MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 183

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"Seven hundred million."

Xiao Ba directly bid the price to 700 million.

"Eighty million." Charles Luo Sheng is not to be outdone, this kind of non-noble race is also worthy of raising the price with him. If he really bids away, where will the Tianlong people's face be put?

"A billion."

Xiao Ba directly raised 200 million yuan, and the host was even more surprised, as if his mouth could be stuffed into a duck egg.

Nami looked at Hachi with shining eyes, that's how they should pay the price, they've been with the captain for so long.

189 Ten Billion Auction Kemi

I can understand the captain's meaning, but I didn't expect Xiaoba to understand the captain's meaning not long after he arrived.

Everyone present, they don't know what expressions to use, one billion bidding for mermaids, this is definitely a shocking news.

Kemi, who was trapped in the glass box, raised his head thoughtfully and looked at Xiao Ba. She could tell that he was a murloc.

Does this count as the same? Being auctioned away by anyone is much better than falling into the hands of the Tianlong people. When she goes out, she will definitely be arrested and given a thousand cuts and dramas, and she will not relieve her hatred.

The host did not speak. He knew that the Tianlong people would definitely not give up.

"One hundred million."

Charles Luo Sheng frowned, and he must have an unforgettable night later, let him know what the consequences of robbing him will be.

"1.2 billion." Xiaoba continued to shout loudly.

Against the Tianlong people, he is not afraid.

"One and a half billion." Charles Luo Sheng was impatient, and he couldn't think of the Chambord Islands and those who dared to oppose him.

Xiao Ba coldly snorted and said coldly, "Two billion."

The host still did not move, and many people pinched themselves to let them know that this was not a dream, and that some people really dared to oppose the Tianlong people.

"Three billion." Charles Luo Sheng didn't feel bad about the money, but just spent several billion to buy a mermaid, which was somewhat of an embarrassment, especially when someone was against him.

"five billion."

Xiao Ba is addicted to playing, and in the end, Kemi will be auctioned off by the Tianlong people, the result they want. It is to ask the Tianlong people to pay a higher price, but it is still not Kemi.

You can hear a needle drop at the scene, the host is no longer hosting, only the voice of Charles Luo Sheng, Xiao Ba echoed in the scene.

Fan Oka rubbed his hands excitedly, and the Tianlong people were going to suffer a big loss this time.

Charles Luo Sheng was silent for a while, Trafalgar Luo's bounty was only five billion, and now Kemi's auction has reached this price.

If the auction goes on, Charles Luosheng can't think of the consequences.

The host saw that Charles Luo Sheng was silent, thinking that five billion was the final price of Kemi.

Wu An gave Fan Aoka a look, and Fan Aoka left the box silently.

"It turns out that the so-called nobles of the Tianlong people are so poor."

"Yeah! Tianlong people are so poor, they are too embarrassed to say they are nobles."

Fan Oka played two roles, Nami and the others snickered, but they didn't expect him to have acting talent.

If this is put into modern times, a proper actor, Wu An's funny brain supplement, Fan Oka has reached a modern scene.

When Charles Luo Sheng heard these two sentences, he wanted to find out who said it, but there were too many people present and couldn't find it at all.

Xia Luliya Palace angrily threw the teacup in her hand, these people dared to mock them, it was really courting death, don't let her know who it is, otherwise it will definitely make him die miserably.

"Six billion."

Charles Luo Sheng was stimulated and shouted six billion directly.

Xiao Ba continued to raise the price. The price Wu An gave him was 10 billion. I believe that if Charles Luo Sheng took out 10 billion, the world government would definitely have objections. Charles Luo Sheng is completely a brainless guy.

"10 billion." Charles Luo Sheng finally said 10 billion directly, Xiaoba did not bid, the scene was already numb, this kind of thing is too incredible.

For a mermaid, the auction price is as high as 10 billion. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, heard it with your own ears, and said it, no one would believe it.

"Brother Wang." Xia Luliya Palace came to Charles Luo Sheng's side, the price of 10 billion is too high, and they can't give 10 billion casually, there will be many clansmen not; two.

Charles Luo Sheng waved his hand, in short, he is going to auction the merman.

"The mermaid will be given to you. It's not easy for you to make 10 billion. It's better not to be beaten by your parents when you go home."

When Xiaoba said that he didn't pay for his life, Charles Luo Sheng's face was distorted, he would definitely let him die miserably.

Xiaoba waved his hand generously, indicating that he didn't need to thank him.

The auction of the mermaid was sold at a price of 10 billion, and Charles Luo Sheng successfully took the mermaid.

Xiao Ba seems to be light and calm, but his heart is even more turbulent. Charles Luo Sheng has really suffered a secret loss. The price is 10 billion days, not to mention whether he will take it out, even if he can take it. When he came out, it was estimated that his father's rebuke and the rejection of his family were indispensable.

Xia Luliya Palace was shocked as if she had heard it wrong. It was as high as 10 billion. If my father knew about this, they would definitely be punished. They are all **** mermaids. .

The host always felt that it was like an illusion now, 10 billion! What kind of concept is this, I didn't expect that Kemi could be auctioned for 10 billion today.

After a few minutes, the scene was like an explosion.

"Did I hear it right just now?"

One person poked out his ears, as if he had heard it wrong.

\'OMG! 10 billion indeed! "

"Charles Ro Saint must be very aggrieved."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and then felt that something was wrong. Fan Oka mixed in the crowd and said deliberately.

