MTL - My Daughter Was My Sworn Enemy In Past Life-Chapter 50

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After so many years of moonlight youth still remembers himself, Xu Yanyao was so happy that he almost did not jump up. Seeing that the other party was drunk too drunk, his eyes moved around, and he smiled beside him, "Is Baoa cute when he was a kid? Say cute!"

"Lovely and cute, Yaoyao was the cutest when she was a kid!" Yan Yan cried excitedly.

He Shaoting's mind seemed to be full of paste, but when she heard her, she thought about it seriously.

Although the little girl was bad at that time, even her brother would be framed, but sometimes she looked really cute and cute, making people want to treat her.

Thinking of this, he took a drink, nodded, and answered honestly, "cute."

Xu Yanyao frowned, and couldn't hide her smile. She slightly lifted her skirt and turned around. She blinked and looked at Shui Lingling's eyes, and asked with anticipation: "Will I look good now? Come on, look good!"

"It looks good, it looks the best!" Shouted loudly with a raised hand.

He Shaoting tried to keep his eyes a little confused, looking at the little girl who had grown so slim.

Although the little girl's white and delicate face still felt a bit fleshy, she was not as chubby as she was when she was a kid. The most attractive thing was her eyes that were drenched in water, dark and bright. Living away is the little girl who was so bad that year.

He gave a sigh of ignorance.

The little girl really grew up, but her nature did not change much, and the voice that came out of the screen in the hall was the two in front of me.

"Speak quickly, say good-looking!" Xu Yanyao saw him just looking at himself and didn't answer, and couldn't help but rush to him.

"Hurry up and talk!" Shouted at the fart.

The honest General Xiaohe finally nodded slowly and said the answer she was expecting: "Good-looking."

As soon as the words fell, I saw that smiley face was a little brighter in a moment.

Xu Yanyao's heart is so beautiful, the little pear vortex on her cheek hasn't retracted since she jumped out: "Then you follow me ..."

"What did you say?" He Shaoting drank another wine boo, and felt his head a little groggy, and asked her casually when she heard her words.

"Yan Yao is a beautiful little fairy with a good heart. Say it!"

He Shaoting: "..."

For a moment, he even wondered if he heard it wrong, but when he saw the five princesses a few steps away, he had a speechless expression, and had to admit that he had not seen him for many years, and the bad little girl had grown up Even the cheeks became thicker.

"Yan Yao is a beautiful little fairy with a good heart. Let's talk quickly, say something ..." Xu Yanyao urged unwillingly.

The words around me shouted even louder: "That's just, say it quickly, Yao Yao is a beautiful little fairy!"

The five princesses held a sullen smile while covering her mouth, but they were quite considerate and did not bother.

Perhaps he was really drunk. He Shaoting's brain was a bit dull, and he looked at the little girl with blinking watery eyes waiting for him to say that sentence, and his eyes also felt a little hazy.

After a moment, he stared blankly at the brighter and brighter eyes before him, and the ghost sly followed: "Yan Yao is a beautiful little fairy ..."

"Yes, yes, that's it, that's right!" The little fairy frowned, the whole person fluttered, holding her face and screaming.

The Moonlight Boys praised Kuben Palace, so happy ...

Yan Yan learns her look and holds her face straight and slaps the horse fart: "Little fairy, little fairy, Yaoyao is a little fairy with good personal feelings!"

The five princesses didn't expect that the companion read from the mouth of General Xiaohe, who seemed difficult to get close to, to coax such a faceless and skinless word, and could not help but burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha, Xiao Tang Tang, cheeky, your cheek is really too thick, too thick!"

"No! Yaoyao's cheeks are not thick at all, not at all!" Yan Yan retorted with her hands on her hips, glaring at her.

Xu Yanyao ignored how she made fun of her, and her heart was so bubbling.

What do you know! Junior generals have a weak temperament, and they always like to be alone, and rarely talk to people, let alone exaggerate people. In this life, she could coax such a nice word out of his mouth, that was a big deal!

He Shaoting turned back after saying that sentence, and heard the ridiculous laughter of the five princesses, even more embarrassed to wait for a hole to drill in. But looking at the little girl in front of her, she seemed to say There was no big deal to make her happy with such a word.

But then, he looked at Xu Yanyao who was ecstatically holding his face, and somehow thought of the little girl who screamed at him on the day of entering the city, and the two little girls gradually Overlapping, he suddenly realized, and felt a little joy in his heart.

It turned out that she recognized herself early in the morning and expressed her joy in his return so unabashedly.

The five princesses smiled for a while, and when they saw that the housekeeper was coming over holding the sober soup, they rubbed the stomach that was a little sore, and pretended to cough to remind someone who was about to float to the sky.

