MTL - My Disciple Died Yet Again-v3 Chapter 301 When you die, you have to be beautiful.

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I wish some doubts, can see the color of the aura, this is not the spirit to give her and exclusive skills. Therefore, every time she practiced, she would improve so quickly, but it was the character of the spirit that could not give her the golden finger but did not broadcast it. Even the world’s good feelings were so thorny. Hanging on top of her head, let alone this. It is not bad to estimate that she doesn't brush her full screen. There is no reason not to tell her this setting!

Besides, the things that the spirits give, each vest is different, and the vest will disappear. The world is also good, although it seems that the effect is still going on, but she does not have the button on the head. The setting that can see the color of the aura has continued from now until now.

Then only possible...

The color itself is there, the only difference is that it can't be seen. I thought it took me five years to see it. She can see that others can do it. This estimate is also related to the individual's iq.

I wish that I couldn’t waste such an important method of training. I carefully recalled the feeling of seeing Reiki at first. I probably told the bully about the method. I found a place where the five elements of the aura were the most concentrated, and let him practice. .

"Small bully, you can immerse yourself in the body, feel the five elements of aura, feel with your heart. I can't guarantee that you can see it like me, but I hope you don't give up easily."

"Yeah!" he nodded heavily.

I am satisfied with the touch of his head. "No matter what the outcome, but I hope that you can build the foundation within five years, can you do it?"

His expression was sinking, his eyes were slowly firm, "Hey. I will work hard!"

"Well, I am waiting for you to go out!"

Zhu Yao came out of his hut and laid a pattern around him. He looked at the aura of the hut.

Suddenly a hand with a little coolness fell on the top of her head and licked her hair. "Worry?"

"Yeah." Zhu Yao turned and walked closer, and he headed into his arms. "Master... you said. What if he can't see the aura all the time?"

Yu Yan was silent for a while, reaching out to grab her waist and sinking. "If he can't see it, will you give up on him?"

"Of course not!" Zhu Yao looked up. "Is that kind of irresponsible person? Even if I have chosen the bully, I will be responsible for it. If he can't do it, then there is really no solution in this world." The method of the bug. Of course, even if it is not for the bug, the little bully is also protected."

"What else can you worry about?" He followed her hair. Asked.

I wished a trip, looked up and looked at my master, the suffocation of my heart was swept away in an instant, and I turned back and slammed back. Forced nodded, "Well, I don't worry. There is Master, I don't worry about anything."

Hearing. His face, like an ice-cold, has gradually opened up and gently raised his mouth. It is like a spring back to the earth. It is beautiful, "stupid."

Half will...



"When did you have a monkey with me?"


"Ah... I want to get pregnant."



The bully retired, and he was rushed to the forest to watch the door. Master has already pulled into the house. A relaxed Zhu Yao said that this kind of lonely night with high night winds must be done with special sports to enhance the feelings of mentoring.

"Yuwang, are you?" A master looked at the stupid apprentice and clenched his paws. He frowned at the disapproval.

I wish you a smile, "You have called me, I am not worthy of the name, I am not letting this name." Tops, take off, take off!

"It’s just a glimpse of the teacher."

"I do not mind!"


"I don't care, you said you want to have a monkey with me." Since Hyundai came back, they have never done anything shameful. This is a normal welfare.

"Jade... far away."

"Shut up!" Zhu Yao opened his outer shirt. "Today, even if you call a broken throat... Ah, I will not let you go anyway, no one will come! You will be obedient." I……"

"Seven sisters! Seven sisters! Open the door!" Suddenly the door panel was knocked and rang.

Zhu Yao: "..."

Feng Xiaoba, you are dead!

The anger of Zhu Yao’s anger slammed out, biting his teeth and squeaking, but the stupid bird that was not interesting at the door, but also knocked on the shocking price, and faintly did not give up the door. She took a few deep breaths before she had to let go of the fat to her mouth.

Step by step and walked over, and opened the door with force, just want to worry, "small, eight!"

"Seven sisters..." A group of red **** rushed into her arms like a cannon. I haven't had time to react before, but Xiao Ba has already started to wow and cried. "Seven sisters... Seven sisters, I What should I do? Wow... I don't want to live."

I wish the heart of the heart sinking, and suddenly the anger disappeared. "What's wrong?" Seeing that it is so big, hasn't seen him crying like this? "Don't cry, don't cry, you tell the seven sisters first."

