MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 103

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What? The whole family has dirty things?

What kind of family is this!

Immediately, Yan Shu was very interested and said, 【Then tell me quickly, what's going on? 】

Anyway, it's still early, and there's plenty of work to do today.

Unexpectedly, the system asked her, 【Then who should start first? 】

Yan Shu, [...]

Well, there are too many melons, where to start eating becomes a problem.

She thought for a while, and said, [Then start from big to small, starting with Qi Guogong. 】

But when the system answered OK, it immediately started to work—

[The melons of the Duke of Qi have to start with the sons of Emperor Gaozu, that is, the brothers of the first emperor. As we all know, the first emperor had five brothers in total, among them, only he and the youngest king of Beiliang were the direct sons of Emperor Gaozu, that is, the nephew of Duke Qi. Although both of them are relative nephews of Duke Qi, in fact, Duke Qi is more partial to King Beiliang in his heart. Why, because the King of Beiliang married the daughter of his brother-in-law Andinghou. 】

Yan Shu was afraid that she would be confused, so she followed the clues first, 【That is to say, Mrs. Qi Guogong's niece from her natal family married the King of Beiliang and became a princess? They were kissed and married, so this Qi Guogong is more inclined to his little nephew King Beiliang. 】

The system said it was right, [Anyway, it is the Duke of Qi, Marquis Anding and the King of Beiliang formed an interest group. For the position of heir, the King of Beiliang secretly competed with the late emperor. But no matter what, the first emperor was the elder brother after all, and finally ascended the throne justifiably. However, the King of Beiliang had actually planned for a long time, planning to rebel in the name of the former emperor's false inheritance edict. 】

Hearing this, Yan Shu raised her eyebrows again, [Then as a main member of the interest group, Qi Guogong should know about this, right? 】

The system said, 【Then you must know, and you have contributed a lot to the Beiliang King's case. However, the former emperor and the queen mother were not vegetarians, and they had already made preparations. After some comparison, it was found that the king of Beiliang had no chance of winning, so he immediately sold the king of Beiliang in front of the late emperor, and secretly dealt with all the cronies around him who knew about it, and took the credit as a firm supporter of the late emperor. 】

Yanshu. 【...Then the king of Beiliang died before he left the army? 】

System, [Then die, how can the late emperor tolerate such a big matter as treason? 】

Yan Shu,【...The other member of the interest group, how about Qi Guogong's brother-in-law? 】

System, [Gong Qi sold him together, and this brother-in-law was buried with the King of Beiliang along with his father-in-law and his family. 】

Yan Shu, 【...What a ruthless person! Doesn't Mrs. Qi Guogong hate her husband to death? 】

Tsk, after all, Qi Guogong found out what was wrong at the beginning. If he could persuade his brother-in-law to stop the car, it might be possible to prevent the death of the old man and his family, right?

But the system said, [Then you think too much, it is absolutely impossible for Qi Guogong to persuade his brother-in-law to brake. After all, the first emperor also knew that he was closer to the King of Beiliang, and after he ascended the throne, he would definitely be on guard against him. What is the name of a pro-uncle? Therefore, only by betraying his brother-in-law can he show enough loyalty and sincerity to make the late emperor trust him. So even if his wife hates him to death, he has to do the same. 】

Yan Shu, [...]

Well, the story is over, and the ending is also obvious - Qi Guogong finally kept his glory and wealth by betraying his teammates and in-laws, and now he can still rely on his status as the emperor's uncle and grandpa to take care of the emperor's business.

The system, [That's no business, his own granddaughter just turned 6 this year, isn't it just the right time to get married? Looking at the capital now, there are not many families who can compare with him. 】

Yan Shu, [hehe. 】

Dare this old man want to win the position of queen and keep his glory and wealth? The question is, if you have the ability to guarantee it, you can guarantee it, and you have to dig a hole for others first, isn't it a bit too wicked?

Oh, by the way, the old man didn't have such a thing as Germany.

But having said that, it is not easy for Duke Qi to sell his teammates. One is of great importance, and the other is a long time. After all, Qi Guogong himself is in his seventies and eighties. Few people who knew the inside story back then are probably still alive. .

But it's okay, isn't there other melons?

