MTL - Mountains and Seas For All People: Starting From a Thatched Hut-Chapter 19 golden treasure chest

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East End.

On the southern wilderness.

A young man was running wildly with a **** his back.

That speed was like that of a swift cheetah, it covered several meters in one step, and it was almost flying.


Lin Miaomiao's heart was raised in her throat when she heard the sound of the wind coming from her ears.

Su Mu ran so fast that she couldn't keep her eyes open.

In order to obtain the beast egg, Su Mu worked hard enough.

This speed is like the wind and lightning, which is shocking.

Fortunately, Su Mu hasn't spread the wings evolved from the fire bat bloodline he obtained.

Otherwise, fly directly to the sky.

After all, something needs to be hidden, and everything cannot be exposed.

He is not familiar with Lin Miaoke, so why not prepare some.

The world is too dangerous, but the human heart is even more dangerous.

If it wasn't for profit, Su Mu felt that he would not believe it and was even more unwilling to contact other people.

Because you don't know when someone stabs you in the back.

I have seen too many in previous lives.

In order to scramble for alien beasts and resources, all those who looked human showed their ferocious fangs.

Kill without blinking an eye.

Therefore, Su Mu, who was reborn, clearly warned himself not to do things that are not beneficial.

At this time, not far away, an elk was eating tender grass.

Suddenly, a figure galloped towards him.

With a whoosh, he rushed past the elk, which made the elk run away in shock.

After running wildly for a full twenty minutes, Su Mu suddenly stopped.

"is it here?"

Su Mu stood on the col and asked.

Behind, Lin Miaoke, who had her eyes closed, opened them after hearing this.

When I looked up, I was dumbfounded.

So fast?

There are ten thousand question marks in her heart.

Back here soon?

"Hey, tell me, is it here?"

Su Mu didn't see any movement and looked back.

Just when their noses touched, it seemed that their mouths kissed together, and their eyes widened immediately.


Lin Miaoke screamed in shock and fell off her back.

"What the **** are you calling? Your ears are deaf."

Su Mu buckled his ears and scolded with some dissatisfaction.

Lin Miaoke just woke up, feeling a little embarrassed.

But when he thought that he seemed to have kissed him just now, his face turned red.

But Su Mu had a thick skin and didn't care at all.

He curled his lips, and if he didn't want to kiss, he wouldn't be pregnant, so he made a fuss.

"Is your home here?"

Su Mu pointed to the front and asked.

Lin Miaoke calmed down and stood up to look.

Ahead, on a rocky mountain, there is a big pink tree rooted on the top of the mountain, and a thatched house is actually built on it.

Good guy, you really know how to choose a place.

"Yes, that is my home."

Lin Miaoke said excitedly, finally came back.

"Go, take me to have a look."

Su Mu became interested.

The two immediately went down the col and climbed towards the rocky mountain ahead.

Not long after, Su Mu came to the top of the mountain first and stood in front of the big tree.

This big tree is very strange, the whole body is pink, the leaves are light pink, exuding a strange fragrance.

Smelling this fragrance refreshes the mind.

Su Mu knows that this is a unique plant in the mountain and sea world.

Red mist tree!

Its leaves will emit a trace of pink mist, gathered together, and look like a cloud of mist from a distance.

That's why it's called the red mist tree.

"You really know how to pick a place."

Su Mu glanced at her and smiled.

Lin Miaoke lowered her head in embarrassment.

She whispered: "I feel safer in the tree, and this tree is very beautiful, so...."

"Want to come in and take a look?"

She sent an invitation.

It's a pity that Su Mu shook his head: "No need, what's so good about a thatched cottage."

"My mission is complete, now it's time for you to take me to the place you mentioned."

He directly proposed the previous agreement.

Lin Miaoke's eyes flickered, a little disappointed.

Also, a thatched cottage, everyone is the same, what's so good about it.

She forced a smile and said, "Okay, thank you for escorting me back, I'll take you right away."

"hurry up."

Su Mu couldn't wait, and urged.

Lin Miaoke was helpless, she had never met such a man.

It's so boring.

Don't you have any charm at all?

Su Mu didn't care about these things, he only cared about the strange beast eggs in his heart.

With complicated thoughts, Lin Miaoke led him all the way to the stone mountain ahead.

There are rocky mountains everywhere.

At a glance, there are mountains.

"How far is it?"

Ten minutes later, Su Mu became a little impatient.

Could it be that this woman lied to him?

Lin Miaoke smiled bitterly and said, "There are still ten minutes to go, see if there is Shi Feng over there, it is there."

Following her guidance, Su Mu indeed saw a huge stone peak.

He was thoughtful, and a question came to his mind.

Firebats shouldn't exist in the Eastern District.

Firebats should exist on the volcanic island in the southern area.

It doesn't make sense why there are fire bats here.

But now I can't control that much, it's true that I saw the fire bat egg.

It proves that Lin Miaoke did find a hundred-year-old fire bat egg here.

After another ten minutes of trekking.

Finally came to the place that Lin Miaoke said.

Under the stone peak, Su Mu looked at the towering and steep stone peak in front of him with suspicion.

"Are you sure, you obtained the beast egg from above?"

He looked at her suspiciously.

Lin Miaoke affirmed: "I didn't lie to you, it's on the top, I climbed up from here."

Seeing Su Mu's suspicious eyes, she quickly explained: "Don't underestimate me, I used to climb mountains to collect herbs."

"You wait here, I'll go up and have a look."

He couldn't wait to go up and have a look.

In the end, maybe she was deceiving herself.

After speaking, Su Mu walked directly towards the back of Shifeng, and stopped at a place where Lin Miaoke could not see.


There was a shock at the back, and suddenly two huge wings spread out, and the fiery red bat wings shook, and the whole person jumped up to Shifeng.

That's right, Su Mu flew directly up.

As soon as he flew up, he saw that there was indeed a cave in the middle of Shifeng.

The cave was huge, and he accelerated and flew up immediately.

Landing in front of the cave, Su Mu folded his wings.

"Could it be inside?"

Looking at the cave in front of him, Su Mu was suspicious again.

But it's already here, let's go in and see what's going on.

Enter along the entrance of the cave, the inside of the cave is not very deep, there is only a spacious cave.

As soon as I entered, I saw a huge nest.

But the nest was empty, nothing.

"Where are the eggs?"

Su Mu was a little annoyed, there was not a single egg in the nest.

But even though there were no eggs, an unexpected thing was discovered.

Treasure chest!

That's right, there is a golden treasure chest in the lair.

Golden Treasure Chest!

Su Mu's eyes lit up immediately.

No beast eggs were found, but a golden treasure chest.

It's a little consolation.

After all, he happened to have a golden key with him.

"Ma De, when you open the treasure chest, you must teach this woman a lesson. How dare you lie to me."

Su Mu walked over cursing.

Before coming to the treasure chest, he took out the golden key.


As soon as the key was inserted and twisted, the treasure chest opened with a click.

Opening the treasure chest, a dazzling golden light filled the air, blinding Su Mu's golden eyes.