MTL - My Disciple Died Yet Again-v3 Chapter 300 1 radish 1 pit

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After discovering that it was a spiritual vein, Zhu Yao immediately decided to stay here. The house that was particularly damaged by the scenery has been destroyed into a pile of golden slag. Although it is full of focus around, it is still a good place to see.

So a master has a good taste of building several huts here! When I wished that the little bully had packed up a circle, the sky was already dark. She took out the spirits and took a few squats, and immediately screamed the soul and gave off the golden light. The white phantoms fluttered out, and there were hundreds of them.

Those ghosts are all in the face of a stunned, seemingly do not know where they are, squatting in the air.

I don't know which ghost it was, suddenly shouted. "Look, there are people there!"

For a time, it was like breaking something, hundreds of green lights, and screaming at her, and wishing for a moment.

"Really people, it is alive!"

"Great, find someone. Just scare her, scare her!"

Hundreds of ghosts pick their heads, pick up the bones of the bones, and pick up the wildfires. It is called a lively, eagerly prepared to scare her.

The expression of Zhu Yao is the sauce purple drop: o (╯ ╰ ╰) o

Sighing, directly urging the aura, and remembering the dying, suddenly a large-scale squad appeared in the sky, white light, directly sent the big wave of ghosts ready to send back to the gates of the underworld .

Until leaving the scattered male ghost.

The male ghost squatted around, although he did not understand why the small partner was gone, but he was still very dedicated and continued to wipe the group of ghosts, legs are legs, head is head. The body is the body that floats over her, the sinister way, "Little girl, I am a ghost... Are you afraid of it?"

I wish you a black line, "Chen Chen!"

"Hey?! Do you know me?" He snorted.

"You don't remember me?"

"You..." He circled around her, suddenly his eyes lit up and excited. "Huo Yuanjia! How are you? Are you reborn so soon?"

"Oh... yes!" She just nodded.

"It's you!" He smothered the two groups of wildfires. Sighed, "Forget it, look at the acquaintance. I will not scare you. Tell you, I am scary now but very powerful."


"Right, are you not doing ghosts?" Chen Hao hated the iron and did not become a steel. "How come he reborn? How good is the ghost. How promising career!"

Where is the future?

Forget it! "Chen Chen, your soul has been beaten up by the soul. Can I help you reunite?"

"Don't!" I didn't expect Chen Hao to protest strongly. I jumped a few steps in an instant. "I just became a piece of it. If I put it up again, the scary effect will be discounted. I am so beautiful now. ""

Ok, dare or she is nosy. Also specially stayed with him.

Since he does not want to, Zhu Yao has not forced. Anyway, as long as he returns to the underworld, his scattered soul can naturally be reunited. So he chilled a few words with him, and used him to send him back to the underworld.

Chen Hao waved at her and flew to the squad, and from time to time wiped the little teardrops in her eyes and looked sad. Well, if the flow is not red blood and tears, it will be more sentimental.

"Huo Yuanjia, remember to come see me often."

"..." Who wants to go to the mainland to see you!


I don't know what the cockroach buried in the ground? The flower of this spiritual vein grows particularly fast, just a night's effort, and the previous scorched earth has become the sea of ​​flowers.

I don't know if it was her day's words. It played an inspiring role. The bully was very diligent in practice and meditated in the courtyard early in the morning. In just two days of hard work, he went directly from the first level to the third floor.

"Not bad, little bully." Good teacher never praised the students. "It’s three layers so soon. It seems that you can return to the original repairs soon."

The little bully smiled and grabbed the head. "That's just the first three layers of practice. I have had experience before. Now I practice natural and do more with less. Just... Five Linggen needs five kinds of aura, and one by one is very expensive. I am afraid that after three layers, I will..."

“Guiding one by one?” Zhu Yao grabbed a keyword, “What do you mean?”

"Hey, I am Wu Linggen." Xiaobai's eyes sinking, "Aura can't be mixed. In the past, when you doubled the roots, you only need to introduce one kind of aura, and then introduce another kind to attack and repair. Now Wulingling Root, of course, will spend more time than before."

"You wait." Zhu Yao wrinkled his frown and found a very critical question. "You mean, you can only introduce one kind of aura, wait until you reach a critical point, then introduce another, wait for five. When the kind of aura arrives, what is the impact?"


"For a fart! Who told you?"

"This is how the practice is!" The inferiority of the little bully, "No wonder... is it right?"