"Xiao Tang Tang, the hangover soup is coming, let him drink it quickly, lest Father Huang come to him looking for him."

Xu Yanyao's eyes were bright and watery, and she avoided the side and let the inner waiter wait for He Shaoting to drink the sober soup.

"Tinger, are you awake?" She stepped forward and asked with a smile.

If you don't wake up, please say a few more words about this palace!

As if guessing her mind, General He didn't dare to pretend to be drunk anymore, and answered in a hurry: "Wake up, really wake up."

"Oh ..." Xu Yanyao was a little sorry.

During the Emperor Taizong, the hangover soup made by Yushanfang was so fast, so good? It's a pity the place is wrong, otherwise it would be better to coax him to boast a few more words and let him drink sober soup.

But she quickly covered the regret again, and stared at him glisteningly, and said crisply, "Ting brother, how are you so powerful? If Xunzi and Sister Fang know that How happy it should be! "

He Shaoting suffocated, and with a helpless smile on his face, he calmed down, saying lowly: "My aunt died a few years ago, and my sister married."

Although Xu Yanyao guessed that Xu was next to him and had no relatives, when she got the exact answer, she still had some unpleasant feelings.

Sure enough, there will never be any easy and easy success in the world. Behind the glory and glory, there may be hidden sadness and helplessness.

Fortunately, he has already survived. As long as he takes good care of himself next time, he will not be dragged down by the disease, this life will certainly be able to complete the regrets of the previous life.

"Okay, Xiao Tang Tang, we should go back so long after coming out, or we should send someone to come to us after our mother." The five princesses saw the two talk for so long, some can't wait to pull Just leave her.

"Oh, don't pull so fast, I still have something to say to him! It took me a while to meet, and before I said a few words, you'd pull people away." The little girl complained.

"Is there anything to say, he can't run away! Even if he really runs, he can run to the monk's way to the temple, so I can help you get him back." It was the voice of the five princesses who did not care.

"It's nice to speak, I'm afraid you can't catch him for ten ..."

"What are you afraid of, tie it back for you!"


The crisp and soft sound peculiar to the little girl gradually disappeared, the obscurity in He Shaoting's eyes gradually receded, and his lips unknowingly raised a beautiful arc.

Only then did I see Lord Tang in the temple, and now I saw the bad girl Baoya, but I do n’t know if Mrs. Tang and Brother Zhou remembered themselves. Would it make them feel abrupt if they found a time to visit?

He pondered the question seriously.

But at this moment, he didn't have his own home in Beijing. After His Majesty gave his house, would he choose to visit him one day, would it be more appropriate?

Emperor Tianxi knew that he had no relatives and no reason, and only Dingyuan, the grand court, would n’t have looked like his own residence, so he chose a few residences in Beijing earlier, and intended to let him choose one of them. .

Xu Yanyao was contentedly pulled away by the five princesses, and suddenly she saw the figure of the Jiaping County Lord on the other side of the road. She looked at her and looked at her with a disdainful expression.

She looked cold. Yes, I almost forgot, this person still owes a debt to Grandma!

‘Ama, do you remember being trapped in the wet mud last time? ’She asked in her heart.

Yan Yan snored, and the pain and fear trapped in the wet mud that day came back again, and she couldn't help subconsciously holding her arms straight towards her.

"Remember, it's scary ..." she whispered.

‘Have you seen the owner of Jiaping County? If it weren't for her throwing the long-life lock into the pool, it wouldn't hurt you to experience such a terrible thing. Grandma, a little girl should report her revenge, so that people will not be easily bullied! ’She taught.

"Yes, do you want revenge? But, but I don't? How can I get revenge?" Yan He was hesitant, his face blanked.

'The simplest way is to treat her body with her own way, and only give a little punishment; the next level is double return, slightly shocked, so that she will be afraid of you and will not dare to Easy to offend. The most ruthless nature is to put aside the costs forever, and teach her no chance to regret it! ’

Xu Yanyao slowly taught stupid ghosts in his heart, but his face was excitedly speaking beside him, and the five princesses who read the new story with a sweet smile, from time to time, also held the venue to say a few words, 'This is so amazing. 'Perfunctory words like'.

Yan Yan was startled by her tone of Sen Leng, and couldn't help but take a nap, but struck her even more.

‘Okay, rest assured! I wait for your good news. ‘Xu Yaoyao had a nice smile on her face, but she was stupid in her heart.

Yan Yan thought for a while, and felt that Yao Yao was so powerful that he couldn't be too persuaded, so he blinked his shiny eyes and nodded strongly to her: "Yao Yao, wait!"

Xu Yanyao smiled a little, and couldn't help but expect a little.

