MTL - Mr. Lu Wants To Promise By Marriage-Chapter 1073 New Year's Eve... (4)

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  Chapter 1073 New Year's Eve... (4)

  Hearing this, Mu Jingya smiled immediately, and immediately stretched out her hand to hold Xi Yanqiu's arm—

"You, you're welcome... The two of us don't need anything. If you can come home often, we are already very happy! If you are busy with work and don't have time to eat, you can call ahead and I will tell you Your uncle prepared food for you...Anyway, when you go back, you have to pass by our house...It doesn't young people always think that you are young and healthy, and you are hungry and full when you are busy with work. ..."

   "Mom, I seem to forget to eat when I work..."

  Yu Xingtu was at the side and couldn't help reminding.

  Mu Jingya just smiled, "Yes, you come home to eat every day, I can't wait for it...Okay, you guys sit down first, I'll go to the kitchen to have a look..."

  Mu Jingya didn't bother the young people, she quickly turned around and went straight to the kitchen.

  Yu Xingtu hesitated for a moment, looked at Yu Chenchuan, then at Xi Yanqiu, coughed lightly, and said, "Well...I'll go to the kitchen to see what delicious food Lu Zhaoting made..."

   After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two to answer, they ran straight to the kitchen.

   "Be careful, Ah Xing!"

  Seeing her like this, Xi Yanqiu could only shake her head helplessly, and couldn't help reminding her.

  Yu Xingtu didn't seem to hear it, and after a while, the figure disappeared directly at the door.

  In the living room, only Yu Chenchuan and Xi Yanqiu were left...

   "Let me take you out for a walk, the flowers in the greenhouse are blooming well, you can take a look..."

  Yu Chenchuan suggested.

  Xi Yanqiu looked away, looked at him, and nodded immediately, "Okay."

  Yu Chenchuan smiled lightly, "Let's go, this way..."


  In the kitchen, Yu Zixiu and Lu Zhaoting were indeed busy, but Lu Zhaoting was in charge.

  Yu Xingtu walked over now, and Lu Zhaoting was also cooking jasmine shrimp—

  The plump prawns exuded the fragrance of jasmine, and the delicate arrangement made Yu Xingtu unable to stop wanting to reach out and squeeze one to try...

  In fact, she thought so, and she really wanted to do it!

The fingertips just stretched out, but the man had already turned his head at this moment, and Yu Xingtu couldn't recover from the sudden reaction. He stared at him in a daze, and the next moment, a child who was stealing food was discovered As if, after looking at him, then at the jasmine shrimp, and then at him, he carefully retracted the protruding claws...

  Lu Zhaoting glanced at her, a trace of helplessness flashed in his black eyes, he reached out for chopsticks, took one and handed it to her mouth.

  Yu Xingtu raised her eyebrows, and immediately accepted it readily, and directly opened her mouth to bite...

  A light scent of jasmine came over, and Yu Xingtu ate it without caring about the heat. He said vaguely, "Mmm...delicious, more, and a few more jasmines..."

  Lu Zhaoting really complied.

  Yu Zixiu on the side looked at it, and immediately smiled, "Take a bowl, put some in it, and sit aside and eat."

   As he spoke, he handed over a clean bowl.

  Lu Zhaoting just wanted to do it, but Yu Xingtu said, "No, no... let's eat later, there are many delicious things... and roast goose..."

  Yu Xingtu glanced at the cooking table beside him, and there were already several freshly prepared dishes on it.

  Because it is also in such a cold weather, cooking is easier to cool down, and these cooking tables also have the function of keeping warm, so it looks like they are all full of fragrance, triggering Yu Xingtu's hunger...

   Can't blame Yu Xingtu for not knowing she was pregnant...

  She can eat, drink, and sleep recently, and she doesn't have any reactions that other pregnant women would have at all...

  It seems that people will feel uncomfortable and retch, but she hasn't noticed it at the moment.

  Dongfangxian said that some people react a little later, and some people don't react much.

  Yu Xingtu doesn't know what kind of food she is anymore, regardless of what she is looking at, she still has a big appetite. When she sees something delicious, she still wants to eat it, just like before.

  The bad thing is that there are some things that need to be avoided, such as crabs, it seems that she can't eat...

   "I made quite a lot, I can eat more later."

  Yu Zixiu spoke very gently.

   "Well, Dad, you and Mom can go out and rest! I'll just do it."

After Yu Xingtu said this, Yu Zixiu just wanted to say no, but at this moment Mu Jingya stretched out her hand and tugged at the hem of his clothes, and kept winking at him. Yu Zixiu quickly realized what it meant. He also stopped his thoughts and said with a smile, "Okay, then I will work hard for you, and I will go out with your mother for a while."

   "Go, go, just leave this to me to wash!"

  Yu Xingtu quickly reached out and took the vegetable basket from Yu Zixiu.

  Yu Zixiu had no choice but to back out with Mu Jingya.


   Soon, the kitchen fell silent.

Yu Xingtu glanced at the empty doorway, and after a while, he looked away, walked towards Lu Zhaoting, and came to his side, lowering his voice, "I didn't expect you to move so fast! Parents and the others tonight Is he not here? How is the situation with grandpa? Lu Xize looks like this now...does he really want to save Lu Xize?"

  Yu Xingtu spoke with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

  However, Lu Zhaoting listened without even raising his eyelids, and said coldly, "No one can save him. After today, if the old man's attitude is not clear, Lu Xize's crimes will be automatically announced to the public."

  Lu Zhaoting's tone sounded very indifferent, but when Yu Xingtu glanced at him carefully, he found that his eyes were stained with gloom...

  Yu Xingtu thought about it for a while, and then couldn't help but said, "You left behind? So, Lu Xize's ending, to a large extent, also depends on the attitude of the old man or the Lu family..."

  Lu Zhaoting didn't answer her question, but just glanced at her, the meaning was obviously obvious.

Only then did Yu Xingtu chuckle, "I think the old man must be aware of your temperament, and he might be angry and throw this problem directly to him... But, as a father, he must also be very upset. Uncomfortable."

  Yu Xingtu said, and then he also sighed with emotion, "And Su Li, this woman is very persistent with you."

"It's not my business?"

  As soon as her voice fell, Lu Zhaoting said this directly and indifferently.

  Many years ago, he had a showdown with Su Li, a woman who thought she was special and insisted on getting involved. Now, he can't be blamed for being cruel!

  PS: Second update, see you tomorrow!

  (end of this chapter)