MTL - My Beautiful Teacher-Chapter 1959 It’s sleeping

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The first thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine chapters, the sleeping

"Su Ji, look, it's not too late, should we have a pleasant double repair?"

Qin Chao sat in the bedroom and took Suji's tender little hand and asked with a look.

It’s been a pity that I’ve been known to my wife for so long, but I’ve never been pushed. It’s really a pity!

In order not to let his life full of regrets, Qin Chao decided to take this beautiful night and eat Su Ji.

"Double repair? Beauty is killing you."

Su Ji is sitting at the table at this time, drawing a picture of an electronic star map.

"You think everyone is like you, the egg hurts! My sister asked me to make a plan to besiege the zero-headquarters headquarters. I haven't finished it yet!"

After that, I gave Qin Chao a particularly beautiful eye.

The Qin Dynasty was very useful.

As long as Suu Ji is by his side, he will feel the peace of mind.

He loves every woman who is with him, but the deepest thing he loves is Su Jin.

This is probably never going to change.

The emotional thing is such a strange, Qin Chao certainly knows that other girls love him the same.

But in his mind, there is still such a scale.

Although it is impossible to treat every girl fairly, Qin Chao is willing to pay for his life for every girl she loves.

"Oh, I will have time to study it tomorrow morning!"

The Qin Dynasty pointed to the bed, "Queen Empress, come on, you have warmed your bed!"

"Your sister, really you are the emperor!"

Su Ji also lost a white eye to Qin Chao, and then pointed to the star map. "The decisive battle is almost coming. I don't hurry to understand this map. I will blame me tomorrow! You can afford it at that time." What is this responsibility?"

"I am afraid of what, the sky will fall and I will give you the Qin Dynasty!"

Qin Chao patted his chest and said, "The big things can't delay my wife to sleep! The ancients said it is good, go to bed early and get up early, and you can raise your body!"

"This lady likes to stay up all night, and I have the ability to bite me!"

Su Ji suddenly smiled and glanced at Qin Chao. "Why, I didn't stay in Nana's little swan room today. How come I want to run me here?"

"I recently missed the Queen, remembering that I have never turned over the Queen's brand..."

"Hey, you are still very embarrassed to say that the whole color embryo!"

Su Ji grinned and said.

"If you want to sleep, you should sleep first, don't study the plan, but I can't sleep."

"Su Ji..."

Qin Chao blinked and looked at Su Ji in a particularly innocent manner.

"You think about it, our decisive battle this time, I don't know what the consequences are... In case I have any accidents, you think that I haven't romanticized with you before I left. Would you regret it?"

"You owe it!"

Su Jiqi picked up the teacup on the table and directly threw it to the Qin Dynasty. He was easily caught by the Qin Dynasty.

"Let's talk about flying you!"

"Oh... I just made a hypothesis..."

Qin Chaoxiao smiled.

This is indeed a bit unlucky.

"If you can't help yourself, just look for other sisters to vent. If you don't see me, there are serious things!"

Su Ji thinks that the Qin Dynasty is more and more like a hob.

"You are the head of the harem!"

Qin Chao said quickly, "There has been no rain and dew, how can this be!"


Su Ji has no way.

So she kept on going, and she didn't bother to study the star map.

"If you forget it, turn off the light and sleep, drain your aging mother and continue to study."

Said, she got up and walked over to Qin Chao.

Qin Chao was excited.

The long-awaited thing is finally coming!

Grandma's, obviously not the first time, how the current reaction is like the first brother!

Too shameful!

Su Ji reached out and turned off the light.

But for these two comprehensions, the effect of turning on the lights and turning off the lights is not much.

In the night, the figures of both sides are still clearly printed in the eyes of the other party.

Su Ji sat on the edge of the bed, so she looked at Qin Chao, and her eyes were slightly watery.

Suddenly think about it, and the Qin Dynasty’s understanding seems to be really close.


Qin Chao was about to kiss Suji's red lips, but Su Ji suddenly laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

Qin Chao was surprised, is there anything funny on his face?

"I suddenly remembered that when I saw you for the first time, I was entangled by several hooligans, and because of Buddhism's request, I couldn't shoot mortals, so I pretend that you are my husband. I wanted to use your fool, I didn't expect you. It’s really hot and it’s playing with those little punks!”

"Cough, who made you look at me so poorly and pitifully."

Qin Chao coughed twice and said.

"I was cheated by you at the time, thinking that you are a weak gimmick. Later I realized that our family Su Ji is a female tyrannosaurus!"

"You say who is the virgin tyrannosaurus!"

Su Ji suddenly had a beautiful big eyes, watching the Qin Dynasty, the meaning of the threat in the eyes is very obvious.

"No, no, I said you are a beautiful heroine!"

Qin Chao quickly said with a thumbs up.

