MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 78

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Because Yan Shu was just pregnant and Yu Wenlan still had government affairs, after coaxing the Queen Mother, the two left Ci'an Palace.

With the emperor, Yan Shu didn't even have to shoulder her shoulders, and just got on the imperial chariot and walked back.

At this time, there were no outsiders in the large carriage, Yu Wenlan asked Yan Shu, "It's just a lake brush, I can ask you to explain it to you, why bother to confess your identity to the Queen Mother?"

But Yan Shu said, "Although His Majesty covered it up this time, what about next time? And just now when the concubine looked at the bamboo book and said this, the queen mother has already become suspicious of the concubine. In my heart, I don't treat my concubines as before. Besides, the Empress Dowager loves her concubines very much. If one day, she insists on seeing 'Mr. I'm afraid I'll be even more angry."

——At first, she felt that the Queen Mother was a dangerous person. If she knew that those scripts were written by her, she might take the opportunity to punish her. After getting along a lot these days, I realized that the queen mother is actually quite good, and if she likes her so much, it is likely that she will not use it to punish her.

So it's better to take this opportunity to confess directly, or if you want to cover up and make excuses in the future.

Between people, it is actually possible to be more sincere.

Yu Wenlan heard it in his ears and thought it made sense, so he nodded, "That's good too. If there is a reward from the queen mother in the future, I don't need to pass it on."

She was right, it was better to confess sooner rather than later, and most importantly, the Queen Mother also accepted it, which was not a bad thing.

Yan Shu nodded, but suddenly frowned and said, "Speaking of which, does Zhushu have any opinion on the concubine? Why did she think that the Hu brush used by the concubine was a reward from the queen mother? Concubine Is she a bad person in her heart?"

As soon as these words came out, without waiting for Yu Wenlan to say anything, the system said, [It's very simple, because Zhu Shu actually likes the emperor, and has always been your rival in love. 】

Yan Shu hummed, 【Zhu Shu likes the emperor? ? ? 】

System, [What are there so many question marks for? Incredible? After all, the emperor is also a good-looking talent. Zhu Shu was only thirteen when he came to the queen mother, and the emperor was only ten years old at that time, so the two grew up together. 】

Yan Shu, 【Ke Ke Ke, but the emperor couldn't do it before. 】

Yu Wenlan, who was listening quietly, twitched her eyebrows.

Why did you bring this up all of a sudden?

That's all in the past, okay?

System, [Then she didn't know that the emperor couldn't do it before! Just like the concubines of Zhou and Concubine Ning and An, who only regarded the emperor as a normal man. Such a good-looking, high-ranking, young and strong man, it is inevitable that he will not like it. 】

Yanshu, […]

Tsk too, may I ask who else in the world is like her, who doesn't dislike the emperor even though he knows he can't do it?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help rubbing her stomach, and secretly sighed, the so-called as long as the kung fu is deep and the iron pestle is ground into a needle, it really makes sense.

Yu Wenlan, "???"

Use it wrong! !

It's almost the same to keep the clouds open and see the moon!

What is an iron pestle ground into a needle! !


Yan Shu rubbed the imperial chariot back to Ganlu Hall, not long after, people from Shangyi Bureau and Si Zhen arrived.

Tailoring clothes and choosing jewelry, I have been busy for a long time.

On the second day, the imperial edict of canonization came down, and after some canonization ceremonies, she officially became Concubine Yi.

Outside the palace, her natal family's Uncle Zhongyi's Mansion was also officially promoted to Marquis Zhongyi's Mansion, which aroused countless envy for a while.

At this time, in the Ci'an Palace, Nanny Zhuang, who had knelt down in the Buddhist hall for three days and finally came out, was pleading guilty in front of the Empress Dowager with tears in her eyes.

"It was the servant who forgot the rules in a moment of impatience, and asked the empress to forgive her."

The Queen Mother still said coldly, "Your Majesty has a dragon heir, why are you so anxious?"

