MTL - Mountains and Seas For All People: Starting From a Thatched Hut-Chapter 16 Worship to God, 1 moment of shock

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The camp shook, and the two swayed.

"what happened?"

Lin Miaoke was completely panicked.

She tightly hugged Su Mu's arm, almost fainted from the shock.

Fortunately, Su Mu stood firmly on the ground, his eyes fixed on the collapsed altar in front of him.

His face was a little ugly, and he suddenly remembered what he had overlooked.

"Damn it."

Su Mu cursed secretly, he was careless.

He actually ignored that the headhunters have priests to worship murderous animals.

The aborigines in the mountain and sea world, including the headhunters, worshiped some ferocious and terrifying things as gods.

Commonly known as offering sacrifices to gods.

The headhunter camp in front of me actually has a worship god.

This caught Su Mu by surprise.

Of course he knew that the headhunters had the existence of worshiping gods.

But that's only available in some large camps, even some large headhunting primitive tribes.

The camp in front of me can only be regarded as a small camp.

It would never have occurred to me that there is also the existence of worshiping gods.

"Big trouble."

Su Mu was a little nervous.

All the sacrifices to the gods are extremely cruel and powerful masters.

In my previous life, I have encountered the sacrifices made by primitive aborigines several times, and that scene is still vivid in my mind, with lingering fears in my heart.

"what happened?"

Lin Miaoke panicked.

Su Mu looked serious, staring at the collapsed altar, with clouds of black mist surging below.

Something terrible is about to come out from below.

"Something is coming out."

Su Mu said with a sullen face: "This time the loss is huge, and it was a wrong decision to come to rescue you."

Hearing this, Lin Miaoke was a little flustered.

"What the **** is going on?"

She was about to cry.

Su Mu shook his head, and said solemnly: "Under the altar, there is a **** worshiped by the headhunters. You can just regard it as a super fierce guy."

"Then what should I do?" She was at a loss.

Su Mu stared at the rolling black mist, and the vibrations under the ground became more and more intense.


Another roar came from the black mist.

A terrifying aura came from under the collapsed altar, which made Su Mu's face change.

Judging from this aura, the power of the terrifying **** under the ground far exceeded his previous estimation.

"Fuck, how can there be such a level of worship here?"

Su Mu was startled and panicked.

This breath is definitely comparable to the deterrent of a thousand-year giant beast.

It can't beat the threat of a century-old giant beast, let alone a terrifying sacrificial **** comparable to a thousand-year-old monster.

It's over!


A huge gap opened in the ground, and black mist gushed out.

Su Mu pulled Lin Miaoke back again and again, and there was a trace of horror on the faces of the two of them.

"No, we must find a way to escape."

His brain turned quickly, trying to find a way to escape.

But it's useless to run like this. Once the **** of sacrifice is awakened, he will definitely not be able to escape the **** of sacrifice.


His eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of something.

Su Mu remembered that he seemed to have upgraded just now.

That's right, he killed more than a hundred headhunters and gained more than 30,000 experience points, which is exactly a level up.

He hurriedly opened up his attributes, and first added a little strength, a little physique, and used all two free attributes.

【Name】: Sumu

[race]: human

[Level]: Level 5 - Experience (55313/100,000)

【Age】: 19 years old

【Sex: Male

【Power】: 8

[Physique]: 8

[Agility]: 8

【Spirit】: 12

[Backpack]: 50 grids

[Homeland]: Level 2

[Breathing Soil]: Level 3 (Aura 196 points/2000 points)

[Life Skills]: Logging (Level 2), Cooking (Level 2), Gathering (Level 2), Mining (Level 1), Alchemy (Level 1), Teleportation (10-second delay)

[Battle Skills]: Archery (Level 10) Knife Drawing (Extraordinary-Knife Intent)

Looking at it this way, it really has been upgraded.

Level 5 is a small progress and a watershed.

Because at level 5, the character can gain a skill.


A skill that can be teleported back home directly.

But there is a big disadvantage, that is, there is a ten-second delay.

Once interrupted, it is useless and dangerous, and cannot move during the teleportation process.

But the current situation is not necessary.

"Hold me tight."

Su Mu didn't have time to explain, and hugged Lin Miaoke who was panicked.


He immediately cast teleportation.


In an instant, a beam of light fell and enveloped the two of them.

Lin Miaoke looked dazed, as if she hadn't come to her senses at all.


Under the ground, the roar was like thunder, shaking the whole field.

What followed was a violent tremor, and black mist shot up into the sky.

A terrifying huge palm protruded from the ground, followed by a huge head slowly rising from the ground.

Seeing this scene, Lin Miaoke was so frightened that her eyes widened on the spot, her whole body trembled, and her heart was filled with endless fear.

Su Mu's pupils shrank, it was indeed a murderous creature.

The huge black monster, like a demon god, came out of trouble, with thick black air all over his body, and directly patted the two of them with one hand.

"Hurry up..."

Su Mu shouted anxiously.

Seeing the big hand rumbling down, both of them felt their hearts in their throats.

He anxiously recited the countdown...6...5...4...3...2...


As the last second arrives, there is a flash of light.

With a swish, both Su Mu and Lin Miaoke disappeared.


At the same time, the terrifying big hand slapped down fiercely, and a huge crater was blasted out of the ground, and smoke and dust billowed and wreaked havoc.

With only a slight difference, Su Mu explained here.

Fortunately, at the last minute, it was successfully teleported and disappeared.


Black air billowed and swept across, a huge monster climbed up from the ground, stood there and roared upwards.

Huge body, 50 meters tall, billowing black air, a pair of scarlet eyes looked at the disappearing light and let out roars.

In the dark night, a monster like a demon **** roared angrily, scaring countless beasts, and the strange beasts scattered and fled.


the other side.

Among the sumu homes.

A beam of light fell, and circles of light lit up.


The next moment, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Two blurred figures appeared in the light.

They are Su Mu and Lin Miaoke.

At this moment Lin Miaoke was so frightened that she almost went into shock, her eyes were dim.

When she woke up, she realized that the two had escaped from that place.

She looked around blankly, only to realize that she had come to a thatched hut.

Lin Miaoke was stunned.

"Where is this?"

She looked around in a daze, looking at Su Mu beside her with a dazed expression.

I haven't figured out what's going on at all, just now I was facing a fierce and terrifying sacrificial god.

But come here in a blink of an eye?

"Phew, it's finally safe."

Su Mu wiped off his cold sweat, feeling lingering fear.

He sat by the fire, not saying a word, calming down a throbbing in his heart.

It was too thrilling to be true just now, and it was a moment of shock in the end, and I almost failed to come back.

Fortunately, after killing more than a hundred headhunters, they gained experience upgrades, so they had a chance to escape.

Fortunately, a teleportation technique was unsealed at level 5 just now, otherwise this time I really have to explain it there.

"This is... your house?"

At this time, Lin Miaoke reacted and looked at Su Mu in shock.

She couldn't figure out how the other party did it, so she sent it back directly?

"It's safe now, don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

After Su Mu finished speaking, he glanced at her and ignored her, and lay down on the straw mat to sleep.

This made Lin Miaoke a little stunned, you just fell asleep?

what should I do?

She was a little confused, and she couldn't help being afraid. He wouldn't do anything bad at night, right?

If I do, how can I resist?

In such entanglement, the night passed quietly.