So she asked the system again, [Let's talk about other people, what kind of melons do they have? 】

He listened to the system and said, 【Then let's talk about Duke Qi's son. This guy is about the same age as Cheng Engong, and he is also a dude, and his level of **** is also comparable to that of Cheng Engong. The family’s concubine’s house and room are two slaps too many to count, let’s not talk about it. I went hunting in the Luzhou hunting ground a few years ago, and I fell in love with Lin Chengxian’s eldest daughter from a hundred right guards in Luzhou. She was forced to marry him as a concubine. 】

Hearing this, Yan Shu couldn't help but slapped the table and called a hooligan, 【She is such an official girl, she wants to be a concubine for this old hooligan? Then Cheng Engong has not yet overlord to force his bow! 】

System, [Who said no? But this is not over yet, Lin Baihu's second daughter has grown up within two years, and this old hooligan wants to harm his second daughter, Lin Baihu is naturally unwilling, so he quickly finds a husband's house for the second daughter Dear, who would have known that this guy held a grudge, and put Lin Baihu in Luzhou Prison on the charge of stealing grain and grass. Lin Baihu was released two days ago, the old hooligan felt upset, and was planning to find another charge to frame him again. 】

What? ? ?

Yan Shu was so angry that she almost stood up, 【This old rascal just caught the whole family and bullied him! This is it! And you still hate it so much, can't you harm the second daughter and put him in prison? This is more people than Cheng Engong! 】

System, [That's right, after all, isn't Cheng'en Gong's family as high as his family's? As the saying goes, the higher the family's status, the more promiscuous the dudes it raises. 】

Yan Shu, 【...Pfft, it's the truth. By the way, is there any melon in his house? 】

System, [then there must be more, Mrs. Qi Guogong Shizi is also a ruthless stubble! 】

Yan Shu raised her eyebrows, 【Quickly talk about the ruthless method. 】

The system conveniently said, [The wife of this eldest son, Mrs. Wei, was originally the daughter of the second wife of the Marquis of Yongping. Back then, when the Duke of Qi and the Marquis of Yongping were negotiating marriage, it was originally the first daughter of the big house, that is, the cousin of the Wei family. However, in order to marry into Duke Qi's mansion, the Wei family bought poplar flowers and put them in the cousin's meal, causing the cousin who was allergic to this stuff to get a rash all over her body and unable to see others, and then she spread rumors that the cousin had grown up Pockmarked face. So the Duke of Qi's mansion chose her as his daughter-in-law. 】

Yan Shu, 【...isn't this a scam, and it's my own family. 】

As a person with the same allergic constitution, she was born with sympathy for that cousin.

But having said that, this Wei family spent so much effort to marry an old pervert, looking at the two concubines in the house all day long, don't know if he regrets it?

But the system said, 【Wei Shi regretted it, it's not about it, after all, this is her dream, the future Duchess! But there is no concubine in the mansion who does not regret it, because none of them has not been drugged by her. 】


Yan Shu was taken aback, 【What medicine? 】

System, 【It must be a sterilization drug! This Wei family's character must not make it an eyesore for the concubines in the mansion to give birth to concubines, so none of her husband's concubines can bear children, but if any of them are pregnant, once they find out, they will be given abortion pills by her. Therefore, although the Duke of Qi has many concubines, he does not have a concubine or concubine. 】

Yan Shu couldn't help sighing, 【Girls like the eldest daughter of Lin Baihu, what evil have they done to be treated like this by this couple! 】

Unexpectedly, the system said another sentence, 【This Wei family not only did this by himself, but also taught his daughter by precept and example. 】

Yan Shu froze for a moment, couldn't help hissing, and at the same time subconsciously touched her belly.

What the hell, if you really make this girl a queen...

No way! She absolutely cannot allow anyone to hurt her cub. snort!

Just when he was angry, he heard the system say another sentence, [Of course, not all concubines are slaughtered and do not resist. It’s not that there is a new concubine in their mansion who is a hot-tempered person. After taking the medicine, she held a grudge and seduced her son for revenge. 】

Yan Shu, [? ? ? 】

This is so... It seems that the grandson of Duke Qi is not reliable.

System, [As the saying goes, like father, like son. 】

Yan Shu, 【...I have to say it's another truth. 】

Tsk, this Duke of Qi's mansion can also be called "talented".