"No, of course not right!" Zhu Yao has been very strange why the factions are so esteemed by the spiritual roots of the single system. At first, she thought that because of the amount of aura required, it is true that Wu Linggen needs more aura than a single Ling. So I didn't think about it. Now think about it, this difference will not affect the speed of training. The spiritual roots of her own vests are also different. The speed of training at Rellingen is indeed faster, but when the five spirits are even the roots of the whole system, there is no difference. Of course, she does not rule out the cultivation of her death caused by the aura of anger. Even at normal speed, it is actually not much slower.

However, why the five Linggen disciples who repaired the inner world are hard to build their foundations in their lifetime, while the single spiritual roots are more than 30, and they can be used for more than ten years. The difference between the two is too great.

Now when she listens to the bully, she suddenly realizes that this may not have much to do with the amount of reiki, but the difference in the direction of practice.

"Small bully, why do you want to introduce one by one, instead of directly introducing the five elements of aura?"

"Hey, is this possible?" he was surprised.

"Why not?" She did it this way!

"But..." The little bully frowned. "There is a mixture of aura in the air, and the spirit of the five elements is gram, if it is introduced directly. It must be damaged to the meridians. And there is not only five elements of aura in the air, but also wind and thunder, three Variant aura. If I don’t have the corresponding root, I will be killed by the unsuitable aura."

It is also said that the bully is not the root of the whole system. "If you only let the five auras you need to introduce together? According to the method of introducing aura, you only remove the three auras of wind and thunder!"

The little bully suddenly appeared in his eyes. The face was filled with joy. "Oh, let's say... If the five elements of aura are introduced together, then my training speed."

"The same as Single Ling."

If Linggen is like a road, the single root is a single lane. Five Spirits is five lanes. In the case of obeying traffic rules, the only difference is that the traffic volume is different, and the traffic speed is not affected at all.

Bai Zhiyuan was stunned by the whole person, and his face was full of hope. Half a moment will suppress the excitement of my heart and take a few breathful breaths. "Hey, let me try!"

"Yeah!" I wished nod and sat next to help him protect the law.

Sitting in the white, I sat for two days. The flowers around the house have been opened for two rounds, and the eyes are slowly opened, but the aura of the body has not increased by half. Some disappointment shook his head toward Zhu Yao. "Hey. Xiaobai... can't do it. It can dispel an aura, it has exhausted all my energy. I really can't sense five kinds of aura at the same time. Not to mention the introduction into the body. "I can't tell."

Can't distinguish it? I wish you a trip, no.

"Isn't the aura different in color?" Isn't Baiba white color blind?

"Color?" He glanced, "What color?"

"Aura's color!" Zhu Yao took a handful of empty space and pointed at the palm of his hand. "You look closely, this green is wood aura, gold is gold color, water aura is blue, yellow is earth aura The fire aura is as red as the little eight, and the most embarrassing tail with the tail likes to wrap my finger is Lei Ling."

Xiaobai’s eyes widened and his face was dull.



"I can't see anything." Her hands are clearly empty.



I don’t think it’s right, I’m very wrong. The aura of this world is clearly everywhere like the air, as long as she sinks her heart and can see it. She also thought that this is all the people who bleed into the body and must have basic skills. She thought that as long as she is a practising disciple, she should see it.

But the little bully told her that he didn’t know what color the aura was? I have never even heard of aura and color.

Can it be said that the aura of all the sky flying, only she can see!

This is not a fairy law!

Because, she told this question to the cultivation expert, Master.

The answer is actually the same as that of the bully, and the master does not know that the aura has a color.

"But when Master taught me to introduce qi into the body, I said the sense of aura. Isn't it to see the color of the aura?"

Yuyan shook his You can still remember, I guided Thunder spirit to run in your body for a week? ”


"My original purpose was to familiarize you with the spirit of Lei Ling and guide the same aura into the body." He explained, "The so-called induction aura is just a feeling. I have never heard that aura still has a form and Color."

What did she see? Color palette?

"Master, don't move!" Zhu Yao plunged into his arms, circled his neck, pulled his head against his forehead, and used his knowledge to look inside, but only saw a white gas.

Rub, forget Master is the immortal, of course, there will be no aura in his body, only fairy.

Just turned to find the bully, Yu Yan has already understood her thoughts, pulled her back, and turned her hand, suddenly gathered a variety of colors of aura, "If you just want to see other people's body If the aura has color, this is." Reaching the father's forehead can, others can't. (To be continued)

Ps: I love the scorpion and the wall to reward and add more