MTL - My Amazing WeChat is Connected to the Three Realms-v3 Chapter 3693 Are you two tied together as a dog?

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"Chuojiuyin, get out of here!"

Ancestor Styx roared, and the entire sea of ​​blood roared, and the sound shook the sky! Yeah, what a loud voice! A Hua let out a scream, she got too close, and her ears were bleeding.

Hum! In an instant, a horrible breath came from far and near, and came close in the blink of an eye.

It is the Zuo Wu Zhuo Jiu Yin! When Ah Hua saw her, her hairs exploded.

"Then what, dad, you slowly avenge Gandapo!"

"I had a sudden urgency and went to find a place to pee."

"Oh, the tail is broken, broken!"

A Huagang wanted to escape by urinating, but was directly picked up by the ancestor of Styx, carrying her tail.

Then, he fell to the ground with a bang.

"Just stay with me!"

"Otherwise, I will peel your skin and drain your unicorn blood!"

The ancestor of Styx saw through A Hua's real body at a glance, and the terrifying pressure instantly controlled A Hua, and said murderously.

Ah Hua suddenly felt desperate and cursed secretly.

Yeah, yeah, today I'm dead.

No, please ask Lin Hai’s father for help! Thinking of this, A Hua hurriedly communicated with Lin Hai through her mind.

"Dad Lin Hai, help, help!"

"If you come one step late, my son will be skinned and blood drawn!"

Lin Hai, who was immersing in the Haiyue Empire, received A Hua's thought transmission, suddenly his heart shook, and his eyes opened instantly.

"No, Ahua is in danger!"

Lin Hai stood up and hurriedly walked outside.

"Master, where are you going?"

"I was about to report to you, Lin Jian and others are back!"

Upon seeing this, Chen Yan hurried forward and asked Lin Hai.

"I'll save Ahua."

"Other things, come back again!"

Whoosh! Lin Hai rose into the sky, and based on the induction with A Hua, he began to find A Hua's location.

At this time, Zhuo Jiuyin had already reached the furious Ancestor Styx, frowning.

"Stygo, what are you shouting!"

"Hmph, Zhuo Jiuyin, how dare you kill me the king of Asura!"

Angrily, the teacher of Styx asked.

Zhuo Jiuyin was stunned for a moment, and then pouted.

"You are talking about Ganda, right?"

"That **** eats inside and out, kills as soon as he kills, what's the big deal?"

"If you are reluctant, just make another one!"


Teacher Styx was furious, his eyelids twitched wildly, watching Zhuo Jiuyin viciously.

"Chuo Jiuyin, don't forget, you are living in my sea of ​​blood!"

"Annoyed me, believe it or not, I will drive you out of blood!"

"The Dragons of the Earth Yin in the blood sea, all slaughtered clean!"

Zhu Jiuyin sneered disdainfully, looked at Styx's ancestor playfully, jokingly.

"You won't do this!"

"My witch clan is powerful, and the other ancestor witches have already awakened."

"You want to change your fate against the sky. My Wu Clan is the most suitable partner."

"What's the point of saying this hurtful words?"


The ancestor of Styx was speechless, and it took a long time before he exhaled.

"But, you can't kill me the king of Asura at will!"

Zhuo Jiuyin was speechless and nodded.

"Well, well, I was wrong this time."

"Don't talk about it for now, Shi Qilin, the clone, is as cunning as an old dog!"

"Let's get rid of him first to eliminate future troubles!"

After speaking, Zhuo Jiuyin's gaze, with fierce murderous intent, looked at A Hua.

The ancestor of the Styx teacher heard this, and looked at A Hua, smiling savagely and grimly.

"Just to my liking!"

When A Hua heard this, Lingling suddenly shuddered and her hairs exploded with fright.

"Hmm, you two old folks, don't mess around!"

"Master Gou warns you, my father will be here soon!"

"My father is a man, but he is very cruel."

"You dare to hurt me, my dad will check you two in circles."

"His taste is too old, you may not be able to bear it."

"Oh... lightly!!!"

A Hua didn't finish speaking, and suddenly screamed.

But it is endless pressure, falling from the sky, like a thousand meteorite falling, hitting the body fiercely.

