MTL - My Amazing WeChat is Connected to the Three Realms-v3 Chapter 3710 Am I Chi You's brother?

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Not only was Lin Hai dumbfounded, Emperor Gouchen was also dumbfounded.

How can he fight?

"Coco, Lin Hai, meet again!"

At this moment, a fascinating laugh suddenly sounded.

Then, a beautiful shadow appeared beside Emperor Gouchen.

The demons suddenly felt their souls flying out, their eyes staring at the beautiful shadow, unable to remove them for a long time.

Zhen Shuang?

! Lin Hai was dumbfounded, and never expected that she would meet Zhen Shuang here.

"Aren't you in the demon realm of the underworld?"

Lin Hai asked with a surprised look.

Zhen Shuang giggled, almost making the demons squirt their nosebleeds, and cast a wink at Lin Hai.

"Emperor Gouchen is extraordinary heroic, commanding the group of demons."

"People, of course, will come to serve the emperor."

The Great Emperor Gouchen gave Zhen Shuang a favored look, took Zhen Shuang in his arms, and said softly.

"Ai Concubine, do you know the Nether King?"

Zhen Shuang rubbed himself against the Great Emperor Gouchen, and said softly.

"Emperor, I and King Netherworld are classmates in the mortal world, but we are friends of commoners."

"Can you look at other people's face? Just let the phoenix go."

"If you really want to ride, you can ride me!"

puff! Zhen Shuang's ambiguous sentence caused Emperor Gouchhen to spray his nosebleeds directly.

"Hahaha, just listen to my concubine."

Emperor Gouchen also knew that today this matter was a bit out of control.

If you really turn your face with Lin Hai, maybe the dragon will follow the ancestor dragon and betray one's side.

If that were the case, it would be a big loss.

In that case, it is better to send a favor.

As the Nether King, Lin Hai is also a powerful person, and maybe he can turn enemies into friends.

Wait for the day when you cut the sky, and help yourself.

"Caifeng, you are free!"

Great Emperor Gouchen moved a little toward Caifeng's forehead, and a drop of blood entered Caifeng's body.

Caifeng's body trembled, and the colorful rays of light instantly flourished, both surprised and happy.

Huh! With a flash of light, Caifeng turned into a graceful girl and arrived in front of Yuanfeng.

Tears couldn't stop streaming down instantly.

"Sister, is it really you, sister!"

"Caifeng, I can't expect to see you in this life, I'm so happy!"

After surpassing countless huiyuan, the sisters were there to meet again, and suddenly they cried.

"Sister, where are these Huiyuan?"

After her mood stabilized a little, Caifeng took Yuanfeng's hand and asked.

"I, Zulong, Shiqilin, and some descendants of the three tribes are sealed by the Dao of Heaven."

"In order to protect ourselves, create space for ourselves and be isolated from the Three Realms."

"Until I met the master, I left the mustard seed space and survived in the demon refining pot."

Refining demon pot?

When Yuan Feng said this, a surprised voice suddenly sounded.

Afterwards, everyone only felt a powerful breath, coming from far and near.

In the blink of an eye, a burly, simple-looking middle-aged man appeared in front of everyone.

It looked like a simple and honest old farmer.

However, when the Great Emperor Gouchen saw this person, he burst out laughing and greeted him.

"Brother Chi You, why are you here?"

Chi You?

! Nima! Lin Hai's eyes widened, and he didn't even dream that he would meet Chi You here! The monkeys and Erlangshen were about to break their legs, and they didn't find the goods either.

As a result, I was met by myself.

Chi You stared at Lin Hai with a sneer.

Lin Hai's heart suddenly shook, and he only felt as if he was being stared at by a terrifying behemoth.

The breath on his body burst out in an instant, starlight, and armor draped over his body.

"Protect the master!"

Zu Long and Yuan Feng suddenly faced great enemies, one left and one right, protecting Lin Hai behind them.

However, Lin Hai stretched out his hand and gently pushed away.

After that, he took a step forward, looked at Chi You, and said lightly.

"long time no see."

Chi You sneered, looked up and down Lin Hai, a little surprised.

"I didn't expect that the ant-like character would become the Nether King."

"But no matter who you are, the Jiuli Pot is the most precious treasure of my Wu Clan."

"If you encounter the deity today, you can return to the original owner!"

After Chi You finished speaking, a turbid gas suddenly appeared above his head, like sea water boiling, turbulent.

Suddenly, an invisible force fell on Lin Hai.

Even the demon refining pot was stripped away! Lin Hai's expression changed, this demon refining pot, accompanied him all the way to today.

It can be said that it is his most important magic weapon.

Not to mention, there are still Xian'er, as well as the dragon, phoenix and unicorn tribe, how could Chi You take it away.

"Since ancient times, divine objects have been obtained by those who are destined."

"The Demon Refining Pot has recognized me as its master, so please stop thinking about it!"

Hum! Lin Hai thought, connected with the spirit of the demon refining pot, resisting the peeling force.


Chi You was taken aback for a moment, then furious.

This refining demon pot, formerly known as Jiuli pot, was made by the twelve ancestor witches of the Witch clan.

A chaotic array was deployed in it to suppress the turbidity of the ancestral witch, for the re-emergence of the witch clan in the future.

How could it fall into the hands of a human race in Lin Hai?

"Come here!"

Chi You yelled, the stale air all over his body exploded like sea water, overwhelming the sky, changing the color of the sun and the moon.

Lin Hai's face was dignified, as he refused to give up, the true energy all over his body was burning, and he controlled the demon refining pot stubbornly.

No matter how Chi You arouses the turbid qi, he won't move at all.

"Damn it!"

Chi You was really angry, his treasure fell into the hands of others and could not be taken back.

The hope of his Wu Clan is gone! "Lin Hai, I don't want to kill you!"

"But you don't give up, don't blame me for being polite!"

Lin Hai frowned, his eyes were firm, and his tone was cold.

"Speaking of Po Datian, this demon refining pot, you don't want to take it away!"

"court death!"

boom! Chi You was furious, raised his palm, and hit Lin Hai volley.

Click! Click! Suddenly, the void shattered and cracks appeared in the rules of heaven and earth.

Chi You's palm seemed to have shattered time and space, sweeping in with a breath of ancient times.

Lin Hai's pupils shrank, only to feel that he was facing the long river of time and space, so small.

Facing Chi You's palm, he was stunned, and entered a wonderful realm.

Vaguely, Lin Hai seemed to see himself bending his bow and shooting arrows, aiming at the sun in the sky.

Afterwards, a series of arrows pierced the void and shot down the sun burning the earth one by one.

Immediately afterwards, the picture turned, and a mirror surrounded by light broke into the void and hit his back.

Lin Seafood spurted blood, bow and arrow landed, and slowly fell.

Consciousness began to blur, as if only the endless fire of the sun swallowed his body.

Hum! Suddenly, Lin Hai woke up with a sharp spirit, his face was shocked.

How can I lose my mind during the battle?

Isn't that just waiting to die?


But soon, Lin Hai was shocked to find that Chi You's ruining palm hovered over his head and did not fall.

Just when Lin Hai was puzzled, he saw Chi You suddenly rushed to him with tears in his eyes.

Lin Hai's expression changed, just about to fight back, only to find that Chi You didn't have any murderous intentions, but was full of deep warmth.


Chi You stretched out his hands and suddenly hugged Lin Hai tightly in his arms, his voice choked and tears fell like rain.

That feeling is tragic, and it is absolutely impossible to fake it! However, Lin Hai was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Am I Chi You's brother?