MTL - My Classmate is 200 Million Years Old-Chapter 37 conflict

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The schedule of the exchange is very simple. First, each group accompanied their exchange students to the school's selected class for a two-day class, lived the school life together, and lived in the school dormitory.

Then the school organized three days of play in or around the city.

Finally, the exchange student lived in the student's home to experience life, two days, free activities during the period.

Therefore, in fact, the only time for communication was in the school for two days, and the rest of the time was playing, playing, playing, playing

Tan Luen, who was leading the way with Xuan Mo to lead the mountain to the upper class, suddenly wondered whether such a schedule would be a disaster for the powerful Xuan Mo.

In fact, Xuan Mo, who has been wandering around "playing" for so long, has no idea what she is facing. She is just sad. She saw the encounter in the exchange student. She thought she would be asked to stare. , I did not expect to receive instructions at the end, asking her to stare at the mountain.

Yamano? What expressionless hair child is there to stare at, for a long time there is no fart, even more embarrassing than himself.

Xuan Mo never knew that the creature with the most stingy blue star was a **** horse.

In fact, Tan Luen's entry into a class was more sensational than Yamano. The top obedient cards suddenly saw the school-level poor students in another extreme geographic location and political status in high school, and they looked at the crowd like an alien, and included, Feelings are even more admired than disdain, not to mention Tan Luen's looks are indeed in line with the popular aesthetic, especially the ideal image of women, so Yamano students are not particularly prominent in the corner of the iceberg face.

At present, Xuan Mo has never seen Tan Luen ’s well-known badness in person, but many people in a class have never seen it, but their gossip is relatively well-informed, so there are just a few people who are not indifferent to Xuan Mo. Strong will can abandon all outside influences, so Tan Luen's image can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. For a time, the teacher arranged a position for Shan Ye, everyone did not pay much attention, staring at Tan Luen.

Xuan Mo was relocated and sitting on Yi Hailan's seat, Yi Hailan was assigned to class two. All three sat in the last row, with Yamano sandwiched between Xuan Mo and Tan Luen.

The students who were transferred to the front had no complaints, but just silently understood the book and changed their seats.

Yamano sat down for a while. There was no movement. Soon after class, because it was a Chinese class, when the teacher wrote on it, everyone had to take notes. He took out his beautifully decorated black leather notebook, but he didn't put it on the table. Go up, and then pull out a handkerchief from the pocket, and actually started to wipe the table, eyes narrowed slightly, a look of disgust.

Previously, the school had asked for the whole school to clean. Although many of the classes that actually meet this requirement are not many, the class that has been used as an example is definitely real. The table is spotless. Now, doing this action is pure. It's the fault.

The buddy who had been paying attention to his table saw the scene as soon as he turned around, and his face turned green on the spot.

Xuan Mo, of course, noticed and didn't bother to ignore it. The strange thing was that Tan Luen just glanced at him and then went to class casually.

The classmates who noticed this scene before were disappointed, and they had expected a Sino-Japanese war to erupt immediately.

Yamano didn't talk much on the way, but only occasionally asked Tan Luen some questions. Tan Luen spoke fluent Japanese. It is said that he came back from Japan not long ago. Yamano seemed to understand Chinese, but Xuan Mo found that there were only a few Chinese in his notebook. It's basically Japan, and there are many question marks.

However, they are not here to learn, and it is their business to do what they do.

In this way, until the afternoon, Yamano stayed in the classroom except for dinner. He didn't talk to his classmates or to Xuan Mo. Although some people wanted to communicate with him, it looked like he was cold. Interest, can only envy the next class Yi Hailan, the girls they receive are very active in each class.

In the afternoon, the teacher announced that school was over. Everyone got up to pack their things, and Yamano stood up with his own things. He instinctively asked Tan Luen for the next arrangement, but saw Tan Luen walk to the locker behind the front door of the classroom without a word. Open the cupboard, which contains sanitary items such as brooms, buckets, and detergents.

He came over with a clean rag and a bottle of detergent, and threw a piece coldly to Xuan Mo, "Wipe the table."

"Um." Xuan Mo was a little bit confused, but the original owner of the table in Yamano seemed to be too busy to come over: "Give me a piece too."

Tan Luen threw him a rag, poured a little cleaner on the table and chair, and the three wiped the table with the cleaner.

So Yamano's face turned green too. He froze for a long time and said, "What are you doing?"

Tan Luen said lazily in Chinese: "Isn't this creating a better and cleaner learning environment for you?"

"You guys, this is provocation."

When this remark came out, there was silence. The original owner put down the rag a little hesitantly. Although everyone is underage, they should also be sensible. This kind of thing is the most likely to get into trouble.

Tan Luen wiped the table and chair, Ren Xuanmo was still rubbing the corner of her little table, then turned and smiled and looked at Yamano: "What? May you wipe it?"