After eating the melons for the time being, she thought for a while, based on what she heard so far, the best thing to do would be the Duke of Qi's frame of Lin Baihu...

However, what she is more curious about now is the reaction of the emperor after receiving the Duke of Qi's memorial.

But the system said, 【How else can I react? Qi Guogong is his uncle and grandpa. This time he personally led five or six ministers into the palace to hand him the paperwork. He naturally had to follow it, and he had to be polite to the old man. 】

Yan Shu was a little dissatisfied, so she couldn't help but pouted, 【Then what did he think? Do you also want to be the queen of the draft? 】

System, 【I don’t know about this, I can’t get into the emperor’s heart. 】

Yanshu, […]

Well, if the system can't detect it, it won't be able to detect it. Anyway, she also has mind reading skills now, so she will try it out when that person comes.

Unexpectedly, just as he was thinking this way, he heard an announcement from outside, "Your Majesty is here..."

Yan Shu was taken aback.

—It’s only morning, why is this person here now?

But since he had already arrived, she also got up and went to greet him outside the door, saluting, "See Your Majesty."

In a blink of an eye, the man had come close, stretched out his hand to help her up, and said, "Get up."

After speaking, he lowered his eyes to look at her expression carefully, and said, "How is today?"

Yan Shu secretly raised her eyebrows.

— How is today?

Could it be that the man asked him this because of Duke Qi's handing over the booklet?

Want to see her reaction?

Yu Wenlan, "..."

That's exactly what he thought.

Knowing that she has that ability, I can't hide anything from her, so I want to come over quickly to see if she has any wild thoughts.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, she heard her angrily say in her heart, 【What else can I do? Nuo Da, a Duke of Qi, dug a hole for me, just waiting for me to jump! The old lady must not let them go! 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"

Duke Qi's mansion digging a hole for her?

What's going on here?

Fortunately, right after, she heard her say, "The concubine is pretty good, but I just heard something and was thinking of reporting it to Your Majesty."

Yu Wenlan said, "What's the matter?" As he spoke, he took her and sat down on the warm couch.

Then I heard her say, "The case of smuggling food and grass in the camp of Luzhou the year before last was actually an unjust case. In fact, the prince of Qi Guo fell in love with the eldest daughter of Lin Chengxian, a hundred households of the right guard of Luzhou, when he went hunting in Luzhou a few years ago. Forcibly married someone else as a concubine, and then wanted to marry someone else's second daughter. Lin Baihu's innocent family naturally didn't want to give both of their good daughters to the half-baked old man, let alone Mrs. Qi Guogong He is vicious and has given all the concubines in the mansion infertile drugs."

"In order to prevent her daughter from falling into the trap, Lin Baihu hurriedly found a marriage partner for her second daughter. Unexpectedly, the Duke of Qi's son became angry because of this, charged Lin Baihu with stealing grain and grass, and locked her up. Prison. I heard that Lin Baihu was released two days ago, and he plans to frame him again!"


As soon as these words came out, Yu Wenlan frowned immediately and said, "It turned out to be like this?"

Yan Shu nodded her head vigorously, "It's absolutely true. In fact, this matter is not difficult to investigate. As long as His Majesty sends someone to visit Luzhou and ask more people, the truth will be known."

Of course Yu Wenlan knew that if she could say that, the matter would definitely not be fake.

Then he took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll ask someone to investigate."

As he spoke, he got up.

Unexpectedly, she stopped her again and said, "The concubine still has something to report."

He paused, "What else?"

Yan Shu coughed, "The concubine has a story book, and I want to ask His Majesty for advice."

—Actually, it's about Concubine Hui's family.

After thinking about it, she felt that she still had to tell the emperor about it.

After all, if Concubine Hui's natal family doesn't give up, and then thinks elsewhere, releases rumors, and finally makes the emperor listen to it, it will definitely affect his relationship with the queen mother, so it's better for her to tell him the truth at this time good.

And Yu Wenlan, who silently listened to her voice, naturally knew that she was going to talk about her biological mother, and she became more curious, so she said patiently, "Let's talk about it."

