MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 2

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Yu Wenlan stepped into the hall all the way, looked up, as if he saw a sea of ​​jewels, the jewelry on the head and body of those women dazzled people's eyes under the reflection of the lights in the hall.

The smell of makeup and powder in the air also became stronger, he lowered his eyebrows slightly, and said softly, "Let's get down."

All the girls returned to their seats one after another, all of them seemed to be sitting upright in formal attire, but they quietly cast their gazes at him.

"When Your Majesty comes, the hall seems to be brighter."

The one who spoke was the imperial concubine Zhou who was sitting at the front. Yu Wenlan recognized her because she was the empress dowager's niece and her cousin in name.

Today she was dressed like a red lantern at the gate of the temple, the smile on her face looked very decent, but the voice in her heart was full of viciousness.

[These **** are all dressed up better than me. It seems that they have to be rectified before they can know what the rules are. 】

——Ever since I was able to hear other people's voices three years ago, Yu Wenlan has been used to all kinds of duplicity, so she just said in a low voice, "I'm not a lantern, how can I make the hall brighter?"

But after hearing a puff, another woman approached laughed and said, "Your Majesty is really funny, but the imperial concubine is always the best at talking, why did you stumble today?"

This is Concubine Ning, as the niece of the eldest princess's husband's family, she was sent to the palace by the eldest princess. Yu Wenlan also met her a few times, so she still has an impression.

Of course, he could also hear that the woman was scolding Concubine Zhou in her heart, [Hmph, you think you can overwhelm me by wearing red, and you don't even look in the mirror to see how ugly you are! To say that my multi-treasure wishful phoenix hairpin is better, it is really worth two thousand taels of silver. Look, Your Majesty has come to see it. 】

This was probably the first time the emperor looked at her since entering the palace, Concubine Ning hurriedly straightened her waist and raised a smile to meet the gaze from above.

Unexpectedly, the emperor just glanced at the top of her head, frowned and said, "The things on your head seem to be expensive?"

Concubine Ning paused, but Concubine Zhou hurriedly said, "According to my concubine, I'm afraid that Concubine Ning's hairpin can't be made without three thousand taels of silver. It's just that the harem tightened up expenses to support the snow disaster in Gyeonggi a while ago, and I don't know that Si Zhen Where did you get the silver taels?"

Concubine Ning could only hurriedly explain, "Your Majesty, this, this is a gift from your aunt, the eldest princess, not from Si Zhen."

After finishing speaking, I was still a little flustered, wondering if the emperor would go after the eldest princess mansion again.

Fortunately, Yu Wenlan did not speak again.

Because in addition to the two women in front of him scolding each other, various voices are still pouring into his ears—

【Hmph, these two stupid women are used to being arrogant, let them have a taste of being deflated today】

[I haven't eaten for three days, so I managed to stuff it into this tunic skirt. This Jinling Yunjin is really good. How can these thick and stupid village women get into His Majesty's longan? Your Majesty, look over here! 】

【What if these two idiots drive His Majesty away? I've practiced hard for three months and I haven't had time to present the dance to His Majesty! Stupid fool! 】

There is a distance limit for mind reading, so Yu Wenlan can only hear a few that are close, but these few are noisy enough.

He took a sip of tea in boredom, and really felt that instead of watching these women perform boring plays, it would be better to go back to the palace and read a few booklets. If it wasn't for the empress dowager pressing hard today, he would never have come.

At this time, Yan Shu, who was sitting at the end, was eating new melons with the system.

[And the emperor's melon? what is it 】

System, [The emperor cannot do personnel. 】

Yanshu, 【...What? 】

System, [The emperor cannot do personnel. 】

Yan Shu, [? ? ? Can't do personnel? Doesn't that mean it can't be done? 】

System, [You are right. 】

Yan Shu took a sip of hot tea and almost spit out, [Really? Are you kidding me? ! 】

system,【? Doubt the professional level of this system? Is this system a joke? 】

Yan Shu, [but how could such a thing happen? ? ? That is the king of a country! ! 】

The system, [Men, there are always all kinds of unspeakable secrets. Isn't the king of a country also a man? 】

Yanshu, […]

That's right. In the past two years following the system to eat melons, she has seen all kinds of strange men in the world, such as transvestites, sleeve-breakers, violent maniacs, alcoholics, gambling ghosts, etc. In comparison, "incapable of personnel affairs" is not bad.

But wait...

This incompetent person is the emperor! ! It's her nominal husband!

She was shocked again, 【Why did you tell me such an important thing now? 】

System, [This system has just received it. 】

Yan Shu, 【Then what am I going to do in the palace? ? ? Do you want to stay a widow for a lifetime? ? ? 】

System, 【Anyway, you don't have much ambition in the first place, so you'll be a widow. A lifetime passes quickly, as soon as the eyes are closed and opened. 】

Yanshu, […]

Is this human? It was hard for her to get a healthy body, could it be that she just closed it and opened it?

System, [Knowing is better than not knowing. It's a foregone conclusion, you take it easy. 】

Yanshu, […]

After eating melons for so long, it was the first time I ate one that was related to me, and it was such a big one.

So much so that she wanted to take a sip of tea, but she didn't hold it properly, causing the teacup to fall to the ground, making a jingling sound.

At this time the Empress Dowager had not arrived, the banquet had not yet started, and the hall was relatively quiet, so this sound inevitably attracted the attention of many people.

All the girls in front looked sideways, and when they saw her non-existent attire, not even as bright as the concubine Zhou Lifei and the others, they didn't take it seriously, and turned their heads one after another.

