's Consul Council in order to unify Agor, so the nine consuls took up the numbers 1-9 respectively, war is 1, science 2, technology 3, and The priest is old 9.

It can be seen that although the numbers are not expressly stipulated, they are obviously ranked according to the respective prestige and power of the consuls at that time.

"What!? Number 3... and 2!"

The guards were taken aback. They didn't know anything about political struggles. They only knew that the single-digit numbers were the top bosses, so they hurriedly searched for the corresponding identities in the duty terminal.

"You, are you two the heroic consuls who have died, Lord Gloria and Lord Urbian!"

After comparing the citizen's information and appearance, the guard almost lost his grip on the weapon in his hand, and his tone became as excited as a child who saw his idol in life, but the person involved couldn't be happy.

"Sacrifice?! Who said we sacrifice... oh, that's right."

Gloria was just about to ask back, but suddenly remembered that she should indeed be regarded as a "sacrificed" person.

It was all because Rhodes Island's daily life was so confusing, and Gloria subconsciously felt that the atmosphere of this trip was more like a daughter-in-law returning to her natal family, rather than a hero returning home.

"Then you have seen it with your own eyes. The hero hunters back then were not all wiped out. I came back here with the will of my colleagues to continue passing it on. Now go report to your superiors."

"Yes! Please wait a moment."

Seeing the guard turn around and run away trembling in three steps, and the other guards put away their vigilant posture and stood respectfully on both sides as guards, Gloria looked back at Urbian with some pride in her heart.

‘Look, I’m just saying you’re being overly cautious! After all, the two of us were big figures in the past, even if there is a conspiracy here, it is impossible to make it clear. '

Urbian wanted to sneer again to refute her childishness, but when he remembered the photo of the roaring whale that Shark Pepper forced into his arms with a pair of iron palms, he forcibly held back this instinctive impulse, only slightly He turned his head arrogantly, not wanting to look at her.


The ghost shark next to him almost spewed out a water arrow, and quickly sank into the water to hide his aunt's smiling expression.

‘Hurry up, kill me and make a bowl of shark’s fin for the two captains to cheer on! '

Chapter 735 Shabo: I Was Surprised, What a White Holy Light!

The guard who went to report to his superiors soon returned here with a woman who also wore combat uniforms, but was obviously of a higher standard.

It is worth mentioning that she is also an Agor of the swordfish species, and she also has long silver hair that is almost exactly the same as Gloria.

"Aunt Gloria!?"

"Aunt poof..."

There was a suffocated laugh like a balloon leaking from behind Gloria, and when she turned her head to look at the ghost shark, the dumbfounded shark shook her head frantically full of desire to survive, and at the same time, her eyeballs kept signaling to stand Urbian next to him.

And the third captain, Urbian, just reached out to lift his face towel as if nothing happened just now, and turned a blind eye to Gloria's angry glare.

"Aren't you, Roseanne!"

"It's really you, Gloria... No, sir! So you're still alive! That's great!"

Rosanna was originally Gloria's niece, and she was also her little fan girl back then. Because of her talent, she successfully applied for the Agor National Technology Department when she was still a minor, and officially became Gloria's underlings.

It's just that not long after she came in, Gloria became a deep-sea hunter, but Rosanna was not discouraged at the moment, but relied on her unremitting efforts to strive for excellence, and gradually became one of the core personnel of the technical department.

Rosanna originally thought that she could wait until Goletia completed her mission as a hunter and returned to the technical department, so that she could impress her, but what she had expected was the sad news of Goletia's sacrifice and death in battle.

At the hero's memorial ceremony, priest Aimee Bosch was not stingy, and even took the initiative to publicize his reputation. After all, they were all dead and could no longer be an obstacle in front of his throne.

However, when dealing with former direct line personnel like Rosanna Ke, those who can be cleaned up are naturally cleaned up, and those who are not cleaned up are sent to other non-core departments.

Therefore, Rosanna, who was supposed to have a bright future and might even become the successor of the technocrat, is now only here to guard the gate of Atlantis.

After learning about Rosanna's engraved experience, Gloria could only pat her on the shoulder to show her relief.

"Thank you, Rosanna, you have done a good job."

"...No, no! Wait a minute, you shouldn't be back at this time, it's too late to go back now!"

Rosanna, who was still full of joy just now, seemed to have thought of something, but her expression suddenly changed, and she even began to persuade Gloria to turn around quickly.

"Speak slowly, what happened?"

