MTL - Mountains and Seas For All People: Starting From a Thatched Hut-Chapter 17 Bloodline - Firebat

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In the morning, Su Mu woke up from his sleep.

After a night of rest, the whole person feels refreshed.


He glanced at the corner of the thatched hut, where Lin Miaoke was curled up in a deep sleep.

"Hey...wake up."

Su Mu went up and kicked him.

"Why... I haven't slept enough..."

Lin Miaoke muttered, still dreaming.

Su Mu's head was full of black lines, and he kicked again: "Get up, it's dawn, hurry back to your house."


Lin Miaoke, who was asleep, jumped up immediately, looking at him vigilantly with dark circles under her eyes.

She clutched her chest and said nervously, "You, don't come here..."


Su Mu was speechless.

He opened the door, grabbed the woman and threw her out.

"Hurry up and get out."

After speaking, he closed the door with a bang.

Outside the thatched hut, Lin Miaoke stared blankly at the closed thatched hut with a dazed expression on her face.

She checked her body, her expression changing.

It's okay, nothing happened last night.

Su Mu didn't move her at all, but he was relieved.

But then he was so angry that he was thrown out.

I've never been treated like this before, and it's so embarrassing to be thrown out of the house by a man.

Don't you know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade?

Lin Miaoke turned around angrily and was stunned.

It turned out that she was standing on a boulder tens of meters high.

This is where Sumu made his home.

From here, you can see all around.

There are many forests in the vast grassland, which are sparse and can be seen clearly at a glance.


At this time, in the hut.

After driving out Lin Miaoke, a troublesome woman.

Su Mu came to the side of Xi Rang, and clicked on the interface of Xi Rang.

"Tsk tsk, let me see this purple beast egg."

Excitedly, he took out the alien beast egg that was shining with purple light from his backpack.

There are traces of golden stripes on it, and the surface is covered with traces like dragon scales, which looks full of mysterious texture.


[Three-hundred-year-old beast eggs]: Can be hatched, can be devoured...

Seeing the information obtained by Xi Yang's detection, Su Mu became excited.

Sure enough, it was a century-old alien beast egg, and it was also a three-hundred-year alien beast egg.

I don't know how the woman got it, and what kind of beast's egg it is.

There is no specific display above, and the result can only be known by consuming aura identification or hatching.

But there is very little aura, and I don't want to waste it.

Su Mu began to think in his heart, whether to keep the hatch as a pet, or directly devour it to strengthen his body and strength.

After a little thought, I made a decision.

Of course, it is necessary to strengthen one's own strength first. Only when one's strength is strong can one capture more powerful beasts.

There is no rush to find better exotic beasts as pets in the future.

Sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood.

Looking at the spiritual energy accumulated in the soil, one night passed, and 108 points of spiritual energy had been accumulated, which was just enough to devour it once.


Without hesitation, he chose to devour evolution first.


The next moment, the breath soil glowed, covering the sumu and the strange beast egg.


Waves of purple light coiled around the body, and strands of mysterious energy poured into the body.

The golden hundred-year-old beast egg dissolved, turning into strips of purple liquid and melting into the body, and began to devour and evolve.


[Successful devouring, all attributes +10, get the blood of the fire bat, can evolve the wings of the fire bat, whether to evolve? 】

A full 10 points of all attributes, a surge in strength.

Su Mu only felt his whole body swell, and there was a surge of majestic energy in his body.

The sudden increase in strength brought a kind of swelling pain, as if it was about to explode.

But fortunately, this feeling quickly disappeared.


If Su Mu realized something, he understood.

It turned out to be the egg of a firebat, a hundred-year-old firebat.

And also got the blood of the fire bat, which can evolve the wings of the fire bat.

Seeing this, his eyes lit up. Doesn't it mean that he can fly?

Although he has evolved a pair of fire bat wings, which are a bit ugly, and he is neither human nor ghost, but at least he can protect his own life.