"Then for the price of 10 billion, congratulations to Sir Charles Rosin for successfully auctioning Kemi."

The host knocked down the hammer in his hand without delay, which means that the price of 10 billion is established, and if you want to take Kemi away, you must pay this 10 billion.

OMG! I have never seen 10 billion, so much money, even if he is the host, I have never seen so much money, and the reward of the world government is not so high.

s price.

"Wait until I bring the money."

After Charles Luo Sheng finished speaking, he left the auction in a hurry. He was going to go back and report to his father that Kemi was going to make a decision. The guy who competed with him before will wait for their slave life.

Xia Luliya Palace knew that he was going back (Wang De's) to report, and his father would definitely be furious and would not let him go.

Although Kemi in the glass box couldn't move, but after listening to what they said, she was auctioned off by Tianlong people at a price of 10 billion.

Does this count as her breaking the record here? Kemi shook her head mockingly. It seemed that she also said that she had not escaped the evil claws of the Tianlong people.

"She must be sad right now."

Jekashi knew better now, Kemi's heart.

"There is no way for her to be free in the future, so she can only be wronged for a while."

Wu An shrugged. This is also something that can’t be helped. If you want to survive in this world, sometimes the grievances you suffer are really nothing.

Usually like this time, after auctioning a slave, I can't wait to start the next auction.

But at this time, the host was still standing on the stage, waiting for Charles Luo Sheng to return, which was originally the responsibility of the person in charge.

190 Major Fugitives

Disco's eyes narrowed, and the audience at the scene waited patiently to see if Charles Ro Saint would come with 10 billion.

In their perception, 10 billion Tianlong people can show it, they are nobles, they are very good face, they will not be able to show it.

"Captain, you said, can this Charles Luo Sheng really come up with 10 billion?"

Fan Oka returned to the box from below and said curiously.

The price of 500 million shocked them for a long time, this time it was 10 billion.

"Wait." Wu An was not in a hurry at all, he meant to watch a good show.

The first time Charles Rothwader went back was to find his father, Roswad St.

"Why are you so panicked?" St. Roswald was basking in the sun leisurely, when he suddenly saw Charles Rosé hurried over, frowned displeasedly and said.

He has said it many times for a long time, let him do things calmly and not panic. As a nobleman of the world, he cannot be the same as those people.

Charles Luo Sheng explained the matter briefly.

"You rebellious son." Saint Roswald, an angry tea stalk stuck in his throat, stuck up and down.

They will go to the Chambord Islands, but they are here for the population auction. I didn't expect that he would buy the mermaid at such a high price.

"If 610 lets Lord Yimu know about this, what kind of punishment will you receive?"

Saint Roswald said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Father, you have to save me."

Charles Luo Sheng knelt down very spineless, he was really dizzy, so he would fight with him.

"Father really can't blame me this time, it's all that kid, and I will be designed by him."

Charles Luo Sheng gritted his teeth and said.

"Speak carefully." St. Roswald found that things were not that simple.

Although Charles Luo Sheng sometimes has a bad brain, at this moment he also understands that no matter what, it cannot be said to be his own fault.

So, Charles Ro Saint reiterated the matter and repeated it again.

"Is what you said true?"

Saint Roswald felt that he was probably not an ordinary person.

"Does he look familiar?"

"A little familiar, and his companions, like people from the Wu'an Pirates."

Charles Luo Sheng's eyes lit up and said, this time he was not wrong, the appearance of other people is very familiar, it is the Wu'an Pirates.

"Could it be that the one who opposes you is the newly added pirate?"

Roswald's holy finger tapped the table one after another.

"The naval branch guarded by Kiabou here was bombed by the Wu'an Pirates. They dare to show up now. I'm really impatient."

Saint Roswald's tone was full of anger, and when such a thing happened, he was hitting their Tianlong people in the face.

"We'll meet them when we go." St. Roswald slapped the table heavily and left with Charles Rosin angrily.

This is only their temporary residence. He must take all the members of the Wu'an Pirates to the Holy Land of Mary and let them stay in the slave prison.

Saint Rosward brought a lot of navies to the Population Auction.

"Captain, I always feel there will be danger." Sabas felt that a danger was approaching them.

"The Holy Roswald came with his trash son and the navy."

Wu An said casually, and the others tensed up instantly.

"What should come will always come." Wu An realized that he had a lot of literature and art, and he could say such words.

"I haven't seen the navy for a long time, so move your muscles and muscles."

Nami said indifferently, Fan Oka nodded thoughtfully.

Xiao Ba couldn't help but complained in his heart that they had only exercised their muscles and bones, and the naval branch was bombed by them.

"It's great that I can finally beat them up justifiably." Fan Oka responded with a longer reflex arc.

"This time, they will definitely beat their crying father and mother." Sabas said, clenching his fists.

"They will definitely try their best not to take this tens of billions (badg), and then don't start a fight, they can't take it.

Let everyone on the island know that the Tianlong people just don't believe their words. "

Wu An's implication is to let everyone who comes to the auction know that the evil deeds of the Tianlong people, and let them watch the jokes of the Tianlong people for free, this kind of thing is good.

Fan Oka, Nami, Jessica, Robin, and the newly joined Little Eight all understood what Wu An meant.

It's really great to be able to make the Tianlong people make a fool of themselves. Don't they think they are nobles and are more noble than them? This time, I will crush them and let them all know why the flowers are so red.

In less than half an hour, St. Roswald, Charles Ro. St. and the Navy rushed over quickly.

"It's Lord Roswald."

"Why did he come here?"