MTL - My Cold and Beautiful Wife-Chapter 4226 Replace the top

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Tian Wu obviously did not expect that Sally Ye would change from an energy particle form to a super-strength aggregate in a blink of an eye.

When Sally Ye punched Tian Wu in the face, Tian Wu realized that the situation was not good!


Tian Wu was severely slapped, her body rolled wildly, and her face was obviously sunken!

Not to mention Tianwu, Ye Fan felt pain when he looked at it!

Unexpectedly, although Tian Wu's body was hit hard, the Valkyrie actually appeared behind Sally!

"Boom boom boom!-"

With a round of ultra-high frequency jab shots, the Valkyrie made a sneak attack and violently attacked Sally Ye's back!

Sally Ye also fell down in embarrassment. Fortunately, the second form of the ghost was extremely tough, but was slightly injured and quickly repaired.

"Bitch... come again!"

Tian Wu pinched her cheekbones and quickly repaired it. At the same time, she cursed and launched a frontal attack on Sally Ye again.

Sally Ye also seemed to be provoked by anger, and she brazenly attacked the sky dance!

The speed of Tian Wu's punches is already comparable to Ye Fan's flying sword. Those two arms are like precise machines, and every punch can hit the destructive power of smashing stars!

Although Sally Ye has trained with many masters, her skills are obviously not on the same level as Tian Wu.

Fortunately, the ghost is extremely resistant to beatings, and it is only strong or weak in terms of physical conditions, and it has fought back and forth with Tian Wu!

The figures of the two women were constantly colliding violently in various spaces of Golden Island, and the fight was inextricable.

With continuous consumption, Sally Ye absorbed the power of the surrounding Chaos to replenish her demon particles.

As a result, the temperature around Golden Island is getting higher and higher, like a furnace!

The Golden Island went directly into self-defense mode, and a huge protective cover enveloped the island and Star Harbor.

"What is the origin of this abyss demon, how can it last so long?"

"Tian Wu, don't delay, she can recover too much!"

The family owners couldn't bear it anymore and hoped to resolve the battle as soon as possible.

Tian Wu also realized that fighting like this is not the way.

She and the Valkyrie fought two to one, but Sally Ye was stupefied.

Sally's ability to recover is too amazing, and she might not be able to solve it all at once without taking any medicine.

"Hearts and minds are one!"

Tian Wu recalled the Valkyrie, and after overlapping and merging with herself, the coercion suddenly increased sharply again!

Ye Fan had seen tyrants use this trick before in the academy assessment.

But the fusion of Tianwu is more rapid and the effect is more perfect.

Tian Wu's body was obviously swelled by a third, and her blond hair could no longer be tied, and she danced wildly.

"Valkyrie, mindless fighting!"

Around Tian Wu's eyes, there were bloodshot swells.

She was covered in the power of golden chaos, filled with scarlet flames.

As the eyes lost their reason, Tian Wu played the triumphant song of the Valkyrie!

One after another fist shadow, palm shadow, kick, more than three times faster than before!

Every move turned into a golden-red beam of light, and the span directly swept across the entire Golden Island!

If there is a vast nebula in front of Tian Wu at this time, I am afraid that she will be directly beaten to ashes by her fist shadow!

It was like a supernova explosion, and countless fragments all shot in one direction towards Sally Ye!

The violent attack made the space of this golden civilization begin to be overwhelmed, and the shattering range continued to expand!

Ye Fan couldn't help but stunned, is this crazy female **** of war really the same person as the usual charming beauty! ?

Sally's shadow began to fall into complete passive, the body began to crack inch by inch, the recovery has begun to be unsustainable...

But at this moment, a force that had been suppressed before burst out from Sally!

It was as if a sharp claw that ripped apart the starry sky had protruded from the abyss!

"Your anger, your unwillingness, I accept it..."

Sally Ye released her own secrets, revenge!

The large amount of damage that Tian Wu vented was stored in countless demon particles!

