MTL - My Beautiful Teacher-Chapter 11 Driving a motorcycle like a rocket

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Chapter 11: Motorcycles should be like rockets.

Comrades at work know that this working time is very difficult. The Qin Dynasty is also, under the constant entanglement of Comrade Chen Yingyang, when it was time to get off work at noon.

"Qin Chao brother, have lunch together, people know a very quiet place, come." Said, Chen Yingyang took the initiative to pull over and took the arm of Qin Chao.

"Hold and stop..." Qin Chao’s head is big. "I just have to find a place to eat and I will get it. Your old man let me go."

After that, breaking away from Chen Yingyang’s arm and taking the door away can be said to have escaped. The security guards couldn't help but laughed, but they were glanced at Chen Yingyang.

"Laughter P! He won't go, you will accompany me!"

"Amount..." The security guards immediately collapsed.

"Ah, free!" Qin Chao, who escaped from the security room, stretched out and said very comfortably.

At this time, there was a sudden noise in the playground. The Qin Dynasty looked at the sound and saw that on the playground where the man came and went. Suddenly, it seemed that a plague occurred. All the people hurriedly avoided it, like the wheat field was blown into two pieces by the wind.

"It's all gone! It's flashing!" A shouting female voice attracted the attention of Qin Chao. I saw that among the separated people, I suddenly rushed out to a little girl who was riding a scooter and the front of the car was helped.

Behind her, she still has a girl. The girl is obviously more courageous, and the pretty little face is scared. She panicked and pressed to the front of the girl's shoulder, followed by a scream.

She is desperate to press her shoulders, and the focus of the girls in front is even more unstable. She shouted in her mouth, "Wen Wen, you tap, tap!" At the same time, the handlebars in the hand are shaking more seriously.

This is like a tank car. The students in front are like a sparrow, and they jumped out.

"How to ride a bike!"

"Don't die, pay attention to OK?"

"I rub, beauty, you are a rocket!"

A variety of buzzing sounds are endless. Hu Lili’s children’s shoes were crying out. I bought a new motorcycle and tried to ride it. I didn’t expect to see people riding so simple. I tried it myself, but I had to kill people...

What is even more tragic is that her good friend Fang Wen, who was killed and killed by Hu Lili, was tried and tested. It is estimated that she is dying today.

The automatic door of the school is now closed, and it seems that two people will hit it. At this time, a man in a dark blue uniform appeared like a god, and appeared in front of her.

"Ah! Let it go quickly!" This Hu Lili is still very kind, for fear of knocking this person down, and screaming quickly and screaming. Who knows that the man sighed, shouted, reached out with lightning, and held down the arm of the motorcycle.

"Oh!", the tire of this car made a black mark on the ground, and then stopped steadily.

Hu Lili was so nervous that she closed her eyes and lowered her head, and Fang Wen also held her waist. The motorcycle suddenly stopped, and both of them were shocked at the same time. They thought that they really knocked people down.

"I, I, I, I didn't mean it... I have a debt, I have to blame this motorcycle. If you die, don't look for me... Amitabha, God bless, Long live God... ”

"Ha ha..." Who knows that there is a sudden laugh in the ear. The two little girls opened their eyes in surprise at the same time and found that Qin Chao was holding the motorcycle in one hand and patted the thigh in one hand.

"Ah, it didn't kill you... it's too good." Hu Lili helped her plump chest and sighed with relief.

"Why, you really want to kill me!" Qin Chao glanced at her. "You can really, I was almost hit in the past few days, and today I ran out to retaliate against the society!"

"I won't take your car after killing me!" Fang Wen was screaming at the soft flesh of Hu Lili's waist and said, "You are killing money!"

"Hey, Miss Fang Da, I am wrong!" Hu Lili asked for mercy, "I will not dare again."

"Hey!" Fang Wen is obviously scared, and her face is not a little bloody. "Apologizes, if the apology is useful, then what should the police do!"

"Yes, that's right!" Qin Chao repeatedly agreed. "For Hu Lili's bad deeds of driving a roadster in the campus today, I remember it once. As for whether or not to expel, the little girl, look at your performance!"

"Okay, okay!" Hu Lili immediately pretended to be a very wrong-looking look. "You two will unite the front so soon. Well, this lady invited you to eat KFC at noon today. It is a compensation."

"Okay, let's be settled." In the north (north-east) city, eating a KFC is much more expensive than a small hotel. Hu Lili can say so, it seems that she is also planning to bleed.

“Very good.” Fang Wen said that she was very satisfied. “This Queen is very pleased. Qin Chao, what do you say?”

"Since the two beautiful women have no opinions, then the Kendall base will work!" Someone invited, Qin Chao naturally enjoys saving money. And just when he was going to accompany the two beautiful women to lock the car, the king-powered guy, the ghost-like guy, didn’t know where it came from.

