MTL - Mountains and Seas For All People: Starting From a Thatched Hut-Chapter 18 And alien eggs?

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on the boulder.

Su Mu sat by the fire in front of the hut to dispose of the pig's body.

Disemboweled, dissected and classified neatly.

The meat was still roasting on the fire, sizzling with oil.

Lin Miaoke on the side hesitated to speak.

"Why don't you leave?"

Su Mu felt a little helpless, this woman is too troublesome.

If you still haven't left, you shouldn't save her.

If it wasn't for getting a century-old alien beast egg, they might not bother to pay attention to it.

"I, can I stay here?"

Lin Miaoke hesitated and asked in a low voice.

She looked at Su Mu with some trepidation, always feeling that this young man was full of mystery.

Not to mention his strength, he seems to know a lot of things.

Traveling to this world inexplicably, as a woman, I was already terrified.

A person is the most feared.

Seeing that Su Mu now naturally wants to stay, one is that he saved his life.

Although this was a deal, it did save her just now.

I don't know what's wrong, but I feel safe with him.


Unfortunately, Su Mu refused without thinking.

Just kidding, follow him, a drag oil bottle?

No benefit, no value absolutely ignore.

"Hurry up and go back to your house."

Su Mu drove people away unkindly.

Lin Miaoke was disappointed and a little anxious.

Doesn't he have any compassion, he is a beautiful woman after all.

Ruosumu knew her inner thoughts would definitely be dismissive.

Beauty, can I eat it?

There are many beautiful women in this world.

And she is a hundred times prettier than her, believe it or not?

There are many non-human races in the mountain and sea world, many of them are beautiful and powerful.

Mermaid, do you understand Dragon Girl?

"Go away, go away quickly."

Su Mu waved his hand impatiently, ignoring her at all.

If I had known that I teleported back last night, I would have left her there.

However, if I took over the reward from others, it is certain to save people.

After all, as a man, what you say counts.

Now the two owe each other nothing.

"Hurry up and go."

Su Mu finally said something, and then ignored her.

Busy with his own affairs.

He has too many things to do and has no time to talk to her.

The bronze knife that was eliminated before was directly hung on the trading platform.

The mace that was hung up last time has been sold, and I got 10 points of aura.

This time the bronze knife was hung up, and it was directly marked with 30 points of aura, no more, no less.

Someone should be able to afford it, right?

Afterwards, some meat was hung up again, at the same price as before.

Thirty groups were hung up.

Su Mu is busy with his own affairs.

Over there, Lin Miaoke looked at him ignoring her, feeling a little disappointed.

But in the end, he didn't say anything, turned around and left here.

She understood that it was impossible for Su Mu to take him in.

Moreover, the other party carried a kind of guard in both words and deeds, and was very wary of her.

She finally left, heading towards where her home was.

It is at least 20 kilometers away from here, and if there is no accident, it may take half a day to complete the walk.

If there is an accident, it is estimated that she will die.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with Su Mu.

But not long after she left, she came back again.

Su Mu looked at Lin Miaoke who was walking back in front of him, a little speechless.

"Why are you back again?"

He is a little distressed and has a headache.

Women are really troublesome things, they will only affect my speed of drawing swords.

"I, I..." Lin Miaoke stammered.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "This world is too dangerous. This place is more than 20 kilometers away from my home. I want to ask you to help me and take me back."


Su Mu was stunned, staring at the woman.

A little too much.

"Don't get me wrong, I'll pay you."

Seeing that he had misunderstood, Lin Miaoke quickly explained: "I still have a strange beast egg in my backpack, as long as you send me back to my homeland, I will give it to you."

As she spoke, she took out a strange beast egg with a dark green shell.

At first glance, it is the same as the first one traded before.

Alligator eggs!


Su Mu was surprised.

He looked Lin Miaoke up and down, this woman actually hides a strange beast egg.

How did she get so many alien beast eggs, did she lay them herself?

Lin Miaoke felt uncomfortable with his eyes.

"I can tell you one more thing."

She hesitated for a while and gritted her teeth to deliver an unexpected news.

"The purple beast egg I got, I know it's still there."

Her words caught Su Mu's attention.


Su Mu's eyes lit up, and he immediately stepped forward.

"Well, really."

Lin Mia had no choice but to reveal this information.

In order for Su Mu to **** her back, he had to reveal this secret.

In fact, the strange beast egg she got was not the only one, there were other strange beast eggs.

This aroused Su Mu's interest.

Good guy, not to mention this woman's luck, she's really good.

"Very good, give me the alien beast egg on your body, and then take me to the place where you got the purple alien beast egg before, and I promise to send you back."

Su Mu thought for a while and took over the job directly.

There are alien beast eggs, don't let them go for nothing.

"No, you send me back first, and I can give it to you when I arrive."

As she spoke, she nervously put away the crocodile eggs, and took a step back vigilantly.

Su Mu shook his head and said resolutely: "Pay the money first, and then I will send you back. Otherwise, there will be no discussion. If you don't agree, you can leave by yourself."

After speaking, he sat down to eat barbecue, not in a hurry.

Lin Miaoke's complexion changed, she was a little angry and a little worried.

But after thinking about it, he saved his own life last night, and another life in the morning, so he shouldn't lie to her.

At least if it was a bad person, he would have stripped her naked in the thatched cottage last night.

"Okay, I'll give it to you."

After figuring it out, Lin Miaoke took out the beast egg and handed it to Su Mu.

"That's right."

Su Mu nodded in satisfaction, and put away the strange beast egg.

"Sit down, get something to eat and get ready to go."

He warmly greeted the other party to sit down, completely different from the previous one.

This made Lin Miaoke a little sluggish, why is there such a big gap between the same person before and after.

For Su Mu, profit is the most important thing.

With benefits, the attitude is naturally different.

I don't know you well, you are not mine, and you won't sleep with me, why should I please you?


Lin Miaoke sat down and whispered thank you, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com to eat barbecue.

While eating, he secretly looked at Su Mu with strange eyes.

Su Mu didn't care, he was full and it was time to work.

"Go, let's go."

After making enough preparations, Su Mu set off with her.

Send her back first, and then go to find the place where she obtained the century-old beast egg.

If there are really other fire bat eggs, it will be a big profit.

Along the way, Lin Miaoke was full of curiosity about this man.

What kind of person is he, why does he always feel that he is very familiar with this place, as if he knows everything.

Everyone came in together, why are you so good?

"You go faster."

As he walked, Su Mu turned around and scolded with some dissatisfaction.

This woman is walking too slowly.

Lin Miaoke was a little aggrieved when she heard that, her foot was injured, and it still hurts, every step she took was very painful, she didn't recover much, so she walked slowly.

But along the way, she still gritted her teeth and refused to ask Su Mu for help, for fear of being rejected.

"I, my foot hurts..." she defended in a low voice.

"so troublesome."

Su Mu slapped his forehead and cursed secretly.

"Come up, I'll carry you on my back."

He immediately stepped forward, turned around and knelt down, signaling her to come up.

This scene made Lin Miaoke stunned, a little unbelievable.

The indifferent straight man Su Mu actually carried her on his back, and the sun came out from the west?

"Hurry up, Momojiji."

Su Mu's impatient cry woke her up.

"oh oh..."

Lin Miaoke quickly climbed up and hugged his neck.

But before he could react, he saw Su Mu kicking his feet, and the whole person swished away.