MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 182

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"It's not really a mermaid princess, is it?" Fan Oka said immediately, he didn't want the mermaid princess to be auctioned off.

"No, "607" will be her." Wu An said firmly, he remembered who was auctioned, the mermaid Kemi who was auctioned here, she was a very confused character, who was auctioned by others

Arrests are so common that later, she and Xiao Ba knew each other and worked together with Xiao Ba.

"Auction her?" Jessica moved with sympathy. She wanted to auction off Kemi. Instead of letting her suffer by being auctioned off by others, they might as well auction her off.

Wu An nodded. Of course, Kemi will be auctioned off, and he can't let the Tianlong people auction it. He's still a disgusting scumbag from Saint Charles.

Wu An looked at him like that, and he was not relieved when he chopped him with 800 meters.

Wu An always felt that it was a coincidence that Kemi was auctioned. Before Kemi was auctioned, it was called the Tianlongren incident. Luffy and Xiaoba broke into this place all the way because of the auction of Kemi, and beat the Tianlongren completely. offended them.

Except for their own clansmen, the Tianlong people don't see me as other people, they can only see themselves arrogantly, thinking that no one else deserves to live in this world.

What Wu An was thinking about was whether it was because of his arrival that he secretly changed some things that made Kemi auctioned off so quickly.

No matter what, this time Kemi must be rescued, and she must not fall into the hands of the Tianlong people.

The audience below, after a short silence, then made an unbelievable voice, they were shocked just now, it turned out to be a mermaid.

"Don't worry, everyone, come and witness the moment of miracle together."

The host lifted the gauze and revealed the figure inside, with short green hair and a beautiful face, it was Kemi who was auctioned.

The atmosphere of the entire auction was heightened to the extreme. They were all incredulous. It turned out to be a mermaid. I didn't expect the auction to have such a powerful ability to arrest and auction the beautiful mermaid.

"She is the beautiful Kemi from the merfolk."

After the host finished speaking, those people stood up with a clatter.

"What a beautiful mermaid."

"I've always heard that the mermaid is the most beautiful, and seeing it today is no exception."

"Sure enough, it's the real thing, this time I have to photograph it no matter what."

Even Charles Luo Sheng stood up excitedly, he hadn't enjoyed the mermaid yet.

"Brother Wang is a rare mermaid."

Xia Luliya was even more surprised by the fact that mermaids are really rare here, and everything is rare and precious, and this time was no exception.

Wu An didn't look at Charles Luo's disgusting look, and stared at Kemi who was auctioned without a trace of waves.

Wu An didn't think the mermaid was so precious. He had traveled through several worlds, and he had seen even rarer species. Although this mermaid was uncommon, it didn't surprise him.

What happened next made Wu An a little more interested.

"This mermaid is so beautiful." Fan Oka said with bright eyes, they rarely saw the mermaid, although the mermaid was not far from here.

"The mermaid race has always been very beautiful. Fortunately, we are here this time." Nami looked at the people below and said slightly mockingly.

This time Kemi, they have to decide, so they can't let these inhuman and moral guys auction Kemi away.

"Captain, do we have enough money?"

Sabas touched his nose suddenly and said, seeing how popular the scene is, it is estimated that the price of Kemi will not be low.

If they don't have enough money, they won't be able to auction Kemi at all.

"You just shoot, I have my own way."

Wu An's confident look made them very curious about what the captain was going to do, but they couldn't guess what the captain was thinking. If they guessed, they wouldn't be the captain.

"It's Captain.0" Everyone saluted and, like them, began to look forward to Kemi's auction.

"No matter what, we have to auction her off. If you dare to grab her without a long eye, I will kill her without mercy."

Charles Luo Sheng kept running his nose, and said viciously, he really wanted to see, who would not have long eyes and would come to **** Kemi with him.

He is very satisfied with this Kemi, everything he likes must be in his hands.

He is the ruler of this world, as for the others, they should not live in this world.

The host was very satisfied with the popularity of the scene, and tapped the hammer in his hand to signal them to be quiet.

When everyone saw the supporter and signaled to be quiet, they patiently waited for the host to bid, and immediately shot the auction.

"I believe you should also know that the precious mermaid has not been auctioned for a long time, so everyone who can't wait, should start the auction from how much, then 80 million Bailey, let's start!"

The host announced the lowest price, and the female mermaid was 70 million Bailey.

"This is the lowest price. I don't know how much it will be auctioned."

Xiao Ba sighed, this mermaid is really precious, they all belong to fish, and Xiao Ba just wanted to rescue the mermaid that was auctioned.

"Wait and let them not dare to bid."

Charles Luo said disdainfully that his auction price was too high for them.

"I give 80 million."

Soon someone raised the sign in their hand and said loudly.

3.6 "95 million."

When he said the bidding price, someone said in a daze.

"One hundred million."

"Two hundred million."

The mermaid Kemi who was auctioned was priced at 200 million Bailey, and the people present below heard the price of 200 million.

They all bowed their heads and thought that if they were increasing the price, they would not be able to afford it.

The host of the auction, with a smile on his face, was very satisfied with the mermaid auction. He didn't expect it to be auctioned to 200 million so quickly.

"Captain, should we take action?"

Xiao Ba said anxiously, Wu An waved his hand, signaling him to be calm.

"Look at the price offered by the Tianlong people."

Charles Luo Sheng has not made a bid yet, it is not interesting to raise the price with those people, but it is interesting to raise the price with the Tianlong people.

188 Shocking Auction

"Rest assured that Kemi will be rescued."

Fan Oka knew that Xiao Ba would sympathize with others of the same kind, and reassure him that nothing the captain said could not be done.

