MTL - My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker-Chapter 19 1.019 Apologies!

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Chapter 19 1.019 Apology!

The old woman raised her eyebrows, and her father Qiao Zhongbang immediately felt ashamed and regretful. Qiaomu looked away, and a cold, thin smile opened the corner of his mouth.

She had no hope of this father for a long time, so it was natural to say that he was not disappointed when he saw that he was immediately subdued towards the old lady.

"Qiaomu." Granny Qiao called her name coldly. "While the noble guests of Tiandaozong haven't left yet, tomorrow, you will give me an apology to Miss Liu of that Tiandaozong. Even if you want to If you go to the fire and dance in three steps, you have to do it! In short, you must get the understanding of Miss Liu, and don't trouble our old Qiao family! "

"The old man is talking to you! What is your attitude?" The old lady looked at the child with her head tilted and didn't look at her. After speaking for a long time, she had no reaction at all, and she was furious.

She didn't like this child who was in a hurry and hid when she saw someone. When she looked at him, she was stingy. She couldn't get on the table. When she saw the child's dodging eyes, she felt angry.

Only today, the situation is a bit strange. The child was not what she used to be. She was hiding behind her mother Wei Ziqin when she was scolded, and her fingers were pitifully pitiful.

On the contrary, her accidental gaze, as dark as a pool of standing water in the ancient well, made the old lady very uncomfortable.

"Qiao Qiao." Father Qiao Zhongbang also frowned, turning to glance at the tree leaning to his head, "Grandma is talking to you."

After hearing the words, Qiaomu turned his head and looked at a pair of clear eyes like a deep cold lake, staring straight at the old lady sitting in the main seat. The old lady was almost shocked by the freezing cold eyes, her body Subconsciously leaned back.

"Qiao Qiao is not wrong." Mother Wei Ziqin's daughter-in-law was eager to argue, "It was that Miss Liu's first move. If Qiao Qiao did not dodge, he would ..."

"Shut up for me!" The old woman was frightened by Qiao Mu, and she felt a little fear. Now that she is the only daughter-in-law in the world, she dared to refute her. What Wei Ziqin said, "What is the identity of Miss Liu? What is the identity of the tree? Even if she is beaten and scolded by Miss Liu, it is worth her to fight with such a heavy hand? Do n’t think that the child is now in the ranks of mystery master , I feel that the world is invincible, and there is no one in it. The strength of the heavenly ancestors of others is there. Do you want to hit the stone with a pebbles and kill yourself? "

"Mother, please be angry." Qiao Zhongbang hurriedly soothed, turned his head to Wei Ziqin to wink, let her shut up and stop talking.

"You take care of this for me!" The old woman snorted, and stood up. "Chong Pang, if you still have my old mother in your eyes, you will listen to your mother. Tomorrow, you Just hold your good daughter in person and go to the camp of Tiandaozong to find a serious apology from Miss Liu! "

Qiaomu hooked his lips and stood aside without a word.

Fortunately, just wait for tomorrow to see if her father will take her seriously and go to Tian Daozong to apologize. See if the man she calls her father will disappoint her and her mother one step closer.

Qiaomu had a smile in his eyes, but the smile was gloomy and cold. One face-to-face made the old lady feel a shock again, and Yaguan shivered involuntarily.

One more look, withered waves in Kukai's eyes calmly without any slight waves, where I can see that the girl is laughing.

She stood there, her feet opening like black gates of hell, and countless bone-eared hands came out of the ground, growling silently.

A cold-cut woodcut was cut off at the corner of the little girl's mouth, making people inexplicably a layer of goosebumps.

(End of this chapter)