Only Zhang Cairen, who was sitting at the same table, said in a low voice, "Sister Li is drunk before the banquet? I'm afraid your majesty won't hear you."

Yan Shu didn't bother to talk to her.

Now she finally understands why the emperor never enters the harem, it's impossible to enter even if she wants to!

At this time, she only had a sense of vicissitudes of life.

It is more comfortable to give up early than to fight with all your strength to pursue an impossible goal.

The maid serving the banquet brought new teacups, and everything returned to normal. Yu Wenlan, who was seated in the distance, also looked away.

Compared with the women who were dressed like flowers and birds, lanterns and even feather dusters, he felt that the girl with hands and feet looked more comfortable.

Just why did you drop the cup? Is it also to attract his attention?

It's a pity that he was too far away, and he couldn't hear her thoughts.

Shao Qing, only to hear the sound of a communication outside the hall, "The Empress Dowager is here..."

Yu Wenlan got up to greet her, and all the concubines in the hall were busy saluting, and the hall rang out in unison, "Welcome to the Queen Mother."

When the mother and son met in the middle of the coming hall, Yu Wenlan stamped his feet and respectfully said, "Welcome to the Queen Mother."

Needless to say, the voice was thick and clear, which made the ears very comfortable. It was rare that the distance was so close at this time. Yan Shu seized the opportunity to take a quick glance, and finally saw the face clearly.


What a dragon and a phoenix pose, cleanly holding Xiao Su, as bright as a jade tree, shining with radiance...

All the words she had known in her two lifetimes popped up at this moment, lingering in her mind.

The rumors are true, he really is a handsome man!

But what a pity!

Yan Shu sighed silently, it's so wasteful that it's so beautiful but can't be used!

Yu Wenlan paused.

"Looks good but doesn't work"?


What does it mean?

He tried to find the source of the voice from the corner of his eye, and found that it was the clumsy girl just now.

Now that she was getting closer, it could be seen that her eyebrows and eyes were indeed delicate, and there was no heavy makeup on her face.

"Ai's family came late, did you tell you to wait?" The queen mother's laughter came from beside her ear.

Yu Wenlan concentrated her mind and said, "My mother has worked hard, please take a seat."

【Tsk, why didn't you lift it if you said it was fine? Innate? Or was it caused by trauma later on? 】

Yu Wenlan paused again.

This time he heard very clearly that the girl used, "Don't lift".

That's right, that's exactly what Yan Shu uses. Because at this moment she is calling the system.

— It’s okay to eat other people’s melons, but this time the big melons are blown up by her side, and it’s even related to her own fate. Coupled with her astonishing appearance, how can she remain indifferent?

She felt that there might be a change, so she had to figure out the reason first.

System, [temporary reason is unknown, but it should not be caused by congenital. 】

Hey, it's not that he doesn't move naturally, so it means that there may be a chance?

Yan Shu's eyes lit up, and she didn't notice the murderous aura surging not far away.

That's right, the moment he heard those two words, killing intent had already welled up in Yu Wenlan's heart.

Except for himself, no one in the palace knew about it.

How did this woman know?

Then in the next moment, she heard her pondering again, 【Maybe you can try "Su Nu Zhen Jing" and "Fang Shu Qi Shu". Bar! 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"

What does this mean?

The so-called has never eaten pork but has seen pigs run, Yan Shu has eaten so many meat and melons, these precious books are naturally at her fingertips, I still remember the melons in "General Xuanwei and the Little Widow" last time, the innocent It seems that the little widow used "Fang Shu Qi Shu" to firmly put the macho general into the pomegranate skirt.

Tsk, it's really lingering and heart-wrenching, and it's still exciting to think about it now.

"Get up, it's a holiday today, don't be too formal."

The queen mother's voice interrupted the wonderful memories, Yan Shu hurriedly adjusted her expression, thanked everyone and stood up.

Yu Wenlan hid the turmoil in his heart, and calmly led the Queen Mother to her seat.

The banquet officially started, and the palace people finally presented the dishes, such as hibiscus chicken slices, stewed duck with bird’s nest, assorted shark’s fin, fire-burned sheep’s head, golden shrimp, stuffed crab and so on. .

The biggest advantage of Yan Shu is that she can think freely. Now that the matter is a foregone conclusion, it's useless to entangle, so she put all her mind on the food and started eating seriously.

Because the emperor never participated in the past, there were no New Year’s banquets in the palace, and it was not her turn to attend the ordinary banquets, so today is a feast for the taste. The chicken slices with hibiscus are smooth and tender, and the stewed duck with bird’s nest is delicious. Assorted shark fins are better than gods, and the burning sheep's head is absolutely amazing!

Not to mention the crispness of the golden shrimp and the plumpness of the stuffed crab...

But the hot and cold dishes are all amazing, and today is really not in vain!

Seeing the noble concubines Zhou, Concubine Ning, and Concubine Duan competing to speak kindly to the Queen Mother or toasting the emperor, Concubine Li and Wang Zhaoyi took the initiative to present music and dance, vying to be the first, making the atmosphere of the banquet very lively.

Only she hid in the corner eating and drinking heartlessly.

He didn't notice at all that the emperor, who was the focus of the audience at this time, was completely focused on her.

The author has something to say:

Yan Shu: Hold on tight, let's eat first.

A certain emperor: I am not as important as those dishes?

Yan Shu: Brother, who are you?

A certain emperor: ...