MTL - My Amazing WeChat is Connected to the Three Realms-v3 Chapter 3753 He is the ancestor Rahu!

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"It's you?

! "

When Doumu Yuanjun saw Lin Hai, he frowned and looked puzzled.

"No, not you!"

Xuan Ming was confused by Doumu Yuanjun's words.

What is you and not yours?

Who is this man who saved him?

How could he feel the breath of the Great Wu Houyi on him?

"who are you!"

Doumu Yuanjun shouted sharply and pointed at Lin Haidao.


Lin Hai snorted coldly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"who I am?"

"I also want to ask, who are you!"

Lin Hai was certain in his heart that this Doumu Yuanjun is a fake! Doumu Yuanjun's eyes suddenly froze, his murderous aura was rolling, and he said coldly.

"I don't care if you are Lin Hai or the one in the Big Dipper Palace."

"Today, I will kill both!"

Hearing this, Lin Hai couldn't help but grin.

Now that the showdown is over, there is no need for Xiao Hei to play any more.

As soon as he entered the heavenly court, Lin Hai sent a signal to Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei sensed Lin Hai's arrival, and the corners of his mouth twitched, revealing an evil smile.

Finally don't have to pretend to be a grandson here! Swish! Xiao Hei took out the God-killing spear and held it in his hand.

It turned into a black light, left the Big Dipper Palace, and flew towards Guanghan Palace.

"Death to me!"

At this time, Doumu Yuanjun shouted sharply, his palms like claws, and he grabbed towards Lin Hai volley.

Whoosh~ Suddenly, the sky is dark and the ghosts and gods cry! In the void, a big palm that shook the sky and blocked the sun grabbed it towards Lin Hai.

Lin Hai raised his brows and looked up.

The terrifying coercion set off a storm, causing Lin Hai's long hair to flutter and his clothes to rattle.

Lin Hai couldn't help but take a step back.

The tiger's body shook, and a powerful breath burst out.

A group of golden rays of light protected the whole body and resisted this terrifying coercion.

Seeing this palm, he was about to land on his body.

Xuan Ming in the distance suddenly exclaimed.


"This is the magic way!"


! When Lin Hai heard this, his heart skipped a beat. Looking at Doumu Yuanjun, an unbelievable thought suddenly surged up.

"Qianjun Cheng Yuyu!"

With a loud shout, the three-pointed two-edged sword was held in his hand.

Towards the big palm, he smashed it.

boom! The golden stick shadow fills the sky, illuminating the whole world and shining brightly.

The destructive power collided with the big palm.

With a bang, the palm exploded and was smashed into pieces.

However, Lin Hai was also shocked by the terrifying power and retreated several steps.

Wow, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Swish! The big healing technique fell on his body instantly, and Lin Hai's injuries recovered.


Doumu Yuanjun narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, but your cultivation is good."

"However, it's still hard to escape death!"

After Doumu Yuanjun finished speaking, he was about to start again.

"You are Shura!"

Suddenly, Lin Hai shouted.

Doumu Yuanjun's palm froze suddenly, and a fierce cold light shot out from his eyes.

"Do not!"

Xuan Ming was on the side, showing an unbelievable look on his face.

"The Demon Ancestor Rahu!"

"He is Rahu, the ancestor of the devil!"

As an ancestor witch in ancient times, Xuan Ming's knowledge far surpassed Lin Hai's.

Just now, she could see that this Doumu Yuanjun was impersonating.

Now, when Doumu Yuanjun suddenly used magic spells, Xuan Ming recognized it at once.

"The Demon Ancestor Rahu?"

A cold light flashed in Lin Hai's eyes, and he said coldly.

"It's really you!"


Doumu Yuanjun suddenly had a thick black mist all over his body, and a gloomy and cold aura spread all over the void.

"This deity is the demon ancestor Rahu!"

"Since you know the true identity of this deity, you all have to die!"

Saying that, Luo Hu's figure flashed, turned into a black light, and instantly arrived in front of Lin Hai.

A claw passed through Lin Hai's chest.

Instant kill! Xuan Ming and Fairy Chang'e suddenly changed their faces, showing panic.

Rahu, the ancestor of the devil, has been dismantled, and there is no need to hide his strength.

In this way, they are even more useless.


The demon ancestor Rahu frowned, his face full of vigilance, and his eyes showed shock.

At this time, Lin Hai's figure gradually dissipated.

In the end, it turned into nothingness! "It's an afterimage!"

"The one named Lin Hai was not killed!"

Xuan Ming was overjoyed.


At this time, the demon ancestor Rahu suddenly shouted loudly.

He turned sharply and slammed his palm towards the back, even the space collapsed.

Lin Hai's figure fell directly, spewing blood, and fell to the ground.

The Great Healing Technique had just recovered from the injury, and the demon ancestor Rahu had already reached the front and struck him with a palm.

"too strong!"

Lin Hai looked at Luo Hu and was shocked.

I thought that my cultivation was strong enough.

Even if it is to face the Holy Spirit, there is still a fight.

Unexpectedly, in front of the ancient masters such as Luo Hu, it is still too far behind.

There's absolutely no power to fight back.

He sighed in his heart, as if he could avoid the edge for a while except to hide in the refining demon pot.

There is no other way.

However, once they hide themselves, Xuan Ming and Chang'e will surely die.

How to do?

Just when Lin Hai was in a dilemma, all of a sudden, powerful auras appeared out of thin air.

"Dare to hurt my brother Lin Hai, court death!"

A loud roar sounded, and Chi You swung his axe toward Luo Hu's head, and chopped it over.

Luo Huan frowned, instinctively feeling a hint of danger.

Once caught by this axe, even he will be injured.

"Damn ants!"

Luo Huan cursed inwardly and had to give up his attack on Lin Hai.

One turned around, and his fist slammed out.

boom! There was a loud noise, and the fist shadow hit Chiyou's axe.

The axe bounced straight up high, and even took Chi You's body and flew out.

puff! In the air, Chi You spat out a **** arrow.

In one move, he was actually injured by Luo Hu.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Hai has already withdrawn ten miles away.

Looking up, he was instantly delighted.

I saw that the ancestors of the Wu clan had all arrived.

"Miss Xuanming, is it really you?"

"Hahaha, great!"

"Brothers, is that you?"

Xuan Ming could not help crying when he saw the ancestral witches coming.

It's been so many years, I thought we'd never see each other again.

Unexpectedly, the ancestors and witches gathered today! Swish! The figure flickered, Lin Hai approached the ancestors, and the great healing technique was displayed.

Xuan Ming and Chi You's injuries recovered instantly.

The ancestral witches gathered together, crying and laughing, and they were extremely happy in their hearts.

On the side, Doumu Yuanjun frowned, showing sullen anger.

"The nasty bug of the witches!"

"Damn it!"

Rao is Luo Hu, as the ancestor of the devil, he has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, and his strength is far above the ancestors.

However, the ancestral witches have always been united, and the physical and powerful perverts.

It is extremely difficult to move your hands.

"Kill Chang'e first."

"I will slowly clean up these witch bugs in the future!"

Thinking of this, the demon ancestor Luohu's eyes froze, suddenly turned into a black light, and rushed in front of Chang'e.


Lin Hai was shocked, and his face instantly turned pale.

He had long prevented the demon ancestor Luohu from attacking Chang'e, holding a three-pointed two-edged sword and protecting Chang'e in front of him.

Unexpectedly, Luo Hu's speed was too fast.

Even if Lin Hai had been prepared, it was too late for a while.

puff! Luo Huan's eyes were fierce, and his palms slammed down.

Suddenly, blood splattered!