Rao is Ahua's steel and iron bones, but also instantly sprayed blood and suffered internal injuries.

"Farewell, Dad."

"Silly bird, goodbye."

"Little **** in the world, goodbye."

A Hua's consciousness began to blur, and vitality passed quickly.


At this moment, a brilliance flashed and appeared in front of A Hua instantly.

But it was Lin Hai holding a Kunlun mirror, breaking through the air, and rushing to it at a critical moment.

boom! As soon as Lin Hai appeared, an overwhelming force of terror spewed out.

In an instant, he shielded A Hua and resisted the attacks of Zhuo Jiuyin and Styx Teacher Ancestor.

puff! But the next moment, Lin Hai directly vomited blood and flew back, instantly seriously injured.

Although Lin Hai's strength is no longer what it used to be, he has reached the pinnacle of Great Luojin Wonderland.

But compared with the old monsters like Stygrin Teacher and Zhuo Jiuyin, it was still too far apart.

However, even though Lin Hai was injured, there was a slight gap in the attack that A Hua suffered.

Lin Hai took this opportunity to move A Hua directly with the demon refining pot.

Huh! It's too late to say, then soon! After completing this series of actions, Lin Hai was already a hundred meters away.

Looking indifferently at the ancestor of Styx and Zhuo Jiuyin, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, but he was tenacious! "It's you bastard!"

At the sight of Lin Hai, the ancestor of Styx and Zhuo Jiuyin, his eyes showed anger and humiliation at the same time.

Thinking of the past, both of them are depressed and want to vomit blood.

Whether it is the ancestor of the Styx River, or the ancestor witch Zhuo Jiu Yin.

They are all figures standing on the pinnacle of the Three Realms, who dare to challenge the heavens! However, in the hands of Lin Hai, the ant, there is a history of humiliation that cannot be erased! Whenever I think of it, it will make the two people feel angry and unreasonable, which is regarded as a great shame! If it weren't for Lin Hai, he was the current Nether King, the realm master of the underworld, with the blessing of heavenly power in the underworld.

They hit the door a long time ago and smashed Lin Hai a lot to relieve their hatred! Lin Hai looked at the ancestor of Styx and Zhuo Jiuyin, the corner of his mouth curled up, revealing indifferent ridicule.

With a wave of his arm, the light flickered, the big healer healed himself, and then he joked.

"Who am I to be bullying my brother's dog."

"So it's you two."

"Unexpectedly, the majestic and powerful, you are going back more and more."

"It's actually reduced, two people are competing with a dog at the same time."

"Can I understand that you two are not as good as dogs when you tie one piece?"

boom! Lin Hai's words made Styx teach ancestor and Zhuo Jiuyin so angry that the sea of ​​blood roared.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Lin Hai said with a sneer when he heard it.

"Huh, something inferior to two dogs!"

"Brother dares to come here, so he won't be afraid of you!"

The Kunlun Mirror that Lin Hai was talking about swayed towards the ancestor of Styx and Zhuo Jiuyin, sneered.

"Kunlun Mirror, are you familiar with it?"

"You can travel through the Three Realms with one thought!"

"I admit that I can't beat you yet, but Kunlun Mirror is in hand, how can you stand me?"


Lin Hai's voice fell to the ground, and the teacher Styx suddenly laughed.

In the laughter, there was a deep scorn and sneer.

"Boy, if you rely on it, it is the Kunlun mirror."

"That's unfortunate, you miscalculated today!"

Hum! After teaching the ancestor Styx, the sea of ​​blood suddenly surged and overwhelmed the sky, forming a closed space in an instant.

Afterwards, his eyes were cold, with a murderous intent, he said fiercely towards Lin Hai.

"In the realm of my blood sea, let alone Kunlun mirror, even if it is an innate spirit treasure, it has to be overshadowed!"

"Today, you can't leave!"

Lin Hai's heart jumped when he heard it.

Afterwards, he urged Kunlun Jing to leave.

However, the light of the Kunlun mirror flashed, and was instantly swallowed by the sea of ​​blood, without a trace.

Kunlun Mirror really failed! Lin Hai's expression suddenly changed!