MTL - My Body Can Infinitely Awaken Skills-Chapter 5 I, nickname, rice bucket

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   Chapter 5 I, nickname, rice bucket

   "The core of psionic energy is made of Zerg and Eldar, of course you can eat it.

   It’s just that this kind of scrapped one has weak spiritual power and low nutritional value, so it’s still okay to fill the stomach. "

  Ning Baichuan walked him around the room and handed him a headset: "Take it, if there is a situation, I will notify you to replace it."

  Jiang Chen brought the headset, and Ning Baichuan continued: "Here is to replace the core of spiritual energy in time, you need..."

   Before he finished speaking, Ling Yuying's voice sounded in the headset: "Room 7, two stations."

   "Like this, problems can arise at any time."

  Ning Baichuan shrugged: "Don't think that you are very relaxed, maybe you will be too busy to leave."

   "I will work hard." Jiang Chen took the core of psionic energy and followed him to Room 7.

   "The college entrance examination is just around the corner. These little guys are fiercer than each other. Hey, I really envy them for being energetic, lively and powerful."

  Ning Baichuan said with a smile.

   Came to Room 7 and replaced the psychic core, Jiang Chen had two more in his hands.

   "Wait until the evening, you need to check each machine, if the consumption of psionic energy in it is almost the same, you need to replace it with a new one."

  Ning Baichuan finished speaking, then turned to say: "I'll take you to check later in the evening. Now, it's time to teach you how to cultivate."

   "Thank you, teacher." Jiang Chen said expectantly.

   "It's just the basic Qi refining method, unified by the college."

  Ning Baichuan said, pointing at Jiang Chen's eyebrows: "By the way, don't disturb Ling Yuying, psionic scholar, with a very strange temper."

   "Okay." Jiang Chen replied.

   "Okay, try it out, run the basic cultivation method, and absorb the spiritual energy of the core of spiritual energy." Ning Baichuan said.

  Jiang Chen sat down, holding an abandoned psionic core in both hands.

  In his mind, the method of basic cultivation emerged.

   Sensing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, introducing the spiritual energy into the body, refining it into spiritual energy, also known as spiritual energy.

  He couldn't sense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but the spiritual energy in the core of spiritual energy was very obvious.

   It's just that he can't draw the aura of the psionic core.

   "Don't be nervous, it will take a few minutes as soon as you start practicing." Ning Baichuan comforted.

   Jiang Chen responded, closed his eyes, and continued to try.

One minute.

  Two minutes.


   In a blink of an eye, ten minutes passed, there was an accident with the instrument, and Ning Baichuan went to replace it.

  Jiang Chen still didn't move, the weak spiritual energy inside was too stubborn.

   No matter how he ran the basic Qi training method, he couldn't move it.

   Another five minutes passed, and Ning Baichuan came back.

  Jiang Chen opened his eyes and looked at the psychic core in his hand.


   The crunchy core of psionic energy can be easily bitten, but the taste is not good, like eating a shelled egg.

   After taking three or two bites, the [Digestion] skill is automatically activated.

  The core of psionic energy was digested instantly, and a strand of pure energy was absorbed by the progress bar.

  Progress bar: 5.3%.

   A scrapped psionic core, plus 0.3.

   is a bit dry, he thinks he should bring a bottle of water.

   Take out the second one and eat it, progress bar: 5.5%.

   This time it increased by 0.2%.

  Each discarded psionic core contains different energy.

   was about to eat the third one when Ning Baichuan came back with three discarded psionic energy cores in his hand.

   "How is it, have you cultivated spiritual power?" Ning Baichuan asked with a smile.

  Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "No."

   "What about the three psionic cores?" Ning Baichuan asked.

   "After eating, the taste is a little bit bad, but it's okay." Jiang Chen licked his lips and said, "If only there was a bottle of water."

  Ning Baichuan: "…"

   Holding the core of psionic energy, but failed to cultivate psionic energy?

