MTL - Mr. Rong’s Lovelorn Diary-Chapter 8

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As the saying goes, the house leaks over the night.

Yi Yi was insomnia for almost an entire night. He tossed and turned, and closed his eyes as a conversation between him and Chen Kezhen in the parking lot. Recalling now, in addition to anger and unwillingness, there is a strong annoyance.

He feels that even if he is emotionally excited, even the deaf people have no lethality. In such a situation, there is obviously a better way to attack.

If he comes back again, he will definitely be able to spray Chen Ke's dog blood.

No, if you want to come back, return to the day you first met. When Chen Kezhen asked him if he wanted to hitchhike, he should turn a blind eye at him and tell him that he died of homosexuality and gave me a little farther.

Just turned over one hundred and eighty in bed, the consciousness was just blurred, and it was dawn.

Waiting for the strength to climb down the bed, he found a particularly sad reminder. His ID card is gone.

Yi Yi vaguely remembered that the last time he took out his identity card was in Chen Kezhen’s car. After that, his emotions fluctuated sharply, and many of the details that occurred in the middle were blurred in his memory. How can I recall it now, and I can’t remember if I have taken my ID card back to my pocket.

If it falls on Chen Kezhen's car, then it will be embarrassing.

I will feel like a heart, and I feel that if I have picked up Chen Kezhen’s ID card, I will definitely not hesitate to break it and throw it into the trash. What's more, yesterday on the way home, he has already blackened all the contact information of this person.

Nowadays, I can only take time to replenish it.

Yan Yi came to the company with a black face and found that the entire office was filled with a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

Everyone asked for his blessing and won a breather. Yesterday, they all went to work on time and on time. Compared with the tragic situation of the previous time, it naturally eased a lot.

Only Yi Yi, when everyone was sad, he was immersed in sweet love and joy, and now everyone is in a good mood, but he has only half a breath.

"What's the matter, the dark circles are so heavy," the other omega colleague in the office saw a strange smile soon after seeing him. "What did you do last night?"

Xiao Yipi laughs and doesn't laugh, no snoring.

His gender is not a secret in his company. They now have only two Betas left in this team except him, and the omega who is talking to him. This omega sister surnamed Zhang, when he first entered the group, he saw that Yi Yi would be shy and blushing. He was familiar with the Alpha star who had spent all his time together with various hormones. Now he has completely regarded him as a girlfriend.

I have made a boyfriend, and naturally I can't help but find someone to share sweet. When he left yesterday, he also greeted Xiao Zhang. He looked at the V and said that he was looking for a boyfriend to date. You didn’t have the object to go home early to rest and recharge.

I never imagined that I had dug a big hole for myself.

Xiao Zhang now looks at him from the left and right, and his head continually makes a "squeaky" voice.

"You boyfriend is a bit powerful," she smiled. "Is it a good time to rest?"

"Yeah," Yan Yi no expression. "He was killed by a car last night. I am busy giving him the end."


Xiao Zhang is silent.

Yan Yi reached out and knocked on her desk twice: "Time is still tense, start working."

The private relationship is no better, and Yi Yi is also her leader. Although Xiao Zhang was curious, he saw his black hood and he did not dare to ask.

The number of people who can't open the pot is really much.

At noon, I went to the door to take a takeaway. After meeting the sister at the front desk, the other party smiled and greeted him.

"Today, the big guy who looks like he is homosexual with you is not coming to deliver food?"

Yi Yi chest tightness.

"What's the matter?" The sister noticed that the atmosphere was different. "He..."

"He has been cremated." Yi Yi said.

He said that he walked back to the office with the box lunch, leaving the girl standing in the same place and did not dare to speak.

So many times after the whistle of Chen Kezhen, the whole company knew that Mr. Qi, who had been hating for a long time and finally found the spring, returned to the winter.

Yi Yi originally had a strong gas field, and when he started to look at it, he was flustered. Naturally, no one would deliberately run to find it.

But he still has to deal with people from other companies.

When Liu Yuan called him, he was very cheerful.

"Hey, ah, that bald man will let you come when you have time," he said as he laughed. "You can be prepared. He must have to do something with you. Do you want the brothers to help you go first?" What is the object of inquiring?"

Yi Yi answered very simply: "No."

"Also," Liu Yuan said. "You just have to deal with it anyway. You have an object."


"Hey, I am really curious," Liu Yuan said. "I forgot to ask before, is your object Alpha?"


"What's the matter, is it shy?" Liu Yuan laughed. "Hey, you are really like an omega."