When she asked this question, Xiao Ba cried even more sadly. "I want to be as ugly as the seven sisters. It is better to die."

"..." The stinky devil is so sad that he still does not forget to step on her foot. This is definitely not a biological one.

"How? Being bullied by beasts in the forest?"

"Hey..." Shake his head.

"Which beast is fancy, and then you are defamed?"

Keep shaking your head. "I don't want to find a beast."

"That is the big uncle?"

Still shaking your head?

"What the **** is that?"

He took a long while, only to stop crying, half a moment under her concerned eyes, weakly extended a wing, full of grievances, "Look..."

I wish to be close to the curiosity, only to see the red fluffy piece of red pass, no other, "what to see?"

"This... this!" It hurriedly pointed at the other wing.

Zhu Yao took a closer look again, "Nothing!"

The little eight was anxious. "Look carefully, above! Above!"


It has no way to force the wings. I made a throwing action and saw a small piece of nail-sized fluff floating from the air. Before I landed, Xiao Ba immediately caught the baby and carefully held it with her wings. "Is it?"


"Yeah." He nodded, and suddenly the grievances began to flood. "Feather. I lost my feathers. Seven sisters... I actually started to lose my hair, wow... what to do, it’s pitiful to turn into a ball. If it’s still hairy, it’s as ugly as the seven sisters. Don't be a phoenix of light ass..."

"..." I really want to recognize the six parents!

Zhu Yao took a deep breath and took the fist back, a bird that was still crying. I threw it out when I changed hands, and closed the door with a sigh.

"Roll!" Look for your good sister to look good.

In an instant, the knocking on the door rang again.

"Seven sisters. Seven sisters, you come out, seven sisters."

"I am your only brother, seven sisters."

"You can't leave me alone, seven sisters."

"I don't want to be ugly!"

"I promise not to abandon you ugly again, you can help me think about it!"

"If my hair is gone, what do people do not recognize me as a Phoenix?"

"Seven sisters... seven sisters..."

"Like ugly!"

Zhu Yao mouth is quickly drawn into the background of the author of a certain point network, and only half a day to endure the urge to murder the younger brother, "roll! You tm just change the hair. Call a wool?"

"Change hair?" A young memory is very far away, and the Phoenix that has long forgotten has stunned. There was a louder knock on the door in the half-room.

"Seven sisters, what is the change of hair? Is it okay to lose hair now?"

"Will you grow again? Seven sisters."

"When did you grow up? Seven sisters."

"The new hair will look better than this? Seven sisters."

"I am still the most beautiful phoenix? Seven sisters."

"All the phoenixes have to be changed? Seven sisters."

"Can I still be the same as before? Seven sisters."

"Shut up!" When are you Zhao Zhongxiang? Dedicated to the animal world, or the Xian Xia version!

The knock on the door stopped, and I wished a sigh of relief, thinking that when this uneasy brother finally left, he heard his faint voice.

"Seven sisters, I can't sleep, or you come to talk to me about feathers."

"What do you think of my new feathers?"

"Is it the same as before? But I am not satisfied with the sixth row of the 65th feather on my left wing."

"If you say that you are long, will you look good?"

"What if I look like other Feng nationality?"

"Well, you have to be like the second brother, or the third brother, the fourth brother is also OK..."

"As long as it is not like the seven sisters."

Rely, don't stop me, I have to pull out his bird I know that my feathers will grow again, and the next day I found a new pop on my wing tip. After completely different from the bright new feathers of the fluffy style, Xiao Ba has no fear of losing his hair at all. However, the symptoms of its hair loss are getting more and more serious, and the process seems to be long, in order to hide this ugly process. She is no longer like a forest when she first came to the forest of the spirits. Not today, I robbed the spirit grass guarded by this monster, that is, the baby that burned the monster tomorrow. But the monsters that were harassed by it were so eager to look like they were, and she lost face for her brother.

Xiao Ba made a nest...

Yes, he will make a nest. It is filled with all kinds of soft spirit grass, and it is also robbed from the monsters. The nest was not big, just put it in the courtyard of his house, and he added a cover and locked himself inside like an egg. I also vowed to say frankly that before Mao finished, I would never be embarrassed.

Zhu Yao took the melon seeds and tempted it to not come out, threatening to die must be beautiful. (To be continued)

Ps: I love the scorpion and the wall to reward and add more