Mother Zhuang cried, "The servant girl was deeply entrusted by the old man and his wife back then, and she wanted to help the empress maintain the glory of Duke Cheng'en's mansion, but now, seeing that other people are about to give birth to the eldest son of the emperor, the servant girl is also a substitute for Chengen." The government is unwilling!"

Anyway, master and servant for decades, and this is a maid brought out from her mother's house, the queen mother also knew that what she said was not a lie, so she could only sigh at this time, "Why are you unwilling? The Ai family has tried their best for more than 20 years. , If they don't live up to their expectations, what can they do?"

After the words fell, Zhuang Nanny hurriedly wiped away her tears and said, "After so many things, I guess Cheng Engong has changed his ways, and now the third girl has grown up, and the third girl has a good temperament, as you know... "

Before she could speak, she saw the Queen Mother raised her hand and stopped, saying, "Do you think it is a good thing to enter the palace? You can live a good life outside, why do you have to enter the palace and suffer these dark tortures? What are you going to do to harm the third girl?" Do you think Aijia is living happily now?"

——If she could choose again, she would absolutely never enter the palace again, seeing her life being wasted like this.

Nanny Zhuang frowned and said, "But don't worry, what will the Zhou family do in the future?"

The queen mother sneered, "That's what the Zhou family should consider. It's about you and the master and servant of the Ai family. If you still want to stay with the Ai family, do your part. If you don't want to, the Ai family will be there." Find a place outside the palace to settle you, and I will never see you again."

Madam Zhuang paused, and could only cry again, "How can I abandon my mother and go outside the palace? I just don't want to mention this matter from now on."


As the pregnancy deepened day by day, Yan Shu's pregnancy reaction became more and more serious.

At first he was able to eat, but later, when he smelled meaty and greasy, his stomach became nauseated, and he vomited for several days in a row.

Seeing that the concubine's small face had obviously shrunk within a few days, the king was naturally worried, after thinking about it, he had no choice but to send someone to the Zhongyihou's mansion and invite Mrs. Zhongyihou into the palace.

As someone who has been there, Mrs. Zhu also knew that her daughter was in a difficult time, so she specially prepared the food that her former daughter loved to eat in the mansion and brought them in.

So Yan Shu just saw her mother, and immediately smelled the smell that she had been dreaming of.

fried leek dumpling! !

Before Mother could speak, she took the initiative to ask, "Did Mother bring a leek box?"

Mrs. Zhu hurriedly opened the package with a smile, "Your Majesty has a really sharp nose, here, my wife just made it before getting into the car, and it's still warm."

As he spoke, he handed over a box of warm chives.

Yan Shu is like a traveler who has traveled a long distance in the desert. When she saw Ganquan, she immediately took it and stuffed it into her mouth.

Well, it really is a leek box baked by my mother herself. The dough has a simple wheat fragrance. I know that she is afraid of being greasy now. When making the stuffing, my mother only uses tofu and leeks, and there is almost no oil when baking. It tastes light and simple. But very fragrant. It was just to her liking.

After just a few glances, she solved one.

Madam Zhu hurriedly handed over the tea with distress, and persuaded, "Eat slowly, Madam, there are still some better ones, don't choke."

Yan Shu groaned, picked up another one, divided two by three, and then fell into the stomach again.

Well, there is finally something in my stomach that has been regurgitating acid for days, and I finally feel better.

Yan Shu drank two more cups of tea before she could ask her mother, "How is everything at home? How are you and dad? How is grandma?"

Mrs. Zhu nodded hurriedly, "Everything is fine at home. Your majesty is fine, and your grandma is also fine. I wanted to come together today, but I heard from the father-in-law who delivered the decree that His Majesty hopes that the ministers can stay in the palace for two days." My God, I didn't dare to follow and stayed in the mansion."

Yan Shu's eyes lit up, "Did Your Majesty say so? How dare you!"

—With my mother by my side, it makes her feel like she has a spiritual support, so that her body, which is tossed by pregnancy reactions, can feel better.