   He handed the three psionic cores in his hand to Jiang Chen, and said, "There is a faucet behind the instrument, I'll go get you a water cup."

   "Thank you, Teacher Ning." Jiang Chen thanked him.

   "You're welcome, come on, cultivating psionic energy is about hard work, not overnight." Ning Baichuan patted him on the shoulder and left the room.

   Jiang Chen looked at the psychic core in his hand, and without hesitation, put it into his mouth again.

   A psionic core is calculated at a minimum of 0.2, not to mention being scrapped in one day, dozens should be no problem.

   After eating all of them, there are several o'clock, even ten o'clock.

  Ning Baichuan walked out of the room and dialed Liu Jun's phone: "Old Liu, how is Jiang Chen's talent? How can you hold the core of psionic energy and can't cultivate psionic energy for a few minutes?"

   "Uh." Liu Jun paused for a moment, then smiled dryly: "Give him a few more days, sure."

   "How many days?" Ning Baichuan was taken aback.

   "Well, affinity with Reiki: 1." Liu Jun whispered.

   "What's the matter?" Ning Baichuan was stunned: "Is there anyone with an affinity of 1? Isn't the lowest federal record in the thirties?"

   The federal minimum record is in the thirties. Even if you come in the thirty, he won't say anything.

  But, are you coming for a 1?

   This is so special, to refresh the lower limit?

   "I'm also very puzzled, but it's not difficult for you to replace the psionic core, let him do it." Liu Jun said.

  Ning Baichuan said angrily: "I didn't say this, then you left him to me to teach you, are you trying to ruin my reputation?"

   "It's alright, it's nothing, just teaching basic qi refining methods. It's nothing." After Liu Jun finished speaking, he hung up the phone decisively.

   Four psionic cores are placed, two are 0.2 and two are 0.3.

  Progress bar: 7.2%!

   "Suddenly I feel that this digestion ability is not bad." Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

   After eating the six psionic cores, he was still a little hungry, the same as if he hadn't eaten.

   "Room number eight, three."

   Ning Baichuan's voice came from the headset.

  Jiang Chen hurriedly went to Room 8 to replace the core of psionic energy.

   Just after the replacement was completed, another voice came: "Room No. 9, two."

  Jiang Chen could only run to Room 9 while nibbling at the core of spiritual energy.

   "Room twentieth, three."

   "Room 21, one."

   "Room No. 18..."


   Ning Baichuan's voice kept coming from the headset, during which Ning Baichuan came once and brought him a water glass.

   The rest is all he is changing.

   Running from room to room, this simple work is also very tiring.

   is really scrapped all the time, running all the time, the longest one is a two-minute rest.

   In the end, he had to gobble and eat the core of psionic energy.

  Although I was tired, the progress bar was skyrocketing, which was painful and happy.

   It was not until the evening, when eating, that I took a breath.

  Progress bar: 32.7%!

   The fastest day ever for a progress bar!

  The dinner is very rich, two meat and one vegetarian, and an egg soup, all of which are slightly fluctuating.

  Ling Yuying didn't eat and was still sitting there busy.

  Ning Baichuan was eating and asked, "How many psionic cores have been scrapped?"

   "Uh, do you want to memorize it?" Jiang Chen panicked: "I will memorize it next, I will definitely memorize it."

   He didn't want to lose such a good job.

   "Don't remember, I just asked, it should be scrapped a lot, why didn't you take it out." Ning Baichuan waved his hand.

   "That, eat it all, it should be fine, right?" Jiang Chen said cautiously.

   "Cough cough..." Ning Baichuan choked on the food, widened his eyes and looked at him in amazement: "Have you eaten all?"

   "Hmm." Jiang Chen said with some embarrassment: "I, my nickname, a rice bucket."

  Ning Baichuan: "…"

  Ling Yuying's writing hand paused and continued to write.

   (end of this chapter)