"I don't know what giant monster triggered the alarm just now, and now the city is in chaos, and everyone is too busy to take care of themselves. Queen... Bah! Aimee Bosh has assembled almost all the deep sea hunters to protect herself.

If you go in now, that bitch...she'll kill the other citizens before they find out! "


Before Gloria could speak, there was a particularly abrupt and deliberately loud cough behind her, which was obviously a counterattack to Gloria's "provocative eyebrows" before.

So she turned her head again and stared at Urbian who seemed nothing had happened.

"...What the **** are you trying to say?"

"It's nothing, just to remind you again, pay attention to safety."

Gloria: ...(?_?)

It wasn't until Urbian didn't intend to provoke any more troubles that Gloria turned around and replied to Rosanna.

"Don't panic, Rosanna, I won't let the matter develop to that point, even if she is really as bad as you said, we are also deep sea hunters, and we will never give in to any monster that oppresses Agor!"

"This... I didn't mean that, Aunt Gloria, it's not the same now as it was in the past, and the deep sea hunter is no longer..."

Before Rosanna could finish her sentence, the closed door behind her was suddenly broken with a bang, and a group of armed personnel dressed in technological armor like commercial competitive knights rushed in, and the guards included were present. Everyone is surrounded.

However, unlike Casimir's technological armor that still has the retro knight style, their technological armor is obviously more gorgeous and sci-fi, and the decoration style is also biased towards Agor's marine aesthetics, including the characteristics of various marine life.

Like ah, very similar ah!

It's almost the same style as Shark Pepper, except that the body size needs to be increased by two sizes. It's not as simple and capable as Shark Pepper, similar to StarCraft's Power Armor.

Therefore, even at such a tense moment, the three of Gloria couldn't help but looked at each other for a while, and a sentence flashed in their minds:

Oh wow, it's over, the stereotype of Agor's sexuality is completely indelible now.

"Gloretia, and... Urbian! Why don't you just die outside and come back to disturb my good time?"

An Agor woman with a graceful figure, tall figure, and moonlight-white skin is passing through this group of machines, wearing only a light silk tulle of the Olympian goddess style, while her lower body is covered with silver fish scales. Person A, come here slowly.

She was the former Priest-Consul, Aimee Bosh.

However, when Aimee Bosh thought that he would be able to fill up the momentum by appearing in this way, and then directly suppress the opponent, the three deep-sea hunters present were more concerned about other things.

"Hey, why does she make the accent so long when she calls your name?"

"Hmph, she was just wishful thinking back then. I don't like this kind of woman."


The ghost shark didn't hold back on the spot, and hit the unprepared Aimee Bosh with a mouthful of shark water cannon. Although Agor was definitely not afraid of water, it also ruined her elegant look that had been brewing for a long time.

"...You guys who don't know good and bad! I wanted to chat with you for a while because of the old relationship, but now it seems that you are anxious to find death? Then prepare for me, and there will be no one alive here!"

"Wait, wait a minute, Your Majesty, I am one of my own..."

One of the gate guards suddenly panicked and ran out to try to prove his loyalty. Apparently, he was the one who leaked the news of Gloria's return to Aimee Bosch in private.

However, the only thing that greeted him was the ruthless sword waved by one of the mech men.

"Ah! Ah...why, why, I obviously did as you ordered..."

"Heh, just because you know too much, don't worry, I will double your death pension to your family members, and the cause of death will be... a troll."

Killing such an unknown **** seemed to restore some confidence to Aimee Bosh, she was suddenly not in a hurry, and instead began to show off her mecha guards.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce to you, they are the new generation of deep-sea hunters created by me after I improved the technology and used mechanical control of biological brains to greatly increase the success rate of fusion.

Then equip them with Agor's most advanced weapons and equipment, which are far superior to you old antiques in terms of quantity and combat power. How about it, are you envious? "

"What? They're hunters!?"

For a long time, both Geletia and Urbian have fallen into a misunderstanding of inertial thinking, that is, they think that the new deep-sea hunters will still use cold weapons to fight Haisi with their strong bodies.

But in fact, the new deep-sea hunters don't need to fight Hai Si at all. Even if there is such a need, the chance of Hai Si who has lost the sea mother and the desire to expand can appear as a quiet individual again is very small.

Therefore, the new deep-sea hunters no longer have the restriction that they can only use cold weapons, and most importantly, they don't need the long-term training of the old captain leading new players.

Because they have been controlled by smart chips before they become hunters, and after the transformation is successful, the fighting skills are directly loaded into the brain, and they only obey Aimee Bosch.

"Bastards! They are our compatriots, not your tools!"

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RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts