MTL - My 1995 Small Farm-v2 Chapter 417 unknown creature in tank

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  Chapter 417 Unidentified creatures in the tank

  Since Zhao Yubao and his family came here ahead of time after hearing the news of Laobie, they must have visited the reservoir when they came here.

   It's summer time.

  The four mountains are clear and green, and the scenery is great.

  By the afternoon sun, standing on the **** and looking into the distance, the eyes are full of verdant green, and all the trees support a dense canopy.

  When the mountain breeze blows, the dark green in the distance and the light golden yellow in the near area flow together like waves.

  The light yellow is the wheat field outside the village. Under the mountain wind, the waves of wheat are surging, full of rural atmosphere, which makes several old people who have been in the city for a long time feel refreshed and full of joy.

   When the interest came, he went to the ground to pick a few young ears of wheat. Chen Ling helped them light a fire in the open space and roasted two handfuls for them to taste.

   "Tsk, this smell, I kind of regained the feeling before."

  Zhao Yubao carefully tasted the roasted wheat grains. While the aroma filled his mouth and nose, some indescribable emotions welled up in his heart, and his nose couldn't help but feel a little sore.

  Let Shanmao's father point at him and make a joke: "Hahaha, you old Zhao, you've become sentimental when you're in the countryside."

   "We're already getting old, why are you so hypocritical, hurry up to see the old turtle at the Biewang Lake, maybe we're lucky, and we can meet the Biewang Lord for a trip today."

  Don’t look at what old man Zhong said about going to the reservoir quickly, but his eyes were also looking around on the road, stopping while walking, and he couldn’t walk fast at all.

   "Hey, Fugui, there is no water in this wheat field, why are there still frogs?"

"Ah, what is that? It runs so fast. I went to see the frog. It swished out of the grass at my feet. It disappeared in the blink of an eye. I couldn't see anything clearly. It scared me a lot. big jump..."

   "Oh, it's a mountain raccoon. I've heard of it. It's a wild cat. Can this thing steal chickens and ducks in the village?"

  Chen Ling told him that the mountain raccoon also stole.

  If there are chickens and ducks in the mountains, they will be harmed.

   There is a very simple way to distinguish whether the culprit is the mountain fox or the weasel.

  The mountain fox steals the chicken and bites the chicken's butt.

   The weasel steals the chicken and bites the neck of the chicken.

   Hearing this, several old people were surprised.

   "Dad, Old Uncle Zhong, Fugui has a litter of weasels in his family, and he raised two litters of mountain raccoons this year. After visiting the reservoir, I will go back to the farm and let Fugui call you out to have a look."

   "Good guy, Fugui, your house really has everything. Can weasels and mountain foxes also be raised?"

  They really haven't heard Zhao Dahai and Shanmao say these more detailed things.

Chen Ling smiled: "It can be raised. A while ago, there was a nest of foxes living outside our orchard, and they often ran home to play with Xiao Jin, but this spring the big fox ran back to the mountains again, and only the three little foxes were still alive. Come back every now and then..."

  Fox, it is the behavior of taking cubs, but at most it only keeps the little fox by its side for more than half a year.

   Then let them fend for themselves.

  The female fox will go into heat again in spring, looking for a partner to reproduce a new generation of foxes.

  Everyone was amazed for a while, and the two old men hurriedly asked Chen Ling what other interesting things they had at home, and then slowly walked to the reservoir while rubbing roasted ears of wheat to eat.

  On both sides of the dam, there are two rows of tall and strong willow trees, the green branches of which hang down long into the water.

   On the south bank of the dam, on this side of the reservoir, there are dense reeds growing along the water, forming a long circle around the shore.

On the north bank of the dam, there are peanut fields and scattered ponds. Under the afternoon sun, there are four or five cattle, large and small, lying in the shade, chewing and eating slowly accompanied by loud frogs. Green grass by the pond.

At this time, in the reservoir, you can only see flocks of ducks from a distance, and some water birds are playing. After summer, the reeds are high and lush, and there are many aquatic plants, which greatly affect the sight. It is not easy to see the old turtle.

  However, the old people were not discouraged.

   Still strolling happily, facing the refreshing breeze by the river, enjoying the scenery.

   "Come on Cunye, let me show you something good."

At this time, Lao Niwai came out and saw Wang Cunye who was playing with the two dolls Ruirui and Yaya in the back, so he hurried up to pull him, but after taking two steps to look forward, Chen Ling and a large group He also spoke not far from the front, "Oh, the wealth is also there, this is another guest, that's just right, come to my house, let the guests have a look."

  Chen Ling and the others just saw a falcon landed in the reeds, and they were about to go down to the reservoir to look for the reeds. Hearing Lao Niwai's words, he said, "What's the matter, Uncle Tiwai, have you dug up the treasure?"

This old man is very money-obsessed. Last year, everyone learned that Li Hongqi came to the village to explore the situation in and out of the village. He was the most patient when he was looking for treasures. In addition, his home is at the entrance of the village. When I went to the small temple in Donggang, the old man kept staring at him. Sometimes he could watch until the middle of the night, and he was very energetic.

   "Yes, but it's a good treasure. Come and see it at home, and I'll let you take it if you like it." Lao Niwai laughed.

   "Then let's make a deal, I think it's pleasing to the eye, but I just took it away."

   Chen Ling joked as he walked this way.

   "Take it away, take it away, can your uncle still talk big."

  Chen Ling led a group of people into Lao Niwai's house.

  Lao Tiwai now lives with his eldest son, Chen Jiang.

  The yard is quite big.

  The layout is no different from other houses in Chenwangzhuang. There is a small vegetable garden in the remote corner of the wall, and there are many large and small water tanks in the courtyard.

  In addition to storing food and daily water, farm water tanks are more used to prevent fires at home.

   There are a lot of spares, and they are not worth much.

Lao Niwai just took them to the front of a low pot-bellied water tank in Xiaonanwu, and said mysteriously: "It's in this tank, and you and your aunt Xiuju only found out that there is a long water tank here when we were having lunch. Come out with a good baby."

   "This is the vinegar jar at home..."

  As soon as he approached, Chen Ling could smell the strong and pungent smell of acetic acid.

The old and crooked woman also came over at this time and said: "Yes, it's a vinegar vat. When Fang Fang lived here with his man, he brought a small vat of old vinegar. His family can make vinegar, otherwise we can make it with us." Why do people here put so much vinegar at home."

  They usually make less vinegar here, but there are many kinds of sauces and pickles.

  The vat of vinegar from Lao Ni Wai’s family was a small vat of mature vinegar brought by his daughter Chen Fang’s family when they were hiding here for family planning.

Zhao Dahai squatted in front of the vinegar vat and glanced left and right, "It's nice to have a son-in-law who can make vinegar. If you are rich, don't look down on the vinegar vat. There is no place to hide treasures. I also heard that someone dug out treasures from a cesspit." Woolen cloth."

  This fat man has been to the village many times. He also installed high-voltage lines, replaced transformers and planted electric poles. He is very familiar with the villagers and can joke with everyone.

   "Dahai is right, this baby really grew out of a vinegar vat."

  So many people watched eagerly, and the old man didn't want to show off, so he immediately opened the vat of vinegar.

  His mother-in-law Guo Xiuju quickly took out a bowl from the kitchen, washed her hands clean, reached out to scoop it up in the vinegar jar, and pulled out a strange thing in the shape of a round cake.

   This thing looks like a big piece of fat meat, and when it is scooped into the bowl, it still feels soft, greasy, slippery and elastic. Suddenly, the air is filled with a strong and pungent smell of acetic acid.

  Zhao Dahai's two families had never seen this thing before, and they were stunned for a moment. They covered their noses and took two steps on their hind legs.

  Chen Ling was also taken aback, he had never seen this thing before.

   Wang Cunye grinned.

   "Huh? Dad, do you know what this is?"

   "Hey, what don't you know about this, vinegar baby, you are right, this is really a good thing."

When Lao Niwai heard the word "Vinegar Treasure", his eyes lit up: "Okay, Cunye, I thought you, a savage who spends his days in deep mountains and old forests, didn't know about Vinegar Treasure, and I just wanted to ask you to come to my house to have a look. Gain knowledge."

  Wang Cunye is now very familiar with the elderly people in the village, and immediately raised his chin: "Go, go, go. Who is a savage, so why do you think you are inferior?"

Seeing the joy of everyone next to him, Wang Cunye coughed twice, turned his head and smiled at Chen Ling: "There are vinegar brewers in our villages and towns, and some vinegars that have been left for a long time are the president. Knowing this, some are thrown away, and some are kept as treasures, and they are kept in a vinegar tank. Not to mention, if you keep this thing, the vinegar will taste better.

  When your elder brother first became a teacher, there was a chemistry teacher in his school. After asking him, he found out that this old vinegar was made of bacteria. It is not poisonous or harmful, and it can be taken out and eaten.

   also taught your elder brother how to eat.

Later, your elder brother brought it back and tried it, just like we eat jelly. Soak it in well water, wash it, cut it into pieces, put it in a bowl, and then add some spicy peppers. It is sour and spicy, and it is delicious. Very, it tastes better than jelly. "

What the old man said was really beyond the expectations of the old and greasy couple, and the old grumpy stared and said: "It's okay, save the industry, it's fine if you know this thing is a treasure of vinegar, and you know how to eat it? My son-in-law doesn't make vinegar at home. I heard how to eat this thing.

  I originally wanted you to see how strange it was, so I took a piece back with me, and I usually get jealous at home. This thing, take it back and soak it in water, and you can eat it with water, so you don’t have to go out to make vinegar.

   But this thing can't be stained with oil. My son-in-law has said before that this vinegar treasure will be sacrificed when it sees oil. "

  Zhao Dahai's two families became more and more curious as they heard it. They looked around at the vinegar treasure in front of Guo Xiuju's bowl, and poked it a few times with their chopsticks.

  At this time, when he heard the last sentence of Lao Niwai, Zhao Dahai laughed out of joy: "Haha, sacrifice, Uncle Niwai, what you said is interesting, and it is as if this thing is alive."

  Wang Cunye saw the fat man laughing so hard that he was almost out of breath, so he slapped him: "Hey, Dahai, don't laugh, this thing is really alive according to my chemistry teacher..."

   "Yes, it is produced by the bacteria in the vinegar vat. It is not wrong to say that it is alive." Old man Zhong nodded and said.

Then he put his head in front of Chen Ling, Weng and his son-in-law, and muttered in a low voice: "I thought it was the Tai Sui in the legend, but it's a pity that it is born of jealousy, so it must not be, otherwise we can definitely make a mess Big news out."

  Chen Ling couldn't help but laugh.

  He has been baptized in the Internet age of later generations, so he is instinctively skeptical of weird things, which has nothing to do with his possession of the sun, the moon, and the sky.

  But even though he believes in immortals, some facts are surprising, such as where and where Tai Sui was dug up, and what mysterious treasure was picked up.

  The result is the processed excrement on the plane. Many people don't know these things as treasures, and they drink water all day long, saying that it is good for their health.

  It is really hard to describe.

  (end of this chapter)