MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 80

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Of course, such an exciting scene, how can it be just a simple sentence?

Yan Shu immediately questioned the system, 【Quick! Say it in detail! How did Du Shi cut it? 】

The system said, 【Just now after Mrs. Du entered the mansion by the Jinming River, he saw that the women inside were all disheveled, but that Bao Qiwen was of such virtue, the anger that had endured for so many days must be All of a sudden it exploded. Just beating Bao twice is of course not relieved. After all, she has suffered with this man for so many years, and this man secretly enjoys it secretly. No, Du Shi was even angrier when he saw a sheep roasting in the yard. ! 】

[After all, mutton is so expensive! Thinking that in order to pretend to be poor, she may not be able to eat three times a year in the capital, but this man dared to secretly roast one by himself! It just so happened that there was a dagger specially designed for cutting meat beside the roasted lamb, and Du Shi was furious, and immediately picked up the dagger without saying a word. So little meat soon? Over the years, she has cooked by herself, killing chickens and fish, and so on. down. 】

Yan Shu couldn't help but click tut after listening.

Don't forget to share it with someone next to you, "Your Majesty, the latest news is that Bao Qiwen's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Du, castrated him."


Yu Wenlan took a mouthful of hot soup before bringing it to her mouth. He almost choked on hearing this sentence, and managed to calm down after coughing a few times. He frowned and said to her, "What did you say? Castrated?"

But seeing Yan Shu blinking her big innocent eyes and nodding, "Yeah, she was cut directly with a knife in her hand." She made a flesh-cutting motion while talking.

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Then she heard her tsk tsk in her heart, 【God, I don't think this kind of scene will happen once in a lifetime! It would be such a shame not to be able to see it with my own eyes! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

See it with your own eyes?

Who is dizzy?

But having said that, women are really keen on cutting... this, tsk.

It was terrible.

But now that he has reached this point, it is time for Jin Yiwei to act, so he put down the soup bowl and said, "I'm going to the imperial study, you can eat slowly."

As he spoke, he deliberately added, "Don't keep thinking about those messes."

After speaking, he got up and went out of the palace gate.

Yan Shu was left unaware, so what's the mess?

Do you want to cut Zhe?

Tsk, this is not what she thought, it was a surprise brought by the people of Du's city, hehe!

Speaking of which, the melon hadn't been eaten yet, so Yan Shu hurriedly asked the system, 【What's the situation now? 】

But the system said, 【Now the blood splattered on the spot, the Bao surnamed screamed in agony, the women screamed in fright, Mrs. Du originally wanted to give the Bao surname a couple of stabs, just in time for the guards in Jinyi to break into the door , failed to make up. 】

Yan Shu let out an oh, it's fine if she didn't make up her mind, this surname Bao has tricked so many people, it would be cheap if he died at the knife of his wife today!

No, thinking of this, she couldn't care less about eating, and hurried to the desk to finish the half-written part of the book in one go.

——People who have done so many immoral things must first expose their crimes to the world and be scolded by the world before they die!


Early the next morning, a big news that shocked the whole city shocked the ruling and opposition parties.

—Last night, a murder occurred in a mansion by the Jinming Pool. It turned out that Bao Qiwen, the Secretary of the Imperial College, was cut off by his wife Du Shi... Jiji? ? ?

Of course, the Empress Dowager in Ci'an Palace also got the news.

Just when he was very surprised, he saw Yan Shu came to her with a script book.

"My lady, this is the new storybook of Mr. Xiaoyao. The concubine asked someone to buy it. May I read it to you?"

—Only the Empress Dowager in Ci'an Palace knew about her vest, and there were others around at this time, so she could only say so.

When the Empress Dowager heard this, she hurriedly waved her hand to tell the idlers to leave, and when there was no one in the hall, she hurriedly asked her, "This is your new writing? What's your name?"

Yan Shu nodded hurriedly, "It's true that my concubine finished writing it last night. The story is called "The Wicked Woman Kills the Black-hearted Man in Anger."

The queen mother couldn't help but hum when she heard the words, why does this name sound a bit like something about the Bao family?

So he hurriedly said, "Tell the Ai family quickly."

As he spoke, he told her, "You don't have to say a single word, just pick up the important parts and say it. You are pregnant, so don't get tired."

Woohoo, as expected, the big guy on the list is considerate, Yan Shu hurriedly responded, and told the Queen Mother—

"It is said that there is a family in the capital city. The man works in the government office and is responsible for the students' study. This man probably suffered from having no money since he was a child. He loves money very much. After he took this job, he began to think of a way. Thinking about how to use his position to enrich himself, he thought about it, and found that the paper used by the students in this academy was profitable, so he quietly opened a paper-making workshop in the capital."

"Other man-made paper is made of real materials. He is different. He deliberately finds a way to make cheap paper from cheap and shabby materials, and then uses his position to sell these papers to various departments under the imperial court. In the academies, take the opportunity to cheat the court of money. Don't look at this piece of paper, although it is cheap, the paper used by students in various academies can add up to a lot of income, and most importantly, this paper is the easiest to consume of."

Hearing this, the queen mother nodded hurriedly, "Isn't it? The students are writing on paper every day! In this way, wouldn't it make him greedy for cheap?"

Yan Shu nodded hurriedly, "That's right, such a big profit can be seen clearly, feeding this person like a big mouse, but this person is still very cautious, not daring to show off easily, and even pretending to be poor on purpose, every day Hiding with my wife in the leaky dilapidated house, I didn’t even dare to invite a maid at home.”

But the queen mother raised her eyebrows, "Could it be that he wants to take the money to the grave? Or he secretly eats it outside, so that the daughter-in-law will suffer by herself?"