"Oh, this is almost the same, my grandfather is very satisfied and rewards you one."

Su Ji suddenly caught the neck of Qin Chao and printed her lips deeply on the lips of Qin Chao.

Su Ji's lips are very sweet, so that Qin Chao is like a drink, very enjoyable.

Su Ji’s little hand, from the Qin Chao’s clothes, went in and pinched on his strong chest.

"You, what do you touch..."

Qin Chao was surprised.

"Because what is your man who touches our woman! Today, I want to conquer you!"

Said, Su Ji directly overthrew the Qin Dynasty, and then touched the hands of the Qin Dynasty.

Qin Chao was touched by the funny, and said that this girl really wants to go against the sky.

Don't let you taste a lot, I really don't know who is the Lord.

Qin Chao’s hand went back and sneaked into Su Ji’s T-shirt, and then skillfully squeezed a full softness.

A slightly stiff grape also fell into the fingers of the Qin Dynasty and was pinched by the Qin Dynasty.

Immediately, Su Ji, who was just awe-inspiring, was honest in an instant, and did not dare to move. He squatted on the body of Qin Chao and changed directly from Qi Niu to soft sister paper.


The Qin Chao smiled in the heart, letting you arrogant, being pinched by the master.

Qin Chao itself is also very excited, and finally can find the opportunity to eat Su Ji, this time you have to eat enough!

He put out his other hand and placed it on the belt of Su Ji jeans.

Su Ji did not refuse, but slightly lifted her waist to facilitate the movement of the Qin Dynasty.

This made the Qin Dynasty more excited.

Pamper! This is to condone yourself to commit crimes!

Qin Chao’s snap button on the belt of the trousers is going to take the next step.

But at this time, the emergency communicator installed in the room suddenly screamed and directly shocked the two people.

"I am a grass! Who is this! Let him go!"

The Qin Dynasty understood that there was something in the ancient times that there would be no early kings.

He wants to eat Su Ji now, and the rest ignores it.

"Don't make trouble!"

Su Ji took the hand of Qin Chao who pulled her belt. "It is now a war, and everything is the biggest in war."

Said, she kissed a kiss on the forehead of the Qin Dynasty.

"Oh, what's the opportunity in the future."

Said, stood up from the embrace of the Qin Dynasty.

The Qin Dynasty is depressed and dying.

Grandma, who is this!

"To let me know who destroyed my good deeds, I must hang him up and lick a few whip!"

Qin Chao said with a grin.

Suu Kyi did not care about this man full of "swearing", she opened the communicator.

Su Shi’s image immediately emerged.

"You two, don't be intimate, there is an emergency."

Seeing that it was Su Shi, Qin Chao suddenly rounded his eyes.

Su Ji couldn't help but cover her mouth and be happy.

"Sister, Qin Chao can say, I want to lift you up!"

"Hey, I smoke him almost!"

Su Shi also sent a white eye to Qin Chao, and then said, "The slave army has a movement."

"Oh? The Yalong Knights are coming so fast? Are you going to fight?"

Qin Chao suddenly asked.

"No, the Yalong Knights should have not arrived yet, but there are a few slaves who come to vote."


Qin Chao and Su Ji looked at each other.

The slave army will come to vote?

Just kidding.

Qin Chao had a big question mark on this matter in his heart.

"In short, you should come to the command center first. The other party is a sincere person. If it is handled well, it may be able to attract more honest people."

"I am afraid they are coming to play infernal."

Qin Chaohe smiled.

"Is it right? Come and see it."

Su Shi said in a deep sense, "Because this person who is sincere is very special, you better see him personally."

"Oh? Who is this person?"

"The first division of the slave army, Fox."

"I will go!"

Qin Chao suddenly got out of the bed, turned black out of his body, turned and went outside.

"I won't go with I will continue to study the star map."

Su Ji said to the Qin Chao, he said.

"Know it……"

Qin Chao is still extremely depressed.

Finally, Su Ji was put on the bed and the result was met.

Whether it is to vote or not, Qin Chao has already hated the Fox!

A hateful old fox, a good thing to dare to hurt Laozi!

Qin Chao looked extremely ugly and walked into the command hall.

There was no one in the command hall, but now it is full of excitement.

An old fox stood there, and there were several slave soldiers next to it.

The other women stood on both sides, and Riley stood in front of the old fox and was talking about something.

Seeing that Qin Chao came in, Larry suddenly turned around and said with surprise.

"Qin Chao, too, great, my teacher wants to join Huangshaling!"

Joining Huangshaling?

Qin Chao mouth twitched.

Just for the first time, disturbing yourself and Suu Kyi for this?

Grandma's, absolutely, absolutely, can't forgive!

This is a call from the heart!

The old fox saw the Qin Dynasty coming in, and in the small eyes, there was a light that was not noticed.

This guy? Is the legendary commander of Huangshaling?

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!