MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 632 632 method two

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   Chapter 632 632 Method Two


  Suddenly, a huge divine power charged from the lower corner.

   is the spirit general of the Zhenyi Sect in the Dajiao League, a white-haired old Taoist who is not a Taoist of Qingyi.

  He blushed furiously, his eyes lit up with glaring white light, and a round of Tai Chi diagrams turned rapidly behind him.

   Obviously a great seance.

   And it is a great seance at the level of the **** master.

   But he hasn't waited for him to come back to his senses. A golden light suddenly approached.

  In an instant, the golden light turned into countless golden threads, instantly enveloping this person. Form a huge golden ball space.

  After a few breaths, the golden ball dispersed, leaving only an old monk wearing golden gauntlets walking out slowly.

   Further away, Saint Emperor Meng Qian was holding a long and narrow black sword, and was talking softly with several top spiritual generals of the Great Church Alliance.

   Seemingly noticing the sight of the sky, Meng Qian raised his head slightly and glanced at Zhang Rongfang.

  The eyes of the two meet.

  Zhang Rongfang did not go down.

  Just slightly arched his hands, turned around and flew away.

  The Reverse Time Society seems to have the same purpose as his, which is to purify the gods and Buddhas of all sects.

   And without Master Yue here, there is no meaning for him to stay.

   Fly all the way.

  He quickly and lightly stopped above the main altar of the Black Ten Sect near Dadu.

  In front of the empty main altar of the temple, there is a large dojo.

  At this time, in the dojo, an old farmer dressed as a time-reversing master was confronting a black bearded old man who walked out of the temple.

  Zhang Rongfang moved his eyes to the interior of the temple.

  ‘Since we have decided to purify all gods and Buddhas, let’s start here. '

  No matter what the purpose of Luna is, he only wants to make his living environment better in the future.


  Suddenly, Zhang Rongfang jumped down and rushed straight to the temple.

  Boom! !

  He was like a red meteor, slamming through the roof of the temple, accompanied by large pieces of gravel and wood, and landed firmly in the middle of the hall of the temple.

   "Blasphemer!? Damn it!" A group of bearded beards kneeling in prayer in front of the statue got up in shock, and when they turned around and saw people, they roared angrily.

   Each of them swelled and became bigger, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into strangely shaped and strong warriors, and they rushed towards Zhang Rongfang like cannonballs.

  The strong wind was like a knife, cutting on the skin of Zhang Rongfang.

   Among them, there are two bearded, and even holding a machete and a spear, emitting an invisible force field as cold as ice and snow.

   That is the power that belongs exclusively to the great master!

   There were six people present.

  Two great masters, one grand master, and the rest are super grades.

  They seem to be preparing for some ceremony. But it was interrupted directly by Zhang Rongfang who fell from the sky.


  The six rushed towards Zhang Rongfang from all angles together.

   "The era of gods and Buddhas is about to end." Zhang Rongfang raised his right hand. Countless blood springs gushed out from under his body, rapidly expanding in all directions.


  In an instant, waves of blood flooded the entire temple.

  They seemed to appear out of thin air, occupying all the surrounding tens of meters of space in the blink of an eye.

   It also drowned all the great masters who rushed to approach the gods.

  Dense thick smoke rose out of the **** water.

  The entire temple was completely turned into a river of blood.

  The statue located in the center of the temple is an image of a skinny man with curly hair and a sad face with outstretched arms.

  At this time, the idol erupted with white light, and a brilliant white circle directly below it began to form an arc and spread outward.

  “God so loved the world.”

   "God is for the world."

   "God chooses the world."

   Layers of mighty chanting sounded in the minds of everyone within hundreds of meters around.

   That is the shock and transmission of spiritual consciousness.

   Circles of pure and majestic divine power, centered on the statue, violently spread around. Forced the invading blood to retreat for a while.

  Zhang Rongfang waved his right hand lightly.

  In an instant, more blood turned into a torrent and slammed into the white light area around the statue.

  Bai Guang tried to resist, but there was too much blood.

   Two seconds later.

  Bleeding tears flowed from the eyes of the idol, and it fell into the **** water and disappeared.

  Boom! !

  The entire temple was bursting with a huge amount of blood, just like the previous Xuehong Pavilion Earth Mother Temple.

  Shenwei, Lingxian, was quickly eroded by countless blood, white smoke emitted, shrunk and dissipated.

   Until more than ten seconds later, everything returned to calm. The main altar of the entire Black Ten Sect was completely submerged in a river of blood.

  Zhang Rongfang lifted his toes off the ground and landed lightly on a protruding stone in a river of blood.

  He raised his eyes as if staring into the distance, and at the same time gave instructions to the blood descendants of immortals and Taoists everywhere.

  The next moment, he spread his wings, soared into the sky from the opening of the temple, and flew towards the headquarters of the Tiansuo Cult.

  The Great Church Alliance brought many member sects together. Naturally, these member sects also established a sub-point general altar near Dadu.

  Life Chain Moguduya was wearing heavy black armor, standing in front of the gate of the main temple with difficulty.

  He is holding a huge black shield, and his other hand is wrapped with thick black chains.

  Compared with the other Tiansuo masters around him, his size has reached four meters.

   This is the state of opening the infinite final form.

  On his right chest, there is a blood hole the size of a human head, which is being surged by countless silver spiritual threads trying to recover.

   But the weird thing is that there seems to be an invisible force around the blood hole, preventing the spiritual thread from repairing itself.

   "Everything is over." Moguduya said in a low voice, with a trace of sadness and helplessness.

