MTL - My Choices Became Real-Chapter 186 "Calm" Lunch

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Yin Keni could feel Tang Ying's deep hostility towards her, so she was angry and funny.

I'm not coming to **** your man!

Li An took off his apron and said to Yin Keni, "Sit down, you're welcome."

Yin Keni smiled sweetly at Li An: "Well, thank you, Mr. Li, for staying here to treat me to dinner!"

After speaking, he took a look at Tang Ying.

In the air, there seemed to be a smell of gunpowder.

Li An had a big head, Su Ye said with a faint smile, "Okay, let's eat, Brother An has been busy for a long time."

Like a pinning needle, Su Ye's voice fell, Tang Ying and Yin Keni looked at each other, and stopped talking, feeling very authoritative. Li An couldn't help but glanced at her.

Yin Keni focused on the table. A pot of chicken soup, double-cooked pork, fried lotus root slices with fungus, and fried shredded pork with wild rice stems looked so exciting that she suddenly felt hungry.

Li An took the untouched Kuaizi and separated the whole stewed chicken in the pot, and then gave Su Ye one chicken leg, and the other chicken leg was going to be distributed to Tang Ying, and at this time, the latter smiled and said Said: "An'an, Ke Ni is a guest, let's give it to the guest first."

The word "guest" seems to be a bit emphatic.

Li An felt that it made sense, and moved the dangling chicken leg towards Yin Keni.

Yin Keni felt that she was not affected by the "food that comes from you", so she smiled politely: "Mr. Li, I don't like chicken legs, so let this sister eat it."

"Hey, it's okay." Li An impatiently put the chicken leg into his bowl: "If you don't eat it, I will eat it."

Su Ye smiled lightly: "Keni, you're welcome. Try it. Brother An's craftsmanship is very good. If you think it's delicious, you can come here often."

Tang Ying frowned, glanced at Su Ye, and lowered her head to eat.

"Well, thank you, Assistant Su." Yin Keni also got excited. As Li An's assistant and the character who appeared on the scene the day before yesterday, she naturally knew her. As for Tang Ying, she must have met her face to face.

Yin Keni picked up a piece of twice-cooked pork, chewed it twice, her eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but praised: "Well, I didn't expect Mr. Li's cooking skills to be so good? Are you an all-rounder?"

He has a solid foundation in literature, speaks French, runs a good business, and can cook?

Except for a little scum, it can be said to be perfect!

If you think about it this way, no one is perfect, and it seems that it is not unacceptable to have such a shortcoming. Of course, this refers to the status of being friends. If it is a relationship, she will definitely not find such a scumbag!

"That's right, An Anke is amazing!" Tang Ying couldn't help saying proudly.

Where is it? Is it good in bed?

If it was just him and Tang Ying, Li An would definitely ask this question.

Yin Keni looked at Tang Ying's appearance, and felt a little conflicted. On the one hand, she felt that there was no need to be as knowledgeable as her, and on the other hand, she just didn't like her. As for why she didn't like her, it must be because she looked too hot!

Hmph, I, Yin Keni, hate this kind of vixen the most in my life, not because she is close to Mr. Li.

Seeing that Yin Keni was murmuring and didn't know what to say, Su Ye opened her mouth and changed the subject, "By the way, Ke Ni, I just heard from you that you are here to apply for a job?"

Yin Keni's thoughts were interrupted, and she forgot to mention Liu Shishi's matter, so she nodded: "Yes, Li and I are always like-minded people, oh, it's just about the concept of enterprise development, so I came to learn from it, I want to Learn about Mr. Li's management methods."

Tang Ying poked her rice, and looked at Yin Keni with disdain, you and him are just fellows, and he and I are still friends with Guan Bao, what's the big deal?

"Oh~" Su Ye nodded clearly, and couldn't help but glance at Li An with some questioning in his eyes.

Li An knew what she wanted to ask, nodded indistinctly, and then explained: "That's right, so I gave her the role of an observer. It's not a fixed position, but it's just for her to understand."

Su Ye nodded, turned her head and smiled slightly: "Then you can come to me if you have any troubles or problems in the future, or you can also find Tang Ying, she is Brother An's secretary."

Yin Keni glanced at Tang Ying in surprise. She was actually a secretary. Was she a serious secretary? Ang Lee is indeed a SP.

Tang Ying straightened her chest slightly, showing her pride, making Yin Keni look sideways

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: "That's right, I'm An An's secretary. You can come to me if you have any questions in the future. I'm easy to talk to."

I believe you ghost~

Yin Keni smiled sweetly at Tang Ying: "Then thank you first, Secretary Tang."

Probably because Yin Keni looked too sweet and cute, Tang Ying felt as if she was healed for a moment, and she wondered if she was too fierce and nervous just now, so she smiled kindly: "It's okay, it should be."

Su Ye squinted her eyes under the golden silk glasses, and praised with a smile: "Keni is really cute! Boys should like it, right?"

Tang Ying's eyes changed again, full of vigilance.

Yin Keni waved her hands modestly: "Not anymore."

The nervous Li An couldn't see the vortex and torrent under the calm sea, but felt that the three girls got along pretty well, so he said with a smile: "Of course, I heard that Yin Keni is a famous goddess. You should have quite a few people, right?"

Tang Ying ate in silence, but the vigilance in her eyes grew stronger, Su Ye smiled more naturally, flatteringly said: "Are you sure? Kenny, tell me, how many are there?"

Speaking of this, Yin Keni was still a little proud, and continued to say modestly: "Not many, only a dozen or twenty."

Tang Ying silently rolled her eyes, who doesn't have a bunch of suitors?

As she said that, Yin Keni shook her head again: "They are all too immature, they feel like a child, I have no interest in them."

Unconsciously, she looked at Li An again, and felt that they would be about the same age next But Li An's charm was obviously higher than theirs by more than one level.

"Then what do you think of Brother An? How about Brother An?" Su Ye didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, pretending not to see Tang Ying's eyes, and said with great interest.

Yin Keni was still thinking about Li An just now, and now she has an inexplicable illusion of being caught, but how to answer this question?

She hesitated and said, "Mr. Li, of course Mr. Li is more mature than them, but Mr. Li is not my suitor. How can this be compared?"

"Oh?" Su Ye smiled even more, and asked teasingly, "What if Brother An pursues you? How many opportunities can you give him?"

Tang Ying clenched the tatter and looked at Yin Keni, while Li An also looked at the opposite girl with interest.

"Boss Li and I are just people in the same league. Boss Li also has a girlfriend, so of course he wouldn't be interested in me, right?" Facing this difficult question, Yin Keni decisively threw it to Li An, smiling said to him.

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