MTL - My Beautiful Teacher-Chapter 1980 Back to earth

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The first thousand nine hundred and eighty chapters back to the earth

The Qin Dynasty slowly said, "When Cao Cao left, I said that the zero world is just for me. Your life is irrelevant to him."

"What, what..."

Aliu Si suddenly felt a shock.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe that Cao Cao can say this!"

"You can try to contact Cao Cao, you see if you can find him."

Qin Chao mouth hangs a sneer.

Now Cao Cao should be in the middle of excitement and certainly not bubbling.

This guy wants to develop himself and then come to a duel.

He will not start for himself for this Arius.

The value of Arius in Cao Cao’s mind is too low.

For Cao Cao, everyone is like an ant, and has no value.

Qin Chao once experienced this feeling.

On his way to repairing the truth, he has also been lost, and even almost astray.

The kind of heaven and earth, only the feeling of my own respect, he has experienced.

In that state, it is like being alone in the world.

Everyone else is just a small ant crawling up and down under his feet.

Just step on and kill, and all of them are in your heart.

Probably God is like this.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and everything is a dog.

In the eyes of God, everything in the heavens and the earth is the same. Whether it is good or bad, he does not look in the eyes.

Qin Chao has got rid of such a demons.

But Cao Cao, his strength has reached a level of vertical and horizontal universe.

Therefore, he has such a mentality, in fact, nothing wrong.

Imagine that if you are left alone in this world, you will definitely be very lonely.

This is the case with Cao Cao.

I don’t know how many years, I finally came out with a self that can break the time.

This has added a little fun to Cao Cao.

And Arius, it is also a pet that Cao Cao raises.

From his attitude towards the zero world, he seems to have been tired of this 100,000-year-old destruction game.

Aussie launched the 100,000-year-old destruction of the zero world to ensure the absolute dominance of the zero world.

Cao Cao, just to pass the boring time.

The opposite Aleus did not think so, nor did he realize this.

He immediately opened the contact function of the proliferation coat, but found that he was shielded by Cao Cao unilaterally.

Arius is really desperate.

"I, I was abandoned by the president?"

Arius was unable to kneel on the ground.

Qin Chao suddenly had some poor guys.

Although they are also people who are trying to control their destiny by Cao Cao, they have been trying hard to break free.

And Arius, but always wants Cao Cao to control his life, to be Cao Cao's running dog.

This is the gap.

"Don't kill me, I am willing to deal with Cao Cao with you!"

Aussie suddenly bit his teeth and said.

"In any case, Cao Cao has abandoned me. I will help you forget! I know a lot about Cao Cao and secrets. You let me go, I will help you with him, how?"

Let go of Arius?

It is impossible.

Through the induction of the heart, Qin Chao already knows that this Aussie wants Su Ji to be his maid!

Not to mention this, plus the damage he had caused to his women before.

Not killing him, Qin Chao is not a man.

"Reassured, even if you are dead, I will know everything I want to know."

With Soul Art, everything is not a problem.

The Qin dynasty sneered twice, then slowly walked toward Aleus.

"You, you devil..."

Arius’s fear was terrible. When he was together, he wanted to escape.

But how could Qin Chao let him go.

He stretched out his left hand and went down like this.

Suddenly, Arius’s figure slammed on the ground.

His force field power has basically been ineffective for the Qin Dynasty.

Without the zero-shipships and the help of the Terminator, Arius’s force field was not worth mentioning in the face of the ultimate power of the Qin Dynasty.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me... I don't want to die..."

Arius asked for mercy.

"When you start with us in Huangshaling, when you have an extinction plan for the whole universe, why have you ever thought about whether other people want to live?"

Qin Chao sneered and reached out.

Suddenly, a platinum lotus flower fell into his hands.

This golden lotus flower smashed on the magic lines, and the atmosphere of Pangu Axe continued to rotate around.

"It’s always that you end the death of other people. It’s your turn today, Arius.”

Qin Chao said, Jianfeng fell to the neck of Arius.

Aliusi was struggling with dying, and the force field on his body was all launched, blocking the golden lotus flower of the Qin Dynasty.

A blurred light wave appeared under the sword of the Qin Dynasty, blocking the whereabouts of the Qin Dynasty sword.

What is the counterattack before dying!

The fierce light flashed in the eyes of Qin Chao.

I will never let go of Arius!

He must die!

Qin Chao shouted, and his eyes burst into a thick red light.

The demon possessed the body and was driven to the extreme state.

The whole person has a tendency to be demonized in an instant.

The face of the Qin Dynasty constantly climbed out of the red magic lines, making his appearance very embarrassing.