She would have to see how the stupid would retaliate?

Yan Yan floated to the master of Jiaping County with the momentum of "Can't let Yao Yao disappoint", but her momentum can only support her step.

She followed the master of Jiaping County in distress, frowning angrily, and muttering, "How can I get revenge? How can I get revenge?"

The owner of Jiaping County suddenly felt a little cool, and looked around wonderingly, but no wind came.

Yan Yan suddenly had a clever idea, drew a few breaths to her neck, watched the master of Jiaping County shrink the neck subconsciously, and immediately hid his mouth giggling ‘噗嗤 噗嗤’.

After laughing for a while, she continued her efforts, blowing on her cheeks, and said, 'Hoo, ho, **** ...', Jiaping County's neck narrowed even more, and the collar was tightened tightly. Gong'e: "Do you feel a little cold? Is that the kind of shade?"

Seeing that Gong'e looked puzzled, she understood the other party's answer, frowned, and pulled the collar a little tighter.

After a while, I felt a little strange, why didn't I feel cold everywhere, and the cold around my neck taught people to goose bumps?

Just at that moment, Yan Yan blew a few breaths towards her neck again, watching the goosebumps that kept coming out of her neck, and immediately laughed and covered her mouth.

"Just, go back!" The original Jiaping County host felt a little stuffy after drinking a few glasses of wine. Then he came out and felt stuffy. At this moment, he always felt a little hairy, so he didn't dare to stay.

Na Gong'e is absolutely indispensable.

But no matter where she went, the coolness on her neck kept on, and for a while, she taught her to keep snoring.

Xu Yanyao also saw the words that followed him in Jiaping County incessantly and kept blowing on the neck of the other side. She almost couldn't help taking a sip and quickly covered it with a papa.

The next moment, she saw Yan Yan rubbing her cheeks hard again, and at a glance she knew that it would be too hard, and the cheeks couldn't stand it.

She hated that stupid glance at the stupid person, and wanted to caress for a long sigh, but felt a bit helpless and funny.

Yan Yan rubbed his cheeks for a while, thinking about it, his eyes lit up, and he thought he was quite smart to take out her little puppet, using Papa as a fan to start fanning the neck of the master of Jiaping County.

The coolness on the neck suddenly disappeared. The master of Jiaping County was relieved and turned to talk to the three princesses. Suddenly there was a cool feeling on the neck again. This feeling was even worse than that. Teach her at once He snored again and saw the three princesses frown. "What's the matter with you?"

"I think I was scared by the cold face of Sister Huang." The fourth princess Epa covered her mouth and smiled.

"No, it just feels a bit cold, I just felt the wind before I came, and I felt a little uncomfortable." The Jiaping County Master smiled reluctantly.

When the third princess saw her face pale, she believed her words.

However, the four princesses immediately felt a strange yin and yang atmosphere: "Oh, if you are sick, go back and ask the doctor to see. There are many people at this moment. What if it is infected by others? The mother-in-law and your mother-in-law are still there! "

The master of Jiaping County looked even worse, and whispered anxiously, "Thank you for your mention."

The four princesses veiled her face in disbelief, as if she was something unclean.

The master of Jiaping County was even more annoyed. He was forced to sacrifice the identity of the other party but could not reveal his half point. He swallowed his sins and blessed him, and then left.

"Four imperial sisters, have you passed? Jiaping is my companion and dignified county master, but she is not the maid of your side, and you can reprimand you at will." The third princess sank her face, saying unpleasantly.

"I ’m doing this for everyone. Sister Three Emperor has been busy preparing for marriage recently. It is inevitable that there is some negligence. Sister Five is filial piety at the back of her mother's knee. I do n’t have time to be close to you, the emperor. , Naturally take more distractions. "The four princess replied in disapproval.

The third princess sneered, and didn't talk to her any more.

Anyway, it won't be long before she can leave the palace to marry, and with her own princess house, she won't have to face these nasty faces in the palace.

Now that the master of Jiaping County is gone, Yan Yan naturally won't stick to her anymore, Ledidian floated back to Xu Yanyao, her eyes flickered, and she proudly said, "What's the matter? I didn't dare to take revenge Stay here, isn't it great? "

Xu Yanyao was speechless. When she saw her face, she didn't write the words "quickly praise me", she said in a perfunctory way: yes yes yes, grandma is really amazing, grandma really breathes a few breaths Blow away the owner of Jiaping County.

What a bitch, no, stupid can't teach it!

A stupid stupid couldn't hear the jokes in her words, and covered her mouth with a snicker.

Yaoyao praised me, Yaoyao praised me, so good!

Xu Yanyao looked funny.