Mrs. Zhu nodded, "The father-in-law who delivered the decree said so, and the minister's wife also brought a few extra clothes on purpose."

Yan Shu hurriedly said hello and asked Lian Xin to prepare the room for her mother.

After the arrangement was settled, she asked again, "How is Tianrui doing in the Imperial College? Are you still getting used to it?"

Speaking of which, in the blink of an eye, her younger brother Li Tianrui has been in the Imperial Prison for three months.

It's a pity that because of the rules, although Yan Shu has met her parents and grandma, she hasn't seen her younger brother yet.

But Niang nodded and said, "He's fine too. After all, it's different after entering the Imperial College. Not only did he learn a lot of things, but his temper also improved. It's not that he was tricked by someone while shopping on Gongyuan Street two days ago. It's not as bad as before. I fought with someone earlier, but now I know that I have a different identity, so I dare not discredit you, so at least I held back."

Yan Shu felt strange, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter with being tricked?"

But I heard Zhu said, "That's right, isn't Gongyuan Street selling the Four Treasures of the Study? They Guozijian stipulated that white linen paper should be used for writing. He just ran out of paper that day, so he went to Gongyuan Street to buy it, but found the paper in his hand. Not quite right, I wanted to argue with the store owner, but fortunately the people I followed persuaded him, so he didn't go into it, and went out to change places to buy."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Zhu said specifically, "Your father told him that now that we have been promoted to the Marquis's Mansion, we will be staring at him outside. If we have nothing to do, we would rather suffer a little loss, and don't make a fuss that will affect you."

Yan Shu nodded when she heard the words, and understood her father's good intentions.

After all, Tianrui is now the son of the Hou family, if he argues with the store owner because of the paper, he wonders if he will be labeled as bullying the common people.

Thinking about her younger brother's youthful temper, it was not easy to bear it.

At this time, I saw my mother frowned again and said, "It's strange to say, but for some reason in Gongyuan Street, several houses' papers were sold as inferior ones, and Tianrui went to several places, and finally there was one next to our house. The real white linen paper is bought in a small shop."

Yan Shu was also surprised to hear that Gongyuan Street is the most famous place to buy stationery in the capital, where most of the students go to buy stationery, yet the store dares to sell inferior products, so that people can't buy good paper?

But the system said, 【It's very simple, because some people in the court used their positions for personal gain and monopolized several major stationery stores in the capital. 】

Yan Shu was taken aback, 【Is there anyone else so bold? Who exactly? 】

System, [this person is called Bao Qiwen, who is currently the director of the Imperial Academy, and is usually in charge of the daily affairs of the Imperial Academy. Several stationery stores have covered their purchases. In addition, there are also Guozijian and several other academies under the imperial court. The students use his paper on weekdays. 】

Yan Shu felt strange, 【So unabashed? Did no one find out? 】

System, [He has been in the Imperial Academy for many years, and has established good relationships with many academies. Besides, he usually uses good paper for teachers, and second-class paper for students. The students are young and ignorant, and the teachers are afraid. Getting into trouble, and besides spending money from the imperial court, who likes to meddle in that business? 】

Yan Shu hissed, 【Each academy has at least a few hundred students, daily paper consumption is also a big consumption, isn't he making a lot of money? 】

System, [That's not true, he has earned a lot of money over the years, and he can be called the number one big rat who has taken advantage of the court. 】

Yan Shu, 【Then no one noticed? 】

The system let out a snort, 【This person pretends to be poor on the surface. The house he lives in is an old house more than ten years ago, and the rain leaks from time to time. His clothes turn white from washing on weekdays. The day is rough, the tea is light, and the food looks extremely searchable. Who would have thought of it? 】

Yan Shu's head was full of question marks, 【Then what's the use of him earning all this black-hearted money? Isn't this nothing you can't enjoy? 】

System, [Who says you can't enjoy it? In fact, this person bought a mansion with the best view of the lake in the mansion area next to Jinming Pond in the capital many years ago. There are countless beautiful maidservants in it. 】

Yanshu, […]

Really awesome!