Little Eight nodded, he was in a hurry just now.

"Is there a better price, if not, 200 million once, 200 million twice!"

The host was just about to take the final hammer, and the person who offered the price of 200 million was even more excited. This beautiful mermaid still belongs to him.

"Five hundred million." Charles Luo Sheng's voice, not too big or not small, was clearly introduced into everyone's ears.

The host opened his mouth wide in surprise, as if an egg could be stuffed in it.

He didn't expect to be able to get a price of 500 million at the auction. Like the previous one, this is the highest price. He was still a little greedy.

The scene was even more silent, as if someone had pressed the pause button, and everyone was silent. The joy of that person taking the mermaid just now disappeared completely. He looked up at the 500 million people who came out and found that it was the Tianlong man upstairs. Head down.

Now to him, it doesn't matter whether he can take pictures of the mermaid or not, the important thing is whether he can offend the Tianlong people 10 times, otherwise his life will be lost, so what kind of mermaid is needed.

The mermaid was auctioned at a price of 500 million. They couldn't do it, so they put down the brand in their hands. The beautiful mermaid is destined to have nothing to do with it.

Charles Luo Sheng, will not feel how surprised their eyes are, 500 million Bailey, to him, is nothing, let him not blink.

With a price of 500 million, there is no capital for them to bid at all.

What's more, they are Tianlong people. They are even more unlikely to participate in the auction because of their fear of Tianlong people.

"Really rich." Wu An said sarcastically, licking his back molars.

It took a while for the host to recover from the joy just now. As an auction host, I hope that there will be a better price to auction the mermaid, so that he will get more profit. There is no one here. Is good stubble.

But the price offered by the Tianlong people, it is estimated that no one will have a better price to grab the mermaid from the Tianlong people.

"Xiao Ba, you offer a price, as long as it is higher than the Tianlong people." Wu An turned his head and said to Xiao Ba.

Xiao Ba Leng looked at the captain and asked him to make a price. Aren't you afraid that he would make a mess?

"You are my crew member and a member of the big family."

Wu An patted him on the shoulder and said, let Xiaoba not have any pressure.

Xiao Ba nodded with emotion. Fan Oka and the others had no problem. Xiao Ba was a murloc, and the one being auctioned was a mermaid. They all have the blood of fish.

"I announce that the mermaid was auctioned off by the great Lord Charles Rosin at a price of 500 million. This price is unprecedented. At this time, congratulations to Lord Charles Rosant, for the successful auction.


Charles Luo Sheng slowly walked out of the private room and walked towards the host. He thought that the mermaid was already his.

"Five hundred and one million Baileys."

Xiao Ba raised the sign in his hand and said loudly, interrupting the host's words. At this time, the audience at the scene were all ready to applaud and celebrate Lord Charles Luo Sheng. He never wanted to be rushed by the sudden voice. interrupted, and what shocked them was that this person offered a higher price and robbed the merman from the Tianlong people.

Those who had a good show to watch, just swept away the low expression that they couldn't participate in the auction.

They are like melon eaters now, wanting to know who is so bold and blatantly grabbing the mermaid that Tianlong people fancy.

The host is happy inside, great! This time the profit has increased again.

When Charles Luo Sheng heard someone interrupting the host, he looked up at Wu An's private room, met Wu An's eyes, and was stunned for a moment, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Missing Wu An's line of sight, he looked at the person who made a sound.

Xiao Ba is a murloc with a lot of tentacles. Before coming here, he deliberately disguised himself, except for the captain and the others. No one knew he was a murloc, and with their box upstairs, no one noticed his anomaly.

"This friend has paid a higher price than Lord Charles Rosin, and is there any higher price than him."

The host said at the risk of not offending Charles Ro Saint.

"Five hundred and sixty million." Charles Luo Sheng continued to walk, he didn't believe that there were people richer than him.

Money status is what they lack the most. It can be said that money is as much as air, countless.

"Five hundred and seventy million." Xiaoba swallowed the saliva he didn't have, and said aside his nervousness.

In Charles Luo Sheng's eyes, a trace of viciousness flashed, very good! Seeing this, how to punish them.

Xia Lulia Palace looked at the box opposite, aren't they the Wu'an Pirates? How could it appear here, and openly and brother Wang.

Xia Lulia asked the bodyguards to pay close attention to their every move.

Van Oka sensed something was wrong, he could feel someone watching them.

"It's Charles Ro Saint on the opposite side."

Wu An gave them the answer, this kind of pediatric surveillance doesn't matter, and it can't hurt them.

"Charles Ro Saint doesn't seem to recognize us."

Wu An nodded. With his IQ, it was really strange to be able to recognize them.

The host was so happy that he almost didn't set off firecrackers. He was so happy.

"Six hundred million."

Charles Luo Sheng continued to say that 600 million is just a number in his eyes, and he does not believe that there are people who have a higher price than him.

As soon as these words came out, the scene was in an uproar, 600 million 610!

What a terrifying number to be said so lightly by the Tianlong people.

"Captain." Xiao Ba asked Wu An for his opinion, and it was impossible to continue.

"Continue." Wu An sat there, drinking tea calmly, not taking 600 million as a thing at all.



Xiaoba continued to raise the price, otherwise it must be higher than the price of Tianlong people.

There were people at the scene who regretted that when they came to this auction, nothing was auctioned, but now they saw such a good show.

It's not a waste to come here. Although many people are afraid of the Tianlong people, they still hope that someone will pay a higher price than the Tianlong people.

The host was even more excited, spitting up and saying, great!

Ever since I met a Tianlong person to bid for the auction, I have never been as happy as I am now.