MTL - My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World-Chapter 167

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Qin Yanzhi raised his eyes silently, and saw that Miao Wenxiang had a tear on her eyelashes, but she smiled brightly at him.

"You must live." Miao Wenxiang approached the blood pond. "If you dare to die, I have a way to make your spirits torture day and night, and never live."

He still smiled, but said such a vicious threat.

Qin Yanzhi did not doubt the words of the other party. In the Middle Ages, there were many strange mysteries. Besides, Miao Wenxiang was always strange.

He slowly said, "When will you let me out of the blood pool?"

Miao Wenxiang didn't answer, but said, "You are finally willing to speak. If your voice is so nice, you should talk more."

He slowly crouched down and beckoned to Qin Yanzhi: "Come here, let me take a good look at you."

Qin Yanzhi knew that even if he didn't move, Miao Wenxiang could pull him by the chain and simply walked over.

Miao Wenxiang: "Give me your hand."

Qin Yanzhi raised his hand and put the cold touch on his wrist, and saw Miao Wenxiang groan slightly, and said, "You feel it, too? Your body changes."

Qin Yanzhi hesitated slightly and nodded.

Miao Wenxiang whispered: "It's not easy for people like us. To save you is to save myself. You believe me, I won't hurt you."

His fingers along Qin Yan's wrist slowly stroked upwards, Qin Yanzhi frowned, and withdrew his hand.

Miao Wenxiang smiled, "Why so shy? What can be avoided between you and me?"

Qin Yanzhi: "Self-respect."

Miao Wenxiang stunned suddenly, trembling with laughter. After laughing enough, he slowly got up, took out the prepared things from his arms and spilled them into the pool.

He stood quietly by the pool, watching Qin Yanzhi bend down in pain, and even dipped his head into the blood pool.

"Next time I come, if you are still alive, you can leave the blood pool."

He covered his eagerness and whispered, "I look forward to that day more than you."

When the boiling blood pool returned to peace, Qin Yanchi stood upright, his eyes icy cold.

At this time, Jing Yuezheng and his cheap master came to an extremely cold place. Since he entered the torrent, everything he saw was green mountains and green fields, but it was silver and white.

In front of me are rolling glacial mountains, reflecting the cold light under the moonlit night.

A Wu told Jingyue that these glaciers were formed at the beginning of the chaos and were also the source of all the water in this world. Every one hundred years today, a drop of Tianyan water will melt, and the Tianyan water will turn into a vein, merge into rivers and lakes, and nourish all living beings on the earth.

"You know, I have no talent." A Wuzi came here with a much more serious attitude than usual. "In the past, I just found this place, and realized a mysterious power from the water of Tianyan. At that moment, I could suddenly practice."

Jing Yue looked at the nearest iceberg and listened to A Wudao: "Actually, I felt the same power from you. This is the real reason why I accept you as an apprentice."

Jing Yue stunned, "What power?"

A Wu stared at him with a deep gaze. There was something in his eyes that he couldn't understand. For some reason, Jing Yue was nervous. He always felt that what Wu had to say had a great relationship with him.

A Wu: "It's hard to say, mysterious and mysterious."

Jing Yue: "..."

A Wu: "Anyway, as soon as I run that power, I will be able to draw energy into Dantian." He paused, adding: "And I also have the talent of waterline, and can control water."

As he said, he spread his fingers, and immediately covered a thin layer of frost on his palm, and the frost was like a flowing fine sand, gradually condensing into an ice flower.

An Wu looked at Jing Yue and handed the ice flower to Jing Yue's arms, only a blue phoenix emerged.

Lan Feng was so flattered that she felt a fever on her face, and her head sank into Jing Yue's arms, revealing only a pair of shy and timid bean eyes.

A Wu: "Well, Binghua doesn't like it?"

Lan Feng stared at the ice flower and looked up at it again. He whispered something that A Wu couldn't understand, "Hey, it's in your heart's content, so I can accept it for you, but, But even though I received your flowers, I won't develop any strange relationship with you. Don't delude! "

After finishing speaking, it drilled out of Jingyue's front pockets, and was about to hold the flower with a small mouth, and saw Binghua quickly turn into ice dust, flowing from the fingers of A Wu.

At the same time, it heard Ah Wuyi's unscrupulous mockery.

Lan Feng: "..."

Jing Yue: "..." The ghost is a lot more serious, all illusions!

Lan Feng grieved and wanted to cry, but it did not wait for Jingjing's comfort.

At this moment, Jing Yue is thinking about what A Wu just said. He suspects that A Wu has realized a kind of mentality. This kind of mind can not only help people breathe into the body, but also allow A Wuxi to practice waterborne magic ...

"When the first rays of sun fall, the water of heaven's fate will be born." A Wu suddenly made a noise, interrupting Jing Yue's thinking, "Sit down first, wait and calm down."

Jing Yue: "... Okay."

Soon, the end of the night was suddenly marked with a line of red, as if the scars of the night.

"Come here!" A Wu stared at an ice ridge protruding from the iceberg, and said to Jingyue, "I am optimistic that the opportunity is hard to find. If you were not my apprentice, I would not bring you here . "

Jing Yue: "Master hasn't brought anyone around?"

A Wu: "I brought a few boys here, but they didn't realize anything ..."

At this time, Jing Yue had no psychology, because a drop of water droplets slowly formed on the ice thorns. At that moment, he was taken away by the water droplets.

The dripping water is colorful and colorful, as if it contains infinite universe, mountains and rivers of all bounds.

From this drop of water, he saw the beginning of chaos, saw the stars fall, saw mountains and rivers from prosperity to decay, and saw billions of souls from birth to death.