A violent desire-seeking, and constantly growing in his heart.

Devil, this is the devil!

When you become a demon, your strength can be constantly improved.

Aleus is a strong desire to win = hope, stimulated his potential, let him break out of the usual power of nearly 200%, to block this attack of the Qin Dynasty.

The Qin Dynasty relied on magic.

Between heaven and earth, the most vertical is the devil.

Only I am alone, killing is fun.

At that moment, Qin Chao only felt that he had only left an idea in his mind.



Kill everything!

What is the vice president of the zero front?

Kill him and kill Cao Cao!

Who can stop me in the Qin Dynasty!

"Bad boy, you are too demonized!"

Rooney kept yelling in the ears of Qin Chao, trying to remind Qin Chao.

"If you go on like this, you have to be completely reversed by the demons!"

The Qin Dynasty also felt that it was almost magical. Under such a huge desire for magicalization, the golden lotus flower of the Qin Dynasty was completely transformed into black, and the red magic pattern was on it.

Like a sword pulled out of hell!

"Give me death!"

Qin Chao burst into a bang, and at the same time the black sword in his hand slammed open Arius's force field defense, then cut into his body and cut his body directly into two halves.

Arius stood there dumbly, and he could not even launch the general's ability.

The function of the whole body and the proliferation of outerwear was destroyed by the black sword of the Qin Dynasty.

And the Qin Dynasty has not stopped, he is like a madman, the black sword in his hand, constantly cut on Arius.

Let the blood splash on his body, but his face is not moving.

Kill, kill him!

Let him die can't die anymore!

The thought of the Qin Dynasty continued to circling.

At this time, his ear suddenly came a woman's tenderness.

"Okay, you dumped dumplings!"

Su Ji stood beside the Qin Dynasty and gave a white look to Qin Chao.

"Great metamorphosis, still don't wake up to the aging mother!"


Qin Chao turned to look at Su Ji.

Even Suu Kyi couldn’t help but get cold.

She has never seen Qin Chao like this.

The whole person is cold and cold, with a strong murderous.

The body is full of red magic lines, the whole person's skin has turned into black.

His eyes are red, and the red light reveals a desire to kill.

There was an evil smile on his mouth, and the coolness of Sensen spit it out.

"Wake up!"

Su Ji suddenly became shocked, how did he get it!

She screamed quickly.

Qin Chao suddenly stood a bit.

The magic lines on his body are constantly fading.

The black color on the skin gradually turns back to the previous skin tone.


Qin Chao took a long sigh of relief, and the white gold lotus in his hand turned into the original appearance.

"Fortunately, you wake me up, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"The big perversion, the next time it becomes so terrible, the old lady will not let you go to my bed!"

"Amount... I know."

Qin Chao felt that Su Ji was worried about them.

The face of every beautiful woman in front of me is a strong worry.

Seeing that the Qin Dynasty had nothing to do, he was relieved.

"Really don't change anymore..."

Su Ji suddenly hugged Qin Chao.

Her body trembled a little, and there seemed to be a fear that could not be said.

"You just like that... I am really scared..."

Su Ji’s face was buried in the chest of the Qin Dynasty and continued.

"I am really scared... the one I know, will suddenly leave me..."

"Reassured, I won't."

Qin Chao quickly comforted Su Ji and said.

"The next time I am demonized, you can't wake me up."

"How dare you shoot you, you don't know how scary you are just like..."

Su Ji hammered Qin Chao and punched. "I shoot you, I am afraid that you will bite me!"

"I rely on, I am not a mad dog!"

Qin Chao immediately shouted.

"It’s almost..."

"How can it be almost!"

"Your Lao Niang said that it is almost the same!"

"Good... almost the same..."

"Oh, this is right."

Su Ji nodded with satisfaction.

Su Shi also came over.

"Next, what should we do?"

Su Shi asked.

The Zero Fleet, the slave army is completely destroyed, looks like the earth's destruction crisis, has passed.

"Back to Earth."

Qin Chao waved his hand and said.

"We have been away from home for too long, it is time to go back."

"Great, finally I have to go back..."

"Yeah, yeah, I have skipped classes for a few days, and I’m going to go back to the branch!"

"I am also asking for leave, I hope the leader will not wear small shoes for me..."

The girls were happy and said to each other.

Qin Chao looked at the girls happy, but could not help but feel a little warm.

Even if they are to protect the smiles of these women, they will try their best.

Cao Cao, wait for me.

The Qin Dynasty did not know that when he and a few beautiful women were warm, a shadow was hidden in the darkness and looked at them.

"Qin Chao, practice it well... don't let me down..."

He said, pinching the sprite jar in his hand.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!