Yan Shu hurriedly said, "Your Majesty is wise, it's pretty much the same. This person usually pretends to be poor at home, but he spent ten thousand taels of silver to buy a mansion in the most expensive place in Jinming Pool, and arranged a lot of beautiful things in it." Maid, he built a wine pool and meat grove every now and then to enjoy it. His daughter-in-law really doesn't know about it."

The queen mother was taken aback, "The mansion by the Jinming Pool? It seems that it really is about the Bao family couple?"

But Yan Shu nodded, "That's right, it's the two of them, the empress has heard about it, Bao Qiwen's daughter-in-law Du Shi eunuched him last night."

The queen mother nodded vigorously, "I heard about it just now when Ai's family came together, and I was still wondering what's going on? I didn't expect you to write it out? Hurry up and talk to Ai's family carefully."

Yan Shu hurriedly responded, and now there is no need for a script, so she chatted directly with the Queen Mother about what happened last night, "I heard that Mrs. Du is actually a tigress, and Bao Qiwen is always in charge of her. I knew about Bao Qiwenkeng court from the very beginning, so I acted with him and pretended to be poor on weekdays."

The queen mother was stunned, "Aijia said, at least she is an imperial supervisor, how could she not even be able to hire a maid? Aijia just thought that Du Shi was innocently deceived, it seems that she is also an accomplice."

Yan Shu nodded hurriedly, "She is indeed, but that Bao Qiwen has more eyes, I heard that a few days ago, Bao Qiwen went to the jewelry shop outside to make jewelry for his beauties in the wine pool and meat forest and exposed his secrets. After asking Mrs. Du to find out, he became suspicious and followed this Bao Qiwen for several days, so he happened to follow him to the mansion by the Jinming Pool last night."

The queen mother hissed, and she could already imagine the scene at that time, and hurriedly said, "So Mrs. Du gave it to him on the spot...cough cough...then what? This is really a tigress! Then what happened next? Did Bao Qiwen die?"

Yan Shu said, "Actually, Your Majesty heard the wind a few days ago, and has been asking people to lie in ambush around that place. As soon as the incident happened last night, he immediately rushed in. So far, I heard that Bao Qiwen is not dead, but There was a lot of bleeding, and some were half dead."

The queen mother nodded and said, "That's okay, this man cheated the court so much money, wouldn't it be cheaper for him to die easily!"

Yan Shu nodded hurriedly, and heard the Queen Mother say, "Your words are well written, and when you send them out, everyone in the world will see his true face. But this matter is of great importance, and he cannot be spared just because he is half dead."

Yan Shu hummed, "Your Majesty ordered the Metropolitan Procuratorate to intervene this morning. I believe he will never be spared lightly."

The Queen Mother nodded, "That's good."

Then he looked at her again, and sighed, "Why do you come here to tell Ai's family about this so early in the morning, can you eat too early?"

Yan Shu said, "It took a while, the concubine came here in a hurry because she was afraid that the empress would be in a hurry."

The Queen Mother sighed, "How can a little be enough? You are in good shape right now, so you must not lose yourself. What do you want to eat right now? Ai's family asks someone to prepare it, so you can eat here."

Yan Shu was so moved beyond words, she could only thank her repeatedly, "Thank you for your concern."



At this time, outside the palace gate, Madam Zhuang was whispering to Zhushu, "Why is the door closed now when the empress and Concubine Yi are talking?"

Zhu Shu only said, "I don't know either."

However, she was also pondering in her heart, since the last time when she and the queen mother mentioned the lake pen, Yifei and His Majesty came here in a hurry, not knowing what they said to the queen mother, since then, the queen mother has become more trusting of Yifei.

Could this Concubine Yi be charming?


Just as Yan Shu expected, when the whole city was shocked by the news of the Bao family couple, the book of her words was published in time, and the obvious name immediately aroused everyone's curiosity.

For a time, the sales volume was 30% higher than before.

After reading it, everyone also understood the hidden truth of the Bao family murder case, and couldn't help cursing the Bao family couple for their black hearts.

Of course, everyone was also a little curious, wanting to find out the true face of the wine pool and meat forest by the Jinming Pool, ahem.

However, it is a pity that that place is not only the scene of the crime, but also the evidence of corruption, so the door has already been sealed by the government, and it is impossible to see the inside scene for a while.

However, I heard that in the past few days, it has become a tourist attraction, and many ordinary people and tourists have gone to the gate to browse and imagine the grand scene.

Yan Shu really did not expect this.

Knowing this earlier, she invested in opening a bookstore nearby to sell her own scripts!

Sales are expected to be better.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

What's important is that it didn't take long for the court's verdict to come down, and Bao Qiwen was sentenced to death for taking advantage of public affairs for personal gain, accepting bribes and embezzling. His daughter-in-law, Du Shi, was also sentenced to exile for the crime of covering up.

It can be described as a great joy.

After receiving the verdict, Yan Shu was very satisfied, and went to Ci'an Palace to share the good news with her big boss.

The queen mother was also very satisfied, she nodded and said to her, "You can be said to have taken a lot of credit for this matter. If it weren't for your words, which aroused the public's excitement, then the Metropolitan Procuratorate might not be able to do a good job, so many cases will be closed."

Yan Shu hurriedly said modestly, "I dare not, this matter mainly depends on His Majesty's wisdom and martial arts."

The Queen Mother nodded again.

After a while, he sighed, "Speaking of which, Songhe Academy will open in a few days."

Yan Shu was taken aback, nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I heard it will be the day after tomorrow."

She couldn't help thinking to herself, could it be that the Queen Mother wants to see Bachelor Qi?

It's true, since the last time I went back to Changchun Garden to see it, it seems that it has been many days!

Woohoo, as a CP fan, I have to find a way to wish her big boss a helping hand!