At this moment, six pairs of gigantic dark magic wings unfolded behind Sally Ye, one of which also increased several times, like countless fine silver snakes dancing wildly!

Sally Ye condensed two abyss demon blades in both hands, a big sword burning demon flames, held by two seemingly slender arms, but it was as light as nothing!

"Blade of Vengeance!"

Sally Ye swung her two black fire giant blades towards the dense fist shadow of Tian Wu completely based on her feeling!

What moves, resistances, flaws, all are left behind!

attack! attack! Only crazy attack! Regardless of the cost, regardless of the consequences!

In an instant, the dark flames collided with the golden-red fist shadows destructively!

Immediately, this piece of the universe began to crumble, countless flames were on and off, ice, thunder, water, fire, and elemental particles flew in all directions!

The gigantic Golden Island went up and down, and began to deviate from its original position.

"Not good! The space can't bear it anymore, first stabilize the Golden Island!"

The patriarchs discovered that the Golden Island was about to be involved in the space rift, and they quickly exerted their cultivation to resist the attacking fluctuations of the two women.

Ye Fan was too lazy to care, and only cared about his spaceship and guarded one-third of an acre of land.

Seeing the mess in front of him, Ye Fan showed a satisfied smile...

It was an unexpected joy that Sally Ye and Tian Wu were able to get into this situation.


A dragon-like sword cry!

Ye Fan waved it down, a black-gold light blade, intercepted in front of Sally Ye and Tian Wu.

The sword light across the galaxy, like an insurmountable moat, forcibly separated the two women!

The attack of the two fell on the blade, and all of them went into the sea, and they hardly had any effect.

"Okay, just call here."

With Ye Fan's order, Sally Ye reluctantly returned to her normal state and returned to Ye Fan's side.

Tian Wu frowned, "Why? It's not over yet."

"If you continue to fight, it will be a draw at most. As a maid, I really can't pass the level of your Valkyrie."

Ye Fan could see that Tian Wu still had spare strength, but Sally Ye had already used the Profound Truth of the Goddess of Nemesis, and she was exhausted.

Sally Ye bit her red lips unwillingly, but did not argue with Ye Fan.

Since Ye Fan said she was not good enough, she continued to practice hard.

"Sword God, do you want to challenge our twelfth family?" Zuo Qiuwei asked.

Ye Fan spread his hands, "Since I haven't been able to win a single Tian Wu, then naturally my maid can't win this golden roulette battle."

"I will do what I say. Anda civilization should be managed by your twelfth family."

When all the owners heard this, they all breathed a sigh of relief, but they all tasted something else...

It seems... Ye Fan didn't really plan to conquer the Anda civilization at the beginning. It was more like an excuse to let the abyss demon maid show her face.

There is no doubt that even if Sally Ye didn't defeat Tian Wu, she might fight Tian Wu in such a big battle, and her reputation would soon spread to all major civilizations.

In the history of the Great World, no demon race has ever been so powerful.

This is indeed Ye Fan's true intention.

Sally is a banner, helping her to gain popularity, and the demons in the major civilizations will also yearn for the fifth wife.

What he wants is not only the human race, but all races must pay attention to the Fifth Tai, in order to achieve the best results.

Tian Wu also realized that she might have been used, and she became more and more dissatisfied.

"Master Sword God, I have always been serious. Since I haven't finished fighting, I will definitely find an opportunity to fight with you, your maid, and have another good fight..."

"I hope that the Sword God will not stop him again at that time," Tian Wu said excitedly: "Of course, if the Sword God loves Xiangxiyu and doesn't want this maid to be killed, then I can understand."

How could Ye Fan not hear the vinegar smell in it, he smiled and said, "Do you want to kill my maid so you want to take her place?"

"You..." Tian Wu's eyes widened, she was always teasing others, and it was the first time she was molested by someone, and she felt aggrieved for a while.

Just when she was about to fight back a few words, suddenly a divine sense came with a message... Tian Wu frowned, so she could only whisper: "Sword God has time, Lord Antu, I want to see you."