With firebat wings, you can fly.

Then your own migration plan can be realized ahead of schedule.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to just wait for the novice period to be over, and then be able to migrate directly, fly to the floating island in the air and settle down?


Su Mu weighed it up and decided to evolve.


As soon as I made a choice, I felt unbearably painful as if my body exploded.

There was a heart-piercing pain in the back, as if something was about to grow out of nowhere.

Accompanied by the sound of "Zilla", a pair of fiery red wings grew from behind.

It was a pair of red bat wings, two meters wide, extremely huge, with clusters of orange flames burning on them.

It looked extremely domineering.

Not to mention, it doesn't look ugly with a pair of wings.

Although I don't like it very much, I can delete it if I don't need it in the future.

Su Mu felt relieved at this thought.


With a thought, the two bat wings flapped slightly, and the whole person floated involuntarily.

Su Mu felt like he was born with flying, and the bat wings on his back could be manipulated freely, as easily as instinct.

"it is good."

He was so excited that he could fly.

In this way, you can better ensure your own safety, and fly away directly in case of danger.

And he estimated that the flying speed was not slow, at least he had a hole card.

"Check the information board."

Su Mu opened his own information to check.

【Name】: Sumu

[race]: human

[Level]: Level 5 - Experience (55313/100,000)

【Age】: 19 years old

【Sex: Male

[Bloodline]: Firebat (wings)

【Power】: 18

[Physique]: 18

[Agility]: 18

【Spirit】: 22

[Backpack]: 40 grids

[Homeland]: Level 2

[Breathing Soil]: Level 3 (Aura 6 points/2000 points)

[Life Skills]: Logging (Level 2), Cooking (Level 2), Gathering (Level 2), Mining (Level 1), Alchemy (Level 1), Teleportation (10-second delay)

[Battle Skills]: Archery (Level 10) Knife Drawing (Extraordinary-Knife Intent)

Su Mu grinned.

After reading the feeling, one word.


Strength, physique, agility, a full 18 points, represents a huge breakthrough.

The strength has improved to a higher level, especially the spirit, with a full 22 points, ushered in a qualitative breakthrough.

Su Mu even felt that he could release his mental power.

He tried silently, his thoughts spread, and soon "seeed" the situation outside the hut.


At this moment, a scream sounded, waking him up.

Su Mu's face changed slightly, UU read www. folded its wings and quickly walked out of the hut.

As soon as he came out, he didn't see the woman Lin Miaoke.

When I went out to have a look, I found that she went down from here and was washing her face by the river.

It's just that she ran into trouble and was attacked by a strange beast.

I washed my face well, but by chance, I ran into a strange beast coming to drink water.

As soon as the strange beast saw her, it immediately attacked.

"This stupid woman."

Su Mu looked at Lin Miaoke who was limp on the ground, and shook his head slightly.

He saw at a glance that it was a strange beast like a leopard.


One of the strange beasts in the mountains and seas, it looks like a leopard, with tiger stripes all over its body, and a lion-like head.

With a mouth full of fangs, she was rushing towards Lin Miaoke.


At a critical juncture, a bone arrow came through the air.

Hearing a "poof", Shi's body trembled, a bone arrow was stuck in his neck, and blood continued to flow down.

The huge body pressed directly on Lin Miaoke's body, and she lost her breath after struggling twice.

Lin Miaoke, who had recovered her life, turned pale, and was too frightened to breathe.

She was pinned down and couldn't get up.

"so troublesome."

Su Mu jumped down impatiently, came to the river, and picked up the pig's body.

"Why don't you leave?"

he asked in a bad tone.

After speaking, he carried the dead body and left, completely ignoring this troublesome woman.


Lin Miaoke climbed up tremblingly, her face was pale, and said thank you softly to Su Mu's back.

Su Mu paused, and carried the corpse of the strange beast back without looking back.

This saved her life again.