Yan Shu said, "It is said that there is a big family with a generous and kind mistress, who treats the concubine kindly on weekdays, and the concubine also repays her with sincerity. One day, the concubine gave birth to a child, but unfortunately, she couldn't support her. , is about to pass away. When she was about to die, the concubine entrusted the child to the mistress, and the mistress also took pains to raise the child and became the head of the family."

"Unexpectedly, when everything was calm, the family of the concubine's family suddenly appeared and told lies to the beauty of the young patriarch, in an attempt to drive a wedge between the patriarch and adoptive mother, and trap the beauty in an unrighteous relationship. Fortunately, the beauty was smart and wise, and discovered the truth in time. It turned out that the family owed a debt to the patriarch's biological mother in the past, and had a bad relationship with the patriarch's biological mother. Now, instead, they fabricate lies about sisterly love, hoping to take advantage of the patriarch's influence. .”

"After learning the truth, the beauty naturally didn't let the person with the heart succeed, but now she just doesn't know, should she explain the truth to the Patriarch?"

Said to look at him quickly.

Of course Yu Wenlan understood that the head of the family in this story was him, the wise and wise beauty was her, the adoptive mother was the queen mother, and the concubine who passed away early was naturally his biological mother.

He was a little surprised, so the biological mother's natal family came to look for her?

Since he already knew about this matter, he naturally wanted to ask clearly.

He said, "Maybe it's better to be more specific, why does the patriarch's biological mother have a bad relationship with her natal family?"

Yan Shu thought, it seems that he understood.

Well, since she wanted to talk, she simply told him all about Concubine Hui's life.

So he said again, "The reason is that when this lady was young, her father doted on his concubine and killed his wife, which caused the lady's mother to die early. After that, his father straightened up the concubine's room and gave birth to younger siblings. Madam naturally couldn't let go of this matter. Later, when she first entered the mansion, she was also loved by the old Patriarch because of her beauty. Unfortunately, the old Patriarch was not a long-term lover. After she became pregnant, she was not so kind to her. This madam couldn't think about it so much that she became depressed and sick, and after giving birth, seeing that the Patriarch still treats their mother and child coldly, she became even more sad, so that she contracted metrorrhagia and passed away soon."

"Before she died, she still hated her natal family. After entrusting the child to the mistress, she specifically confessed that her natal family is not a progressive generation. In the future, she must not let them cling to the child, so as not to insult the child's reputation."

She didn't need to tell the rest of the story, Yu Wenlan also understood that it must be because his biological mother's natal family was unwilling, so they found her and spread rumors

—In fact, although he had no memory when he was a child, he also heard from the mother in the palace that since he was born, his father had already started cultivating Taoism, so even though he was a prince, his father was very indifferent to him. But the biological mother was sensitive by nature, in view of this, she was depressed and fell ill.

So what she said must be true.

Of course, he didn't pay attention to those family members who tried to cling to her.

But at this time, my heart is inevitably heavy.

Such a poor woman withered in this court just like that.

However, just when she was about to sigh, Yan Shu's voice suddenly came from her ear.

[Woooooo baby, your grandma and father are so pitiful! Both of us are fine, when you come out, mother must kiss and hug you and me, my dear boy...]

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Forget about "pro-grandmother", what about "pro-father"?

Could it be that there is still a father who is not dear?

Unexpectedly, at this time, she heard her say in her heart again, 【Baby, after all, mother is also a concubine! In case your mother dies that day, will your father have to find someone else to raise you? 】

Yu Wenlan paused in his heart.

Suddenly couldn't help but said to her, "I have already lost my biological mother in this life, this tragedy will never happen to you again."

Yan Shu was taken aback when she heard the words.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, he saw him put his hand on her stomach again.

Then Yan Shu heard it again, and he said in his heart, 【You two are the most important people to me right now. 】

Yan Shu was taken aback when she heard it.

There was an indescribable warmth in her heart, which gradually spread to her whole body, and it even made her eyes feel hot and her nose sore.

But wait, is she more important, or is the child more important?

Yu Wenlan, "???"

Is this still an option?

Before she could recover, she saw her take his hand and put it on her stomach, saying, "Your Majesty, Bao'er has been moving a lot lately, you might as well touch it and talk to Bao'er more." .”

Hehe, she knows, it must be the belly!

As long as he touches her belly, she can read his heart!

Yu Wenlan, "!!"

What, what's going on? ? ?