MTL - Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!-v2 Chapter 963 The biggest joke in the world

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But don't want their technology to be useless to them.

The system of the z-state is also unable to break through.

Not only that, but some of the new weapons they have developed, there are also countries in Z!

In other words, all their plans have been destroyed by the country, and the technology of the country is more advanced than them.

Because the country can break through all their skills, they can't break their own technology.

Xia Xinghe really got all the technical information when they got it. She not only got it, but also broke it.

This woman, her ability has seriously exceeded the imagination of He Lanyuan.

“Impossible!” Helan Yuan was very unbelievable after learning everything. “These technologies are our hard work for decades. Even the simplest technology is unparalleled. How could she be so short? Breaking through time? This is absolutely impossible!"

He Lanyuan has always regarded Xia Xinghe as a dirty and low-lying existence.

Even if Xia Xinghe destroyed his plot, he still looked down on her. After all, she was able to successfully destroy his plan, relying on the method of her mother's crack.

But now, Xia Xinghe did not rely on Eve to break through these techniques. This makes He Lanyuan very unbelievable.

The reason why this is confirmed is that Xia Xinghe himself broke because the Eve did not participate in these technologies.

She has long since fled the base and their technology has been updated.

So these techniques Eve don't know.

Therefore, Xia Xinghe cracked these technologies, and the blow to He Lanyuan would be so great.

He couldn't accept it. A normal human child would have such a smart mind. Even if her mother is Eve, her father is a stupid thing.

He Lanyuan always thought that only the children he and Eve gave birth to would be brilliant.

Eve and an ordinary life child are so smart...

Isn't he and her child born a hundred times smarter, a thousand times?

Thinking of his loss of such a peerless generation, He Lanyuan is even more reluctant, more hateful and angry.

The resentment against Xia Xinghe also reached its peak.

"They ruined everything about me..." He Lanyuan stunned his eyes, his eyes were red, and his eyes were almost detached from his eyes.

"They actually ruined everything about me! Ah, they actually ruined everything about me!" He Lanyuan screamed wildly, no one knows how unwilling and resentful he is at the moment.

Because his carefully cultivated Eve betrayed him, his decades of hard work, his dreams, his everything was ruined, and now that Eve’s children are so smart, he can’t bear all these blows. The heart has completely collapsed.

It was not until this moment that he realized how thoroughly he failed.

He thought he was the most powerful genius in the world, thinking that he would control everything in the world like God.

The result is simply a joke!

His life is also a joke, or the biggest joke in the world!

And he is even the most failed person in the world.

He is not only the ugliest one, but the most ridiculous one...

He turned out to be so failing.

Thinking of this, He Lanyuan is like crazy, haha ​​crazy laughs.

But with a smile and a smile, he began to cry again, crying and crying and laughing.

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