MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 1467 retribution!

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Under normal circumstances, the chance of anti-aircraft missiles intercepting Tomahawk missiles is still very high, but what they are facing is obviously not normal!

This Tomahawk missile was already diving at a very high speed when 4 anti-aircraft missiles were launched. When 4 anti-aircraft missiles were completely lifted off, this Tomahawk missile had already dived above the sea surface, and was facing a height of only a few meters from the sea surface. The Japanese warship flew quickly.

Due to the very serious echo and clutter on the sea surface, even if the four anti-aircraft missiles lost their targets, they could not be locked, and soon fell to the sea behind the Tomahawk missile. The explosion exploded and failed to successfully intercept this. A Tomahawk missile flying close to the sea.

Seeing that the anti-aircraft missile interception failed, the personnel on the Japanese warship immediately panicked.

There are only four anti-aircraft missiles on their warships. All the brains just shot out. At this time, although this Tomahawk missile is flying close to the sea, it is still a few meters away from the sea. The torpedo on the ship also took it. There is no way.

Although the ship is equipped with a carrier-based machine gun, at a speed of Mach 0.7 of the Tomahawk missile, it can only be automatically tracked and locked, and the PFA system with an amazing rate of fire can intercept it, and their carrier-based machine guns are obviously not equipped. The ability to intercept missiles, and time is simply not allowed!

After the anti-aircraft missile interception failed, the Tomahawk missile was less than 10 kilometers away from the warship. At the speed of the Tomahawk missile, it took less than 50 seconds, and they did not even have time to run away from the ship.

In the shocked eyes of the members of the Ocean Guardian on the anti-whaling ship, the incoming Tomahawk missiles flew close to the sea and quickly hit the Japanese warship and exploded.

The huge explosion caused the soldiers on the warship to stand unsteadily and fell to the ground one after another, but they had no time to scream pain and quickly got up from the ground.

They know very well what will happen if a warship is hit by a missile flying against the sea!

The fact is that as they expected, the Tomahawk missile exploded a huge gap on its side, and the seawater rushed in from the hole and quickly poured into the hull!

Due to the great power of the Tomahawk missile, not only did it explode a large hole in the hull of the ship, but also the interior cabins and structures were damaged a lot, even if they wanted to close the cabins to prevent the spread of seawater.

In the end, the captain reluctantly ordered the abandoned ship to escape.

One lifeboat fell into the sea, and the faces of the hundreds of crew members were full of panic and panic.

Because the hole blasted by the Tomahawk missile was too large, the seawater was poured into it very quickly, and the warship soon began to tilt. The soldiers on the deck had to grasp the railing to barely maintain balance.

However, as the hull leaned larger and larger, there was a danger of capsizing at any time, and many soldiers jumped into the sea in a panic and swam towards the distance.

Several whaling ships ahead also found something wrong when the previous warship launched anti-aircraft missiles. At this time, the crew on the whaling ship opened their mouths in shock when looking at the gradually sinking warship.

What happened just now?

The warship that was still good before just sank in a blink of an eye!

They could not help but look at the several anti-whaling ships in the distance, could they be equipped with torpedoes?

However, the status of the members of the Ocean Guardians Association on several anti-whaling ships at this time was not much better than them. Looking at the gradually silent Japanese warships, their faces were also incredible.

Under the watch of the personnel from both sides, the Japanese warship finally sank into the sea, but the crew on the warship finally fled before the warship sank, and those who jumped into the sea were also rescued from the lifeboat.

Seeing that the warships that were still showing off not long ago disappeared on the sea, there were only a dozen lifeboats floating there. The people on the anti-whaling ship could not help feeling weird, but more of them were gloating!

Before this Japanese warship rammed in front of them, almost knocked over their ship, and even threw explosive bombs directly on their deck, how arrogant attitude, but now they have been retaliated, directly by the ship The missile warship, which did not know where it came from, sank and could only be squeezed in a dozen lifeboats to wait for rescue.

Several anti-whaling ships of the Ocean Guardians Association immediately drove past these lifeboats. The waves spurted on both sides of the ship slammed these lifeboats. The Japanese navy soldiers above could only grasp the hull tightly and face The anti-whaling ship cursed angrily.

The members of the Ocean Guardians Association on the deck looked at these navy soldiers who had bullied them on the warship before, and they all laughed out loud.

"Haha! Helping to abuse is to be retributed, this is God's punishment for you! Enjoy it!"

"Be careful in the sea, this sea is a terrifying and terrifying whale! Be careful they overturn your ship and eat you all one by one!"

"Yes, the whaling ship was knocked down by it last time, you have to be careful!"

The navy soldiers in the lifeboat below listened to the mocking and sarcasm of everyone in the Ocean Guardian Association.

They all knew the last time the whaling ship was sinking. They were originally prepared to go to the sea where the whaling ship sank and search for the blue whale to kill it.

At this time, listening to the words of the people above, watching the deep dark water below the They could not help but feel a little palpitations, fearing that a horrible blue whale would suddenly jump out of the water and eat them in one bite.

When the navy soldiers were suffering, the several whaling ships in front finally drove back and took all the soldiers on the lifeboat to the ship.

But then they found that they were once again surrounded by anti-whaling ships. Without the **** of warships, they could not get rid of the encirclement and blockade of the six anti-whaling ships. operation.

They used the help of warships to reverse the situation before. They didn't expect to return to the original situation so soon.

They really wanted to apply to the Navy for a warship to continue escorting. However, after learning that the warship had been attacked by missiles of unknown origin and had sunk, the Japanese military did not agree to their request to continue to send warships to escort.

Normally it’s okay. Now that a warship has sunk, someone must take responsibility and be implicated. In this case, no one dares to continue to send warships to escort. If the other side launches missiles again, wouldn’t they lose again? A warship.

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