MTL - My Inseparable House Guests-Chapter 7 Finding the evidence

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Chapter VII Evidence

"What about the house?" Fang Ze struggled and asked the last question, "Why did Lu Chen give the house away after his wife died?"

"Do you know who he gave the house to?" Officer Li asked Fang Ze.

Fang Ze shook his head and said he didn't know.

"The house was bought by Wei Qingya's family when they got married that year. After Wei Qingya's death, Lu Chen felt that he would have nothing to do with the Wei family in the future. Return the house to Wei Qingya's mother. "

警 Sergeant Li didn't say anything, and Mr. Jiang next to him had already taken the lead and pointed at Fangze to explain.

All Fang Ze's suspicions against Lu Chen have been overturned. Except for the coincidence of four years ago and the strange performance of Fang Ze and Conan going to Lu Chen's home this morning, Fang Ze has nothing to stand for. Justify the evidence.

Fang Ze and Conan returned home feeling depressed, although unwilling, but there was no way, the police had already said so clearly, what could he do.

When Fang Ze returned home, she fell asleep directly, but there were all kinds of devil dancing in her mind, making him unable to sleep at all.

柯 On May 3rd, Conan arrived on the third day, Wednesday.

Since Fang Ze didn't sleep well at night, he didn't get up very late the next morning, until Fang Ze felt that somebody was shaking him.

Fang Ze opened his eyes and found that Conan was standing by the bed and looking at him, looking at his uncle's face, as if he had not slept at night.

"I can confirm that the killer is Lu Chen." Conan said. "The methods of committing crimes, the motive for committing the crimes, and the murder weapon, all are available."

"Can you persuade the police?" Fang Ze immediately sobered up and looked at Conan.

"Yes." Conan nodded. "But we still need to find a key piece of evidence. You will immediately take me to check Wei Qingya's remains."

"Okay." Fang Ze nodded, then didn't even wash his face, immediately called Sister Fan Xue and asked her to wait for him in the morgue to open the door for him.

Then Fang Ze took Conan, and the two almost ran to the morgue, at this time Sister Fan Xue was standing at the door waiting for them.

"Primary school brother, what's going on, I heard everyone in the school say that you suddenly went crazy and suspected that Xuechen Lu had intentionally murdered Teacher Qingya."

"It was the murder." Fang Ze had no time to say anything, but urged Sister Fan Xue to open the door quickly.

After Sister Fan Xue Xue opened the door of the mortuary with the key, Fang Ze and Conan left immediately.

等等 "Wait, how can there be a child here!" Sister Fan Xue saw Conan slipping in together and immediately shouted, "Fang Ze you are crazy, bring a child to this place!"

But at this time Fang Ze and Conan had rushed into the specimen room and found Qingya's heart specimen.

Xi Fangze took Conya's heart specimen to Conan, and Conan held it in his hand and began to look for something seriously.

At this time Sister Fan Xue also rushed in, "Fang Ze I told you you are going to die." Sister Fan Xue pointed at Fang Ze and came to Conan, shouting to Conan, "Little brother, come out with me, this is not your place The place."

But at this time, Conan was seriously observing the heart specimen that Teacher Qingya was soaked in formalin, and she did not care about Fan Xue.

Sister Fan Xue was anxious at once, and was reaching for La Conan. At this time Conan suddenly shouted, "I found it!"

found it? Fang Ze hurriedly compacted, and Conan pointed to a spot in the specimen office and said, "Fang Ze, look here."

Tong Fangze took a closer look and found that there was a hole that was not much bigger than a toothpick mouth!

I confirmed, Teacher Qingya was indeed murdered!

Tong Fangze and Conan glanced at each other, and then Fangze handed the specimen directly to Sister Fan Xue, and Sister Fan Xue also saw the hole, so she asked, "What's wrong?

"Mr. Qingya died of a myocardial infarction. It is absolutely impossible for a heart to have a hole in it."

"Fang Ze, Lu Chen seems to be leaving the country today. We must stop him before he leaves the country."

After Fang Ze heard Conan's words, he said directly to Sister Fan Xue, "Sister Fan Xue, go to the police now, and Conan and I will intercept Lu Chen."

"What's the alarm, what Conan?" Sister Fan Xue was still aggressive and didn't figure out anything, but Fang Ze and Conan had already ran out of the experiment building at this time.

As Fang Ze ran, he called Lu Chen.

喂 "Hey, Mr. Lu Chen, I'm Fang Ze. I found some hundred yuan in cash in your notes yesterday, which adds up to almost five thousand."

现金 "Cash? I never caught those things in my notes." Lu Chen said in a doubtful voice.

"Maybe it was the private house money that Teacher Qingya put in before she died. Senior Lu Chen, where are you now? I will come to you right away and give you this money."

"No, I will be boarding in an hour and a half, if it is really rich, it will be a scholarship given to you by the senior."

Lu Chen said and hung up the phone ~ ~ It seems that he did not believe that Fang Ze found more than 5,000 yuan in his notebook.

But this is enough. There is only one airport in Haiping. Lu Chen has to leave by plane. He usually enters the waiting hall half an hour in advance. Fangze only needs to rush to the airport within an hour!

Fang Ze brought Conan to the side of the road, stopped a taxi, and Fang Ze gave the driver five hundred dollar bills, let the driver ignore the red light, choose the nearest route, and rushed straight to the airport all the way.

Fortunately, the XS area where the airport is located is next to the XW area where Fang Ze is located. After receiving so much money, the driver immediately drove all the way and then sent them to the airport.

After arriving at the airport, Fang Ze called Lu Chen again. "Senior, I happened to be at the airport. You haven't boarded yet. Please tell me the location. I'll come over and give you the five thousand dollars. "

"I really don't need it, just take it by yourself."

"The money may be the money that Qingya teacher secretly prepared for you to buy gifts. I am really embarrassed to take it, seniors, you still say your position, I will come right away."

"Okay." Lu Chen looked at Fang Zejiu. He chattered and had to say, "I'll eat at the Langya beef noodle shop next to the airport. Come and find me."

I ate at a restaurant in the airport, this Lu Chen is really rich.

Fang Ze opened the mobile phone's data network and downloaded a mobile phone music while taking Fang Ze to find this Arashi beef noodle shop.

This noodle restaurant is so easy to find. You can see his huge signboard all the time. A beef noodle package is 88 yuan, which contains a bowl of beef noodles, two bowls of side dishes, one egg and one cup of soy milk. The price is simply 'Conscience' is beyond conscience.