Shan Ye's face was a little red and seemed to be angry. He pursed his lips for a while and then squeezed out: "You guys, Chinese! Don't worry, you must report defects!"

The attack came too quickly and bombarded a few people.

Tan Luen burst into flames and smiled: "You guys, Japanese! Pigs and dogs are not as good as they are, so look for a smash!"


I do n’t know who sprayed it out. Yamano only understood the first six words of the two idioms, and the words were not good words. Of course, he did n’t think the next two words were good words. He became dark on the spot and said, “You ’re right An insult to our nation! "

"Little brother, you have to sue two times with the wicked, and you have to sue for the third time?" Tan Luen was rather happy. After all, this Japanese student council president is a child like him. It seems to be well protected and the social experience is far away. Not enough, two or three sentences are abusive, and when you encounter this situation, your mind is unclear. This seemingly rational iceberg face is probably born.

"Baga! #!% ¥% ¥" a bunch of Japanese emerged.

Tan Luen immediately went back in Japanese, and then started to translate: "He said he wanted me to apologize, or he would fight duel. I said, dude, you are really happy to help me."

"Ahaha!" Everyone laughed.

Xuan Mo vaguely remembered that there was a similar word explanation in the recently collected information database, but he was so boring that he didn't remember it. I did not expect that it would become a popular word among the people in a few days.

Yamano refused to be outdone. He looked straight at the people while he was laughing at him. His image was not afraid. He seemed to be a lonely hero fighting against evil forces. After a while he gritted his teeth and said, "You will be punished!"

Tan Luen shook his head and sighed: "I just know that your iceberg face is born, but I didn't expect it to be Johnson & Johnson."

At this point, the spiritual power has been explored, and the principal and the director of the Academic Affairs Office have sprinted from the other side of the aisle.

When Lin Fei made a bad call, she stood at the door watching the excitement. This human, I don't know what to say.

"Come here." Xuan Merala Tan Luen said softly.

Without waiting for Tan Luen's response, Xuan Mo found that the Japanese exchange student Orange Nana, who was arranged in the second class, was the one, and quietly walked into the first class.

Before she was ready to tell Tan Luen, she suddenly heard a scream, and Chennai quickly took out the broom in the sanitary cabinet, holding the broom handle with both hands and rushing up all the way, because the students were watching the drama in their seats, she Rushing through the aisle was unobstructed.

The sports committee Kang Chengcheng first responded. She quickly reached out her hands and tried to stop her, but was hit by one elbow in half of her face and fell to the other.

The person who wanted to stop was instantly deterred by her violence, and in an instant she rushed to Xuan Mo and Tan Luen.

"Ahhhhh!" She yelled, her broomstick slamming at Tan Luen very quickly and accurately.

Tan Luen stretched out his hands. He had stayed in Japan. He knew that under this kind of professional swordsmanship, it was possible to crack the broomstick with his bare hands, but the speed was too fast, and he had no choice.

Bang, muted.

Then, silence.

The principal finally ran to the door and gasped with Director Yang, looking at the sight in front of him.

Xuan Mo's delicate arms were straightened, and his hands were holding the broomstick casually, while Chennai **** still held her hands at a forty-five-degree angle, even with her mouth just yelling, her eyes still closed. Staring wide, staring at Xuan Mo.

At this time, the Japanese principal and assistant also came and squeezed into the classroom to watch the scene. They knew that Naiko's force was naturally more shocked than others.

Immediately after that, more shock came.



Xuan Mo's expression was indifferent, his hands were lightly pressed, half of the broom fell off sharply, and he rolled on the ground and stopped at the foot of the table.

She retracted her hand, pressed it on the rag on the table, continued wiping it twice, and then said to Tan Luen, "It's almost time to go to dinner."

Then she picked up a half of the broom on the ground and handed it to the stiff Naizi: "Do you want to fight again? Go back to wash and sleep if you don't."

"I, I'm going to fight you." Naiko finally spoke. Regardless of the people present, the principal wanted to stop, but saw the Japanese president agreed, and gritted his teeth, and retracted the hand that stopped.

When Xuan Mo didn't answer, she stood up and held a half-broom handle, raised her hand, casually, carelessly, and hit the desk around her.


The part of the table that was hit was sunk instantly, until the board was broken, until the stack of books in the desk was twisted, and the deep cylindrical stamp twitched the corners of people's eyes.

Xuan Mo retracted his hand, the hollow, civilian, two-dollar broomstick was completely broken, and was thrown into the trash can at the back of the classroom.

She asked innocently, "What are you talking about? You are dueling?"

That plain tone made the opponents and our team collectively itch and then shake their collective legs.

Principal's stroke: It's over.

Director Yang gloated aside: Why didn't you listen to me at the beginning? This Tan Luen was a stab at it!