This water has its own soul, and the soul gave birth to the Tao of Heaven. Jing Yue suddenly realized that when she felt the water of Tian Yan, she felt the Tao of Heaven.

He never felt that he was so close to Heaven. Jing Yue reached out his hand and instinctively wanted to touch it, but everything was like the reflection of stars in the water, and he couldn't catch anything at all.

At the same time, the Shiyu Cangming Dafa he practiced began to run on his own, and the surrounding vitality poured into his Dantian frantically.

Maybe for thousands of years, or maybe only for a moment, Jing Yue only felt that his strength had skyrocketed, and Dan Tian kept expanding and spinning, as if space and time were under his control.


With the drops of water falling, Jing Yue only felt trembling, and his body made a crisp sound like a burst of beans. He couldn't help humming anymore—then, he advanced.

Not from Dongtianxia Realm to Dongtian Middle Realm, but directly from Dongtian to Huixu!

Everything happened in an instant. He could hardly believe it if he had not experienced it in person.

After a long time, Jing Yue finally regained his thoughts. He remembered the mysterious feeling just now, and then reacted, what kind of gain he had.

Jing Yue was so happy that he turned his head and wanted to say something to A Wu, but saw that the other party was still in the final stage.

Jing Yuexian was a little envious, but after thinking about it, the other party has been robbed, and naturally he can feel more than him.

He closed his eyes again and used God's knowledge to inspect every inch of his body. He didn't know how long it had been. When he heard a sword humming, he felt a sharp sword energy.

When Jing Yue opened her eyes, she saw that A Wu's hand didn't know when to add an ice sword. At this time, the other party was dancing with the sword in hand, and the sky suddenly changed. The originally rising sun was covered by the night. The moon is bright again, and the place where its moonlight shines is covered by A Wu's sword.

Jing Yue even had an illusion. If Wu Wu wanted to, a sword could lead the stars to fall.

But these are not enough to shock him. What really made him like a lightning strike is that he is extremely familiar with this set of swordsmanship. It is clearly the sword strokes that can be practiced when the Canglan swordsmanship returns to the sky-Hanyue Jiangxing.

An Wu obviously understands the meaning of this trick better than him, and he can use the sword more smoothly than he can imagine. In any case, what the other party showed was indeed the Canglan swordsmanship!

"How is it possible ..." Jing Yue stood on the spot, his mind blank.


Bingjian flew up into the air, straight into the moon, and finally turned into Xuemo ice dust, decomposed in the air.

A Wu laughed, using his hand as a sword, and carved a handwriting on a gray boulder.

"Close your eyes and meditate, hold on to meditation, close your lips and teeth, and hold Kunlun in your hands."

"Gathering the light of God, reaching Tianxin, entering the mud pill, and reaching the air pocket."


Jing Yue clearly did not recognize those words, but he knew the meaning of each word clearly.

Those words, he has memorized more than ten thousand years since the previous life.

As A Wuyue's writing deepened, the fear in Jing Yue's heart grew, he felt like a chess piece, and was fiddled with by the player of fate at will.

"I am in the palm of my hand, and all waters are one."

When A Wu finished writing the last word and turned around again, he saw that his apprentice had been stupid.

He can feel that Jing Yue Jinyi is very big, only if the other party is too surprised for this opportunity. After all, even he didn't expect that this time he could realize so much that he directly broke through the previous bottleneck and created a new sword trick.

He had a hunch that his swordsmanship was almost complete, and by the next time he knew it, he would definitely master this mysterious power!

A Wu stepped forward and patted Jing Yue: "Happy and silly?"

Jing Yue's eyes gradually became focal length. He first looked at the handwriting on the stone and then looked at A Wu. It took him a long time to say, "Master, what are you carved on?"

A Wu glanced at the stone, "Oh, it is the experience I have summarized, which is roughly how to use and refine the mysterious power for my use, you can rest assured that you will teach you as a teacher."

Jing Yue: "..."

A Wu: "Hey, I believe I'm such a force, no worse than any talent!"

Of course it won't be worse, because that is simply a heavenly order mentality!

"Shi Yu Cang Dafa ..." Jing Yue murmured.

A Wu: "Shiyu Cang Dafa, what is it?"

Jing Yue was still stunned, silent.

A Wu didn't care, but chewed on the words "Shiyu Cangdai Dafa". The more he thought, the more he felt agitated, and he suddenly sang, "Okay! Call Shiyu Cangdai Dafa!"

Jing Yue only felt a loud noise in his brain, which shook his soul. The cause and effect line passed through the passing time and sent him to the moment of fate.

He suddenly thought of the memories of the Forgotten Flowers that he had experienced in previous lives, the gray stone that he had pillowed when he was young, and only he had a sense of it.

Here, is it his past or his future?

Did he change the effect or did he cause it?

"How stupid again?" A Wu looked at him funny.

Jing Yue didn't know how to answer. He realized that he was talking with history, and the true creator of Shiyu Cang Dafa.

And that person is his master!

Jing Yue suddenly knelt heavily, unprecedented piety, unprecedented solemnity.

For three consecutive heads, Jing Yue trembled: "Master ..."

Ah Wuming raised his eyebrows and said, "People who come from the west are always weird."

No, the disciples did not come from the west, the disciples came here many years later, the disciples came for you.

The author has something to say: Prompt ①: I wrote it briefly before. The memory of the Forgotten Dust Flower before the King Jingjing was that he saw a drop of water fall, and someone in his ear told him that the drop was the source of all water, and then he kept on entering.

Tip ②: When the King Jingjing was a herd boy, the legendary fairy stepped on the stone.

Well, it's probably like the butterfly effect ...

This map is very important, for example, Jing Jing's swordsmanship has not been completed yet!