Yi Yi took the phone, no snoring, thinking about why I liked this mentality before.

Two days later, when he took part of the work progress report, he came to Party A again for a meeting. After the meeting, the bald man specifically stopped him.

The bald man greeted him to his office, and he closed the door specially. He smiled and looked at him.

"Small," he tried to make a sly expression. "Listen to them, are you still single?"

Yes, and I am still an omega. Do people all of us know that they didn't tell you?

Yi Yi rolled his eyes in the heart, but because the entire team at work still has to look at this bald face, in order not to be tired, he can only temporarily resist the temper and smile.

"You young people can't take care of their careers. Personal problems should also be taken into consideration," said Bald. "How old are you this year?"

Do you think I don't want to!

Don't look at the Alpha I met, it's all awkward!

Yu Yi took a deep breath and continued to smile: "I am 26 this year."

"It's not too small, it should be considered," Bald said as he nodded, and finally threw out the topic. "I have a nephew, a few years younger than you, the university just graduated, very good. I think you see It’s quite a good match, why don’t you introduce me to you?”

Yan Yi really smiled and said with a blank expression: "Is his gender? Is it not appropriate for us?"

"Where is the boy, of course, the boy," said the bald boy. "I thought that only my parents' first generation should pay attention to the first gender. Should you be young and young, shouldn’t you be so constrained? I see you in other ways. They are all very well matched."

Yi Yi feels that she is really miserable.

I was deceived by homosexual Alpha, and then I went to an omega for the smooth progress of the company project. Work so busy, but also take time to send a replacement ID card.

Even worse, he found that the short-lived failure of love brought him more than he thought.

It didn't take long before I knew each other. The understanding between each other was not profound at all, and the number of appointments was very small. But when I came back, my memories didn't know why it was terrible, and I suddenly recovered when I was out of date.

On the way home from work, he saw the same model as Chen Kezhen.

After returning home, there was a handkerchief on the table that had been mistakenly thought to have fallen on Chen Ke's car.

When I went to the company the next day, I just stepped into the door and thought of Chen Kezhen standing here not long ago with a smile and watching him come out from inside.

In the afternoon, I went to the police station on vacation, took the number and sat in the hall, and remembered the picture of the first day.

Whenever he walks to the door of the community, he will subconsciously remind himself that this is the first place in his life to kiss people.

He still remembers that feeling. Soft, warm, sweet, with enthusiasm and dizzying fragrance. As long as you have experienced it, you will be addicted.

Until the weekend, he came to the cinema, stood at the mouth of the small department, and looked at the popcorn in the glass cabinet. In the illusion, the fingertips were stained with temperature.

Countless pieces are easily activated. But all the sense of happiness at the beginning is now a kind of irony.

Omega like him may never get the ideal of his own love.

Why are you not like the average omega? The petite and cute, it seems to be pitiful, can stimulate the normal Alpha's desire to protect, will not provoke a neurotic disease with strange sexual orientation.

It’s like wearing a light coat not far away, the boy who is making a phone call with his head down.

Yi Yi was thinking so, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated. After answering, the boy in his sight spoke in a perfect match with the headphones.

"Hello, is Mr. Yu right? I am here, where are you now?"

"... behind you."

After Yi Yi finished, he saw that his blind date turned around, and then immediately widened his eyes.

After watching it, Yi Yi smiled at him.

In fact, Yi Yi looks very embarrassed today.

He hasn’t trimmed his hairstyle for a while, and he’s dressed very casually. It’s not the same as the glamorous beauty of the past.

But the foundation is too good, and it is quite difficult to play ugly.

At least the other person’s eyes were obviously surprised.

"Hello, Mr. You," this short hair with a pair of almond eyes and a slight roll, the cute looking teenager rushed to his front. "I have introduced it to you before, my name is Zhou, my name is Zhou Li."

Yi Yi smiled: "Hello."

In his heart, he was actually a little surprised. After all, the bald man is not very attractive, and it is inevitable that he will question the appearance of his relatives. But the boy in front of him is very polite. Moreover, the age seems to be smaller than the description.

When he was feeling in his heart, the other party kept watching him not looking away.

"That... Mr. Yu," Zhou Li’s expression was like a smile. "I think we seem to have seen it."

The author has something to say:

A hidden setting.

Colleague Xiao Zhang is addicted to chasing stars, and Yi Yi is the only one of her colleagues who has a common language with her.

Yi Yi: Wow, this is not my husband!

Xiao Zhang: Give me a go!