It's really naive, even the means of revenge is so naive!

What kind of fool would be such a mere fool to bury her alive and die?

Thinking of Yan's fear of wet mud, she couldn't help guessing.

However, he said that Du Chengzhong couldn't help looking at He Shaoting throughout the banquet. The more he looked at the face, the more familiar he was, but he could n’t remember where he had seen it, which made him go back home. The government is a little bit stingy.

"Father!" As soon as he stepped out of the palace door, he saw Feng Weiliang, his adopted son, approaching.

"Where are you from?" He asked, rubbing his forehead.

"My mother is worried that you have drunk too much, so let me pick you up." Feng Weiliang smelled the wine on him, knowing that he drank a lot, and he was holding his hand in a busy way.

"It turned out that Xiaoshun's son came to pick him up in person, General Du is so blessed!" Some generals who went out of the palace saw Feng Weiliang's adoptive father after personally receiving the banquet, and couldn't help but quipped.

Du Chengzhong answered a few words politely, with a satisfied expression on his face, and his eyes towards Yangzi softened a little.

Just thinking again and again how good the child is, it is not the blood of their old Du family that sheds a bit of sorrow.

Sure enough, a distant voice came from some people in the distance— "What's the use of filial piety again? It's not your own seed. You have to work hard for the wealth and glory you get from most of your life. After death, you must be cheaper. "

"It makes sense, too, that you do n’t want to change your family name so much. You can see that you have n’t taken care of your adoptive father at all, you may be a white-eyed wolf."

Although the words of the two people were deliberately depressed, Du Chengzhong's ear strength has always been very good. Although he heard it intermittently, he understood the meaning of the words clearly, his eyes suddenly darkened, and his thin lips were unknowingly squinting.

Feng Weiliang, Feng ... This surname reminds him every day, no matter how good he treats Yun's mother and son, but Yun's only son is not his own. She even refused to let the child give her last name. Does it mean that she still thinks of her ex-husband from beginning to end?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this must be the case. He completely forgot that when Yun married his general in Zhenyuan, he had offered to change his son's surname, but he refused to show his generosity and tolerance.

Over time, Yun's also did not care about him. In addition, Feng Weiliang was also Feng's only bloodline. When she regenerates Du's bloodline and inherits the incense lamp, it is just that the two have not been expected to spend most of their lives together. one girl.

Feng Weiliang's ear strength was not so good. He didn't hear the words of those two people. He was about to lift his adoptive father to the soft car, and looked inadvertently. His pupils narrowed suddenly, his body was stiff, and his face was shocked.

Du Chengzhong noticed his strangeness and looked down along his line of sight. He saw He Shaoting, who was talking to Tang Songnian, and suddenly moved, asking, "Wei Liang, do you recognize General He?"

General He? Could it be that he is the young man who has been popular in recent times? Feng Weiliang's face was a bit ugly again. He heard his adoptive father ask himself, calm down, and whispered, "Father still remembers the child who had spoken to you in He'an Province that year. He had a conflict with the baby a few years ago. that one."

Du Chengzhong opened his mouth slightly in surprise: "It turned out to be him. I blame me for seeing him so good. It turns out there is such a cause."

Immediately afterwards, another face said with admiration: "I felt that this boy had a strong general belonging to the generals, and sure enough, now he followed His Majesty's expedition to Sidi, and really contributed."

Feng Weiliang only felt very uncomfortable in his heart, reluctantly pulled a not so good smile, quickly glanced at He Shaoting, who was surrounded by several courtiers, and his eyes were full of envy.

Xu Yanyao was sitting in the carriage returning to his house, secretly plucking the curtains to reveal a seam. He looked at He Shaoting, who was talking to Tang Songnian, to the outside of the carriage. Giggle.

It is good that she knew the young general in this life. Instead of hiding in the dark to follow him, she could talk to him openly and coax him to boast when he was drunk and unconscious.

He Shaoting sensitively seized the line of sight from which the child was peeping from the carriage, and naturally knew who was sitting in it, and somehow thought of the little girl's face that had been coaxed by herself, a little wanting to laugh, Quickly covered up.

Tang Songnian naturally also noticed her daughter's movements. The little girl was always heartless and young, so he didn't think much about it, just glanced at the fine seam with an angry temper.

When the father and daughter returned to the house, they found that the house was a rare buzz. It was only a question that Lin's family in Erfang brought his son Mianer and Tang's grandmother Qian's family went to Beijing.

Only when the Qian family arrived, Tang Songnian frowned, but said nothing.

Xu Yanyao never paid attention to those people, so he didn't care, but he was very impressed with that strange boy Mian Er.

After many years, I don't know if the boy is still the strange temperament that year? She murmured.