  The leader is missing. The three giants of Lingfei Sect also disappeared.

   Their main combat power and the Lingfei Sect army fought to the death and suffered heavy losses one after another.

   And at this critical moment, Reverse Time will explode with a force far beyond what was expected.

   There was turmoil within the Daoist Church, and the entire religious alliance fell into chaos overnight.

   "Go quickly! My lord! If you don't go, it will be too late!" The adjutant beside him begged loudly.

  Moguduya looked at the thick smoke and fire burning in the inner city of Dadu, recalling the scenery when the leader was still there, it seemed like the next day.

   "We." Just as Moguduya was about to order to escape and return to the real main temple.

  Suddenly, a red light descended from the sky, and Zhang Rongfang's figure was condensed in the center of the dojo.

   "You are!?" Mo Guduya recognized the other party, that is the Taoist son of the lord Yue Dewen, who is now the sixth on the red list, the son of Qiankun, the master of the Immortal Temple!

   It's just that Zhang Rongfang didn't intend to communicate with him at all, so he waved his hand.

   Turbulent blood rushed from under his feet, flooding the open space in front of the main altar of Tiansuo Sect in the blink of an eye.

  The dozens of elite Tiansuo Cult gathered here exclaimed one after another, jumped up and fled in all directions.

  But in the blink of an eye, he was surrounded by blood water that emerged out of thin air around him, fell down again, and merged into the river of blood on the ground.

  The blood flowed rapidly, forming a dark red vortex in the wide open space.

   "Zhang Rongfang!!" Moguduya originally planned to ask about the situation, but at this moment he also understood that the other party was the enemy standing on the opposite side.

   Just by looking at the large amount of blood around him, one can tell that the sixth on the red list definitely has a lot of water.

   With such strength, I am afraid that it is possible to be in the top three!

   Moguduya let out a roar, swung his arm, and flew towards Zhang Rongfang like a black chain cannonball.


   Zhang Rongfang's figure flashed, avoided the chains, and raised his hand again.

  A wave of blood thundered, wrapping Moguduya into a blood cocoon in the blink of an eye.

  The inside of the blood cocoon is constantly twisting and agitating, trying to struggle to break open.

   But to no avail.

  A steady stream of blood flowed up around it, strengthening the blood cocoon.

  In the temple, a tyrannical divine power erupted suddenly. The transparent and invisible momentum turned into long chains, dancing wildly and flying out of the temple, rushing towards Zhang Rongfang.

   But before they got close, a huge amount of blood gushed out of the sky.

  The blood and chains collided with each other, and melted into white smoke in a blink of an eye.

  Zhang Rongfang's eyes moved.

   Immediately, more blood rushed out, flooding the temple.

  Under the blood river, the temple slowly tilted, collapsed, and turned into ruins.

  Looking at the collapsed temple, Zhang Rongfang stood silently for a while, then turned around and soared into the sky, flying away towards the distance.

   All the worship gods that pass by along the way, no matter what power they are, and no matter what power they are.

  All were submerged by his sweeping blood and turned into white smoke.

  'These are all the power accumulated by your teacher, you will completely destroy it now. If he comes back and sees' Bai Lin was terrified, and finally couldn't help but speak out.

   "Gods and Buddhas feed on human brains, which is the source of the turmoil. If Master Yue returns, let him live in seclusion with me for the elderly." Zhang Rongfang replied.

   Not long after, he folded his wings and landed gently.

   In front of us is the last core stronghold of Dadu League—Tiancheng Palace of Daojiao.

  At this time, there was no Taoist guarding the mountain at the stone steps at the foot of the mountain.

  The hawkers and tourist pilgrims that should have been extremely lively were empty at this time.

  Zhang Rongfang looked up, raised his feet, and was about to step up the stairs.

  Boom! !

  In an instant, there was an earth-shattering loud noise from the direction of the inner city of Dadu.

  The soaring flames dyed the sky above that area red.

  The huge explosion directly tore a big hole in the clouds above the inner city.

  Zhang Rongfang suddenly looked back, looking at the direction of the explosion.


   "Yeah. A lot of gunpowder." A familiar voice floated above the stone steps.

  Zhang Rongfang looked up, and saw a chubby old Taoist, wearing the Taoist robe and purple gold crown of the Taoist leader, standing at the end of the steps with a smile, looking here.

   "Xue Tong." Zhang Rongfang called out the other party's name in a deep voice.

   "My name is Yue Dewen." The smile on Xue Tong's face slowly disappeared. "I am Yue Dewen."

   "You still dare to appear in front of me?" Zhang Rongfang raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

   "I know what you want to do." Xue Tong regained the previous smile on his face.

   "Moon God is now chasing and killing the three giants of the Holy Tour. The Great Religion League is no longer useful to him, so he doesn't care at all.

  And you, if you want your master back. In fact, there is a way to try. "Xue Tong smiled.

  No matter who or what, as long as it can cause trouble for Luna, he is willing to do it.

  Even if Zhang Rongfang attacked him before, the two sides became enemies. But this bit of enmity is not worth mentioning compared to Moon God.

   "Let's hear what you said first." Zhang Rongfang said after being silent for a while. "If you lie to me, I will kill you."

  He has decided to clean up all the gods and Buddhas on the whole earth. Either it will be under the jurisdiction of the Human Immortal View, or it will disappear completely and return to the void.

  Although there are too many believers, it is impossible to completely remove them for a while, but it is still possible to remove the statues and statues that can worship gods, and all worshipers of gods and warriors first.

   These are the military duties of the gods and Buddhas.

  (end of this chapter)