MTL - My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker-Chapter 21 1.021 Dreaming? reality?

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Chapter 21 1.021 Dreaming? reality?

The child subconsciously reached out and squeezed his thin little cheek.

Hmm, it doesn't hurt, it must be dreaming! No wonder she looked up and saw a golden mountain of jewels piled a dozen meters high.

Because a pair of little feet were stepping on the red, blue, green, and sparkling blinding gems, the soles of the feet were a little painful.

The child Qiaomu subconsciously moved his big toe.

Ok? Why can my toes move?

She opened her mouth and stretched her arm again! Really no pain! Hmm, it must be dreaming.

Thinking of myself can't help but feel funny.

It seems that day and night have dreams! She kept thinking about how to get the money, and quickly replenished some supplies before the corpse scourge broke out. At night, she dreamed of seeing a rich golden mountain filled with jewelry and jade.

Hahahaha, this is too funny!

The child supported his chin with his hands, squatted down with a smile, and tilted his head to look around.

This place is really small, just 15 cubic meters, like a boxy box, on all sides and the sky is covered by a huge purple crystal curtain.

Purple crystal curtain? Huh? its not right! How did she feel more and more familiar?

The child moved a pair of bone-turning eyes and fixed his eyes next to the gem mountain, a pair of three-story human figures.

The pair of stone statues are basically the same as the gem Jinshan, but can't see the appearance, but somehow, the tree feels inexplicably familiar, and feels dependent and loved.

She picked up an emerald from the ground and rubbed it unconsciously in the palm of her hand. A little head turned east and west, and she jumped forward two steps suddenly. From this, he took out a finely carved food container made of rosewood.

Oh, Qiaomu couldn't help but laugh.

This dream is too funny! Seeing gold and silver jewelry again, and seeing a food container again.

With two little hands, she opened the lid of the food container, haha, sure enough, there were ten rows of cute meat buns in two rows!

There are a few lollipops inserted in the gap next to the meat buns!

How rich she is and how much she eats, she can even hold Jinshan Yinshan in her dreams, and she can dig out from Jinshan only food boxes filled with meat buns and lollipops, ha! what! what!

Little Joe laughed three times!

Suddenly I felt that my body was being shaken, and Qiaomu staggered to open the watery eyes, and the small face looked puzzledly at the two faces close to each other.

"Sister, what are you dreaming about? You just said! 'Ha! Ha! Ha! I saw the meat buns!'" Qiao Lin leaned his head back and stretched out two chubby little fingers He pointed to Tian, ​​and then spread his little flesh hands, performing the look that Qiao Mu had just dreamed of.

"Why ..." Wei Ziqin beside him couldn't help laughing, while holding her swollen little daughter, holding up Qiaomu's hand, "Qiao Qiao has a dream! Come on, we need to get up! Mother goes out Preparing breakfast, Qiaoqiao take Xiaoliner to wash. "

After finishing talking, Wei Ziqin got up and pushed the door to leave, leaving the fat Joe Qiaolin shaking her hand hard, trying to drag her out of bed, "Sister!"

"Wait!" Qiao Mu sat cross-legged on the bed, motionless, closed his eyes, and closed his eyes with five senses and six senses, leading a weak mysterious power to slowly walk through the mysterious veins that were initially opened.

This mysterious vein is very thin and weak, and it is negligible in all the muscles of the body.

However, this is the necessary channel to take the path of the mysterious master. Many people stop at the mysterious vein, and they must not enter the threshold of the mysterious master for life.

Arbor breathed his breath, twisted this weak mysterious force into a strand, and straightened his eyebrow into a thin mystery.

(End of this chapter)