MTL - My Girlfriend Is Really a Superstar-v2 Chapter 1156 People to middle-aged points

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The baby of Tang took the game card on the bed and touched his head. It was exactly the same, bald...

Nima, if Laozi can't grow his hair, you will wait for me, and I want to buy a bag and sell all your bags! Also break all your lipsticks, and even break them all in front of you!

Just ask your heartache! I am mad at my baby! I haven’t been so angry for a long time.

Don’t know how to fall asleep, and made a dream...

My hair can't grow out, and I have already entered the ranks of baldness. Every time I go out, I still have a wig, and that Mu Kexin is actually on the street, and I have to get rid of my wig, and I can't wait to kill this woman.

With exclamation, Tang baby suddenly sat up, the outside is already in the daytime, the weather is also very good, the sun fathers have appeared, this is probably the best day after the year, even the smog is gone.

Tang baby suddenly remembered something, trembling hands touched the top of the head, when touched the scalp, Tang baby eyeballs burst out, this is not a dream, this is true!

"Ping Luo Ling! Mu Kexin! Xiao Hanrui!" Tang baby shouted loudly, the sisters who are making breakfast downstairs have to smile, let you arrogant, let you confiscate our money, not to buy bags, It’s too bloated.

I saw Tang baby anger rushing down.

Ji Xia night and two little wives have not seen it. When looking at the bald Tang, first squatting, then...

Hahahahahahahahahahaha, I just want to smile.

Tang baby squinted and glared at the three sisters. Don’t you know a word!

the man!

The head can be broken, the blood can also flow, but the hair can not be messed up, my TMD is now even with no hair, talk about hair style!

The three sisters also knew that her husband was really angry. The laughter came over and pressed the baby to the sofa.

"Hey! What's going on with this matter, is it for me to be a monk! If I want to say it, I will be a monk immediately." Tang baby said with anger, it was just too much, this kind of joke can be opened!

Xiao Hanrui sat next to the baby, and said softly: "Husband, don't be angry, my sister is not deliberately doing this."

"I don't mean it? That's intentional! You are really..." Don't know how to say it, and he said that he was afraid of hurting it. He said it was light enough. It seems that it is not serious enough. This scale is really difficult to control.

"Husband, you are not going to the game right away, Grandpa has explained it, let us help you." Mu Kexin held back the smile, whispered, and saw the angry expression of Tang baby, still not Hair, Mu Kexin can no longer hold back, and fell to the baby in the arms of Tang.

Ping Luoling and Xiao Hanrui couldn't help it anymore, and all fell on the baby of Tang.

Tang baby's eyes are all turned out, you are like a smile, I TMD··· also want to laugh...

"Mother and Dad, you hate it. I laughed a lot early in the morning and woke us up." Xiaoling Ling went downstairs, his eyelids didn't open, and he followed Yao and Qinger. It didn't seem to be Ji baby waking up.


When the three little guys saw Dad, they all stunned and then ran to the back of the mother: "Mom··· Who is this strange uncle, ugly... no hair."

Tang baby almost spit out a bowl of blood, his own little cotton jacket actually .... said such a hurtful words.

Tang baby once again glared at my sisters, look at the good things you have done, don’t think about it later, all the clocks are reduced!

"Yao, this is Dad."

"Ah.. Dad! Dad, your hair, how bald."

"Sister, Dad is not bald, Dad is a middle-aged man, and middle-aged men are like this."

"No, middle-aged men are generally Mediterranean. How did Dad skip the Mediterranean stage and give him baldness directly?"

Baby Tang: "······"

Listening to the various spit of the daughters, Tang baby is very hurt, the culprit is the three girls!

Looking at her husband's angry eyes, Ping Luoling went to the ear of Tang's baby and whispered a few times. The anger of Tang's baby disappeared instantly.

Even laughed: "Dad just cut a bald head, isn't it going to be summer soon? Dad wants to change a hairstyle."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. It hurts the little spirits to worry about death. If Dad is really bald, Mom is so poor..."

Baby Tang: "······"

This has something to do with your mother, no... It’s your mother who messed up your dad’s hair.

However, the spirit sister is lowering the body, and the baby will forgive you this time, if there is another time...

Hehe··· Laozi has made your hair gone, it’s light, everyone is together, and it’s hard to be a husband and wife.

The family began to enjoy a hearty breakfast, Tang baby gas was suppressed by Ping Luoling, as to what conditions, to the baby's urine, Ping Luoling and other people must be blood loss.

"Husband, I will go to the test in the afternoon." Ping Luoling curiously asked.

Don baby nodded: "Yeah, you are really timely."

"Husband, we are also for you, why don't you feel compassionate about your wife's intentions? You have to reward us." Mu Keyin reached out and said it was very obvious. Give money, don't lie.

I cut my son's hair and wanted money. Little publicly, you really floated into outer space.

However, the little guys saw his mother like this, and suddenly he admired his father. This action can also appear on his

"No, let's go cool." Tang Baosheng said, actually there is still a face to ask for money, not a dime.

"Hey, slamming."

Don baby is too cool to die, I want to ask, I will not give it, you use it on this baby, all to you.

Ping Luoling softly said: "Be careful in the afternoon, and now there are so many people, I am afraid there are variants mixed in."

Speaking of serious things, Tang baby is also serious: "I know, listening to Grandpa said that this time in addition to me, there are two mysterious people also involved."

"Mysterious man?" Ji Xia night was puzzled.

Tang baby nodded: "In fact, I am a family of powers. I only know this news a few days ago. My dad told me that there is no lie." Tang baby quickly added a sentence, otherwise they It’s gonna catch this and it’s over.

"It turned out to be like this." Si Ru said with a small mouth, took a sip of bright milk and suppressed it.