"Qin Chao!" Wang electric baton stood at the gate of the school, squatting, a look of the old society, the big landlord, loudly, "You are in the working hours, openly swaying girls in school! I see this security you are Don't want to do it, and again and again, challenge the school's rules and regulations! This salary is deducted fifty dollars to warn! Next time you commit again, fire immediately!"

"Who is teasing school girls!" Qin Chao squinted, like an angry bull, staring at the king electric baton. Wang’s electric baton was scared by his anger, but he still took his identity and said.

"Look, this girl is here!" After that, Wang’s gaze turned to Hu Lili, rounded his eyes and asked almost in a threatening tone. “You said, is this guy swaying? You! If you dare to say anything, I will cancel your degree certificate!"

"Why do you cancel my degree certificate!" Hu Lili was a little annoyed. The reputation of Wang Bachelor has always been bad, but she is already a junior, knowing that these guys are soft and hard-core. I don’t want to use the cancellation of the degree certificate to scare the students who have just arrived. But Hu Lili is an old fritter, but she does not eat this.

"I didn't cheat on the exam, I didn't fight, why do you cancel my degree certificate!"

After that, the chick took out his cell phone from his pocket and took a photo of the king electric baton.

"You, you, what are you doing!" The king's electric baton saw that this trick was not good. The female student gave herself a photo and was shocked.

"You threaten me, I want to expose you to the Internet!"

"" Wang electric baton met a barbarian student, and suddenly he didn't know what to do. The Qin Dynasty is watching the music in the side, the heart, the wicked need the wicked to grind!

"I didn't play the game without teasing it..." The king's electric baton glanced at the phone in Hu Lili's hand and his eyes turned straight. Qin Chao knew that the Wang electric baton was remembering the photo. It is estimated that he also understands the terrible variety of doors. This is coming out of a Guangyuan security gate, and he will be famous later.

"Forget it." Qin Chao knew that if things went wrong, it would be no good for anyone. He took the mobile phone in Hu Lili's hand and pressed it a few times. "Wang Director is just making a joke with us, and the photo is deleted."

"Cough, yes, I just made a joke, don't take it seriously, huh, huh..." Since the Qin Dynasty gave him the steps, the king electric baton was downhill. However, he did not lead the Qin Dynasty, but felt that this was the Qin Dynasty deliberately embarrassed him. So, he looked at Qin Chao's eyes deeply, then turned and left.

"Do you really delete it?" Hu Lili took her cell phone and opened the photo album. She saw the fat face of the king baton.

"Just kidding, such a good material, keep it." Qin Chao smiled, "Go, you said please eat. Hurry, I have to go to work for a while."

"Then I will take you on a bike."

"We would rather walk..." Qin Chao and Fang Wen were very tacit, and they shook their heads.

So the monk immediately opened the road to the nearby KFC. Along the way, the handsome guys, especially the Qin Dynasty, were wearing a security uniform and carrying an armed band. They immediately caught a lot of gaze and turned back.

There are a lot of people in KFC, and most of them are places where you can get free and warm. These people called a glass of juice to occupy a rogue diners all day long. So the three people waited for more than half an hour, and their stomachs were screaming, and they finally reached a position.

At this time, Qin Chao discovered that the original girl was also very good. Both of them had a burger, and then a Mexican chicken roll chicken wings and fries, put a big table.

"Amount? These, can you eat it?" Qin Chao himself only had two burgers, and looked at the full table of food.

"Of course, eat slowly, when snacks are eaten, there is no class in the afternoon anyway." Said, Hu Lili pulled out a notebook from her small bag and took up the last space on the table.

Fang Wen also took out a very beautiful little book, because the only space on the table was occupied by Hu Lili, she could only put it on her lap.

"No, you." Qin Chao sighed. "You really like this as an Internet cafe."

"This environment is very good." Hu Lili blinked, then pulled out a French fries, licking the red and greasy tomato sauce and stuffing it into her cherry mouth. The Qin Dynasty was a bit evil, and it was associated with some bad things. But after seeing the chick use her white teeth and bite the fries a little bit, she couldn't help but take a layer of white sweat. He coughed twice and then waved.

"I only like the toilet here. Also, I don't like KFC very much. These are junk foods. After eating, they tend to gain weight and are not good for the body."

"Go to death!" The two little beauties gave him a white look. "When you eat, don't say so disgusting."

"Look at this!" Hu Lili just chewed the French fries, suddenly patted the table and pointed at her computer screen.

"Oh!" Qin Chao and Fang Wen were shocked.

Flowers ~ collection ~ not to force comrades ~

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!