MTL - My Girlfriend has a System-Chapter 212 Su Qianxin's little scissors

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The exchanges between the first division and the one are continuing.



"I feel that I have written too many questions. I already don't know how to write it... It seems that writing is a problem."

To be honest, it’s really all a problem.

An article, whether it is good or bad, will have problems.

Not cool enough, no confrontation, not enough, everyday scribbling, the protagonist is not happy...

There are too few words that are truly perfect, and it is impossible to appear in novels.

But good text, few problems, more readers can read!

Ai Ming Ming Ming has so many updates, but still fluttering the streets, which shows that she has many problems and serious problems.

Su Shi just pointed out her problem.

"Is it worth to praise her?" Su Shi touched his chin, his heart.

Encouragement is also needed. Teacher Su hesitates, or typing on the keyboard: "In fact, it is not all problems. You just need to change a little bit, the text is easy -"

He hasn’t finished typing yet, just look at Ai Wei’s message.

"Teacher, where is your home?"

Amount... Does this question have anything to do with it?

However, considering this good is also an acquaintance, is a mentor, Su Shi did not conceal, reported the address.

After thinking about it, he laughed and typed: "What? Is it a teacher's gift? No, modern society, don't pay attention to it-"

Another line of words did not finish the word, Ai Wei sent a message.

"That's good, teacher, are you at home now? I am going to your home here, listening to your instructions, and asking me to teach me!"


Wait, it seems that there is something wrong!

Su Shi’s body trembled and hurriedly said: “This is not very convenient. Your home is not far from my home, that...”

"Nothing, not far away, the map shows that it takes twenty minutes to take a taxi."

No, no, the 20-minute drive is far away, and the online map will not give you time to join the traffic jam.

Su Shi quickly said: "Ai Wei? Is there anything that can't be said clearly on the computer? It will take a 20-minute drive. What do you do with the taxi?"

And you don't know if my cousin is still at home?

After a while, Ai Wei replied: "Teacher, do you need me to bring something to you?"

How is this sister paper so decisive?

Shouldn’t the normal sister paper go out to make up?

What are you doing so urgently?

Su Shi quickly said: "No need to use, you calm down, don't be impulsive, my family... my family is still there."

"Nothing, just see a teacher," Ai Wei replied.

What kind of ghost is this teacher...

Su Shi’s face is so aggressive, why did it suddenly become what it is now?

What is the network, isn’t it good?

But come to Su Shi’s home...

At present, Su Xiaoyi continues to indulge in countless magazines. Su Qianxin seems to be too tired (doing housework?), lying on the sofa with a look of laziness, watching the recently broadcasted Korean drama.

Obviously, the Korean drama is not finished for half an hour, and Su Qianxin will not move the place within half an hour.

In other words...

Su Shi’s body trembled, and suddenly he remembered the words spoken by his cousin when he went to the Internet cafe with Mao Fatzi after his college entrance examination.

"Small, where are you going?"

"Go to the Internet."

"Is there a girl in the partner?"

"Amount... No, it’s a fat man and a few classmates, you seem to have seen it."

"Well, let's go, come back before dinner."

Su Shi curiously asked: "That cousin, I ask, what if there is a girl?"

He made a hundred oaths, absolutely an occasional curiosity!


Su Qianxin heard the words, could not help but narrow his eyes, revealing a dangerous cold mans.

"If there is a girl... I will connect you to the Jiuzu!"

Her words are very light and very soft, just like what she says about lunch on weekdays.

But look at her eyes... there is no joke at all!

"Wait, Qian Xinjie, then you are dead." Su Shi’s mouth twitched and asked.

The cousin is also counted in the Nine!

Su Qianxin smiled softly and said: "Nothing, birth and death, but death can be the same point."

Finished, this is not like a joke!

Now if another sister paper comes in...

"No! You can't let her in!" Su Shi suddenly shook his head and picked up the phone, he had to edit a severe rejection text message.

Really not, you can also order her to go home with a teacher!

Su Shi’s family is too dangerous to let her in!

However, he just edited the text message and didn't send it out. He heard a girl shouting outside.

"Teacher! I am here, are you here?"

"I'm not here!"

Su Shi’s face changed and she shouted.

He looked at the phone with sorrow, and the time was already from the last time he sent a message, and it took fifteen minutes.

What happened, I am a god, have it used for so long?

And this sister paper is too fast, is the Shanghai stock market not very traffic jam? Why is it so fast today? !

Where does Su Shi know that for Ai Wei, this time, it is a task that has to be completed and desperately completed. Naturally, every second counts, and it takes time to hurry.

"Teacher? I have arrived! Can you hear it?"

"Stained God, where are you?"

"Teacher, if you hear it, come back to me!"

Ai's light voice continued to reverberate in the community, and even Su Qianxin, who was addicted to the TV series, heard it.

She glanced out of the window and smiled. "Oh, I don't know who is the little girl who has gone to the man."

"This girl is too stupid, how can I trust others, look, I can't find anyone now."

"There is also the teacher. Actually, I am worried that the girls are still outside, no, oh, modern society..."

Well, recently, many pure girls who believe in netizens have been fooled. After a long while, they found that netizens are simply liar.

Obviously, Su Qianxin regarded Ai Wei as an example of her side.

Su Shi laughed twice, what can he say?

"Hey, Susie, do you think so too?" asked the cousin, interested.

Su Shi smiled and replied: "Yes, yeah."

"The bad-hearted man is too wicked. I have experienced several cases of marriage disputes. Those stinky men don't have a good thing."

"Yeah yeah."

"It’s also a good man in my family, right?"

"Yeah yeah."

"Like the kind of guy who deceives people and puts them, he should cut them with a pair of scissors!" Su Qian hearted, his hand slashed in the void: "Take his bane, I look at him. How can I lie to a little girl!"

Su Shi clamped her legs and felt a little cold below.

Quickly said: "Cousin, this is a bit over, maybe there is any misunderstanding..."

"Where is it, to deal with the man, you can't be merciful, let him be the last big **** after the Qing Dynasty!"

Su Qian’s heart snorted and danced with joyful

Suddenly, she raised her good eyebrows and said, "Do you know, Xiao Yan, I bought a pair of scissors for you."

"Hehehe...Is it necessary to cut my nails for me? Thank you, Qian Xinjie....."

Su Qianxin narrowed his eyes and smiled. "If you have long nails, I will help you cut your nails. If you grow somewhere else, I can help you cut other places."

Su Shi seems to have seen Su Qian’s heart sneering, holding a pair of cold-cut scissors in his hand, and the hypnotic notes that ‘咔嚓咔嚓’ sounded, step by step approaching.

No! Have to fool past!

Su Shi just wanted to send a message and fled Ai Wei.

I heard a shout from the downstairs.

"Master Su Shi, where are you? Come back to me!"

For a moment, the room was quiet.