MTL - My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker-Chapter 20 1.020 steamed buns

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Chapter 20 1.020 The steamed bun

"Ziqin, you wait, Ziqin!" Out of the main door, Wei Ziqin picked up the tree without saying a word, covered his head and hurried in front of him, and was too lazy to throw it to Qiao Zhongbang.

"Ziqin." Qiao Zhongbang took three steps to catch up with the mother and daughter, and reached out to pick up the trees in Wei Ziqin's arms. "Ziqin, please calmly listen to me."

Wei Ziqin leaned sideways, avoiding Qiao Zhongbang's arm, "I don't want to listen to anything! My Qiao Qiao is not wrong at all. At that time, if she did not resist, would she wait to be killed? Your mother is simply unreasonable! My Jojo won't go to apologize to anyone, go to yourself! You promise your mother, you do it yourself! "

"Ziqin, how can you say mother, mother is not easy ..."

"Shut up!" Wei Ziqin's sudden outburst was a little startled. You should know that in the previous life, Wei Ziqin was so soft-hearted that even if he was bullied by Mrs. Qiao, she swallowed it again and again.

For this time, the mother went straight to Qiao's mother and son for her. Although Qiao Mu was silent, her heart was full of emotion.

This is her mother!

"Co-authoring in your mother's eyes, that Miss Liu is high above you, noble! My girl is not a human being? What can I do if I say a few words of curse? What's wrong, why doesn't she send her to her house to be scolded? Miss Liu is a wealthy family member, a family member! My daughter is also a treasure I hold in my palm. No one can bully! "Wei Ziqin said with a choked voice, red eyes glared at Qiao Zhongbang, "Qiao Zhongbang, let me tell you, if you continue this way, I'm afraid I can't live this day!"

Qiao Zhongbang was stunned, looking at his wife who turned around and hugged his daughter, rushing to the bullfight, sighed bitterly, and quickly followed.

When the house Wei Ziqin closed and closed the door, Qiao Zhongbang rushed to hold the door with his body, so that he could squeeze himself in.

Looking at the dreadful look of Dad, Qiao Mu secretly poked his lips.

"Ziqin, why do you say that you are so impulsive, or someone who is pregnant, so careless." Qiao Zhongbang went to help Wei Ziqin.

The latter did not accept his love at all, and flung his hand into the inner room directly. He smashed the entire door panel into Qiao Zhongbang's face with a bang. "I told you Qiao Zhongbang, I will not go tomorrow. I apologize to that pretty lady. "

Qiao Zhongbang stared blankly at the closed door, and slumped his head down in despair.

The sound of mother's breathing was heard in his ears. Wei Ziqin was frightened and tired for another day, and he fell asleep as soon as he touched the bed.

The three-year-old Jolin, with his bulging body next to his mother, also slept soundly.

Qiaomu's little hand gently stroked his sister's chubby face, and the child who was lying in the rain was covered with abused scars and his child's almost cheeks wasted and his cheeks were thin.

She shook her head violently and clenched her small hand subconsciously.

In this life, their three siblings will never go the same way they used to.

Little Qiaolin was pinched and hummed twice, and Qiaomu quickly let go of his hand and took a deep breath to narrow his eyes slowly.

She had a lot of thoughts. When she remembered that the corpse was about to explode, she had to start preparing to buy some necessities, and then thought about buying in large quantities.

The second uncle is the owner of the bun shop in the town, and he should be able to buy things ...

Thinking about it, Qiao Mu sank into dreamland. The little girl in the dream walked barefooted with a pair of little feet, and when she stepped on it, she felt that something was hurting her feet.

In reality, the arbor was standing next to his mother, and he couldn't sleep soundly and wrinkled Xiaomeifeng.

It's so speechless how to sleep on the bed endlessly and step on stomping things! Little arbor lifted up a little foot.

As soon as I looked up, the whole person was holding back ...

(End of this chapter)